Ivona Mladineo
Acting locally - affecting globally: RNA sequencing of gilthead sea bream with a mild Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection reveals effects on apoptosis, immune and hypoxia related genes
[Background] Monogenean flatworms are the main fish ectoparasites inflicting serious economic losses in aquaculture. The polyopisthocotylean Sparicotyle chrysophrii parasitizes the gills of gilthead sea bream (GSB, Sparus aurata) causing anaemia, lamellae fusion and sloughing of epithelial cells, with the consequent hypoxia, emaciation, lethargy and mortality. Currently no preventive or curative measures against this disease exist and therefore information on the host-parasite interaction is crucial to find mitigation solutions for sparicotylosis. The knowledge about gene regulation in monogenean-host models mostly comes from freshwater monopysthocotyleans and almost nothing is known about …
Additional file 4: of Acting locally - affecting globally: RNA sequencing of gilthead sea bream with a mild Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection reveals effects on apoptosis, immune and hypoxia related genes
Exploratory analysis of the samples prior to differential expression study. The FPKM density distributions showed three samples with anomalies (red arrows and red in the legend) that were not included in downstream analyses: gill infected parasitized 1 (A), gill infected non-parasitized 5 (B) and spleen infected 2 (D). All liver samples (C) showed uniform distributions and were included in the analyses. (PDF 292 kb)
Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda: Anisakidae) products modulate oxidative stress and apoptosis-related biomarkers in human cell lines
Western blotting of (a) p53, (b) hsp70 and (c) TNF proteins detected in normal fibroblast HS-68 cell lines after 48 h exposure to a 0.1% concentration of Anisakis excretory/secretory (ES) and crude extract (EC) products: Lane 1: control; Lane 2: ES exposure; Lane 3: EC exposure, Std, mix of standard proteins as molecular markers. *P
Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda: Anisakidae) products modulate oxidative stress and apoptosis-related biomarkers in human cell lines
Western blotting of (a) p53, (b) hsp70 and (c) TNF proteins detected in normal fibroblast HS-68 cell lines after 48 h exposure to a 0.1% concentration of Anisakis excretory/secretory (ES) and crude extract (EC) products: Lane 1: control; Lane 2: ES exposure; Lane 3: EC exposure, Std, mix of standard proteins as molecular markers. *P
Molecular evidence for cosmopolitan distribution of platyhelminth parasites of tunas (Thunnus spp.)
Global distribution of platyhelminth parasites and their host specificities are not well known. Our hypothesis was that platyhelminth parasites of large pelagic fishes are common around the world. We analysed molecular variation in three different taxa of platyhelminth parasites infecting four species of tunas: yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, Scombridae) from Western Australia, southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii, Scombridae) from South Australia, Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis, Scombridae) from Pacific Mexico and northern bluefin tuna (T. thynnus, Scombridae) from two localities in the Mediterranean (Spain and Croatia). Comparisons of ITS2 and partial 28S rDNA demonstrated…
Efficiency of Target Larvicides Is Conditioned by ABC-Mediated Transport in the Zoonotic Nematode Anisakis pegreffii
Anisakiasis is among the most significant emerging foodborne parasitoses contracted through consumption of thermally unprocessed seafood harboring infective Anisakis species larvae. The efficacy of the currently applied anthelminthic therapy in humans and in model organisms has not proven sufficient, so alternative solutions employing natural compounds combined with chemical inhibitors should be explored. By testing toxicity of the natural monoterpenes nerolidol and farnesol and the conventional anthelminthics abamectin and levamisole in the presence/absence of MK-571 and Valspodar, which inhibit the ABC transporter proteins multidrug resistance protein (MRP-like) and P-glycoprotein (P-gp),…
Additional file 3: of Acting locally - affecting globally: RNA sequencing of gilthead sea bream with a mild Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection reveals effects on apoptosis, immune and hypoxia related genes
Pathway classification of DE genes. Bar plots representing the percentage of proteins involved in each broad Reactome pathway. The column labelled Reactome was added as a reference to show the percentage of genes in each category in the database. The other columns represent the percentage of differentially expressed (DE) genes in each category when considering all DE genes in all the tissues of the current experiment (Total) or per tissue, when compared to the control uninfected group. Gill samples are separated in parasitized (P) and non-parasitized (NP) gill sections. (PDF 343 kb)
In Vitro Testing of Alternative Synthetic and Natural Antiparasitic Compounds against the Monogenean Sparicotyle chrysophrii
© 2021 by the authors.
Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda: Anisakidae) products modulate oxidative stress and apoptosis-related biomarkers in human cell lines
Background In countries with elevated prevalence of zoonotic anisakiasis and high awareness of this parasitosis, a considerable number of cases that associate Anisakis sp. (Nematoda, Anisakidae) and different bowel carcinomas have been described. Although neoplasia and embedded larvae were observed sharing the common site affected by chronic inflammation, no association between the nematode and malignancy were directly proved. Similarly, no data are available about the effect of secretory and excretory products of infecting larvae at the host’s cellular level, except in respect to allergenic interaction. Methods To test the mechanisms by which human non-immune cells respond to the larvae, w…
Additional file 1: of Acting locally - affecting globally: RNA sequencing of gilthead sea bream with a mild Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection reveals effects on apoptosis, immune and hypoxia related genes
A) PCR-array results: Mean and SEM of the fold changes of the 45 selected genes in Sparicotyle infected fish (n = 10) calculated relative to the control uninfected group (n = 10) in parasitized gill portions (with parasite presence), non-parasitized gill portions (no parasite present) and spleen. Student’s t test or Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test when normality conditions were not met were used to calculate p values comparing expression levels of control and infected animals per gene. Dark red and green indicate significantly up- or down-regulated genes, respectively, with p
Additional file 2: of Acting locally - affecting globally: RNA sequencing of gilthead sea bream with a mild Sparicotyle chrysophrii infection reveals effects on apoptosis, immune and hypoxia related genes
Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis based on the number of DE genes per tissue (FDR cutoff 0.05). The Tabs entitled “TISSUE EnrichGO” contain the detailed lists of the enriched GO total, up- and down-regulated sorted by ontology (Biological process (BP), Cellular compartment (CC) and Molecular function (MF)). (XLSX 49 kb)
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda: Anisakidae) products modulate oxidative stress and apoptosis-related biomarkers in human cell lines
Regression analysis between cells vitality and ROS production at 48 h in control cells (CO) and after treatment with excretory/secretory (ES) and crude extract (EC) products (n = 9 for each treatment). (TIF 179 kb)