Isabel Romero

Water soluble organometallic small molecules as promising antibacterial agents: synthesis, physical-chemical properties and biological evaluation to tackle bacterial infections

This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (PID2019-106832RB-100, and SAF2017-82261-P grant cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR1720). J. A. M. Xavier acknowledges DOC-FAM program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement N degrees 754397. A. B. Buades, M. Nuez and J. A. M. Xavier are enrolled in the PhD program of the UAB.

research product

Influencia del clima motivacional en clase sobre el compromiso escolar de los adolescentes y su logro académico

The scientific literature provides empirical evidence on the relationship between school engagement and numerous important variables of the adolescents’ educational context. The school engagement has been related, among other important constructs, with burnout of both teachers and students, school performance, satisfaction with the school, behavioral disruption, goal orientation and motivational climate in the classroom. Because of it, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between perceived motivational class climate and students’ academic achievement, with school engagement acting as a mediator. A sample of 2028 teenagers completed various instruments to measure the percept…

research product

The adolescents’ school engagement: Assessment of its dimensions

A topic that in the last years is getting relevance in school and students research is school engagement. This topic has been related, among other important constructs, with burnout of teachers and students, school performance, satisfaction with the school, behavioral disruption, goal orientation and motivational climate in the classroom, students-teachers relationships, and life satisfaction of the students. School engagement may be defined as the participation of the student in academic achievements, and it is understood as a multidimensional construct. The most repeated typology of dimensions recognizes three specific and overlapping dimensions: cognitive, behavioral, and emotional (affe…

research product

Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) by gender and age in Angola

Abstract Subjective well-being is a research arena that has grown almost exponentially: over the last 20 years, the number of publications on subjective well-being has increased approximately 16-fold (Diener, 2009). The cognitive aspect of subjective well-being or life satisfaction is referred to a conscious cognitive judgment of life (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin 1985), in which person’s quality of life is globally assessed (Shin & Johnson, 1978). The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS, Diener et al., 1985) is the most widely used instrument for its measurement. A reliable, valid and invariant measurement is critical for meaningful comparisons. The aim of this study is to examine the …

research product

Perceived Social Support, School Engagement and Satisfaction with School

Abstract There is evidence that social support from families, peers and teachers has an influence on student engagement, academic success, and satisfaction with school. The aim of this work is to use structural equations to analyze the effects of the perceived academic support and the school engagement on the satisfaction with school. A battery of measurement tools was administered to 2028 Angolan students aged between 14 and 22 years (mean = 17.4; SD  = 2.3). The results show the influence of the perceived academic support of teachers, family, and peers on the satisfaction with school using the school engagement as mediating variable. The perception of peer support does not show a predicti…

research product

Measuring School Engagement: Validation and Measurement Equivalence of the Student Engagement Scale on Angolan Male and Female Adolescents

School engagement is defined primarily in relation to the participation of the student in academic achievement, and it is viewed as a multidimensional and integrative construct, or macroconstruct made up of several dimensions. The most repeated typology recognizes three specific dimensions: Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional (affective). Recently, a fourth new dimension, personal agency, has been proposed, which reflects students’ constructive engagement with the academic instructions. F. Veiga has been the first to present a self-report instrument, in Portuguese, to measure these four components, the Student Engagement Scale-4 dimensions (SES-4DS). This research has studied the validity …

research product

Revista de psicodidáctica

Título, resumen y palabras clave en español y en inglés Resumen basado en el de la publicación Existen evidencias de que el apoyo social de la familia, los iguales y el profesorado influye sobre la implicación escolar del alumnado, su éxito académico y satisfacción con la escuela. Se busca probar, mediante ecuaciones estructurales, los efectos del apoyo académico percibido y la implicación escolar sobre la satisfacción con la escuela. Se administra una batería de instrumentos a 2028 estudiantes de origen angoleño, con edades comprendidas entre 14 y 22 años (M = 17.4; DT = 2.3). Los resultados muestran la influencia que ejerce el apoyo académico percibido del profesorado, la familia y los ig…

research product

m-Carboranylphosphinate as Versatile Building Blocks To Design all Inorganic Coordination Polymers

The first examples of coordination polymers of manganese(II) and a nickel(II) complex with a purely inorganic carboranylphosphinate ligand are reported, together with its exhaustive characterization. X-ray analysis revealed 1D polymeric chains with carboranylphosphinate ligands bridging two manganese(II) centers. The reactivity of polymer 1 with water and Lewis bases has also been studied Thanks to MINECO (CTQ2015-66143-P, CTQ2010-16237 and SEV-2015-0496), Generalitat de Catalunya (2014/SGR/149), and COST CM1302. E.O. who is enrolled in the PhD program of the UAB thanks for FPU grant

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CCDC 1534780: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Elena Oleshkevich, Clara Viñas, Isabel Romero, Duane Choquesillo-Lazarte, Matti Haukka, Francesc Teixidor|2017|Inorg.Chem.|56|5502|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b00610

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CCDC 2149703: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Ines Bennour, M. Núria Ramos, Miquel Nuez-Martínez, Jewel Ann Maria Xavier, Ana B. Buades, Reijo Sillanpää, Francesc Teixidor, Duane Choquesillo-Lazarte, Isabel Romero, Margarita Martinez-Medina, Clara Viñas|2022|Dalton Trans.|51|7188|doi:10.1039/D2DT01015A

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CCDC 1534778: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Elena Oleshkevich, Clara Viñas, Isabel Romero, Duane Choquesillo-Lazarte, Matti Haukka, Francesc Teixidor|2017|Inorg.Chem.|56|5502|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b00610

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CCDC 1534777: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Elena Oleshkevich, Clara Viñas, Isabel Romero, Duane Choquesillo-Lazarte, Matti Haukka, Francesc Teixidor|2017|Inorg.Chem.|56|5502|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b00610

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CCDC 2149633: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Ines Bennour, M. Núria Ramos, Miquel Nuez-Martínez, Jewel Ann Maria Xavier, Ana B. Buades, Reijo Sillanpää, Francesc Teixidor, Duane Choquesillo-Lazarte, Isabel Romero, Margarita Martinez-Medina, Clara Viñas|2022|Dalton Trans.|51|7188|doi:10.1039/D2DT01015A

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CCDC 1534779: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Elena Oleshkevich, Clara Viñas, Isabel Romero, Duane Choquesillo-Lazarte, Matti Haukka, Francesc Teixidor|2017|Inorg.Chem.|56|5502|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b00610

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