Juha Karjalainen
Genetic-based evaluation of management units for sustainable vendace (Coregonus albula) fisheries in a large lake system
Abstract The goal of the processing industry, trade and consumers is to get eco-labelled freshwater fish products from sustainable fisheries into the market as soon as possible. The fourth largest natural lake system in Europe, the Saimaa lake system supports a fishery for vendace (Coregonus albula). Certification of the fishery requires an understanding of population structure to help determine the number and spatial extent of management units. In this study, we analysed the genetic diversity of local vendace populations in the Saimaa lake system and aimed to identify the conservation and management units of vendace. Within the Saimaa, the genetic divergence between local populations of ve…
Predation by signal crayfishPacifastacus leniusculuson fish eggs and its consequences for coregonid recruitment
The character and magnitude of predation by the invasive, ectothermic Pacifastacus leniusculus, a crayfish widely introduced to Europe and Japan from North America, on the eggs of coregonid fishes, vendace Coregonus albula and whitefish Coregonus lavaretus were examined by experimentation, modelling and field data. The present results showed that P. leniusculus has the potential to be very efficient predator of fish eggs under winter conditions, but the predation by P. leniusculus did not significantly decrease production of coregonid larvae during the years with a high P. leniusculus population in the study lake. Hence, the mortality caused by the novel invertebrate predator appeared to co…
Walking Ability and All-Cause Mortality in Older Women
In this study self-reported ability to walk 2 km and six-minute walking test (6MWT) performance were examined as predictors of all-cause mortality in 434 women, aged 63-76 years. The primary outcome measure was all-cause mortality (follow-up: 8 years). Predictors were self-reported difficulties in walking 2 km and 6-min walking distance tertiles of ≤495, 496-560 and ≥561 m, and no test result due to refusal by the physician to grant permission to perform the test or participant's inability or unwillingness to perform the test. During the follow-up, 39 participants died. Participants reporting minor (age- and body mass index-adjusted hazard ratio 2.53, 95% confidence interval 1.12-5.69) or m…
Growth and survival of European whitefish larvae under enhanced UV-B irradiance
Two laboratory rearing experiments with newly hatched European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus larvae were performed to study the effects of UV-B (280–315 nm) radiation on their survival and growth. The results indicate that under normal circumstances in Finnish lakes, enhanced UV irradiance will not be a threat to the survival of newly hatched European whitefish larvae.
Use of stable isotope analysis to evaluate the possible impact of fish migration on a lake biomanipulation
1. A lake restoration project involving mass fish removals was started to improve further the water quality of a lake recovering from severe eutrophication. The effectiveness of such biomanipulation as a lake management option could be compromised if removed fish are rapidly replaced by large-scale immigration from a connected lake. 2. Stable isotope analysis (SIA) was used to examine the migrations of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) between two connected lakes in central Finland, Jyvasjarvi and the larger Paijanne. Baseline δ15N signatures in primary consumers were significantly higher in Jyvasjarvi and this difference was reflected further up the food chain i…
Communal pair spawning behaviour of vendace (Coregonus albula) in the dark
Mating in nature is rarely random, and most fish species have refined mating systems. The vendace (Coregonus albula) is a short‐lived, small‐sized, cold‐water‐adapted pelagic schooling species that is known to spawn in groups, but the actual mating system of this species, like many other group‐spawning fishes, has not been described in detail. Vendace typically spawn in the littoral or sublittoral zones of lakes in late autumn, and the hatching of larvae occurs close to icebreak in the following spring. In our large study lake, vendace larvae were caught in 93% of 1,149 random sampling locations lake‐wide. We examined the courtship and mating of vendace under experimental conditions by noni…
Population size estimation of larval coregonids in large lakes: Stratified sampling design with a simple prediction model for vertical distribution
Abstract The lake-specific vertical distribution of larval coregonids was assessed annually in Finnish lakes by bongo net sampling. The effect of inter-annual and inter-lake variation in vertical distributions on population estimates of larval coregonids were analysed in 1999–2008. The vertical distribution of newly hatched vendace ( Coregonus albula (L.)) and European whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus L. s.l.) larvae was analysed and high inter-annual and lake-specific variation in the larval vertical distribution was found. Generally, in both littoral and pelagic areas, larvae were aggregated near the water surface, mostly in the top 30 cm layer. We compared observed and predicted density e…
Assessing the conservation priority of freshwater lake sites based on taxonomic, functional and environmental uniqueness
Aim We propose a novel approach that considers taxonomic uniqueness, functional uniqueness and environmental uniqueness and show how it can be used in guiding conservation planning. We illustrate the approach using data for lake biota and environment. Location Lake Puruvesi, Finland. Methods We sampled macrophytes and macroinvertebrates from the same 18 littoral sites. By adapting the original “ecological uniqueness” approach, we used distance-based methods to calculate measures of taxonomic (LCBD–t), functional (LCBD–f) and environmental (LCEH) uniqueness for each site. We also considered the numbers and locations of the sites needed to protect up to 70% of total variation in taxonomic, fu…
Sensitivity of different early developmental periods of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) to water-accommodated fraction of crude oil
The probability for the oil accident to occur at the Gulf of Finland has been increasing last ten years and it is predicted to continue so. The risk is high based on the accident probability and the probable harm caused; some spawning areas of the Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) are located in the vicinity of ports and ship fairways with heavy traffic, so any oil spillage there could affect recruitment of this commercially important species. In this study, newly fertilized embryos, the older embryos and the hatched larvae of Baltic herring were exposed to water-accommodated fraction (WAF) made from crude oil. Oil exposure increased most the mortality of the hatched larvae, and larv…
Vendace (Coregonus albula) Disperse Their Eggs Widely during Spawning
Depending on their reproductive strategy, different fish species either aggregate or disperse eggs and larvae in their reproductive habitat. Because yolk-sac larvae of vendace (Coregonus albula) disperse widely across the littoral and pelagic zones of boreal lakes, it is unclear where the exact spawning and egg incubation locations are. Vendace egg and larvae densities were studied in Lake Southern Konnevesi to clarify its spawning strategy. In autumn 2019, 1–2 weeks prior to spawning, 500 egg samplers were installed in five depth zones in 20 sampling plots. Fertilized eggs were found in 18 plots. The mean density of eggs was 74 eggs m–2 and the mean fertilization rate 85%. During spawning,…
Dispersion of vendace eggs and larvae around potential nursery areas reveals their reproductive strategy
Depending on their reproductive strategy, different fish species aim to aggregate or disperse eggs and larvae in their reproductive habitat. Many pelagic species disperse their eggs widely around the potential nursery areas. Larval dispersion or aggregation affects population sub‐structuring, which has important implications in fisheries management and conservation of the natural spatial diversity in populations. The dispersion of larval vendace (Coregonus albula) was quantified in two oligotrophic Finnish lakes, and effects of density and environmental variables on the inter‐annual variation in the larval distribution were examined by analysing spatial abundance data from the lakes from 19…
Effects of an invasive crayfish on the littoral macroinvertebrates of large boreal lakes are habitat specific
Summary Invasive crayfish are widely acknowledged to have negative effects on benthic food webs in lakes, but few studies have investigated such effects at wider spatial scales and in varying habitats under natural conditions. We examined the effects of introduced signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) on the macroinvertebrate assemblages of different habitats in two large boreal lakes. We evaluated whether the density, taxon richness and species composition are altered by the non-native crayfish and whether the responses are similar for stony and vegetated habitats and across a depth gradient. We also studied the influence of crayfish on periphyton biomass at stony sites, as a potentia…
Phenotypic plasticity in growth and fecundity induced by strong population fluctuations affects reproductive traits of female fish
Fish are known for their high phenotypic plasticity in life-history traits in relation to environmental variability, and this is particularly pronounced among salmonids in the Northern Hemisphere. Resource limitation leads to trade-offs in phenotypic plasticity between life-history traits related to the reproduction, growth, and survival of individual fish, which have consequences for the age and size distributions of populations, as well as their dynamics and productivity. We studied the effect of plasticity in growth and fecundity of vendace females on their reproductive traits using a series of long-term incubation experiments. The wild parental fish originated from four separate populat…
Additional file 1 of Genetic relationships between sympatric and allopatric Coregonus ciscoes in North and Central Europe
Additional file 1: Table S1. Proportion of missing genotypes among the nine microsatellites (columns) in the 18 Coregonus populations (rows). Individuals with more than a single missing locus were omitted from subsequent statistical analyses. AS = autumn-spawner, SS = spring-Spawner. Table S2. Matrix of pairwise θ between sympatric populations of Lake Stechlin (Coregonus albula and C. fontanae), sampled in different years (below diagonal), and their lower 95% confidence intervals (above diagonal). Weak structure between (sub)populations is indicated by the lower CI including zero. Table S3. Matrix of pairwise θ between sympatric populations of Lake Breiter Luzin (Coregonus albula and C. luc…
Can lake restoration by fish removal improve the status of profundal macroinvertebrate assemblages?
Summary Removal of fish to restore lake pelagic food webs and water quality has been shown to increase the abundance of benthic invertebrates in shallow areas due to decreased predation pressure, while responses of profundal macroinvertebrate assemblages are less well documented. We used multivariate analyses and a Before-After-Control-Impact design to assess the impacts of fish removal (in total 101 000 kg of percid and cyprinid fish) on profundal macroinvertebrate species composition and abundance and ecological status in two basins of a eutrophic boreal lake. In the deeper main basin, macroinvertebrate community composition and classification of ecological status were not affected by fis…
Benthic‐pelagic coupling and trophic relationships in northern Baltic Sea food webs
Understanding marine ecosystem structure and functioning is crucial in supporting sustainable management of natural resources and monitoring the health of marine ecosystems. The current study utilized stable isotope (SI) mixing models and trophic position models to examine energy flow, trophic relationships, and benthic‐pelagic coupling between food web components. Roughly 1900 samples from different trophic levels in the food web, collected during 2001–2010 from four northern and central sub‐basins of the Baltic Sea, were analyzed for SI ratios of carbon and nitrogen. Trophic structure of the food webs among the sub‐basins was consistent, but there were differences between the proportions …
The relevance of ecological status to ecosystem functions and services in a large boreal lake
Summary Environmental conventions aim to protect ecosystem structures and functions to provide goods and services for mankind. The degree of aquatic ecosystem naturalness, or ecological status as it is defined in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Union, is notionally linked to supplies of ecosystem services. In practice, these links have rarely been documented or even investigated, and to justify conservation and management objectives based on the status indicators, it is essential to demonstrate their relationships to ecosystem functions and services. The WFD requires member states to classify their surface waters aiming to achieve good ecological status of water bodies. …
Empirical Estimation of Accumulation-Induced Change in Gill Net Catchability: Mind the Observation Errors
We analyzed cumulative catches for 24 h gill net exposures divided into 4*6 h, 2*12 h and 1*24 h soak time treatments to estimate the reduction in its catchability due to accumulation of fish. The effects of loss of catch during net lifting, disturbance effect and fouling were eliminated as far as possible to reveal the true effect of accumulation. First we applied simple nonparametric and parametric tests in comparison of treatments. As expected, considerable reduction in catchability took place along with the increase in soak time, indicated by significantly lower total 24 h catches from longer soaks in comparison with shorter ones. The reduction was more pronounced for roach than for per…
Indirect effects of invasive crayfish on native fish parasites
Interactions between invasive and native species are often modified by parasites. One little-studied scenario is that invasive species affect parasite transmission to native hosts by altering the relative abundance of hosts needed in parasite life cycles, for example by predation on these hosts. Here we show that presence of an invasive crayfish species, Pacifastacus leniusculus, decreases the mean abundance of native parasites transmitted from snails and aquatic isopods to perch, Perca fluviatilis, in two large boreal lakes in Finland. In contrast, parasites transmitted to the fish from planktonic copepods or mussels, hosts not readily preyed on by crayfish, were not affected by crayfish p…
Influence of warming temperatures on coregonine embryogenesis within and among species
The greatest response of lakes to climate change has been the increase in water temperatures on a global scale. The responses of many lake fishes to warming water temperatures are projected to be inadequate to counter the speed and magnitude of climate change, leaving some species vulnerable to decline and extinction. We experimentally evaluated the responses of embryos from a group of cold, stenothermic fishes (Salmonidae Coregoninae) - within conspecifics across lake systems, between congeners within the same lake system, and among congeners across lake systems - to a thermal gradient using an incubation method that enabled global comparisons. Study groups included cisco (Coregonus artedi…
Negligible effect of hypolimnetic oxygenation on the trophic state of Lake Jyväsjärvi, Finland
Hypolimnetic oxygenation by pumping oxygen-rich surface water to the hypolimnion (HLO) is a commonly used tool for the restoration of nutrient-loaded dimictic lakes. However, in recent years its effectiveness has been questioned. In this case study we evaluated monitoring data covering a period of 23-years to show that, although experimental cessation of HLO drastically changed the lake's temperature and dissolved oxygen regimes, it did not significantly affect its trophic status. Thus, we recommend that the limited financial resources available are better directed towards further lowering the lake's external phosphorus load than continuing HLO. peerReviewed
Kasvatetun siian (Coregonus lavaretus) ja kirjolohen (Oncorhynchus mykiss) maksa elintarvikkeena
A validated bioenergetics model for ruffeGymnocephalus cernuusand its application to a northern lake
A bioenergetics model was constructed for ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus, and the model was used to estimate the food consumption of a native G. cernuus stock in Pyhajarvi, a large mesotrophic lake in south-west Finland. The parameters for the bioenergetics model were determined through laboratory experiments conducted at several temperatures between 5 and 22° C for different sized G. cernuus (from 6 to 27 g). The model was verified and validated with independent laboratory growth experiments. The validated model was applied to field data from Pyhajarvi to estimate the food consumption of G. cernuus and its effects on the zoobenthos community during the years 2002–2004. The total annual food c…
Predation of perch on vendace larvae: diet composition in an oligotrophic lake and digestion time of the larvae
The diet of perch Perca fluviatilis was studied to reveal possible predation on vendace Coregonus albula larvae in an oligotrophic lake. Perch diet changed with the size of the fish: small perch ate mainly zooplankton and the diet shifted more to benthic invertebrates and fishes in larger perch. There were also annual and spatial differences in the diet, probably reflecting differences in the availability of prey animals. Perch predation on vendace larvae was only observed in the area with high availability of the larvae. The result suggested strengthened predation when the density of the larvae increases. According to bioenergetics modelling, the perch population increased natural mortalit…
Human Dietary Intake of Organochlorines from Baltic Herring: Implications of Individual Fish Variability and Fisheries Management
This study examines the extent to which Finnish human dietary intake of organochlorines (PCDD/Fs and PCBs) originating from Northern Baltic herring can be influenced by fisheries management. This was investigated by estimation of human intake using versatile modeling tools (e.g., a herring population model and a bioenergetics model). We used a probabilistic approach to account for the variation in human intake of organochlorines originating from the variation among herring individuals. Our estimates were compared with present precautionary limits and recommendation for use. The results show that present consumption levels and frequencies of herring give a high probability of exceeding recom…
Collapse and recovery of European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) population in a small boreal lake - an early warning of the consequences of the climate change
Communal pair spawning behaviour of vendace (Coregonus albula ) in the dark
Mating in nature is rarely random, and most fish species have refined mating systems. The vendace (Coregonus albula) is a short-lived, small-sized, cold-water-adapted pelagic schooling species that is known to spawn in groups, but the actual mating system of this species, like many other group-spawning fishes, has not been described in detail. Vendace typically spawn in the littoral or sublittoral zones of lakes in late autumn, and the hatching of larvae occurs close to icebreak in the following spring. In our large study lake, vendace larvae were caught in 93% of 1,149 random sampling locations lake-wide. We examined the courtship and mating of vendace under experimental conditions by noni…
Indications of polymorphism in the behaviour and morphology of burbot (Lota lota) in a European lake
AbstractIn this study, polymorphism in behaviour, morphology, and stable isotope signatures of burbot from Lake Southern Konnevesi, Finland, Europe, was examined. First, local knowledge was collected on exceptional polymorphism of the spawning behaviour and morphology of burbot. These phenomena were then studied based on catch samples. Interviews and catch sample analyses suggested two morphs of burbot: one morph spawning in late February in the littoral zone and other in late March, in deep profundal, depths of about 30 m. Fish caught from the profundal zone had higher average proportional somatic body weights and wider heads than those caught from the littoral spawning sites in February. …
Do the ecological drivers of lake littoral communities match and lead to congruence between organism groups?
AbstractLake littoral environments are heterogeneous, and different organisms typically show specific responses to this environmental variation. We examined local environmental and spatial factors affecting lake littoral biodiversity and the structuring of assemblages of phytoplankton, zooplankton and macroinvertebrates within and among three basins of a large lake system. We explored congruence of species composition and species richness among the studied organism groups to evaluate their general indicator potential to represent spatial variation in other groups. We expected that effects of water chemistry on plankton assemblages were stronger than effects of habitat characteristics. In co…
Sisävesien talouslajien saalispotentiaali Suomessa
Tolerance of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) early life stages to manganese sulfate is affected by the parents
European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) embryos and larvae were exposed to 6 different manganese sulfate (MnSO4) concentrations from fertilization to the 3-d-old larvae. The fertilization success, offspring survival, larval growth, yolk consumption, embryonic and larval Mn tissue concentrations and transcript levels of detoxification-related genes were measured in the long-term incubation. Full factorial breeding design (4 females x 2 males) enabled examining the significance of both female and male effects, and female-male interactions in conjunction with the MnSO4 exposure on the observed endpoints. The MnSO4 exposure reduced the survival of the whitefish early life stages. Also the offs…
Toxicity of Mining-Contaminated Lake Sediments to Lumbriculus variegatus
AbstractBoreal lakes with soft water and low buffering capacity are susceptible to excess ion loading resulting from metal mining. The impact of two Finish mining sites in downstream lakes was assessed with a chronic sediment toxicity test using a laboratory-reared freshwater Lumbriculus variegatus (Oligochaeta). The test organisms were exposed to mining-contaminated natural lake sediments and hypolimnion water (HLW) or artificial freshwater (AFW) as overlying water in two independent experimental setups. In both test setups, growth and reproduction of L. variegatus were lower in sediments from the lakes receiving high amount of mining effluents from the mines nearby. In the biomining site,…
Genetic relationships between sympatric and allopatric Coregonus ciscoes in North and Central Europe
Abstract Background Sympatric speciation along ecological gradients has been studied repeatedly, in particular in freshwater fishes. Rapid post-glacial ecological divergence has resulted in numerous endemic species or ecologically distinct populations in lakes of the temperate zones. Here, we focus on the Baltic cisco (Coregonus albula) complex, to study the genetic similarity among two pairs of sympatric autumn- and spring-spawning populations from post-glacial German Lakes Stechlin and Breiter Luzin. For comparison, we included a similar pair of sympatric populations from the Swedish Lake Fegen. We wanted to explore potential genetic similarities between the three sympatric cisco populati…
Effects of UV radiation on the vertical distribution of vendace [Coregonus albula (L.)] larvae in Finnish lakes
– Positively phototactic vendace larvae may be vulnerable to enhanced springtime UV levels unless they are able to avoid them. Experimental results, however, suggested that UV avoidance can exist. In this study field data from eight Finnish lakes with different characteristics were analysed. The aim of the study was to determine whether vendace larvae stayed deeper in the water column during sunny than during cloudy periods because thick cloud cover considerably reduces UV irradiance. In addition, avoidance behaviour of larvae was studied in acrylic tubes placed in a lake and under laboratory conditions. The avoidance of high UV-B exposure existed both in the littoral and pelagic zone of th…
Negligible effect of hypolimnetic oxygenation on the trophic state of Lake Jyväsjärvi, Finland
Abstract Hypolimnetic oxygenation by pumping oxygen-rich surface water to the hypolimnion (HLO) is a commonly used tool for the restoration of nutrient-loaded dimictic lakes. However, in recent years its effectiveness has been questioned. In this case study we evaluated monitoring data covering a period of 23-years to show that, although experimental cessation of HLO drastically changed the lake's temperature and dissolved oxygen regimes, it did not significantly affect its trophic status. Thus, we recommend that the limited financial resources available are better directed towards further lowering the lake's external phosphorus load than continuing HLO.
Sulfate toxicity to early life stages of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) in soft freshwater
Sulfate occurs naturally in the aquatic environment but its elevated levels can be toxic to aquatic life in freshwater environments. We investigated the toxicity of sulfate in humic, soft freshwater to whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) from fertilization of eggs to hatching i.e. during the critical phases of whitefish early development. Anadromous Kokemäenjoki whitefish eggs and sperm during fertilization, embryos and larvae were exposed in the long-term 175-day incubation to seven different sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) concentrations from 44 to 2 000 mg SO4 L−1. Endpoint variables were the fertilization success, offspring survival and larval growth. Egg fertilization and early embryonic developmen…
Invasive crayfish increase habitat connectivity
Several studies have shown that distinct compartments of lake ecosystems are coupled via transportation of organic matter, nutrients and energy across habitat boundaries. Here we evaluate the potential of the invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana)) to modify energy pathways in large boreal lakes. Using a stable isotope mixing model and calculation of the isotopic niches we estimated the contribution of different food sources to the diets of crayfish captured from different habitats, and from that inferred their potential to transport energy across the littoral-profundal gradient. The crayfish caught from the littoral area utilized mainly littoral food sources, whereas the…
Compensatory growth in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), held individually
Abstract The effect of feed cycling on compensatory growth was examined in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), held individually at 15 °C. Fish were fasted for 2, 4, 8, or 14 days and then refed until either their relative feed intake differed by less than 10% of fed controls, or the duration of the refeeding period was four times the fasting period. After 80 days, fish fasted for 8 days at a time were smaller than controls, or fish experiencing 2 or 4 days of fasting, while fish fasted for 14 days did not differ from other groups. There were no differences in visceral fat or hepatosomatic indices, but within-treatment variation was high. Fish subjected to fasting display…
Condition and Sperm Characteristics of Perch Perca fluviatilis inhabiting Boreal Lakes Receiving Metal Mining Effluents.
AbstractOne of the world’s largest, but low-grade, sulfide nickel deposits in northeastern Finland has been exploited by a bioheapleaching technology since 2008. Bioheapleaching is a relatively new, cost-effective technology, but humid climate, e.g., in boreal temperate environments, causes challenges to the management of the water balance in the ore heaps with wide catchment area, and the mining effluents have caused substantial metal and salting contamination of the receiving waterbodies. In our study, the impacts of metal-extracting bioheapleaching mine effluents on muscle and liver element concentrations, body condition, liver and testes mass, and sperm count and motility of male perch …
Features of intercohort cannibalism of Vendace (Coregonus albula(L.)) under laboratory conditions
Cannibalism in Vendace (Coregonus albula (L.)) was studied under laboratory conditions by exposing Vendace eggs (100) or newly hatched larvae (20) to an older individual in aquaria. Predation on the eggs was not detected whereas both biting and ingesting of newly hatched larvae were observed in 23% of older Vendace individuals. Small individuals (<100 mm in total length) were significantly more likely to attack larvae than larger individuals. Differences were also found in attack rates between individuals. The rate ranged from no attacks to attacks towards every larva exposed to the cannibalistic individual. These results confirm that intercohort cannibalism is neither an exceptional nor a …
Miljardeja mätimunia, satoja miljoonia poikasia, kymmenen miljoonaa kutukalaa, miljoonien kalojen saalis – kuinka paljon kaloja on järvessä?
Lifting the Vendace, Coregonus albula, on the Life Table : Survival, Growth and Reproduction in Different Life-Stages during Very High and Low Abundance Regimes
We analyzed the variability in vendace population parameters in the context of a life table. Parameters related to growth, fecundity and survival were estimated for post-recruitment (age > 1 growing season) life stages of Lake Southern Konnevesi vendace in both very high and low population abundance regimes. Pre-recruitment survival producing population stability was then determined. We found a very strong compensatory density dependence in growth, fecundity and survival: during low abundance, a lifetime reproductive output of a female was almost 20 times that of the abundant regime. To maintain the low abundance regime, pre-recruitment survival must counterbalance it by decreasing to a ver…
Unpredictability of fish recruitment: interannual variation in young-of-the-year abundance
In 1989-1998, vendace larvae Coregonus albula were sampled in Finnish lakes following a stratified random sampling design. The abundance of young-of-the-year vendace after the first growing season was estimated using catch-per-unit-effort statistics. The number or total area of nursery places hardly limited the recruitment of vendace in the study lakes. The major proportion of prerecruit mortality of vendace occurred in the larval phase and larval sampling produced significant information on young-of-the-year survival. Although larval abundances and recruitment were clearly associated only in Lake Onkamo, generally high larval abundance was needed to produce high number of recruits.
Invasive crayfish increase habitat connectivity: a case study in a large boreal lake
Several studies have shown that distinct compartments of lake ecosystems are coupled via transportation of organic matter, nutrients and energy across habitat boundaries. Here we evaluate the potential of the invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana)) to modify energy pathways in large boreal lakes. Using a stable isotope mixing model and calculation of the isotopic niches we estimated the contribution of different food sources to the diets of crayfish captured from different habitats, and from that inferred their potential to transport energy across the littoral-profundal gradient. The crayfish caught from the littoral area utilized mainly littoral food sources, whereas the…
Sulfate sensitivity of aquatic organism in soft freshwaters explored by toxicity tests and species sensitivity distribution
Elevated concentrations of sulfate in waterways are observed due to various anthropogenic activities. Elevated levels of sulfate can have harmful effects on aquatic life in freshwaters: sulfate can cause osmotic stress or specific ion toxicity in aquatic organisms, especially in soft waters where Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations are low. Formerly, chronic toxicity test data in soft water have been scarce. The chronic and acute sulfate toxicity tests conducted with aquatic organisms from 10 families across various trophic levels in this study multiplied the number of tests conducted in soft freshwater conditions and enabled derivation of the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) and sulfate haz…
Calibration of in situ chlorophyll fluorometers for organic matter
AbstractOrganic matter (OM) other than living phytoplankton is known to affect fluorometric in situ assessments of chlorophyll in lakes. For this reason, calibrating fluorometric measurements for OM error is important. In this study, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence was measured in situ in multiple Finnish lakes using two sondes equipped with Chl fluorometers (ex.470/em.650–700 nm). OM absorbance (A420) was measured from water samples, and one of the two sondes was also equipped with in situ fluorometer for OM (ex.350/em.430 nm). The sonde with Chl and OM fluorometers was also deployed continuously on an automated water quality monitoring station on Lake Konnevesi. For data from multiple lake…
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies six novel loci associated with habitual coffee consumption
Contains fulltext : 155360.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) Coffee, a major dietary source of caffeine, is among the most widely consumed beverages in the world and has received considerable attention regarding health risks and benefits. We conducted a genome-wide (GW) meta-analysis of predominately regular-type coffee consumption (cups per day) among up to 91,462 coffee consumers of European ancestry with top single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) followed-up in ~30 062 and 7964 coffee consumers of European and African-American ancestry, respectively. Studies from both stages were combined in a trans-ethnic meta-analysis. Confirmed loci were examined for putative functional and b…
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function
Reduced glomerular filtration rate defines chronic kidney disease and is associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), combining data across 133,413 individuals with replication in up to 42,166 individuals. We identify 24 new and confirm 29 previously identified loci. Of these 53 loci, 19 associate with eGFR among individuals with diabetes. Using bioinformatics, we show that identified genes at eGFR loci are enriched for expression in kidney tissues and in pathways relevant for kidney development and transmembrane transporter activity, kidney structure, and regulation o…
Tolerance of Whitefish (Coregonus Lavaretus) Early Life Stages to Manganese Sulfate is Affected by the Parents
European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) embryos and larvae were exposed to 6 different manganese sulfate (MnSO4) concentrations from fertilization to the 3-d-old larvae. The fertilization success, offspring survival, larval growth, yolk consumption, embryonic and larval Mn tissue concentrations, and transcript levels of detoxification-related genes were measured in the long-term incubation. A full factorial breeding design (4 females × 2 males) allowed examination of the significance of both female and male effects, as well as female–male interactions in conjunction with the MnSO4 exposure in terms of the observed endpoints. The MnSO4 exposure reduced the survival of the whitefish early li…
Development and validation of a bioenergetics model for juvenile and adult burbot
Oxygen consumption of juvenile and adult burbot Lota Iota was measured in an intermittent-flow respirometer to determine the effect of temperature and fish body mass on metabolic rate. These results were combined with data from earlier experiments and the 'Wisconsin bioenergetics' model was constructed. The model was validated under laboratory conditions by comparing observed and predicted food consumption and growth of burbot fed on dead vendace Coregonus albula. There was a good correspondence between observed and estimated growth and food consumption under experimental conditions: the mean absolute per cent errors of growth and food consumption were 4.8 and 24.0%. Estimated values with t…
Geographic and temporal variations in turbulent heat loss from lakes : A global analysis across 45 lakes
Heat fluxes at the lake surface play an integral part in determining the energy budget and thermal structure in lakes, including regulating how lakes respond to climate change. We explore patterns in turbulent heat fluxes, which vary across temporal and spatial scales, using in situ high-frequency monitoring data from 45 glob- ally distributed lakes. Our analysis demonstrates that some of the lakes studied follow a marked seasonal cycle in their turbulent surface fluxes and that turbulent heat loss is highest in larger lakes and those situated at low latitude. The Bowen ratio, which is the ratio of mean sensible to mean latent heat fluxes, is smaller at low lati- tudes and, in turn, the rel…
Occurrence of Two-Year Cyclicity, “Saw-Blade Fluctuation”, in Vendace Populations in Finland
The tendency towards two-year cyclicity is considered typical of many Fennoscandian vendace populations, especially in fluctuation of recruitment, based on time series of individual lakes. We used two robust indicators to identify and quantify two-year cycles in vendace population proxy time series at different life-stages — spawning stock biomass (SB), density of newly hatched larvae (LD) and recruitment (REC) — from 22 Finnish lakes. Then we applied Fisher’s meta-analytical test to assess the adequacy of the evidence to support the hypothesis that vendace population dynam-ics include two-year cyclicity. The results supported this hypothesis for RECbut not for SB or LD. Yet, the indicators…
A large cross-ancestry meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies 69 novel risk loci for primary open-angle glaucoma and includes a genetic link with Alzheimer’s disease
AbstractWe conducted a large multi-ethnic meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) on a total of 34,179 cases vs 349,321 controls, and identified 127 independent risk loci, almost doubling the number of known loci for POAG. The majority of loci have broadly consistent effect across European, Asian and African ancestries. We identify a link, both genome-wide and at specific loci, between POAG and Alzheimer’s disease. Gene expression data and bioinformatic functional analyses provide further support for the functional relevance of the POAG risk genes. Several drug compounds target these risk genes and may be potential candidates for developing no…
Impacts and adaptation options of climate change on ecosystem services in Finland: a model based study
At a global level, it is estimated that nearly two-thirds of ecosystem services have been degraded in just fifty years. The additional stresses imposed by climate change will require extraordinary adaptation. This paper synthesises main result of a large Finnish project studying the vulnerability of key ecosystem services to climate change and the possibilities for the individual sectors to adapt to these changes. The project based its work on data and infrastructures of nine intensively studied areas belonging to the Finnish LTER (Long-Term Ecological Research) network. The methods developed and used included remote sensing, derivation of impact scenarios, dynamic modelling, laboratory exp…
Biomagnification of organohalogens in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from its main prey species in three areas of the Baltic Sea
Abstract Factors affecting the biomagnification of organohalogens in Baltic salmon from sprat, herring and three-spined stickleback were assessed in three feeding areas. Second sea-year salmon contained (in fresh weight of whole fish) 79–250 ng g− 1 polychlorinated biphenyls (ΣPCB), 0.9–2.7 pg g− 1 dibenzo-p-dioxins (ΣPCDD), 8–19 pg g− 1 dibenzofurans (ΣPCDF), 96–246 pg g− 1 coplanar PCBs, 2.4–3.6 ng g− 1 polybrominated diphenylethers (ΣPBDE), and 39–136 ng g− 1 Σindicator PCB6. The EU limits for WHO toxic equivalent concentrations in fish feed were already exceeded in one-year-old sprat and herring and were exceeded many-fold in older age groups. The differences in the biomagnification rat…
Genetic-based evaluation of management units for sustainable vendace (Coregonus albula) fisheries in a large lake system
The goal of the processing industry, trade and consumers is to get eco-labelled freshwater fish products from sustainable fisheries into the market as soon as possible. The fourth largest natural lake system in Europe, the Saimaa lake system supports a fishery for vendace (Coregonus albula). Certification of the fishery requires an understanding of population structure to help determine the number and spatial extent of management units. In this study, we analysed the genetic diversity of local vendace populations in the Saimaa lake system and aimed to identify the conservation and management units of vendace. Within the Saimaa, the genetic divergence between local populations of vendace was…
Upstream migration activity of cyprinids and percids in a channel, monitored by a horizontal split-beam echosounder
A 200 kHz digital echosounder (HTI) with two split-beam transducers was aimed horizontally to monitor the upstream migration activity of fish, from 24 April to 28 June, in Aijalansalmi channel (mean width 35 m, length 700 m, and maximum depth 5 m) from large mesotrophic Lake Paijanne to small eutrophic Lake Jyvasjarvi. This study was part of a larger project which aims to analyse the movement of commercially unimportant fish species and reduce the abundance of these fish in L. Jyvasjarvi. Catch samples were collected with a trap net located immediately upstream from the acoustic beams. The most common species in the catch were roach (Rutilus rutilus), perch (Perca fluviatilis), bream (Abram…
Data from: The relevance of ecological status to ecosystem functions and services in a large boreal lake
1. Environmental conventions aim to protect ecosystem structures and functions to provide goods and services for mankind. The degree of aquatic ecosystem naturalness, or ecological status as it is defined in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Union, is notionally linked to supplies of ecosystem services. In practice these links have rarely been documented or even investigated and, to justify conservation and management objectives based on the status indicators, it is essential to demonstrate their relationships to ecosystem functions and services. 2. The WFD requires member states to classify their surface waters aiming to achieve good ecological status of water bodies. How…
Research data of article: "Practical calibration of in situ chlorophyll fluorometers for humic lakes"
Using GIS tools to identify conservation hot spots in large boreal lakes
Balancing the growing demands of human population and sustainable use of natural resources is a great challenge for humankind and the target of several international environmental conventions. Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Union aims at perceiving ecosystem services provided by aquatic ecosystems, while EU Habitats Directive (HD) along with the Natura 2000 network is to ensure the long-term survival of valuable habitats in aquatic as well as terrestrial environments. Both WFD and HD treat boreal lakes as large entities. In large lake systems, the assessment of lake bodies’ ecological and conservation status is determined over tens or even hundreds of square kilometres and …