Marcello Traina
Race profiles of rowers during the 2014 Youth Olympic Games
Aim: Strategy plays a relevant role. The purpose of this study was to analyze the race profiles of youth athletes competing at the 2014 Youth Olympic Games over a distance of 1000-m. Methods: According to the competition outcome of sculling and sweep events, 48 male and 48 female youth (17–18 years) rowers were divided in medallist (W), not medallist (NW), qualified (Q) and not qualified (NQ) athletes. Time at 0–500 m (T1) and 500–1000 m (T2) was considered. The average speed for T1 and T2 were normalized in relation to the average speed of the whole race. ANOVA for repeated measures was applied to performance 1xJ and 2-J during qualifying: 2 (sex: females vs. males) 9 2 (outcome: qualified…
Effects of anxiety during mental arithmetic stress on heart rate variability in healthy subjects
Aim: Anxiety may cause an increased risk of myocardial infarction by reductions in heart rate variability (HRV). However, no data exists on the effect of anxiety on a standard mental test of HRV. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between anxiety elicited by mental stress and HRV. Methods: Effect of anxiety in the actual state (A-State) and in everyday life (A-Trait) has been assessed in 13 healthy subjects and its association to low (LF) and high-frequency (HF) of HRV during mental arithmetic stress has been tested through correlation analysis. Results: A significant increase from baseline through arithmetic stress was observed in the LF component (LF(nu) from 56.87 ± 4.…
Race Profiles of Rowers During the 2014 Youth Olympic Games
Cerasola, D, Cataldo, A, Bellafiore, M, Traina, M, Palma, A, Bianco, A, and Capranica, L. Race profiles of rowers during the 2014 Youth Olympic Games. J Strength Cond Res 32(7): 2055-2060, 2018-Among the different factors affecting the outcome of elite rowing competitions, pacing strategy plays a relevant role. The purpose of this study was to analyze the race profiles of youth athletes competing at the 2014 Youth Olympic Games over a distance of 1,000 m. According to the competition outcome of sculling and sweep events, 96 youth (17-18 years) rowers (48 male and 48 female) were divided into winner (W), not winner (NW), qualified (Q), and not-qualified (NQ) athletes. The time during the 1,0…
La frequenza cardiaca (FC) è controllata dal sistema nervoso vegetativo. Il nodo senoatriale (SA) ha una frequenza propria di depolarizzazione spontanea conosciuta come “frequenza intrinseca” che rappresenta la frequenza misurata in assenza di impulsi simpatici o parasimpatici come si può ottenere con la denervazione o il blocco farmacologico. Nei soggetti normali la frequenza intrinseca è di circa 100 bpm e dipende dal sesso e dall’età ed è influenzata dall’esercizio fisico, l’ipossia e le variazioni di temperatura. I soggetti allenati a sport di resistenza hanno una frequenza intrinseca minore. Gli effetti del sistema simpatico e parasimpatico influenzano in maniera predominante la FC int…
The contribution of fat oxidation to energy production during exercise is influenced by intensity of exercise. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the highest value of fat oxidation rate (FATmax) and the oxygen uptake (VO2) in sedentary type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients vs healthy sedentary subjects. Sedentary T2D patients and healthy sedentary subjects were evaluated to a graded exercise test, and oxygen uptake and fat oxidation rate were detected. Data show that in T2D patients fat oxidation rate is not impaired and the positive linear correlation between FATmax and both VO2 and VO2max suggests that even in T2D patients the muscle oxidative capacity might increase in…
Soccer players have a better standing balance in nondominant one-legged stance
Rosario Barone1, Filippo Macaluso2, Marcello Traina3,4, Vincenza Leonardi4,5, Felicia Farina1, Valentina Di Felice11Human Anatomy Section 'E. Luna', BioNeC, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy; 2Department of Physiological Science, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa; 3Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular and Renal Diseases, 4Methods and Didactics of Motory Activities, DISMOT, 5Department of General Surgery, Emergency and Organ Transplants (GENURTO), University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy  Rosario Barone and Filippo Macaluso contributed equally to the workAbstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in standing balan…
Compiti in Medicina dello Sport del Laureato in Scienze Motorie: l'Esempio della Scoliosi Minore
Un suggerimento pratico per la prevenzione della Commotio Cordis
Mean power during 20 sec all-out test to predict 2000-m rowing ergometer performance in national level young rowers
Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between mean power during 20-s all-out rowing ergometer test and 2000-m rowing ergometer performance, in 20 young male rowers (mean age 15.2 ± 1.3 years). Methods. Mean power during 20-s all-out test (W20), maximal oxygen uptake during incremental test (VO2max), and anthropometric values, were measured and correlated with the time to perform a 2000-m trial (t2000). Results. W20 showed the highest correlation with t2000 (r = -0.947, P < 0.0001). Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed that W20, VO2max, and fat-free mass, were the variables most correlated with t2000, accounting for 95.1% of the variance, and that 89.7% …
Osteoporosi, osteoartrosi ed attività motorie
Soccer players have a better standing balance in nondominant one-legged stance
Rosario Barone1, Filippo Macaluso2, Marcello Traina3,4, Vincenza Leonardi4,5, Felicia Farina1, Valentina Di Felice11Human Anatomy Section &#39;E. Luna&#39;, BioNeC, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy; 2Department of Physiological Science, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa; 3Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular and Renal Diseases, 4Methods and Didactics of Motory Activities, DISMOT, 5Department of General Surgery, Emergency and Organ Transplants (GENURTO), University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy&nbsp; Rosario Barone and Filippo Macaluso contributed equally to the workAbstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in standing balan…
Predicting the 2000‐m Rowing Ergometer Performance from Anthropometric, Maximal Oxygen Uptake and 60‐s Mean Power Variables in National Level Young Rowers
Abstract Many studies reported various relationships between 2000-m rowing performance and anthropometric as well as metabolic variables, however, little is known about 60-s mean power in elite youth athletes. The aim of this study was to develop different regression models to predict 2000-m rowing indoor performance time (t2000) using anthropometric variables, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and mean power established during a 60-s all-out test (W60) in national elite youth rowers. Fifteen youth male Italian rowers (age: 15.7 ± 2.0 years; body height: 176.0 ± 8.0 cm; body mass: 71.2 ± 10.0 kg) performed an incremental maximal test, a 60-s all-out test and a 2000-m race simulation using a Co…
The influence of the stomatognathic system on explosive strength: A pilot study
[Purpose] Recent findings suggest there is an interesting interaction between the stomatognathic system and the musculoskeletal system. The aim of this study was therefore to examine the influence of the temporomandibular joint on the explosive strength of the lower limbs. [Subjects and Methods] An observational study was carried out. The subjects were 60 male football players who voluntarily participated in the investigation. After a warm-up phase of 10 minutes, each participant performed three Squat Jumps (SJ) with different mandible positions: mouth closed and mouth open. SJ heights were recorded using a Sensor Medica force platform and the FreeMed system. [Results] Sixty participants we…
Scopo del lavoro è stato quello di valutare in pazienti maschi paraplegici gli adattamenti del tessuto osseo del rachide in toto e dei vari segmenti scheletrici in conseguenza della prolungata immobilità e di proporre dei nuovi protocolli d’attività motoria che possano sia limitare il decadimento progressivo delle strutture osteo-articolari, sia di preparare i pazienti all’ utilizzo di nuove tecnologie che consentano una pur parziale autonomia motoria. Allo studio hanno partecipato volontariamente venticinque soggetti paraplegici di sesso maschile con lesioni complete T3- L3, suddivisi in due gruppi in relazione agli anni di lesione: il primo gruppo è composto da 13 soggetti con lesione mid…
PURPOSE: One of the genes of the health-related fitness phenotype is a PPARα coding for peroxisome proliferator activator receptor alpha, a central regulator of expression of genes involved in fatty acid metabolism. The aim of our research was to study the role of polymorphism of PPARα gene in performance enhancing in Italian soccer players. METHODS: Sixty professional soccer players and thirty sedentary volunteers were enrolled in the study. Samples of venous blood were obtained at rest in the morning by conventional clinical procedures. Serum was collected and lipid profile was measured by using a commercial kit. An aliquote of anticoagulant-treated blood was used to prepare genomic DNA f…
Le attività sportive agonistiche comportano adattamenti cardiaci morfologici e funzionali che permettono di ottimizzare la funzione cardiaca durante l’esercizio fisico. Il principale adattamento funzionale cardiaco è rappresentato dalla bradicardia a riposo, conseguente al raggiungimento di un nuovo equilibrio della bilancia simpato-vagale. Il principale adattamento morfologico dell'apparato cardiocircolatorio all’esercizio fisico è rappresentato dall'ipertrofia miocardica, caratterizzata da un aumento della massa cardiaca che deve essere armonico e proporzionale al grado ed al tipo di attività fisica praticata. Tale ipertrofia coinvolge sia la componente miocitaria che quella vascolare per…
Effects of different circuit training protocols on body mass, fat mass and blood parameters in overweight adults
Benefits of exercise are known for a long time, but mechanisms underlying the exercise mode recommendations for specific chronic cardiovascular diseases remain unclear. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of different circuit training protocols in order to determine which is the best for weight loss and for specific overweight- related disorders. Forty-five female sedentary overweight participants from 20 to 50 years (average 31.8±11.2) were enrolled and assigned to three different groups; each group was compared with a control normal-weight group. Three different circuit protocols were randomly assigned to each overweight group: aerobictone- aerobic (ATA), aerobic-circuit-aero…
Redox and autonomic responses to acute exercise-post recovery following Opuntia ficus-indica juice intake in physically active women
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate if the supplementation with Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) juice may affect plasma redox balance and heart rate variability (HRV) parameters following a maximal effort test, in young physically active women. Methods: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled and crossover study comprising eight women (23.25 ± 2.95 years, 54.13 ± 9.05 kg, 157.75 ± 0.66 cm and BMI of 21.69 ± 0.66 kg/m2) was carried out. A juice containing OFI diluted in water and a Placebo solution were supplied (170 ml; OFI = 50 ml of OFI juice + 120 ml of water; Placebo = 170 ml beverage without Vitamin C and indicaxanthin). Participants consumed the OFI juice or Placebo…
Family hystory, diabetes and extension of coronary atherosclerosis are strong predictors of adverse events after PTCA: a one year follow-up study
BACKGROUND AND AIM: In this study we addressed some open questions in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). First, we analysed which of the traditional risk factors was associated with the spreading of coronary stenosis and second, we aimed to identify if any variable was predictive of post-percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) clinical events. METHODS AND RESULTS: We collected a consecutive series of patients with CAD (n=301) and in the subgroup of patients undergoing PTCA (n=135) we performed a prospective one-year follow-up study recording cardiovascular morbidity and total mortality. According to the extension of coronary atherosclerosis, we found a significant re…
Association of cardio-pulmonary stress test parameters and heart rate recovery in obese subjects with or without type II diabetes
Background and Objectives: Heart rate recovery at first (HRR-I) and second (HRR-II) minute after exercise is accurate in estimating autonomic nervous system balance, and has been related to risk of cardiovascular events. Our aim was to determine independent predictors of HRR collected during standard cardio-pulmonary stress test (CPT) in a group of overweight/obese subjects without (N=14) and with type 2 diabetes (N=19), as compared to a sample (N=15) of healthy sedentary subjects. Methods: A graded exercise test on treadmill was performed. Oxygen uptake at rest and at peak exercise (VO2max), as well as respiratory exchange ratio at peak exercise was collected. Linear and logistic regressio…
Abstract 18060: Risk Stratification Following Mitral Valve Surgery for Chronic Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation: A Very Long-term Study
Background: Very few long-term data are available on patients undergoing mitral valve surgery for chronic ischemic mitral regurgitation (CIMR). Objective:to identify determinants of survival and adverse cardiovascular events, at very long-term outcome. Methods and Results: We reviewed complete left and right ventricular echocardiographic data, six-minute walking test (6-MWT) and BNP levels at pre, peri and follow-up, on 137 consecutive patients who underwent restrictive mitral annuloplasty (RMA) or mitral valve replacement (MVR) and CABG, for CIMR. Combined adverse cardiovascular events were defined as composite of death, heart failure, angina, myocardial infarction and re-hospitalization.…
La simvastatina riduce le lipoproteine aterogene in pazienti con coronaropatia prematura: effetti delle statine “beyond-cholesterol”
Effects of different circuit training protocols on body mass, fat mass and blood parameters among overweight adults
The benefits of regular exercise are known for a long time, but the mechanisms underlying the exercise mode recommendations for specific chronic cardiovascular diseases remains unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the effects of different circuit training protocols in sedentary overweight adults.
Aim: To determine the exercise intensity that elicits the highest fat oxidation rate in sedentary non-obese subjects with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Eleven sedentary subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2DS) and eleven healthy sedentary subjects (HS), aged 45 to 65 and non-obese, were evaluated to a graded exercise test. Oxygen uptake (VO2) and fat oxidation rate (FAT) were detected. FAT was then plotted as a function of exercise intensity, expressed as percentage of VO2max. We determined the exercise intensity (%VO2max) at which fat oxidation was maximal (FATmax). Results: Absolute FATmax was not significantly different between T2DS and HS (0.51 0.13 vs. 0.56 0.29 g∙min-1). FATmax occurred a…
Determination of maximal fat oxidation for prescribing exercise in healthy sedentary subjects
PURPOSE: Physical activity is recommended as a component of weight management. Exercise intensity has been showed to be one of the most important factors in determining substrate utilization. Purpose of our study was to determine the level at which physical exercise elicits maximal fat oxidation. METHODS: Fifteen healthy sedentary subjects, 8 men and 7 women, mean age 53 (range 37 – 71), BMI 26,6 1,33 performed an incremental exercise test to exhaustion on treadmill, using Bruce protocol. Breath-by-breath measurements of VO2 (ml/Kg/min) were detected throughout exercise and FAT rate (mg/Kg/min) was determined using indirect calorimetry (Cosmed, Quark CPET). The data is shown as mean value…
Extreme duration exercise affects old and younger men differently.
Aim & Methods: Extreme endurance exercise provides a valuable research model for understanding the adaptive metabolic response of older and younger individuals to intense physical activity. Here, we compare a wide range of metabolic and physiologic parameters in two cohorts of seven trained men, age 30 ± 5 years or age 65 ± 6 years, before and after the participants travelled ≈3000 km by bicycle over 15 days. Results: Over the 15-day exercise intervention, participants lost 2–3 kg fat mass with no significant change in body weight. V̇O2max did not change in younger cyclists, but decreased (p = 0.06) in the older cohort. The resting plasma FFA concentration decreased markedly in both gro…
Effects of physical activity on the lean and fat mass of the legs and on the femoral BMD in young adults
Aim. To evaluate the effects of physical activity on the lean (LLM) and fat (FLM) mass of both legs and on the left femur neck bone mineral density (FemBMD) in young adults. Methods. Subjects were 48 healthy male, mean age 25 (range 20-32). Subjects were assigned to one of three groups according to the physical activity practiced from age 10 onwards: 17 sedentary subjects (A), 15 active subjects (B) and 16 athletes (C). LLM and FLM (g) were evaluated by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), as well as FemBMD (g/cm2). The data is shown as mean values ± standard deviation. For the statistical analysis of the data, linear regression analysis and Student's t test for unpaired data were used.…
An innovative way to highlight the power of each polymorphism on the elite athletes phenotype expression
The purpose of this study was to determine the probability of soccer players having the best genetic background that could increase performance, evaluating the polymorphism that are considered Performance Enhancing Polymorphism (PEPs) distributed on five genes: PPARα, PPARGC1A, NRF2, ACE e CKMM. Particularly, we investigated how each polymorphism works directly or through another polymorphism to distinguish elite athletes from non-athletic population. Materials And Methods. Sixty professional soccer players (age 22.5 ± 2.2) and sixty healthy volunteers (age 21.2± 2.3) were enrolled. Samples of venous blood was used to prepare genomic DNA. The polymorphic sites were scanned using PCR-RFLP pr…
Relation between anaerobic power and rowing ergometer performance in young rowers
Aims: Rowing performance over 2000m is dependent upon the functional capacity of both the aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways. Although several studies have indicated that maximal oxygen uptake is strongly related to rowing performance and it is the best predictor of performance in elite rowers, some evidence is that muscle power output could be an important predictor of performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible relationship between anaerobic power and rowing ergometer performance over 2000m in young rowers, and whether anaerobic power assessed could identify athletes with the best performance. Methods: We collected biometric characteristics and energy data, inclu…
Purpose Carbohydrate and fatty acids are the dominant fuels oxidized for energy production during exercise. Their contribution is influenced by intensity of exercise, with a progressive increase in the relative contribution of carbohydrate oxidation to energy expenditure, whereas the absolute rate of fat oxidation increases from low to moderate intensities of exercise and declines as exercise becomes more intense. In patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) the altered metabolism and the lower capacity to sustain efforts changed the choice and regulation of energy substrates for oxidation. Purpose of our study was to assess the relationship between the highest value of fat oxidation rate (FATmax…
Shoulder's volleyball player: an epidemiological study
Analysis of anaerobic power in club level young rowers
Aim: To date, assessment of the anaerobic components to determine performance in rowers is not part of standard evaluation or monitoring set for training. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between anaerobic power output and ergometer rowing performance over 2000 meters, in a group of 14 -17 years old rowers (n = 11). Methods: Each subject performed, in three separate days, two “all-out” tests, over 20 and 60 seconds, and a 2000 meters trial, using a Concept II rowing ergometer. Mean power values over 20 sec (W20) and 60 sec (W60) were measured and compared with the time to perform the 2000 m trial (t2000). Results: Statistical analysis showed high and significant correlatio…
Case report su ipertensione arteriosa e cardiopatia ischemica
Effects of Sicilian Opuntia ficus-indica juice on heart rate variability after a maximal exercise in young physically active women
Al fine di pianificare dei programmi per la salute della popolazione anziana che includano interventi di tipo educativo, psicomotorio e sociali, è importante studiare come alcuni fattori psicologici possano ridurre i livelli di attività quotidiana o aumentare il rischio di sviluppare una malattia. L’attività fisica può ridurre l’ansia ed anche prevenire il rischio di malattie cardiovascolari, per cui in questa ricerca abbiamo rilevato i livelli di ansia in pazienti cardiopatici prima di effettuare una procedura cardiochirurgia o di rivascolarizzazione coronaria percutanea. Abbiamo utilizzato la forma Y dello State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Da questo test si ottengono due punteggi diversi che…
Le variazioni di forza applicate da giovani canoisti in funzione delle variazioni dell'angolo di lordosi lombare
INTRODUZIONE E’ stato dimostrato che l’appiattimento dell’angolo di lordosi lombare unitamente a tensioni muscolari statiche sono cause principali di rischio nella degenerazione dei dischi intervertebrali e nell’insorgenza di dolore lombare. Nessuno studio in letteratura ha studiato i canoisti kayaker. In particolare abbiamo chiesto di applicare la tecnica e il movimento utilizzato da canoisti di elevata qualificazione a giovani atleti con un movimento abituale diverso, registrando le forze applicate alla pagaia. SCOPO DEL LAVORO Analisi delle variazioni di forza applicate dai canoisti kayaker alla pagaia in funzione delle variazioni dell’angolo di lordosi lombare. MATERIALI E METODI Abbiam…
Assessment of autonomic function as marker of training status: the role of heart rate recovery after exercise
Heart rate recovery (HRR) is the rate at which the heart rate returns to baseline after a period of exercise. HRR is a marker of autonomic function and a predictor of cardiovascular fitness in healthy subjects and in those with cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, HRR has been proposed as a marker of training status in athletes. Our aim was to perform a review of studies that evaluated HRR after exercise in trained and untrained healthy subjects and assessed its relationship with training status. Several studies suggest that the assessing of HRR after exercise may be useful to distinguish trained from untrained individuals and to establish an athlete’s state of training. However, standardizat…
Il cuore dello sportivo
Cardiologia e Medicina dello Sport a confronto
Il consenso informato nelle attività sportive trova esplicita previsione agli articoli 71 e 72 del Codice di Deontologia Medica. L’articolo 71 prescrive una adeguata informazione al soggetto sugli eventuali rischi che la specifica attività sportiva può comportare. In base a questa indicazione il problema del consenso informato può presentarsi in "senso proprio" quando si eseguono accertamenti, non invasivi o invasivi, per la valutazione dell’idoneità alle attività sportive che possono comportare dei rischi di cui l’interessato deve essere informato e in "in senso ampio" quando l’esperto, scoperta una patologia, ritiene che questa sia compatibile con l’esercizio fisico, anche se in forme e c…
Picco di massa ossea ed attività fisica: confronto tra giovani adulti sedentari, attivi e atleti
OBIETTIVO - Valutare, nel periodo di raggiungimento del picco di massa ossea, gli effetti dell’attività fisica sulla mineralizzazione ossea in età giovanile. MATERIALI E METODI - Allo studio hanno partecipato 43 soggetti maschi, sani, con età media di 25 anni, suddivisi in tre gruppi in relazione all’intensità dell’attività fisica svolta dall’età di dieci anni in poi: il primo composto da 17 soggetti sedentari, il secondo da 16 soggetti attivi e il terzo da 15 soggetti atleti. Ogni soggetto è stato sottoposto a mineralometria ossea computerizzata (DEXA). La misurazione della densità ossea (BMD, g/cm2) dei soggetti ha riguardato: corpo intero (Total Body), collo femore dx e sx e tratto rachi…
A pratical suggestion for preventing Commotio Cordis
Effects of green tea catechins and exercise training on body composition parameters
The impact of phytochemicals, as green tea catechins, on body composition measures has become a relevant topic as ongoing epidemiological evidence suggests their potential role in weight loss. Although catechins have been shown to modulate fat and energy metabolism, clinical effects of green tea consumption still remain controversial. Given the role played by physical exercise in weight management, it is important to determine whether the association of catechins and exercise is able to improve outcomes over and above the beneficial effects of exercise alone. Considering that scientific findings on this topic are not entirely consistent, aim of the present review was to assess the current s…
Monitoring biomarkers during preseason preparation period in professional soccer players
Aim. The present study aimed at investigating the effect of a 3-week experimental intervention on biomarkers in professional soccer players during the preseason preparation-period. Methods. Eight participants (age 22.5±2.2 yrs) were enrolled in the study. During the physical preparation period players have attended a training program (51,9 hours) planned by coaches of “Equipe-Sicilia-2009”. Results. At rest, the lipid profile, the creatine kinase (CK), the lactic-acid dehydrogenase (LDH) and the expression of nuclear receptors peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR α/γ) were analyzed before starting and after 3 weeks of training sessions. The plasma level of CK in our samples sho…
A pratical suggestion for prevention commotio cordis
The volleyball player's shoulder, an epidemiological study
The influence of the tecnique of rowing in the management of the rib stress injury in the rowers
The effects of abdominal training in female dancers
Attività motoria e sportiva in età evolutiva
Linee guida attuali e future del trattamento dello scompenso cardiaco
Relationship Between Heart Rate Recovery After Exercise and Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Sedentary Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
AIMS: Heart rate recovery after exercise (HRR) is an estimate of autonomic modulation of the heart, and has been shown to be inversely associated with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is associated with decreased maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). Aim of our study was to assess the relationship between HRR and VO2max in sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Maximal exercise testing to determine VO2max (ml ∙ Kg-1 ∙ min-1) was performed in 16 sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes (DP) and in 16 age-matched sedentary healthy controls (HS). HRR (bpm) 2 min after cessation of the exercise was recorded. Simple linear regression was used to assess the relations between HRR and VO2m…
Heart rate recovery after exercise and maximal oxygen uptake in sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes
Aims: Heart rate recovery after exercise (HRR) is an estimate of autonomic modulation of the heart, and has been shown to be inversely associated with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes [1]. Type 2 diabetes is associated with poor exercise tolerance and maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) [2]. Aim of our study was to assess the relationship between HRR and VO2max in sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Maximal treadmill exercise testing using standard or modified Bruce protocol was performed in 16 (8 males and 8 females) sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), and in 16 (9 males and 7 females) age-matched sedentary non-diabetic controls (ND). HRR (…
Effects of extra-virgin olive oil enriched with E-vitamin and Q10-coenzyme on the heart rate variability and plasma antioxidant status in athletes
OBJECTIVES: To examine whether the assumption of extra virgin olive oil enriched with E-vitamin and Q10-coenzyme may improve the plasma anti-oxidant/pro-oxidant balance and be associated with favorable changes in heart rate variability (HRV). METHODS: Four male athletes, mean age 22 (range 21-24), were recruited. They assumed 20 ml per day of the integrator (20 mg Q10 and 15 mg Vit E) for one month. The plasma antioxidant capacity (AC) was evaluated by the crocin bleaching assay. The frequency-domain analysis of HRV was carried out using Cardioline Cube recorder and specific software to obtain, from an autoregressive power spectrum approach, the power in normalized units (nu) of the low-(LF…
Can the 20 and 60 s All-Out Test Predict the 2000 m Indoor Rowing Performance in Athletes?
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to look for a new, simple, and fast method of assessing and monitoring indoor race performance and to assess the relationship between 20 s, 60 s, and 2000 m indoor rowing performances of youth rowers to evaluate their anaerobic profile.Methods: For three consecutive days, 17 young able-bodied male rowers (15.8 +/- 2.0 years), performed three tests (20 s, 60 s, and 2000 m) on a rowing ergometer. Mean power (W-20, W-60, and W-2000) and 2000 m time (t(2000)) were considered for the analysis. In addition, 14 athletes (15-18 years) performed a 20 s, 60 s, and 2000 m tests and used this as a control group. To define the anaerobic profile of the athletes, W-2…
Clinical predictors of adverse events in a 1 year follow-up study post-PTCA.
PPAR alpha gene variants as predicted performance-enhancing polymorphisms in professional Italian soccer players
Patrizia Proia,1 Antonino Bianco,1 Gabriella Schiera,2 Patrizia Saladino,2 Valentina Contr&ograve;,1 Giovanni Caramazza,3 Marcello Traina,1 Keith A Grimaldi,4 Antonio Palma,1 Antonio Paoli5 1Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit, 2Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy; 3Regional Sports School of CONI Sicilia, Sicily, Italy; 4Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece; 5Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, Padua, Italy Background: The PPAR&alpha; gene encodes the peroxisome proliferato…
Anaerobic test on rowing ergometer in young rowers
PURPOSE: Performance over 2000m on a rowing ergometer is dependent upon the functional capacity of both the aerobic and anaerobic energy pathway. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between anaerobic power and indoor performance over 2000m in youth rowers. METHODS: Six youth rowers, 3 males and 3 females mean age 14 (range 13 – 15), performed, on a separate occasion, two maximal ergometer power tests, on 20” and on 60”, and a maximal 2000m ergometer time trial. All evaluations were performed on a Concept II model D air braked rowing ergometer (Concept2, Nottingham, UK). Average speed over 2000m (V) and average power over 20” (W20) and over 60” (W60) were measured. The d…
Effects “beyond-cholesterol” of statins: simvastatin reduces the levels of atherogenic lipoproteins in patients with premature coronary artery disease
Quando e quali pazienti sottoporre a rivascolarizzazione coronarica?
Guida subacquea per apneisti non vedenti
Modular and removable structure, variable in height, to be fixed/anchored to the bottom of the swimming pool/tank through sliding tracks suitable for the two cables located at both sides of the swimming-pool along the same modules.On the one hand, the diving guide was designed to allow blind divers to move inside the pool autonomously and safely, without the help of instructors even when more than one diver is present in the pool/lane. On the other hand, the diving guide can be stretched to reach various lengths when needed.
Comparison of Right Ventricular Longitudinal Strain Imaging, Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion, and Cardiac Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis of Cardiac Involvement and Risk Stratification in AL Amyloidosis: a Five Year Cohort Study
Objectives: The aim was to determine the role of assessing right ventricular (RV) function, using standard echocardiography and Doppler myocardial imaging (DMI), in the early diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis (CA) and in prediction of mortality. Methods: A total of 249 patients with AL amyloidosis were categorized on the basis of left ventricular thickness and E' velocity, and compared to 38 age- and sex-matched controls. Standard echocardiographic parameters of RV function were assessed, and longitudinal systolic myocardial velocity, strain rate (sSR), and strain (sS) were determined for the basal and middle RV free wall segments. Patients were followed for the endpoint of mortality. Result…
Relationship between maximal fat oxidation and oxygen uptake: comparison between type 2 diabetes patients and healthy sedentary subjects
The contribution of fat oxidation to energy production during exercise is influenced by intensity of exercise. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the highest value of fat oxidation rate (FATmax) and the oxygen uptake (VO2) in sedentary type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients vs healthy sedentary subjects. Sedentary T2D patients and healthy sedentary subjects were evaluated to a graded exercise test, and oxygen uptake and fat oxidation rate were detected. Data show that in T2D patients fat oxidation rate is not impaired and the positive linear correlation between FATmax and both VO2 and VO2max suggests that even in T2D patients the muscle oxidative capacity might increase in…
La spalla del pallavolista: studio epidemiologico
Biochemical adaptations in middle-distance runners: an assessment of blood and anthropometric parameters
In order to understand the mechanism underlying the physiological adaptation of purely aerobic workout, we investigated the effect of 2 months of training on nine males (17-22 year-old) middle distance running agonistic athletes. Blood sample was collected in the morning to analyze: hematological parameters, lipid profile, liver function enzymes [glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase, gamma-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT)] and skeletal and myocardial markers of muscle damage [creatin kinase (CK) and creatin kinase MB (CK-MB)]. Endurance training, as it implies high oxygen consumption, should increase reactive oxygen species, but it has been shown that exercise lea…
Association between Tpeak-Tend/QT and major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with Takotsubo syndrome
Background:Conflicting results have been described in the scientific literature regarding the relationship between electrocardiographic parameters and complications in patients with Takotsubo syndrome (TTS). Aim of the present study was to investigate whether there is an association between markers of ventricular repolarization and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) during hospitalisation. Methods:A retrospective chart review was conducted on a sample of patients with diagnosis of TTS, based on the fulfilment of the revised Mayo Clinic criteria. MACE included acute heart failure, cardiogenic shock, sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and death. The following…
Le attività motorie nella scoliosi minore
Scopo dello studio è stato quello di analizzare la relazione tra atteggiamento scoliotico dorsale e difetti di convergenza oculare. In 40 soggetti giovani adolescenti maschi di età compresa tra 10 e 12 anni è stata eseguita una valutazione delle curve rachidee con scoliosometro ed un esame stabilometrico mediante piattaforma Baropodometrica Elettronica Modulare “Diagnostic Support”, da cui sono stati ricavati la velocità di variazione, la deviazione media coronale (x-medio), la deviazione media sagittale (y-medio) e la superficie e lunghezza dello statokinesigramma. Inoltre, per l’analisi della funzionalità del recettore oculare, sono stati effettuati il test di convergenza oculare e il cov…
Long-Term Structural and Functional Myocardial Adaptations in Healthy Living Kidney Donors: A Pilot Study
Background and Aims Compensatory renal hypertrophy following unilateral nephrectomy (UNX) occurs in the remaining kidney. However, the long-Term cardiac adaptive process to UNX remains poorly defined in humans. Our goal was to characterize myocardial structure and function in living kidney donors (LKDs), approximately 12 years after UNX. Methods and Results Cardiac function and structure in 15 Italian LKDs, at least 5 years after UNX (median time from donation = 8.4 years) was investigated and compared to those of age and sex matched U.S. citizens healthy controls (n = 15). Standard and speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) was performed in both LKDs and controls. Plasma angiotensin II, a…
Analysis of body composition and blood parameters on 20 subjects after 6 months of training with SuperJump
The “Jill Cooper’s aerobic accellerator system” uses high quality rebound, modified to increase the acceleration, create a more accommodating work surface, greater stability and cushioning to protect joints. Thanks to the three forces of acceleration, deceleration, and the force of gravity, for each jump, the one-way valves of the lymphatic pathways open and close pushing the lymph towards the next “closed”. This action allows the lymphatic system to make a full turn faster than usual. We investigate the effects of 6 months of training on 20 subjects (age: 37 ± 19; weight: 74 ± 19 Kg; height:164,5 ± 13,5 cm; BMI: 28,13 ± 6,876 Kg/m2; % body fat: 26 ± 14,7 Kg). Antropometric parameters were …
Resting sympatho-vagal balance is related to 10 km running performance in master endurance athletes
Relationships between heart rate recovery after exercise (HRR, baseline heart rate variability measures (HRV), and time to perform a 10Km running trial (t10Km) were evaluated in "master" athletes of endurance to assess whether the measured indexes may be useful for monitoring the training status of the athletes. Ten “master” athletes of endurance, aged 40-60 years, were recruited. After baseline measures of HRV, the athletes performed a graded maximal test on treadmill and HRR was measured at 1 and 2 minutes from recovery. Subsequently they performed a 10Km running trial and t10Km was related to HRV and HRR indexes. The time to perform a 10Km running trial was significantly correlated with …
Diabetes, family hystory and extension of coronary atherosclerosis are strong predictors of adverse events after PTCA: a one year follow-up study
The present paper is not only a review of the literature on pelvic incidence parameter, is also designed to reflect anew to the actions of preventive and compensatory physical activity, with particular reference to abdominal exercises. The incidence pelvic anatomy is a parameter whose value represents the angle between the perpendicular to the sacral plate at its midpoint and the line joining this point to the axis of the femoral head; it controls the spinal curves in accordance with the adaptability other parameters. The studies analyzed here suggest new considerations to be applied in the dynamic execution of preventive and compensatory physical activity. The training of the muscles lumba…
Seasonal Changes in physiological parameters in young club level rowers
Aims: To evaluate variations in biometrics, physiological and performance parameters over a seasonal training – from September to March - in club level young rowers. Methods: Six young rowers, age 13-15, affiliated with a rowing club member of the Italian Rowing Federation, were assessed three times at regular three-months intervals (September, December, and March) during the 2011 season. Biometrics evaluations included stature, body mass and body composition, whereas physiological assessments on rowing ergometer included maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) obtained during an incremental test, and average power output values obtained during a 2000m trial (W2000) and during a 20-sec (W20) and a 6…
Potenza ai remi. Relazione tra potenza anaerobica e prestazione in giovani canottieri: come programmare e monitorare l’allenamento
L'ansia come fattore di rischio: un'indagine preliminare in cardiologia interventistica e cardiochirurgia
Numerose ricerche sottolineano l'importanza dei fattori psicosociali individuali e ambientali, nello sviluppo dei disturbi cardiovascolari. Individuare quali sono i fattori psicologici che influenzano il modo in cui gli individui reagiscono ed affrontano l'esperienza di malattia serve a stabilire le azioni chiave per favorire il processo di guarigione. Rispetto all'estesa letteratura sulla depressione sono ancora poche le ricerche che affrontano il problema dell'ansia e dei suoi effetti sui pazienti cardiovascolari. Nella nostra ricerca vengono riportati i dati relativi a 61 soggetti (42 maschi e 19 femmine) di età media 58 ± 10 anni che devono essere sottoposti ad interventi cardiochirurgi…
Un allenamento regolare di grado moderato, e di tipo prevalentemente aerobico ha effetti positivi sul benessere generale ed in particolare sulla performance cardiovascolare, apportando un contributo significativo nella prevenzione primaria delle cardiopatie, in quanto elemento essenziale del trattamento di malattie metaboliche quali obesità, diabete mellito, dislipidemia, o dell’aterosclerosi, condizioni riconosciute come fattori di rischio di eventi cardiovascolari. L’esercizio moderato è inoltre essenziale nella prevenzione secondaria e nella fase riabilitativa della cardiopatia ischemica o dell’insufficienza cardiaca. Gli effetti benefici non sono però così chiari quando l’attività fisic…
Relationship between maxinal lipid oxidation and oxygen uptake in sedentary patients with type 2 diabetes
Analisi dei fattori di prevenzione del Jumper’s Knee nella pallavolo
Does a specific genetic background influence endurance or power-orientated phenotypes?
The purpose of this study was to determine the probability of individuals having the “best” mitochondrial biogenesis related polygenic profile that could increase performance. We compared polygenic profile analyzing several polymorphisms on sixty professional italian soccer players, considered “power-oriented athletes” and thirty sedentary volunteers. Samples of venous blood were obtained by standard clinical procedures and anticoagulant-treated blood was used to prepare genomic DNA. The polymorphic sites were scanned using PCR-RFLP protocols with different enzyme. Furthermore, a cloted part of venus blood sample was used to obtain serum from which we analyzed total cholesterol, high densit…
Relation between late potentials and echocardiographically determined left ventricular mass in healthy subjects.
Optimal range on angle of lumbar lordosis for the prevention of low back pain and for the increase of strenght in the strokes of young kayakers
Managing low back pain with mat work basic Pilates
The effects of canrenone on left ventricle diastolic function, left atrial compliance and on atrial natriuretic hormones in some subjects with “challenge hypertension”.
STUDY PROPOSAL: Proposal to evaluate the response of left ventricular function of 30 patients with challenge hypertension to 50 or 100 mg of canrenone. Evaluation will be performed by repeated control of echocardiographic parameters, left atrial function and NT-proBNP. We also will use Tissue Doppler Imaging to identify and follow early left ventricular dysfunction. Careful monitoring of serum creatinine and electrolyte levels will be carried out. At the end of the study we will be able to identify the best dose of aldosterone we can recommend to control hypertension and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. In possible successive evaluations other end points such as mortality, morbility,…