

Stopping powers of havar and effective charge for 1.4–3.2 MeV/u 127I-ions

Jyrki RäisänenT. AlankoV KyllönenJ HyvönenAri Virtanen


Nuclear physicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsChemistryEmpirical correctionStopping power (particle radiation)Atomic physicsInstrumentationEffective nuclear chargeIon


Abstract Stopping powers of havar for 1.4–3.2 MeV/u 127 I-ions have been determined by the transmission technique using two geometrical arrangements. No previous data have been published for havar with this ion. The experimental data are compared with predictions obtained by using Bragg’s additivity rule with various parametrizations of the stopping power found in the literature. The values obtained by the parametrizations underestimate the experimental data by 5–11%. The empirical correction scheme of Thwaites yields values in rather good agreement with the present results, especially at energies above 1.9 MeV/u. The effective charges of the 127 I ions were also deduced from the experimental data.
