

The first Virtual Compton Scattering experiment at MAMI

V. KundeY. RoblinA. LiesenfeldP. SauerJ. BerthotP. MerleP.y. BertinJ. MartinoMarc VanderhaeghenJ. RocheK. MerleH. SchmiedenJ.m. FriedrichT. CapranoS. KerhoasS. SchardtR. BöhmDaniela RoheG. TamasM. O. DistlerG. QuéménerR. Van De VyverA. WagnerO. RavelHarald MerkelTh. PospischilTh. GoussetJ.e. DucretJ. Y. MougeyI. EwaldN. D'hoseP. JenneweinN. DegrandeTh. WalcherMichael TytgatD. LhuillierCh. Hyde-wrightR. EdelhoffG. RosnerG. De MeyerH. FonvieilleD. MarchandP. VerninS. DerberM. KahrauH. KramerJ. Van De WieleVincent BretonP. BartschW.u. BoeglinM. DingP.a.m. GuichonH. HolvoetR. GeigesJ.m. FriedrichC. MarchandB. LannoyL. Van HoorebekeK. W. KrygierDirk RyckboschR. NeuhausenM. Korn


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy Physics[PHYS.HEXP] Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]ProtonSpectrometer010308 nuclear & particles physicsCompton scatteringVirtual particleObservable01 natural sciences7. Clean energyNuclear physics0103 physical sciences[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]Nuclear Experiment010306 general physicsMicrotron


Abstract Virtual Compton scattering, i.e. the exclusive reaction γ ∗ p → γ′p′ with γ ∗ denoting a virtual photon, provides new insights on the internal structure of the proton. Below π 0 production threshold, this experiment measures the generalized polarizabilities of the proton as defined by Guichon et al [1], [2] and Drechsel et al [3]. These new electromagnetic observables, functions of Q 2 , enlarge the concept of electric (α0 and magnetic (β) polarizabilities in Real Compton Scattering ( Q 2 =0) [4]. The first VCS experiment [5] of this kind was measured at the three spectrometer facility at the Mainz Microtron MAMI for Q 2 =0.33 GeV 2 and we present in this paper the preliminary results.
