

Spin-echo entanglement protection from random telegraph noise

Giuseppe CompagnoAntonio D'arrigoElisabetta PaladinoGiuseppe FalciRosario Lo Franco


PhysicsSuperconductivityEntanglement dynamicsQuantum PhysicsBistabilityFOS: Physical sciencesConcurrenceQuantum entanglementQuantum PhysicsCondensed Matter Physics01 natural sciencesNoise (electronics)Settore FIS/03 - Fisica Della MateriaAtomic and Molecular Physics and Optics010305 fluids & plasmasOpen quantum systemQubitQuantum mechanics0103 physical sciencesSpin echoSuperconducting qubit010306 general physicsQuantum Physics (quant-ph)Telegraph processMathematical Physics


We analyze local spin-echo procedures to protect entanglement between two non-interacting qubits, each subject to pure-dephasing random telegraph noise. For superconducting qubits this simple model captures characteristic features of the effect of bistable impurities coupled to the device. An analytic expression for the entanglement dynamics is reported. Peculiar features related to the non-Gaussian nature of the noise already observed in the single qubit dynamics also occur in the entanglement dynamics for proper values of the ratio $g=v/\gamma$, between the qubit-impurity coupling strength and the switching rate of the random telegraph process, and of the separation between the pulses $\Delta t$. We find that the echo procedure may delay the disappearance of entanglement, cancel the dynamical structure of entanglement revivals and dark periods, and induce peculiar plateau-like behaviors of the concurrence.
