European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis: Overview and introduction to the full Supplement publication
C. HerrmannS. MádaiPaul HewitsonG. YoungNereo SegnanC. MonkAnath FlugelmanLars AabakkenJulietta PatnickJulietta PatnickMauro RisioLydia VotiLydia VotiL. Von KarsaE. Van CutsemMarion R. NadelR. Ancelle-parkMichal F. KaminskiLivia GiordanoRita BanziMichael ViethJ. MarinhoGad RennertIris Lansdorp-vogelaarG. MinoliMichael PignoneSven TörnbergE. J. KuipersJ. BlomH. ErfkampChristian PoxR. LeicesterStepan SuchanekSteve SmithN. MalilaPhilip QuirkeHidemi WatanabeMaqsood SiddiqiMarco ZappaH. SaitoEvelien DekkerDavid A. LiebermanS. ArrossiLutz AltenhofenPaola ArmaroliJaroslaw RegulaHolten IwJuozas KurtinaitisRobert H. RiddellBerta M. GellerN. DelicataA. AnttilaJ. FaivreRené LambertGrazia GrazziniN. AntoljakL. Faulds WoodL. NeamtiuEero SuonioMarcis LejaCarlo SenoreW. LeeP. VillainW. TongWolff SchmiegelD. SighokoD. SighokoT LigniniLinda RabeneckEric LucasM. Peris TuserRichard D. SmithStephen P HalloranStephen P HalloranM. RasmussenAntónio Pedro Delgado MoraisM. DaiC. HamashimaCatherine SauvagetJill DanielJill DanielGuy LaunoyDavid F. RansohoffSidney J. WinawerJack CuzickHermann BrennerM. Primic-zakeljGeir HoffRobert SteeleJ. Maučec ZakotnikJ. A. EspinàsWendy AtkinAstrid ScharpantgenS. DucarrozRichard MuwongeJoanna WatsonLuca VignatelliRoland ValoriJ. RenM. Camargo CancelaGuido CostamagnaVitor RodriguesJoan AustokerS. Frkovic-grazioV. ZaksasJ. F. ReySue MossR. JoverSilvia MinozziJ. PsailaJane GreenMichael BretthauerCristina BellisarioElsebeth Lyngesubject
medicine.medical_specialtyPathologyCIENCIAS MÉDICAS Y DE LA SALUDQuality Assurance Health CareSettore MED/18 - CHIRURGIA GENERALEPopulationMEDLINECiencias de la SaludScientific literatureCOLON CANCERGUIDELINESArticle//purl.org/becyt/ford/3.3 [https]SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingHealth caremedicinemedia_common.cataloged_instanceQUALITYHumansMass ScreeningMedical physicsEuropean unioneducationMass screeningEarly Detection of Cancermedia_commoneducation.field_of_studyEvidence-Based Medicinebusiness.industryGastroenterologyÉtica MédicaEvidence-based medicineSCREENINGHealth CareEurope//purl.org/becyt/ford/3 [https]colorectal cancer screening; guidelines; quality assurancebusinessQuality AssuranceColorectal NeoplasmsQuality assurancedescription
Population-based screening for early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC) and precursor lesions, using evidence-based methods, can be effective in populations with a significant burden of the disease provided the services are of high quality. Multidisciplinary, evidence-based guidelines for quality assurance in CRC screening and diagnosis have been developed by experts in a project co-financed by the European Union. The 450-page guidelines were published in book format by the European Commission in 2010. They include 10 chapters and over 250 recommendations, individually graded according to the strength of the recommendation and the supporting evidence. Adoption of the recommendations can improve and maintain the quality and effectiveness of an entire screening process, including identification and invitation of the target population, diagnosis and management of the disease and appropriate surveillance in people with detected lesions. To make the principles, recommendations and standards in the guidelines known to a wider professional and scientific community and to facilitate their use in the scientific literature, the original content is presented in journal format in an open-access Supplement of Endoscopy. The editors have prepared the present overview to inform readers of the comprehensive scope and content of the guidelines. Fil: Arrossi, Silvina. Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina Fil: von Karsa, Lawrence. International Agency for Research on Cancer; Francia Fil: Patrick, J.. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes Sheffield; Reino Unido. University of Oxford; Reino Unido Fil: Segnan, N.. International Agency for Research on Cancer; Francia. AO Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino; Italia Fil: Atkin, W.. Imperial College London; Reino Unido Fil: Halloran, S.. University of Surrey; Reino Unido Fil: Saito, H.. National Cancer Centre; Japón Fil: Sauvaget, C.. International Agency for Research on Cancer; Francia Fil: Scharpantgen, A.. Ministry of Health; Luxemburgo Fil: Schmiegel, W.. Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Alemania Fil: Senore, C.. AO Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino; Italia Fil: Siddiqi, M.. Cancer Foundation of India; India Fil: Sighoko, D.. University of Chicago; Estados Unidos. Formerly International Agency for Research on Cancer; Francia Fil: Smith, R.. American Cancer Society; Estados Unidos Fil: Smith S.. University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust; Reino Unido Fil: Suchanek, S.. Charles University; República Checa Fil: Suonio, E.. International Agency for Research on Cancer; Francia Fil: Tong, W.. Chinese Academy of Sciences; República de China Fil: Törnberg, S.. Stockholm Gotland Regional Cancer Centre. Department of Cancer Screening; Suecia Fil: Van Cutsem, E.. Katholikie Universiteit Leuven; Bélgica Fil: Vignatelli, L.. Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale Regionale; Italia Fil: Villain, P.. University of Oxford; Reino Unido Fil: Voti, L.. Formerly International Agency for Research on Cancer; Francia. University of Miami; Estados Unidos Fil: Watanabe, H.. Niigata University; Japón Fil: Watson, J.. University of Oxford; Reino Unido Fil: Winawer, S.. Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center; Estados Unidos Fil: Young, G.. Flinders University. Gastrointestinal Services; Australia Fil: Zaksas, V.. State Patient Fund; Lituania Fil: Zappa, M.. Cancer Prevention and Research Institute; Italia Fil: Valori, R.. NHS Endoscopy; Reino Unido
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2013-01-01 |