Marcis Leja
Improving uptake of screening for colorectal cancer: a study on invitation strategies and different test kit use
Objective The aim of this study was to compare the uptake of mail-delivered tests for colorectal cancer screening. We assessed the effect of an advance notification letter and a reminder letter, and analysed the proportion of inappropriately handled tests. Materials and methods Fifteen thousand randomly selected residents of Latvia aged 50–74 years were allocated to receive one of three different test systems: either a guaiac faecal occult blood test (gFOBT) or one of two laboratory-based immunochemical tests (FIT) – FOB Gold or OC-Sensor. Half of the target population received an advance notification letter; all nonresponders were sent a reminder letter. Results The uptake of screening was…
Molecular diagnostics in gastric cancer.
Despite recent advances in individualised targeted therapy, gastric cancer remains one of the most challenging diseases in gastrointestinal oncology. Modern imaging techniques using endoscopic filter devices and in vivo molecular imaging are designed to enable early detection of the cancer and surveillance of patients at risk. Molecular characterisation of the tumour itself as well as of the surrounding inflammatory environment is more sophisticated in the view of tailored therapies and individual prognostic assessment. The broad application of high throughput techniques for the description of genome wide patterns of structural (copy number aberrations, single nucleotide polymorphisms, meth…
Modular Breath Analyzer (MBA): Introduction of a Breath Analyzer Platform Based on an Innovative and Unique, Modular eNose Concept for Breath Diagnostics and Utilization of Calibration Transfer Methods in Breath Analysis Studies
Exhaled breath analysis for early disease detection may provide a convenient method for painless and non-invasive diagnosis. In this work, a novel, compact and easy-to-use breath analyzer platform with a modular sensing chamber and direct breath sampling unit is presented. The developed analyzer system comprises a compact, low volume, temperature-controlled sensing chamber in three modules that can host any type of resistive gas sensor arrays. Furthermore, in this study three modular breath analyzers are explicitly tested for reproducibility in a real-life breath analysis experiment with several calibration transfer (CT) techniques using transfer samples from the experiment. The experiment …
PVAmpliconFinder: a workflow for the identification of human papillomaviruses from high-throughput amplicon sequencing
Abstract Background The detection of known human papillomaviruses (PVs) from targeted wet-lab approaches has traditionally used PCR-based methods coupled with Sanger sequencing. With the introduction of next-generation sequencing (NGS), these approaches can be revisited to integrate the sequencing power of NGS. Although computational tools have been developed for metagenomic approaches to search for known or novel viruses in NGS data, no appropriate tool is available for the classification and identification of novel viral sequences from data produced by amplicon-based methods. Results We have developed PVAmpliconFinder, a data analysis workflow designed to rapidly identify and classify kno…
Helicobacter pyloriand Non-malignant Diseases
In 2007 Helicobacter pylori research continued to deal with some controversies raised in the last decade. The main problems remain unsolved: peptic ulcer disease negative for H. pylori, synergism of H. pylori infection and aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or cyclooxygenase 2 specific inhibitors, the role of H. pylori eradication in uninvestigated and nonulcer dyspepsia, and the possible protective effect of H. pylori infection against gastroesophageal reflux disease and its complications such as Barrett's esophagus and adenocarcinoma. The incidence and prevalence of peptic ulcer disease as well as ulcer-related mortality are continuing to decline all over the world. Th…
Profiles of Volatile Biomarkers Detect Tuberculosis from Skin
Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that threatens >10 million people annually. Despite advances in TB diagnostics, patients continue to receive an insufficient diagnosis as TB symptoms are not specific. Many existing biodiagnostic tests are slow, have low clinical performance, and can be unsuitable for resource‐limited settings. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a rapid, sputum‐free, and cost‐effective triage test for real‐time detection of TB is urgently needed. This article reports on a new diagnostic pathway enabling a noninvasive, fast, and highly accurate way of detecting TB. The approach relies on TB‐specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are …
CD9a expression in premalignant lesions, gastric and colorectal carcinoma
BRCA1 gene-related hereditary susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer in Latvia
Abstract Purpose In this report, we summarise data on BRCA1 gene analysis in Latvia to characterise criteria of genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility. Material/methods Analysis by SSCP/HD, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry or DNA sequencing was used for mutation detection. Mutations identified were confirmed by direct DNA sequencing. Results Out of 1068 breast and 231 ovarian cancer patients from different families: 58 carried the c.5266dupC and 43 carried the c.4035delA mutations. Every 4th patient in our study did not report cancer in the family. The breast cancer was diagnosed earlier in carriers of the c.5266dupC than in carriers of the c.4035delA ( p = 0.003). The inc…
Lack of significant differences between gastrointestinal tract microbial population structure of Helicobacter pylori-infected subjects before and 2 years after a single eradication event.
Background According to recent estimates 80% of Latvian population is infected with Helicobacter pylori thus their susceptibility to numerous gastric tract diseases is increased. The 1st line H. pylori eradication therapy includes treatment with clarithromycin in combination with amoxicillin or metronidazole and a proton pump inhibitor. However, potential adverse events caused by such therapies to microbiome are insufficiently studied. Objective This study aimed to evaluate the long-term effect of H. pylori eradication on human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) microbiome. Methods The assessment of H pylori eradication impact on GIT microbiome was done by analyzing 120 samples acquired from 60 s…
Does Family History of Cancer Influence Undergoing Screening and Gastrointestinal Investigations?
Background and Aims: Although a family history of cancer (FHC) can modify the lifestyle and attitudes towards participation in cancer screening programs, studies on this relationship show mixed results and vary across populations. The objectives of the study were to compare sociodemographic characteristics, history of gastrointestinal (GI) investigations and Helicobacter pylori eradication, and modifiable cancer risk factors between those with FHC and those with no FHC (NFHC), and to investigate the association between FHC and a history of GI investigations.
 Methods: A total of 3,455 questionnaires from the pilot study of the “Helicobacter pylori eradication and pepsinogen testing for…
Abstract 4246: Associations of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive gastric cancer with circulating mediators of inflammation and immune response
Abstract Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) positivity defines one of four major molecular types of gastric cancer in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). However, viral status is not routinely determined in clinical practice and tumor samples are not generally collected in epidemiologic research. Histologically, EBV-positive gastric cancer is characterized by prominent inflammatory infiltrate. In molecular analyses from TCGA, EBV-positive gastric cancer had significantly higher expression of several chemokines, chemokine receptors and programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) as compared to other molecular types combined. We hypothesized that EBV tumor status may also be reflected in profiles of circulating chem…
The Volatilomic Footprints of Human HGC-27 and CLS-145 Gastric Cancer Cell Lines
The presence of certain volatile biomarkers in the breath of patients with gastric cancer has been reported by several studies; however, the origin of these compounds remains controversial. In vitro studies, involving gastric cancer cells may address this problem and aid in revealing the biochemical pathways underlying the production and metabolism of gastric cancer volatile indicators. Gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, coupled with headspace needle trap extraction as the pre-concentration technique, has been applied to map the volatilomic footprints of human HGC-27 and CLS-145 gastric cancer cell lines and normal Human Stomach Epithelial Cells (HSEC). In total, 27 volat…
Prostate cancer incidence and mortality in the Baltic states, Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine
BackgroundProstate cancer incidence varies internationally largely attributable to differences in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) use. The aim of this study was to provide the most recent detailed international epidemiological comparison of prostate cancer incidence and mortality in six north-eastern European countries (Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Russian Federation and Ukraine).MethodsThe number of incident prostate cancer cases was obtained from the countries national cancer registries. Prostate cancer mortality and corresponding population data were extracted from the WHO Mortality Database. Age-specific and age-standardised incidence and mortality rates were calculated (Eur…
Research on Application of Data Mining Methods to Diagnosing Gastric Cancer
Constantly evolving technologies bring new possibilities for supporting decision making in different areas - finance, marketing, production, social area, healthcare and others. Decision support systems are widely used in medicine in developed countries and show positive results. This research reveals several possibilities of application of data mining methods to diagnosing gastric cancer, which is the fourth leading cancer type in incidence after the breast, lung and colorectal cancers. A simple decision support system model was introduced and tested using gastric cancer inquiry form statistical data. The obtained results reveal both the benefits and potential of application of DSS aimed to…
miR-20b and miR-451a Are Involved in Gastric Carcinogenesis through the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway: Data from Gastric Cancer Patients, Cell Lines and Ins-Gas Mouse Model
Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common and lethal gastrointestinal malignancies worldwide. Many studies have shown that development of GC and other malignancies is mainly driven by alterations of cellular signaling pathways. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding molecules that function as tumor-suppressors or oncogenes, playing an essential role in a variety of fundamental biological processes. In order to understand the functional relevance of miRNA dysregulation, studies analyzing their target genes are of major importance. Here, we chose to analyze two miRNAs, miR-20b and miR-451a, shown to be deregulated in many different malignancies, including GC. Deregulated expression of miR…
Horizon Europe, the new programme for research & innovation: Which opportunities for GI research in the years to come?
Ikivėžinių skrandžio gleivinės pokyčių paplitimas Helicobacter pylori sukelto lėtinio gastrito metu tarp Rytų Europos (Lietuvos, Latvijos) ir Azijos (Taivano) ligonių
The aim of the study was to compare the prevalence and severity of precancerous condition – gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia (IM) between Eastern European (Lithuania and Latvia) and Asian (Taiwan) countries in population older than 55 years. Methods. Patients aged 55 years and older, referred for upper endoscopy due to dyspeptic symptoms, were included in the study. Gastric biopsies were histological investigated according modified Sydney classification. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) was detected if any two of three methods (urease test, histology, and serology) were positive. Results. Overall 322 patients included: 52 from Taiwan (TW), 171 from Latvia (LV) and 99 from Lithuania …
European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis: Overview and introduction to the full Supplement publication
Population-based screening for early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC) and precursor lesions, using evidence-based methods, can be effective in populations with a significant burden of the disease provided the services are of high quality. Multidisciplinary, evidence-based guidelines for quality assurance in CRC screening and diagnosis have been developed by experts in a project co-financed by the European Union. The 450-page guidelines were published in book format by the European Commission in 2010. They include 10 chapters and over 250 recommendations, individually graded according to the strength of the recommendation and the supporting evidence. Adoption of the recomme…
Helicobacter pyloriinfection and nonmalignant diseases
A substantial decrease in Helicobacter pylori-associated peptic ulcer disease has been observed during the last decades. Drug-related ulcers as well as idiopathic ulcers are becoming predominant and are more refractory to treatment; however, H. pylori infection still plays an important role in ulcer bleeding and recurrence after therapy. The effect of H. pylori eradication upon functional dyspepsia symptoms has been reviewed in this article and generally confirms the results of previous meta-analyses. Additional evidence suggests a lack of impact upon the quality of life, in spite of improvement in symptoms. The association of H. pylori with gastroesophageal reflux disease and Barrett's eso…
Multicentric randomised study ofHelicobacter pylorieradication and pepsinogen testing for prevention of gastric cancer mortality: the GISTAR study
IntroductionPopulation-based eradication ofHelicobacter pylorihas been suggested to be cost-effective and is recommended by international guidelines. However, the potential adverse effects of widespread antibiotic use that this would entail have not been sufficiently studied. An alternative way to decrease gastric cancer mortality is by non-invasive search for precancerous lesions, in particular gastric atrophy; pepsinogen tests are the best currently available alternative. The primary objective of GISTAR is to determine whetherH pylorieradication combined with pepsinogen testing reduces mortality from gastric cancer among 40–64-year-old individuals. The secondary objectives include evaluat…
Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Using Gastrin- and Pepsinogen-Based Tests
Abstract Gastrin-17 (G-17), pepsinogen-1 (Pg1) and pepsinogen-2 (Pg2) reflect the functional state of gastric mucosa and are used for non-invasive diagnosis and screening of atrophic gastritis. The aim of the study was to clarify if erosive reflux disease (ERD) or non-ERD (NERD) can be distinguished from other dyspeptic conditions in patients, in a non-invasive manner using specific biomarkers. Levels of G-17, Pg1, and Pg2 were measured in 141 ERD patients (median age 48 years, males — 68), 122 NERD patients (median age 45 years, males — 32) and 410 control patients (median age 50 years, males — 97). Levels of biomarkers in ERD and NERD groups were compared to controls. Median levels of G-1…
Class Decomposition for Gastric Cancer Detection from Breath
Association of Long Non-Coding RNA Polymorphisms with Gastric Cancer and Atrophic Gastritis
Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) play an important role in the carcinogenesis of various tumours, including gastric cancer. This study aimed to assess the associations of lncRNA ANRIL, H19, MALAT1, MEG3, HOTAIR single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with gastric cancer and atrophic gastritis. SNPs were analyzed in 613 gastric cancer patients, 118 patients with atrophic gastritis and 476 controls from three tertiary centers in Germany, Lithuania and Latvia. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. SNPs were genotyped by the real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results showed that carriers of MALAT1 rs3200401 CT genotype had the significantly higher odds of atrophic gastritis …
Pepsinogen testing for evaluation of the success of Helicobacter pylori eradication at 4 weeks after completion of therapy.
Background and objective: Pepsinogen levels in plasma are increased by inflammation in the gastric mucosa, including inflammation resulting from Helicobacter pylori infection. A decrease in pepsinogen II level has been suggested as a reliable marker to confirm the successful eradication of infection. The aim of our study was to evaluate the potential role of pepsinogens I and II, gastrin-17 and H. pylori antibodies in confirming successful eradication. Material and methods: Altogether 42 patients (25 women, 17 men), mean age 45 years (range 23–74), were enrolled. Pepsinogens I and II, gastrin-17 and H. pylori IgG antibodies were measured in plasma samples using an ELISA test (Biohit, Oyj., …
Interobserver variation in assessment of gastric premalignant lesions: higher agreement for intestinal metaplasia than for atrophy.
Background Either atrophy or intestinal metaplasia of the gastric mucosa are considered premalignant lesions. The new operative link for gastritis assessment staging system is based on the detection of atrophy, and the operative link for assessment of intestinal metaplasia staging system is based on the detection of intestinal metaplasia. Good interobserver agreement is necessary for identification of any premalignant condition. Aims The aim of this study was to compare the agreement between findings of gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia by expert and general pathologists and to analyze the possible reasons behind any possible disagreement. Methods Patients with dyspeptic symptoms, a…
Epidemiology ofHelicobacter pyloriinfection
This review provides the most recent data concerning the epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection. Overall, the trend of declining prevalence of H. pylori infection is continuing, with major evidence available from studies in Europe. However, in some parts of the world, for example, in some countries in the Middle East, the prevalence has remained relatively stable. A number of systematic reviews and meta-analyses have been published during the past year indicating the lowest prevalence rates of the infection in Oceania (24.4%), the highest in Africa (79.1%), and the global annual recurrence rate of H. pylori (4.3%). The recurrence rates were found to be directly related to the human d…
Accuracy of two plasma antibody tests and faecal antigen test for non-invasive detection of H. pylori in middle-aged Caucasian general population sample.
The aim of the study was to assess the accuracy of two plasma Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) antibody test-systems and a stool antigen test (SAT) system in a general population sample in Latvia.Blood and faecal samples were analysed in healthy individuals (40-64 years), referred for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy according to pilot study protocol within a population-based study investigating gastric cancer prevention strategies (GISTAR pilot study). Antibodies to H. pylori were assessed in plasma by latex-agglutination test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). H. pylori antigen in faecal samples was detected by a monoclonal enzyme immunoassay-based SAT. Histological assessment …
Ex vivo emission of volatile organic compounds from gastric cancer and non-cancerous tissue
The presence of certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the breath of patients with gastric cancer has been reported by a number of research groups; however, the source of these compounds remains controversial. Comparison of VOCs emitted from gastric cancer tissue to those emitted from non-cancerous tissue would help in understanding which of the VOCs are associated with gastric cancer and provide a deeper knowledge on their generation. Gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS) coupled with head-space needle trap extraction (HS-NTE) as the pre-concentration technique, was used to identify and quantify VOCs released by gastric cancer and non-cancerous tissue samples c…
Sa1459 FICE Endoscopy Diagnostic Accuracy by Applying OLGA and OLGIM Systems
Screening for gastric cancer using exhaled breath samples.
Abstract Background The aim was to derive a breath-based classifier for gastric cancer using a nanomaterial-based sensor array, and to validate it in a large screening population. Methods A new training algorithm for the diagnosis of gastric cancer was derived from previous breath samples from patients with gastric cancer and healthy controls in a clinical setting, and validated in a blinded manner in a screening population. Results The training algorithm was derived using breath samples from 99 patients with gastric cancer and 342 healthy controls, and validated in a population of 726 people. The calculated training set algorithm had 82 per cent sensitivity, 78 per cent specificity and 79 …
A widely used sampling device in colorectal cancer screening programmes allows for large-scale microbiome studies.
We read with interest the article by Passamonti et al ,1 reporting the performance of two different faecal immunochemical tests (FITs) highlighting the importance of standardisation and validation of screening methodologies. Conventionally, laboratory-based FIT is the preferred approach in testing for occult blood in faeces, which includes colorectal cancer screening programmes.2–4 The potential of preserving stable faecal samples in a widely used FIT buffer for microbiome research would enable prospective microbiome studies in generally healthy subjects undergoing colorectal cancer screening. For this purpose, we evaluated faecal sample stability in the commonly used OC-Sensor (Eiken Chemi…
Sociodemographic, Lifestyle and Medical Factors Associated with Helicobacter Pylori Infection
Background and Aims: The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is higher in developing countries and is often linked to lower socioeconomic status. Few studies have investigated the association between H. pylori and individual level characteristics in Europe, where several countries have a high prevalence of H. pylori infection. The study aimed to identify risk factors for H. pylori infection among adults in a large clinical trial in Latvia.
 Methods: 1,855 participants (40-64 years) of the “Multicenter randomized study of H. pylori eradication and pepsinogen testing for prevention of gastric cancer mortality” (GISTAR study) in Latvia tested for H. pylori IgG antibodi…
Low Prevalence of Celiac Disease among Patients with Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Latvia.
Background and Aims: Studies suggest that the prevalence of celiac disease (CD) is increased in individuals with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs), in particular, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); however, the evidence is conflicting. We aimed to analyze the prevalence of CD in patients with FGIDs in Latvia.
 Methods: This retrospective study included patients with FGIDs, referred for a gastroenterologist consultation in a secondary gastroenterology practice unit. Patients were divided into three groups – patients only with IBS (IBS group), patients only with functional dyspepsia (FD) (FD group), patients with mixed symptoms IBS and FD (Mixed group). Patient levels of tissue …
Lack of association between gene polymorphisms of Angiotensin converting enzyme, Nod-like receptor 1, Toll-like receptor 4, FAS/FASL and the presence of Helicobacter pylori-induced premalignant gastric lesions and gastric cancer in Caucasians
Abstract Background Several polymorphisms of genes involved in the immunological recognition of Helicobacter pylori and regulating apoptosis and proliferation have been linked to gastric carcinogenesis, however reported data are partially conflicting. The aim of our study was to evaluate potential associations between the presence of gastric cancer (GC) and high risk atrophic gastritis (HRAG) and polymorphisms of genes encoding Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), Nod-like receptor 1 (NOD1), Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and FAS/FASL. Methods Gene polymorphisms were analyzed in 574 subjects (GC: n = 114; HRAG: n = 222, controls: n = 238) of Caucasian origin. ACE I/D (rs4646994), NOD1 796G>…
Evidence for PTGER4, PSCA and MBOAT7 as risk genes for gastric cancer on the genome and transcriptome level
T1078 The Validity of a Biomarker Method for Indirect Detection of Gastric Mucosal Atrophy Versus Standard Histopathology
Background Atrophy of the stomach mucosa is considered to be premalignant lesion for gastric cancer development; easy identification of this condition from a blood-sample would allow identifying the group of individuals at increased risk for cancer development.
Ultrasensitive Silicon Nanowire for Real-World Gas Sensing: Noninvasive Diagnosis of Cancer from Breath Volatolome
We report on an ultrasensitive, molecularly modified silicon nanowire field effect transistor that brings together the lock-and-key and cross-reactive sensing worlds for the diagnosis of (gastric) cancer from exhaled volatolome. The sensor is able to selectively detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are linked with gastric cancer conditions in exhaled breath and to discriminate them from environmental VOCs that exist in exhaled breath samples but do not relate to the gastric cancer per se. Using breath samples collected from actual patients with gastric cancer and from volunteers who do not have cancer, blind analysis validated the ability of the reported sensor to discriminate betw…
Gastric plasma biomarkers and Operative Link for Gastritis Assessment gastritis stage
Introduction The Operative Link for Gastritis Assessment (OLGA) staging system has been proposed as a histopathological reporting system of gastric atrophy. Noninvasive methods for indirect evaluation of gastric mucosal atrophy by biomarkers are also being introduced. Objectives To analyze gastric mucosal atrophy by biomarkers, pepsinogen I (PgI), pepsinogen II (PgII), PgI/PgII ratio, fasting gastrin-17 (G-17), stimulated gastrin-17 (sG-17), in relation to OLGA gastritis stage. Patients and methods Gastric biopsies were taken from 269 prospective patients referred for upper endoscopy because of dyspeptic problems and evaluated by two expert pathologists (D.J. and P.S.). Atrophy was assessed…
Constructing Interpretable Classifiers to Diagnose Gastric Cancer Based on Breath Tests
Quick, inexpensive and accurate diagnosis of gastric cancer is a necessity, but at this moment the available methods do not hold up. One of the most promising possibilities is breath test analysis, which is quick, relatively inexpensive and comfortable to the person tested. However, this method has not yet been well explored. Therefore in this article the authors propose using transparent classification models to explain diagnostic patterns and knowledge, which is acquired in the process. The models are induced using decision tree classification algorithms and RIPPER algorithm for decision rule induction. The accuracy of these models is compared to neural network accuracy.
Generation of a novel next-generation sequencing-based method for the isolation of new human papillomavirus types
Abstract With the advent of new molecular tools, the discovery of new papillomaviruses (PVs) has accelerated during the past decade, enabling the expansion of knowledge about the viral populations that inhabit the human body. Human PVs (HPVs) are etiologically linked to benign or malignant lesions of the skin and mucosa. The detection of HPV types can vary widely, depending mainly on the methodology and the quality of the biological sample. Next-generation sequencing is one of the most powerful tools, enabling the discovery of novel viruses in a wide range of biological material. Here, we report a novel protocol for the detection of known and unknown HPV types in human skin and oral gargle …
Comparative Effectiveness of Multiple Different First-Line Treatment Regimens for Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Network Meta-analysis
Background & Aims A number of double, triple, and quadruple therapies have been proposed as first-line empiric treatments for Helicobacter pylori infection. However, knowledge of their worldwide and regional comparative efficacy is lacking. We examined the comparative effectiveness of all empirically used first-line regimens tested against standard triple treatment using a network meta-analysis of published randomized controlled trials. Methods Data extracted from eligible randomized controlled trials were entered into a Bayesian network meta-analysis to investigate the comparative efficacy of H pylori infection empiric first-line regimens and to explore their effectiveness rank order. The …
Associations of epstein-barr virus-positive gastric adenocarcinoma with circulating mediators of inflammation and immune response
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive gastric adenocarcinoma exhibits locally intense inflammation but systemic manifestations are uncertain. Our study examined whether circulating mediators of inflammation and immune response differ by tumor EBV status. From a Latvian series of 302 gastric cancer cases, we measured plasma levels of 92 immune-related proteins in the 28 patients with EBV-positive tumors and 34 patients with EBV-negative tumors. Eight markers were statistically significantly higher with tumor EBV positivity: chemokine C-C motif ligand (CCL) 20 (Odds Ratio (OR) = 3.6; p-trend = 0.001), chemokine C-X-C motif ligand 9 (OR = 3.6; p-trend = 0.003), programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1; OR…
P-0023 Gastric Cancer in Latvia in 1980 – 2010
ABSTRACT Introduction According to GLOBOCAN 2008 data gastric cancer currently is the fourth most common cancer worldwide and the second most common cause of cancer death. The objective of this study was to get comparable data on gastric cancer for 30 years period, to analyze the trends of incidence and mortality in Latvia and to compare with situation in other countries. Methods Incidence and mortality data from 1980 to 2010 in Latvia were obtained from the National Health Service. IARC (GLOBOCAN 2008) database was used for international comparisons. Incidence and mortality rates were age standardized to the World Standard Population and expressed per 100,000 population. Results There were…
Prevalence and Potential Risk Factors of Helicobacter pylori Infection among Asymptomatic Individuals in Kazakhstan
Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is associated with several risk factors such as demographic, socioeconomic status and personal habits, which vary in different populations. This is the most up-to-date data on H. pylori prevalence and potential risk factors for H. pylori infection among asymptomatic middle-aged individuals in Kazakhstan. Methods: Apparently healthy individuals aged 40 to 64, who took part in the health control in the outpatient clinic, were invited to participate in the study; answered a questionnaire, donated a blood sample. The antibodies to H. pylori were analysed by latex agglutination method. The baseline characteristics of study subjects with or wi…
Review: Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori.
This review summarizes the recent knowledge on the epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori and the potential modes of transmission. In addition to English language publications, the authors have included original full-text publications from Russia and Latin America published in the original languages. High H pylori prevalence has been reported in Russia, Jordan, Iran, China, and Latin American countries as well as in Arctic populations in Canada. Indigenous inhabitants in the Arctic were found to be infected substantially more frequently than non-indigenous inhabitants. In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the ethnic minority groups were at a significantly higher risk of being H pylori seropositive c…
Evidence for PTGER4 ,PSCA, and MBOAT7 as risk genes for gastric cancer on the genome and transcriptome level
Genetic associations between variants on chromosome 5p13 and 8q24 and gastric cancer (GC) have been previously reported in the Asian population. We aimed to replicate these findings and to characterize the associations at the genome and transcriptome level. We performed a fine-mapping association study in 1926 GC patients and 2012 controls of European descent using high dense SNP marker sets on both chromosomal regions. Next, we performed expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) analyses using gastric transcriptome data from 143 individuals focusing on the GC associated variants. On chromosome 5p13 the strongest association was observed at rs6872282 (P = 2.53 x 10(-04)) and on chromosome …
Abstract 2370: Elevated levels of anti-Epstein Barr virus (EBV) antibodies in EBV-associated gastric carcinoma
Abstract Background: Almost 10% of gastric carcinomas contain Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA, which is not found in other gastrointestinal tract cancers. EBV-positive tumors have distinct clinico-epidemiologic features and are molecularly characterized by recurrent PIK3CA and absent TP53 mutations, JAK2 and PD-L1/L2 amplifications, and extreme DNA hypermethylation. Identification of the gastric cancer-specific antibody response to this common infection may elucidate its contribution to carcinogenesis and provide a non-invasive method to detect EBV-positive gastric tumors. Methods: Plasma samples from Latvian patients with EBV-positive (n=28) and -negative (n=34) gastric cancer were immune-pro…
Sex differences in the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection: an individual participant data pooled analysis (StoP Project)
Background Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is more frequent among men, though the magnitude of the association might be inaccurate due to potential misclassification of lifetime infection and publication bias. Moreover, infection is common, and most studies are cross-sectional. Thus, prevalence ratios (PRs) may be easier to interpret than odds ratios (ORs). Aim The aim of this study was to quantify the association between sex and H. pylori infection using controls from 14 studies from the Stomach Cancer Pooling (StoP) Project. Participants and methods H. pylori infection was defined based on IgG serum antibody titers or multiplex serology. Participants were also classified as infe…
Increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in young adults in Europe over the last 25 years
ObjectiveThe incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) declines among subjects aged 50 years and above. An opposite trend appears among younger adults. In Europe, data on CRC incidence among younger adults are lacking. We therefore aimed to analyse European trends in CRC incidence and mortality in subjects younger than 50 years.DesignData on age-related CRC incidence and mortality between 1990 and 2016 were retrieved from national and regional cancer registries. Trends were analysed by Joinpoint regression and expressed as annual percent change.ResultsWe retrieved data on 143.7 million people aged 20–49 years from 20 European countries. Of them, 187 918 (0.13%) were diagnosed with CRC. On averag…
Additional file 2 of PVAmpliconFinder: a workflow for the identification of human papillomaviruses from high-throughput amplicon sequencing
Additional file 2: Supplementary Data 1. Info file description. Supplementary Data 2. Details of the workflow steps. Supplementary Data 3. Description of output files format. Supplementary Data 4. Sample collection, preparation, and sequencing
Repeatability Study on a Classifier for Gastric Cancer Detection from Breath Sensor Data
The SNIFFPHONE device is a portable multichannel gas sensor, aiming to detect gastric cancer (GC) from breath samples. It employs gold nanoparticle (GNP) sensors reacting to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the exhaled breath, a non-invasive technique to support early diagnosis. This study evaluates the repeatability of the SNIFFPHONE classification result for measurements conducted on healthy subjects over a short period of time of less than 10 minutes. Due to the portable nature of the device, repeatability is studied with respect to varying measurement location. We find the classification results repeatable with a statistically significant 81 % Pearson correlation coefficient, even t…
TLR1 and PRKAA1 Gene Polymorphisms in the Development of Atrophic Gastritis and Gastric Cancer.
Background & Aims: Previous genome-wide association studies showed that genetic polymorphisms in toll-like receptor 1 (TLR1) and protein kinase AMP-activated alpha 1 catalytic subunit (PRKAA1) genes were associated with gastric cancer (GC) or increased Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection susceptibility. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between TLR1 and PRKAA1 genes polymorphisms and H.pylori infection, atrophic gastritis (AG) or GC in the European population.Methods: Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were analysed in 511 controls, 340 AG patients and 327 GC patients. TLR1 C>T (rs4833095) and PRKAA1 C>T (rs13361707) were genotyped by the real-time po…
How do international gastric cancer prevention guidelines influence clinical practice globally?
Clinical guidelines recommend particular approaches, including 'screen-and-treat' strategy for Helicobacter pylori, to prevent gastric cancer. However, little of this is implemented in clinical practice. The aim of the study was to identify barriers to implementation of international guidelines. A web-based questionnaire distributed globally to specialists in the field. Altogether 886 responses from 75 countries were received. Of the responders, 570 (64%) were men of mean age 47 years. There were 606 gastroenterologists and 65 epidemiologists among the responders. Altogether, 79.8% of the responders disagreed that the burden of gastric cancer is a diminishing problem. 'Screen-and-treat' str…
Overview on SNIFFPHONE:A portable device for disease diagnosis
We present SNIFFPHONE, a handy and easy-To-use device that allows the non-invasive detection of gastric diseases. It analyzes the user's exhaled breath using specifically developed gas sensors. The device is coupled to a smartphone, which governs the breath analysis process, sends the data measurements to an external data analysis server, and finally gives feedback to the user. In this work, we describe the SNIFFPHONE device and the general platform under development.
Modular Point-of-Care Breath Analyzer and Shape Taxonomy-Based Machine Learning for Gastric Cancer Detection
Background: Gastric cancer is one of the deadliest malignant diseases, and the non-invasive screening and diagnostics options for it are limited. In this article, we present a multi-modular device for breath analysis coupled with a machine learning approach for the detection of cancer-specific breath from the shapes of sensor response curves (taxonomies of clusters). Methods: We analyzed the breaths of 54 gastric cancer patients and 85 control group participants. The analysis was carried out using a breath analyzer with gold nanoparticle and metal oxide sensors. The response of the sensors was analyzed on the basis of the curve shapes and other features commonly used for comparison. These f…
Gene polymorphisms of micrornas in Helicobacter pylori-induced high risk atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer.
Background and aims MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known for their function as translational regulators of tumor suppressor or oncogenes. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in miRNAs related genes have been shown to affect the regulatory capacity of miRNAs and were linked with gastric cancer (GC) and premalignant gastric conditions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate potential associations between miRNA-related gene polymorphisms (miR-27a, miR-146a, miR-196a-2, miR-492 and miR-608) and the presence of GC or high risk atrophic gastritis (HRAG) in European population. Methods Gene polymorphisms were analyzed in 995 subjects (controls: n = 351; GC: n = 363; HRAG: n = 281) of European descen…
Non-contact breath sampling for sensor-based breath analysis
Breath analysis holds great promise for real-time and non-invasive medical diagnosis. Thus, there is a considerable need for simple-in-use and portable analyzers for rapid detection of breath indicators for different diseases in their early stages. Sensor technology meets all of these demands. However, miniaturized breath analyzers require adequate breath sampling methods. In this context, we propose non-contact sampling; namely the collection of breath samples by exhalation from a distance into a miniaturized collector without bringing the mouth into direct contact with the analyzing device. To evaluate this approach different breathing maneuvers have been tested in a real-time regime on a…
Smoking and Helicobacter pylori infection: an individual participant pooled analysis (Stomach Cancer Pooling- StoP Project)
Smoking has been associated with acquisition and increased persistence of Helicobacter pylori infection, as well as with lower effectiveness of its eradication. A greater prevalence of infection among smokers could contribute to the increased risk for gastric cancer. We aimed to estimate the association between smoking and seropositivity to H. pylori through an individual participant data pooled analysis using controls from 14 case- control studies participating in the Stomach Cancer Pooling Project. Summary odds ratios and prevalence ratios (PRs), adjusted for age, sex and social class, and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated through random-effects meta-analysis…
Should We Screen for <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> to Prevent Gastric Cancer?
Although the strategy for <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> infection management is well defined and quite well followed in a number of situations, including peptic ulcer disease, the issue of <i>H. pylori</i> screening and eradication in the general population still remains. The following debate attempts to find the answer of whether or not <i>H. pylori</i> screening should be performed in the asymptomatic population for preventing gastric cancer. As yet, there is no final evidence-based consensus about the need to screen for <i>H. pylori</i> in order to decrease the incidence of gastric cancer.
Pepsinogen Test for the Evaluation of Precancerous Changes in Gastric Mucosa: a Population-Based Study
Aims: The aim of the study was to evaluate the rationale of blood pepsinogen (PG) testing in population based screening settings.Methods: Participants from a cross-sectional population-based study of cardiovascular risk factors in Latvia were invited to participate in the current study. Pepsinogen I and II were measured in blood samples taken during the initial study and at follow-up; upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed. There were three groups of patients: with moderately decreased (PG I< 70 ng/ml and PG I/PG II ratio < 3), with strongly decreased (PG I< 30 ng/ml and PG I/PG II ratio < 2), and with normal PG level. Biopsy with H. pylori detection was performed (updat…
Clinicopathological characteristics of Epstein-Barr virus-positive gastric cancer in Latvia
Objective Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated gastric cancer has been proposed to be a distinct gastric cancer molecular subtype. The prognostic significance of EBV infection in gastric cancer remains unclear and needs further investigation. Our study aimed to analyze EBV-positive and EBV-negative gastric cancer patients regarding their personal and tumor-related characteristics, and compare their overall survival. Methods Gastric cancer patients consecutively treated at the Riga East University Hospital during 2009-2016 were identified retrospectively. Tumor EBV status was determined by in-situ hybridization for EBV-encoded RNA (EBER). Information about clinicopathological characteristics …
Regional variations in Helicobacter pylori infection, gastric atrophy and gastric cancer risk: The ENIGMA study in Chile.
International audience; Background: Regional variations in gastric cancer incidence are not explained by prevalence of Helicobacter pylori, the main cause of the disease, with several areas presenting high H. pylori prevalence but low gastric cancer incidence. The IARC worldwide H. pylori prevalence surveys (ENIGMA) aim at systematically describing age and sex-specific prevalence of H. pylori infection around the world and generating hypotheses to explain regional variations in gastric cancer risk.Methods: We selected age- and sex-stratified population samples in two areas with different gastric cancer incidence and mortality in Chile: Antofagasta (lower rate) and Valdivia (higher rate). Pa…
Geographical variation in the exhaled volatile organic compounds.
Breath-gas analysis has demonstrated that concentration profiles of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) could be used for detecting a variety of diseases, among them gastric cancer (GC) and peptic ulcer disease (PUD). Here, we explore how geographical variation affects the disease-specific changes in the chemical composition of breath samples, as compared to control states (less severe gastric conditions). Alveolar exhaled breath samples from 260 patients were collected at two remotely different geographic locations (China and Latvia), following similar breath-collection protocols. Each cohort included 130 patients that were matched in terms of diagnosis (37 GC/32 PUD/61 controls), average ag…
Detection of gastric atrophy by circulating pepsinogens: A comparison of three assays.
Background Circulating levels of pepsinogens have been used in high gastric cancer-risk Asian and European populations to triage endoscopic evaluation for more severe pathology. There are different analytic methods with uncertain correlations. We therefore compared diagnostic performance of three commonly used pepsinogen assays to detect histologically confirmed gastric atrophy. Methods We tested plasma samples from adult patients with (n=50) and without (n=755) moderate or severe gastric corpus atrophy, as determined histologically by consensus of three expert pathologists. A single laboratory measured pepsinogens I (PgI) and II (PgII) using commercially available assays: two ELISA assays …
Value of gastrin-17 in detecting antral atrophy.
Decreased plasma gastrin-17 (G-17), particularly after protein stimulation, is indicative of atrophy in the antral stomach mucosa. Available data on the value of this biomarker is inconclusive. Our study was aimed to evaluate the performance of the G-17 test in Caucasian and Asian patients for antral atrophy evaluation either in fasting state or after protein stimulation.241 dyspeptic patients aged 55 and above from Latvia (125), Lithuania (76) and Taiwan (40) were enrolled. G-17 levels were detected in plasma samples obtained either during fasting or after a protein-rich test meal. Levels1 pmol/L at fast and5 pmol/L after stimulation were considered indicative of atrophy.The sensitivity of…
Detection of cancer through exhaled breath: a systematic review
// Agne Krilaviciute 1 , Jonathan Alexander Heiss 1 , Marcis Leja 2 , Juozas Kupcinskas 3 , Hossam Haick 4 and Hermann Brenner 1,5,6 1 Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany 2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia, Digestive Diseases Center GASTRO, and Riga East University Hospital, Riga, Latvia 3 Department of Gastroenterology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania 4 Department of Chemical Engineering and Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel 5 Division of Preventive Oncology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany…
Markers for gastric cancer premalignant lesions: where do we go?
Only a small proportion of patients infected with <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> develop gastric cancer during their lifetime. At the same time, this type of cancer remains an important cause of mortality globally. The current interventional strategies have not been successful in decreasing the global burden of the disease; therefore, biomarkers for the identification of the individuals at high risk as well as those in the early stage of the disease is of high importance. In addition, predicting the point of no return for the development of the malignancy is of particular interest; whether atrophy, intestinal or spasmolytic polypeptide-expressing metaplasia, or some of their subtype…
Diagnosis and Classification of 17 Diseases from 1404 Subjects via Pattern Analysis of Exhaled Molecules.
We report on an artificially intelligent nanoarray based on molecularly modified gold nanoparticles and a random network of single-walled carbon nanotubes for noninvasive diagnosis and classification of a number of diseases from exhaled breath. The performance of this artificially intelligent nanoarray was clinically assessed on breath samples collected from 1404 subjects having one of 17 different disease conditions included in the study or having no evidence of any disease (healthy controls). Blind experiments showed that 86% accuracy could be achieved with the artificially intelligent nanoarray, allowing both detection and discrimination between the different disease conditions examined.…
Breath testing as potential colorectal cancer screening tool
Although colorectal cancer (CRC) screening is included in organized programs of many countries worldwide, there is still a place for better screening tools. In this study, 418 breath samples were collected from 65 patients with CRC, 22 with advanced or nonadvanced adenomas, and 122 control cases. All patients, including the controls, had undergone colonoscopy. The samples were analysed with two different techniques. The first technique relied on gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for identification and quantification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The T-test was used to identify significant VOCs (p values < 0.017). The second technique relied on sensor analysis…
Management of epithelial precancerous conditions and lesions in the stomach (MAPS II): European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE), European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group (EHMSG), European Society of Pathology (ESP), and Sociedade Portuguesa de Endoscopia Digestiva (SPED) guideline update 2019
Main RecommendationsPatients with chronic atrophic gastritis or intestinal metaplasia (IM) are at risk for gastric adenocarcinoma. This underscores the importance of diagnosis and risk stratification for these patients. High definition endoscopy with chromoendoscopy (CE) is better than high definition white-light endoscopy alone for this purpose. Virtual CE can guide biopsies for staging atrophic and metaplastic changes and can target neoplastic lesions. Biopsies should be taken from at least two topographic sites (antrum and corpus) and labelled in two separate vials. For patients with mild to moderate atrophy restricted to the antrum there is no evidence to recommend surveillance. In pati…
Silicon Nanowire Sensors Enable Diagnosis of Patients via Exhaled Breath
Two of the biggest challenges in medicine today are the need to detect diseases in a noninvasive manner and to differentiate between patients using a single diagnostic tool. The current study targets these two challenges by developing a molecularly modified silicon nanowire field effect transistor (SiNW FET) and showing its use in the detection and classification of many disease breathprints (lung cancer, gastric cancer, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The fabricated SiNW FETs are characterized and optimized based on a training set that correlate their sensitivity and selectivity toward volatile organic compounds (VOCs) linked with the various disease breathprints. The b…
Analysis of the effects of microbiome-related confounding factors on the reproducibility of the volatolomic test.
Volatile organic compound (VOC) testing in breath has potential in gastric cancer (GC) detection. Our objective was to assess the reproducibility of VOCs in GC, and the effects of conditions modifying gut microbiome on the test results. Ten patients with GC were sampled for VOC over three consecutive days; 17 patients were sampled before and after H. pylori eradication therapy combined with a yeast probiotic; 61 patients were sampled before and after bowel cleansing (interventions affecting the microbiome). The samples were analyzed by: (1) gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry (GC-MS), applying the non-parametric Wilcoxon test (level of significance p 0.05); (2) by cross-reacti…
Prevalence of Atrophic Gastritis in Kazakhstan and the Accuracy of Pepsinogen Tests to Detect Gastric Mucosal Atrophy
Background Atrophic gastritis is considered precursor condition for gastric cancer. There is so far limited evidence on the performance of pepsinogens for atrophy detection in Central Asia. The aim of our study was to detect the prevalence of atrophic gastritis in the asymptomatic adult population in Kazakhstan as well as address the accuracy of pepsinogen testing in atrophy detection. Methods Healthy individuals aged 40-64 were included. Upper endoscopy and pepsinogens (PG) evaluation were performed. PG were analysed in plasma by latex agglutination. Cut off values were used to define decreased PG values (PGR ≤ 3 and PG I ≤ 70 ng/mL); severely decreased PG values (PGR ≤ 2 and PG I ≤ 30 ng/…
The global challenge of a healthy stomach
Accuracy of two plasma antibody tests and faecal antigen test for non-invasive detection of H. pylori in middle-aged Caucasian general population sample
Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the accuracy of two plasma Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) antibody test-systems and a stool antigen test (SAT) system in a general population sample in Latvia. Materials and methods: Blood and faecal samples were analysed in healthy individuals (40–64 years), referred for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy according to pilot study protocol within a population-based study investigating gastric cancer prevention strategies (GISTAR pilot study). Antibodies to H. pylori were assessed in plasma by latex-agglutination test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). H. pylori antigen in faecal samples was detected by a monoclonal enzyme immunoassay-…
Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis in Latvia.
Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis are related to an increased risk for gastric cancer. There is a decrease in global H. pylori prevalence. We analyzed the prevalence of H. pylori infection in Latvia by the plasma IgG test and the presence of atrophy by means of pepsinogen testing.This subanalysis was carried out on a randomly selected cross-sectional sample of a general population of adults to access cardiovascular risk factors. Plasma samples were screened for H. pylori IgG (cutoff value 24 U/ml), and pepsinogens (Pg) I and II. Pg cutoff values of PgI/PgII ≤ 3 and PgI ≤ 70 ng/ml were used to assess the prevalence of atrophy of any grade and PgI/PgII ≤ 2 and PgI ≤ 30 ng/m…
Sensing gastric cancer via point‐of‐care sensor breath analyzer
Background Detection of disease by means of volatile organic compounds from breath samples using sensors is an attractive approach to fast, noninvasive and inexpensive diagnostics. However, these techniques are still limited to applications within the laboratory settings. Here, we report on the development and use of a fast, portable, and IoT-connected point-of-care device (so-called, SniffPhone) to detect and classify gastric cancer to potentially provide new qualitative solutions for cancer screening. Methods A validation study of patients with gastric cancer, patients with high-risk precancerous gastric lesions, and controls was conducted with 2 SniffPhone devices. Linear discriminant an…
The Prevalence of Cancer-Associated Autoantibodies in Patients with Gastric Cancer and Progressive Grades of Premalignant Lesions.
Abstract Background: Serum autoantibodies against tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) are detectable in early-stage gastric cancer patients; however, the time point during cancerogenesis when they appear in circulation is still obscure. Methods: In this study, we developed a recombinant antigen microarray and analyzed the prevalence of autoantibodies against 102 TAAs in 829 gastric cancer patients and 929 healthy controls from Caucasian and Asian populations, as well as 100 patients with chronic atrophic gastritis and 775 individuals staged according to different grades of intestinal metaplasia. Results: Six antigens, including CTAG1B/CTAG2, DDX53, IGF2BP2, TP53, and MAGEA3, were predominantly…
Identifying the Profile of Helicobacter pylori–Negative Gastric Cancers: A Case-Only Analysis within the Stomach Cancer Pooling (StoP) Project
Abstract Background: The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori–negative gastric cancer (HpNGC) can be as low as 1%, when infection is assessed using more sensitive tests or considering the presence of gastric atrophy. HpNGC may share a high-risk profile contributing to the occurrence of cancer in the absence of infection. We estimated the proportion of HpNGC, using different criteria to define infection status, and compared HpNGC and positive cases regarding gastric cancer risk factors. Methods: Cases from 12 studies from the Stomach cancer Pooling (StoP) Project providing data on H. pylori infection status determined by serologic test were included. HpNGC was reclassified as positive (eight st…
Systematic review of the diagnosis of gastric premalignant conditions and neoplasia with high-resolution endoscopic technologies
Aim. The aim of the article is to systematically review the current evidence on the diagnostic use of narrow band imaging (NBI), flexible spectral imaging color enhancement (FICE) and endoscopic image enhancement technology i-scan endoscopies for gastric precancerous and cancerous lesions. Materials and methods. Original manuscripts were searched in PubMed until October 2012. Pertinent data were collected and pooled diagnostic accuracy measures were estimated when possible. Results. In total, 38 studies were evaluated. Thirty-one studies were included for NBI and 7 studies for FICE assessment in this systematic review. No article was found meeting inclusion criteria for i-scan endoscopy. Th…
Lack of association between miR-27a, miR-146a, miR-196a-2, miR-492 and miR-608 gene polymorphisms and colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide with high mortality rates. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have an established role in the development of different cancers. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in miRNA related genes were linked with various gastrointestinal malignancies. However, the data on association between miRNA SNPs and CRC development are inconsistent. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between miRNA-related gene polymorphisms (miR-27a, miR-146a, miR-196a-2, miR-492 and miR-608) and the presence of CRC in European population. Gene polymorphisms were analyzed in 621 subjects (controls: n = 428; CRC: n = 193). MiR-27a T>C (rs895819), …
Potential of non-invasive breath tests for preselecting individuals for invasive gastric cancer screening endoscopy.
Background. Regular screening for gastric cancer (GC) is based on invasive upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and is limited to few high-incidence countries. As GC is a major cause of cancer death worldwide, a non-invasive, simple screening test is of value. We assessed the prevalence of preclinical GC and the corresponding numbers needed to screen (NNS) to detect GC cases both without and with preselection using breath tests from the literature in various populations. Methods. Using age- and sex-specific GC incidence data and rates of transition from preclinical to clinical GC, we estimated the prevalences of preclinical GC worldwide in populations aged 50–74 years, and we evaluated the accu…
Different Pattern of Inflammatory and Atrophic Changes in the Gastric Mucosa of the Greater and Lesser Curvature.

 Background & Aims: Appropriate biopsy sampling is important for the classification of gastritis, yet the extent of inflammation and atrophy of different regions of the stomach with chronic gastritis have been addressed only in a few studies. The aim of our study was to analyze the inflammatory, atrophic and metaplastic changes in the greater and lesser curvature of the antrum and corpus mucosa.
 Methods: 420 patients undergoing upper endoscopy were enrolled in the study. Four expert gastrointestinal pathologists graded biopsy specimens according to the updated Sydney classification.
 Results: The obtained results showed that the mononu…
Prevalence estimation of celiac disease in the general adult population of Latvia using serology and HLA genotyping
Background: Prevalence estimates for celiac disease (CD) depend on the method used. The role of deamidated gliadin peptide (DGP) and genetic testing in epidemiological studies and diagnostic settings of celiac disease (CD) has still to be established. Objectives: The objective of this article is to assess the prevalence of CD in Latvia by combining serological tests with DQ2.5/ DQ8 testing. Methods: A total of 1444 adults from a randomly selected cross-sectional general population sample were tested by ELISA for tTG IgA, DGP IgA and IgG antibodies (QUANTA Lite, Inova Diagnostics Inc). Samples with tTG IgA 20U were tested for EMA IgA by indirect immunofluorescence assay, and all specimens wi…
A nanomaterial-based breath test for distinguishing gastric cancer from benign gastric conditions
Background: Upper digestive endoscopy with biopsy and histopathological evaluation of the biopsy material is the standard method for diagnosing gastric cancer (GC). However, this procedure may not be widely available for screening in the developing world, whereas in developed countries endoscopy is frequently used without major clinical gain. There is a high demand for a simple and non-invasive test for selecting the individuals at increased risk that should undergo the endoscopic examination. Here, we studied the feasibility of a nanomaterial-based breath test for identifying GC among patients with gastric complaints. Methods: Alveolar exhaled breath samples from 130 patients with gastric …
Associations of diet and lifestyle factors with common volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath of average-risk individuals.
Background Detection of diseases via exhaled breath remains an attractive idea despite persisting gaps in understanding the origin of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their relationship with the disease of interest. Data on factors potentially influencing the results of breath analysis remain rather sparse and often controversial. In this study, we aimed to investigate the associations of common VOCs in exhaled breath of average-risk individuals with socio-demographic and lifestyle factors, medical conditions as well as diet. Methods Alveolar breath samples of 1447 men and women were collected in the morning after fasting and were analyzed using gas-chromatography linked with mass-spec…
Detection of precancerous gastric lesions and gastric cancer through exhaled breath.
Timely detection of gastric cancer (GC) and the related precancerous lesions could provide a tool for decreasing both cancer mortality and incidence.968 breath samples were collected from 484 patients (including 99 with GC) for two different analyses. The first sample was analysed by gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry (GCMS) while applying t test with multiple corrections (p value0.017); the second by cross-reactive nanoarrays combined with pattern recognition. For the latter, 70% of the samples were randomly selected and used in the training set while the remaining 30% constituted the validation set. The operative link on gastric intestinal metaplasia (OLGIM) assessment staging…
Sex differences in the relationship among alcohol, smoking, and Helicobacter pylori infection in asymptomatic individuals
Objective We aimed to investigate the relationship of Helicobacter pylori infection with alcohol and smoking. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study among participants who underwent health check-ups for H. pylori infection between January 2013 and March 2017. We subsequently investigated the relationship of H. pylori infection with alcohol and smoking. Results A total of 7169 participants were enrolled in this study. The overall prevalence of H. pylori infection was 55.2%. Participants with H. pylori infection were more likely to be older than those without H. pylori infection. For male participants with H. pylori infection, multivariable logistic regression analysis indicated that bo…
Comparison of the yield from two faecal immunochemical tests at identical cutoff concentrations – a randomized trial in Latvia
OBJECTIVE We have compared the performance of two faecal immunochemical tests (FIT) in an average-risk population. MATERIALS AND METHODS Altogether, 10 000 individuals aged 50-74 were selected randomly from the population of Latvia in 2011 and assigned randomly either to OC-Sensor or to FOB Gold single-time testing. Positivity of the test, frequency of colonic lesions, number needed to screen (NNscreen) and scope for the detection of an advanced neoplasm (cancer and advanced adenoma) were compared between the tests using the same cutoff concentrations in µg/g faeces. Confidence intervals (CIs) at 95% were calculated. RESULTS Positivity with the cutoff set at 10 µg/g faeces was 12.8% (95% CI…
P-150 Insights into the gastric and oesophageal cancer patient experience: Results of a pan-European patient survey
Additional file 1 of PVAmpliconFinder: a workflow for the identification of human papillomaviruses from high-throughput amplicon sequencing
Additional file 1: Supplementary Table S1. Info file. Supplementary Table S2. Taxonomic classification of the reads identified in the overall NGS experiment by MegaBlast alignment. Supplementary Table S3. Taxonomic classification of the reads identified in the overall NGS experiment by BlastN alignment. Supplementary Table S4. Taxonomic classification of the reads identified in the overall NGS experiment by RaxML-EPA. Supplementary Table S5. NGS metrics, summary classification of putative known and putative new virus based on the three methodologies. Supplementary Table S6. Putative known Papillomaviridae-related sequences detected in the NGS experiment. Supplementary Table S7. Performances…