Probing the origin of cosmic-rays with extremely high energy neutrinos using the IceCube Observatory
M. J. LarsonM. DayT. StezelbergerE. JacobiE. A. StrahlerA. R. FazelyT. WaldenmaierC. PfendnerG. C. HillTyce DeyoungA. M. BrownK. HultqvistJ. LünemannC. WalckA. SchukraftN. WhitehornS. ToscanoM. Lesiak-bzdakJ. DaughheteeA. OlivasS. SchoenenM. CasierMarcos SantanderJenni AdamsT. GlüsenkampSegev BenzviM. RibordyK. H. BeckerM. VraegheN. Van EijndhovenKael HansonK. D. HoffmanS. HussainC. BohmM. DunkmanG. KrollX. BaiH. P. BretzM. W.e. SmithK. RawlinsD. SeckelJ. EischS. OdrowskiM. WallraffA. IshiharaSteven W. BarwickC. De ClercqA. SchönwaldK. D. De VriesA. FedynitchS. FlisK. KringsC. SheremataL. GerhardtL. GerhardtG. BinderG. BinderJ. C. GrohM. VehringM. RameezM. N. TobinA. H. Cruz SilvaD. PielothTeresa MontaruliM. RichmanL. GladstoneT. KuwabaraK. JeroP. B. PriceP. GretskovK. HelbingK. WiebeJuanan AguilarL. BrayeurH. NiederhausenWolfgang RhodeG. KohnenD. GrantC. WendtJ. J. BeattyJ. JacobsenW. HuelsnitzT. Fischer-waselsJ. MillerV. BaumP. RedlJ. Becker TjusD. BindigM. BissokA. ChristovCarsten RottS. C. NowickiJ. KläsA. StasikE. PinatJ. G. GonzalezD. J. KoskinenA. TamburroA. StößlReina H. MaruyamaCarlos ArguellesThomas MeuresM. LeuermannI. TaboadaJ. L. KelleyJ. A. GoodmanD. J. BoersmaN. A. StanishaS. R. KleinS. R. KleinD. ChirkinA. KarleL. RädelL. KöpkeG. T. PrzybylskiM. WellonsS. CoendersS. YoshidaP. A. ToaleDariusz GoraL. SchulteJ. S. GallagherM. MerckF. McnallyJ. H. KöhneJ. MadsenG. M. SpiczakH. LandsmanR. ReimannP. A. EvensonO. FadiranU. NaumannS. ZierkeM. UsnerJ. KirylukK. WoschnaggSofia VallecorsaM. KauerG. YodhL. MohrmannD. Z. BessonD. BoseM. ZollX. W. XuS. SchönebergD. HeinenK. ClarkT. KargB. KaminskyR. C. BayJ. CaseyC. H. WiebuschD. HeeremanA. KriestenJ. BlumenthalOscar MaciasS. Ter-antonyanJ. ZiemannG. W. SullivanP. ZarzhitskyRezo ShanidzeM. LabareR. G. StokstadElisa BernardiniStephanie HickfordA. ObertackeE. UngerY. SestayoAllan HallgrenJ. FeintzeigH. TaavolaP. BerghausO. SchulzG. S. JaparidzeA. GoldschmidtB. RuzybayevHermann KolanoskiK. JagielskiJ. AuffenbergG. TešićA. Haj IsmailS. TilavJ. Van SantenT. FeuselsJ. PosseltM. G. AartsenElisa ResconiJ. LeuteM. KrasbergB. RiedelR. EaganH. WissingSubir SarkarR. BruijnP. O. HulthR. HellauerOlga BotnerM. BakerA. HomeierS. CohenG. GolupL. PaulMarkus AhlersS. BöserF. ClevermannT. RuheS. De RidderR. NahnhauerM. WolfM. StamatikosD. AltmannA. GroßJ. P. YanezS. WesterhoffC. HaC. HaE. MiddellT. R. WoodA. OmairatP. HallenM. VogeM. DanningerD. T. GrandmontD. L. XuR. HoffmannChristian SpieringS. SeunarineC. FinleyT. SchmidtD. BerleyGiorgio MaggiS. M. SabaJ. C. DavisK. HoshinaCh WeaverM. KowalskiA. FranckowiakJ. P. RodriguesMarkus AckermannP. DesiatiC. KopperB. EberhardtB. ChristyK. MaseS. KopperH. S. MatisFrancis HalzenE. BlaufussN. KurahashiTodor StanevJ. A. PepperH. G. SanderThomas K. GaisserS. EulerD. R. NygrenD. R. WilliamsAlexander KappesK. SchattoD. RyckboschC. Pérez De Los HerosD. F. CowenF. ScheriauM. SchmitzS. MiareckiS. MiareckiJ. C. Díaz-vélezR. StrömO. JlelatiA. BernhardA. TepeJ. KunnenK. MeagherK. FilimonovA. O'murchadhaN. MilkeR. MorseRasha AbbasiA. Van OverloopK. FrantzenT. FuchsD. Soldinsubject
FLUXSELECTIONFERMI-LATNuclear and High Energy PhysicsCosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO)PhotonRadio galaxyAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaFOS: Physical sciencesCosmic rayddc:500.2AstrophysicsAstrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic AstrophysicsLIMIT01 natural sciencesIceCubeHigh Energy Physics - ExperimentHigh Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)Particle showerObservatory0103 physical sciencesddc:530010306 general physicsHigh Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)PhysicsSPECTRUMRange (particle radiation)COSMOGENIC NEUTRINOS010308 nuclear & particles physicsAstrophysics::Instrumentation and Methods for AstrophysicsAstronomyPERFORMANCECOMPONENTMODELPhysics and Astronomy13. Climate actionIntergalactic travelHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentNeutrinoAstrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaSYSTEMAstrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysicsdescription
We have searched for extremely high energy neutrinos using data taken with the IceCube detector between May 2010 and May 2012. Two neutrino induced particle shower events with energies around 1 PeV were observed, as reported previously. In this work, we investigate whether these events could originate from cosmogenic neutrinos produced in the interactions of ultra-high energy cosmic-rays with ambient photons while propagating through intergalactic space. Exploiting IceCube's large exposure for extremely high energy neutrinos and the lack of observed events above 100 PeV, we can rule out the corresponding models at more than 90% confidence level. The model independent quasi-differential 90% CL upper limit, which amounts to $E^2 \phi_{\nu_e + \nu_\mu + \nu_\tau} = 1.2 \times 10^{-7}$ GeV cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ sr$^{-1}$ at 1 EeV, provides the most stringent constraint in the energy range from 10 PeV to 10 EeV. Our observation disfavors strong cosmological evolution of the highest energy cosmic ray sources such as the Fanaroff-Riley type II class of radio galaxies.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2013-10-21 | Physical Review D |