

Planejamento da Gestão da Qualidade na Movimentação de Cargas Pelos Portos: Análise da Literatura Internacional

Leonardo EnsslinMaurício Andrade RamboAdemar DutraVicente Mateo Ripoll Feliu


Political scienceInternational shippingGeneral EngineeringPort managementHumanitiesPort performanceKnowledge development


Essa investigacao objetiva identificar as principais caracteristicas dos estudos empiricos internacionais sobre o planejamento da gestao da qualidade na movimentacao de cargas pelos portos, sob a otica da avaliacao de desempenho. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, com objetivo exploratorio-descritivo, que utiliza como estrategia de pesquisa a pesquisa-acao por intermedio do instrumento de intervencao o Knowledge Development Process-Constructivist ( ProKnow-C ), em que foram coletados dados primarios e secundarios, de procedimento bibliografico. Apresenta-se como resultados: (a) a rede de autores, sendo composta por vinte e nove (29) clusters ; (b) acoplamento bibiografico, distribuidos em 19 clusters ; (c) os autores de destaque, sendo “Bichou e Gray”; (d) o artigo mais citado, intitulado “ A logistics and supply chain management approach to port performance measurement ”; (e) o periodico de destaque, o “ Maritime Policy and Management ”; (f) a rede dos paises das pesquisas, Estados Unidos, Espanha e Italia; (g) as palavras-chaves de destaque, “ ports and harbors ”, “ planning ”, “ port management ” e “ service quality ; (h) a construcao de ferramentas para a avaliacao de desempenho portuario seguida da Servqual; (i) a rede de universidades, na qual destacou as ligacoes formada pelas Business College of Athens (BCA) Center for Maritime Economics and Logistics (MEL), Centre for International Shipping and Logistic ; (j) a esfera em que se passou o estudo, sendo a “ Nao identificado e/ou estudo teorico” a mais representativa seguido do setor publico. Palavras-chaves: Gestao da Qualidade. Planejamento. Portos. Proknow-C . ABSTRACT This investigation aims to identify the main characteristics of international empirical studies on quality management planning in cargo handling through ports, from the perspective of performance evaluation. It is a qualitative study, with an exploratory-descriptive objective, in which research-action research using the Knowledge Development Process-Constructivist (ProKnow-C) as a research strategy, in which primary data were collected and secondary, bibliographic procedure. The results are presented: (a) the network of authors, comprising twenty-nine (29) clusters; (b) bibiographic coupling, distributed in 19 clusters; (c) prominent authors, being “Bichou and Gray”; (d) the most cited article, entitled “A logistics and supply chain management approach to port performance measurement”; (e) the prominent journal, “Maritime Policy and Management”; (f) the network of research countries, the United States, Spain and Italy; (g) the key words, “ports and harbors”, “planning”, “port management” and “service quality; (h) the construction of tools for the assessment of port performance followed by Servqual; (i) the network of universities, in which he highlighted the connections formed by the Business College of Athens (BCA) Center for Maritime Economics and Logistics (MEL), Center for International Shipping and Logistic; (j) the sphere in which the study took place, with the “Unidentified and / or theoretical study” being the most representative followed by the public sector. Keywords: Planning. Ports. Proknow-c. Quality management.
