Multiplicative Decompositions of Holomorphic Fredholm Functions and ψ*-Algebras
Winfried KaballoBernhard Gramschsubject
Discrete mathematicsPure mathematicsFredholm operatorGeneral MathematicsHolomorphic functional calculusHolomorphic functionFredholm integral equationCompact operatorIdentity theoremFredholm theorysymbols.namesakesymbolsMathematicsMeromorphic functiondescription
In this article we construct multiplicative decompositions of holomorphic Fredholm operator valued functions on Stein manifolds with values in various algebras of differential and pseudo differential operators which are submultiplicative ψ* - algebras, a concept introduced by the first author. For Fredholm functions T(z) satisfying an obvious topological condition we. Prove (0.1) T(z) = A(z)(I + S(z)), where A(z) is holomorphic and invertible and S(z) is holomorphic with values in an “arbitrarily small” operator ideal. This is a stronger condition on S(z) than in the authors' additive decomposition theorem for meromorphic inverses of holomorphic Fredholm functions [12], where the smallness of S(z) depends on the number of complex variables. The Multiplicative Decomposition theorem (0.1) sharpens the authors' Regularization theorem [11]; in case of the Band algebra L(X) of all bounded linear operators on a Band space, (0.1) has been proved by J. Letterer [20] for one complex variable and by M. 0. Zaidenberg, S. G. Krein, P. A. Kuchment and A. A. Pankov [26] for the Banach ideal of compact operators.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1999-01-01 | Mathematische Nachrichten |