Hyperspectral response of agronomic variables to background optical variability: Results of a numerical experiment
Lin GaoRoshanak DarvishzadehBen SomersBrian Alan JohnsonYu WangJochem VerrelstXiaofei WangClement Atzbergersubject
Atmospheric ScienceResilient LivelihoodsLEAF-AREA-INDEXSoil typePHOTOCHEMICAL REFLECTANCE INDEXBIOPHYSICAL PROPERTIESMeteorology & Atmospheric SciencesAdaptationLeaf chlorophyll contentGlobal and Planetary ChangeScience & TechnologyVEGETATION INDEXESSPECTRAL INDEXESGLOBAL SENSITIVITY-ANALYSISAgricultureNon-photosynthetic vegetationForestry22/4 OA procedureAgronomyHyperspectral responseGlobal sensitivity analysisITC-ISI-JOURNAL-ARTICLEPhysical SciencesLeaf area indexCHLOROPHYLL CONTENTGREEN LAILife Sciences & BiomedicineCANOPY REFLECTANCEAgronomy and Crop ScienceRADIATIVE-TRANSFER MODELdescription
Understanding how biophysical and biochemical variables contribute to the spectral characteristics of vegetation canopies is critical for their monitoring. Quantifying these contributions, however, remains difficult due to extraneous factors such as the spectral variability of canopy background materials, including soil/crop-residue moisture, soil-type, and non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV). This study focused on exploring the spectral response of two important agronomic variables (1) leaf chlorophyll content (Cab ) and (2) leaf area index (LAI) under various canopy backgrounds through a global sensitivity analysis of wheat-like canopy spectra simulated using the physically-based PROSAIL radiative transfer model. Our results reveal the following general findings: (1) the contribution of each agronomic variable to the simulated canopy spectral signature varies considerably with respect to the background optical properties; (2) the influence of the soil-type and NPV on the spectral response of canopy to Cab and LAI is more significant than that caused by soil/crop-residue moisture; (3) spectral bands at 560 and 704 nm remain sensitive to Cab while being least affected by the impacts of variations in the NPV, soil-type and moisture; (4) the near-infrared (NIR) spectral bands exhibit higher sensitivity to LAI and lower background effects only in the cases of soil/crop-residue moisture but are relatively strongly affected by soil-type and NPV. Comparative analysis of the correlations of twelve widely used vegetation indices with agronomic variables indicates that LICI (LAI-insensitive chlorophyll index) and Macc01 (Maccioni index) are more effective in estimating Cab , while OSAVI (optimized soil adjusted vegetation index) and MCARI2 (modified chlorophyll absorption ratio index 2) are better LAI predictors under the simulated background variability. Overall, our results highlight that background reflectance variability introduces considerable differences in the agronomic variables' spectral response, leading to inconsistencies in the VI- Cab /-LAI relationship. Further studies should integrate these results of spectral responsivity to develop trait-specific hyperspectral inversion models. ispartof: AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY vol:326 ispartof: location:Netherlands status: published
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2022-11-15 | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |