

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Changes to Working Life : What Supports Adult Employees in Adapting to New Technology at Work?

Raija HämäläinenMaarit VirolainenHanna NygrenJuhani Rautopuro


Further educationaikuiskoulutusWorking lifeTechnological changemuutosvalmiusadoption to changeComputingMilieux_PERSONALCOMPUTINGdesign-based educationmuutosurakehitysyksilölliset urapolutteknologiakasvatusWork (electrical)PIAACIndividual learningEngineering ethicsSociologyuudelleenkoulutustyöelämäIndustrial Revolutionyksilöllisyysurasuunnitteluadult re-education


AbstractThis chapter aims to increase current understanding of adults’ individual learning pathways and needs when adapting to new technology. We review adults’ overall technology skills and depict, through chosen examples, how adults have adapted to technological change in their working lives. We present prior research on the challenges that the Fourth Industrial Revolution poses to adults’ further education, and based on the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), we review adults’ problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments. Overall, the findings emphasize the importance of design-based education and the need for companies to flexibly address adults with skill-shortages, who need to develop their problem-solving abilities in technology-rich environments.
