

Patient-specific simulation of the intrastromal ring segment implantation in corneas with keratoconus

Cristina Peris-martínezMaría Amparo Díez-ajenjoF. Martínez-martínezS. Martínez-sanchisCarlos MonserratE. LarraMiguel A. LagoM. J. Rupérez


Patient-Specific ModelingKeratoconusmedicine.medical_specialtyMaterials sciencegenetic structuresINGENIERIA MECANICAkeratoconusFinite Element AnalysisBiomedical EngineeringCurvatureKeratoconusMean differenceBiomaterialsCorneaCorneaOphthalmologycorneabiomechanical simulationmedicineHumans3d geometryMechanical PhenomenaCorneal curvatureBiomechanical simulationintrastromal ring segmentsMechanical ProcessesProstheses and ImplantsPatient specificmedicine.diseaseeye diseasesSurgeryBiomechanical Phenomenamedicine.anatomical_structureIntrastromal ring segmentsMechanics of Materialssense organsLENGUAJES Y SISTEMAS INFORMATICOS


Purpose The purpose of this study was the simulation of the implantation of intrastromal corneal-ring segments for patients with keratoconus. The aim of the study was the prediction of the corneal curvature recovery after this intervention. Methods Seven patients with keratoconus diagnosed and treated by implantation of intrastromal corneal-ring segments were enrolled in the study. The 3D geometry of the cornea of each patient was obtained from its specific topography and a hyperelastic model was assumed to characterize its mechanical behavior. To simulate the intervention, the intrastromal corneal-ring segments were modeled and placed at the same location at which they were placed in the surgery. The finite element method was then used to obtain a simulation of the deformation of the cornea after the ring segment insertion. Finally, the predicted curvature was compared with the real curvature after the intervention. Results The simulation of the ring segment insertion was validated comparing the curvature change with the data after the surgery. Results showed a flattening of the cornea which was in consonance with the real improvement of the corneal curvature. The mean difference obtained was of 0.74 mm using properties of healthy corneas. Conclusions For the first time, a patient-specific model of the cornea has been used to predict the outcomes of the surgery after the intrastromal corneal-ring segments implantation in real patients.
