

Cómo abordar el desarrollo de una competencia transversal compleja mediante el alineamiento constructivo

Isaias Salvador Sanmartin SantosJesús ÁNgel Prieto RuizIgnacio Ventura GonzálezAna Lloret Alcañiz


Innovación educativaCompetenciasDiseño de experimentosConstructive alignmentFormaciónAlineamiento constructivoInterpretation of experimentsBibliographic informationActividades de enseñanza-aprendizajeTeaching-learning activitiesPolitical scienceEducación superiorTrainingEnseñanza superiorInterpretación de experimentosTecnologías y educaciónCompetencesHumanitiesDesign of experiments


[EN] We present a model based on activities for the acquisition of essential competences of the scientific-technical qualifications, developed throughout the course of Cell Biology of the 1st year of the Degree in Biotechnology. For example, the search and analysis of bibliographic information and the design and interpretation of experiments are closely related and very important competences in the training of the biotechnologist, however they are not well contemplated in a specific way in the study plans. The proposed activities, designed under the premises of the constructive alignment of Biggs and Tang, develop these competences jointly and within the framework of a single subject.
