Spatio‐temporal patterns of tree growth as related to carbon isotope fractionation in European forests under changing climate
Michael GrabnerTatjana BoettgerSławomira PawełczykMarika HauptV. R. SwitsurAdomas VitasChristina E. Reynolds-henneMichel StievenardMarek KrąpiecLuigi TodaroNeil J. LoaderEloni SonninenGerhard H. SchleserMartin WeiglMonique PierreKatja Rinne-garmstonDavid FrankMatthias SaurerIsabel Dorado-liñánMalgorzata SzymaszekLaia Andreu-haylesTatiana A. ShestakovaGerhard HelleMarkus LeuenbergerM. FilotHamid MarahEmmi HilasvuoriJohn S. WaterhouseKerstin TreydteAnna PazdurAntonio SaracinoJordi VoltasValérie Masson-delmotteJan EsperRupert WimmerValérie DauxZdzisław BednarzHögne JungnerOctavi PlanellsMaarit Kalela‐brundinRūtilė PukienėAngelo RitaFrank BerningerEmilia GutiérrezElżbieta Szychowska‐kra̧piecsubject
0106 biological sciencesDrought stress010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences[SDE.MCG]Environmental Sciences/Global ChangesClimate changeFractionation010603 evolutionary biology01 natural sciencesPanoplyDendroecology[SDV.EE.ECO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Ecology environment/EcosystemsIsotope fractionation[SDU.STU.GC]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/GeochemistryEvapotranspirationddc:550Climate changeEcosystem[SDU.ENVI]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Continental interfaces environmentComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics0105 earth and related environmental sciencesGlobal and Planetary ChangeEcology[CHIM.ORGA]Chemical Sciences/Organic chemistryEcologyTree ringsCarbon isotopes15. Life on land[SDE.ES]Environmental Sciences/Environmental and SocietyTree (data structure)[SDU.STU.CL]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Climatology13. Climate actionIsotopes of carbon[SDU.STU.ST]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Stratigraphy[SHS.ENVIR]Humanities and Social Sciences/Environmental studiesEnvironmental sciencecarbon isotopes climate change dendroecology drought stress European forests latitudinal gradients Pinus Quercus stomatal control tree ringsEuropean forestsdescription
Aim The aim was to decipher Europe‐wide spatio‐temporal patterns of forest growth dynamics and their associations with carbon isotope fractionation processes inferred from tree rings as modulated by climate warming. Location Europe and North Africa (30‒70° N, 10° W‒35° E). Time period 1901‒2003. Major taxa studied Temperate and Euro‐Siberian trees. Methods We characterize changes in the relationship between tree growth and carbon isotope fractionation over the 20th century using a European network consisting of 20 site chronologies. Using indexed tree‐ring widths (TRWi), we assess shifts in the temporal coherence of radial growth across sites (synchrony) for five forest ecosystems (Atlantic, boreal, cold continental, Mediterranean and temperate). We also examine whether TRWi shows variable coupling with leaf‐level gas exchange, inferred from indexed carbon isotope discrimination of tree‐ring cellulose (Δ13Ci). Results We find spatial autocorrelation for TRWi and Δ13Ci extending over a maximum of 1,000 km among forest stands. However, growth synchrony is not uniform across Europe, but increases along a latitudinal gradient concurrent with decreasing temperature and evapotranspiration. Latitudinal relationships between TRWi and Δ13Ci (changing from negative to positive southwards) point to drought impairing carbon uptake via stomatal regulation for water saving occurring at forests below 60° N in continental Europe. An increase in forest growth synchrony over the 20th century together with increasingly positive relationships between TRWi and Δ13Ci indicate intensifying impacts of drought on tree performance. These effects are noticeable in drought‐prone biomes (Mediterranean, temperate and cold continental). Main conclusions At the turn of this century, convergence in growth synchrony across European forest ecosystems is coupled with coordinated warming‐induced effects of drought on leaf physiology and tree growth spreading northwards. Such a tendency towards exacerbated moisture‐sensitive growth and physiology could override positive effects of enhanced leaf intercellular CO2 concentrations, possibly resulting in Europe‐wide declines of forest carbon gain in the coming decades. Spanish Government, Grant/Award Number: AGL2015‐68274 ‐C3 ‐3‐R; Sixth Framework Programme, Grant/AwardNumber: EVK2‐2001 ‐00237; Seventh Framework Programme, Grant/AwardNumber: COST ‐STSM ‐ECOST ‐STSM ‐FP1304‐140915‐066395 and ERANET‐Mundus program (Grant agreement 20112573)
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2019-05-20 | Global Ecology and Biogeography |