

Evolution ofπ0Suppression inAu+AuCollisions fromsNN=39to 200 GeV

Atsushi TakaharaD. KotovJason KaminS. P. StollM. StepanovD. JouanL. TomášekCharles MaguireK. A. DreesS. ChoiX. HeAlexander MilovS. TarafdarM. RosatiT. MurakamiKiyoshi TanidaI. RavinovichL. PatelI. NakagawaYoung-ki KimT. EngelmoreN. NovitzkyE. KistenevT. IchiharaK. B. LeeAlice MignereyJ. KlatskyEva HaslumL. D'orazioS. MiyasakaRyugo S. HayanoY. RiabovT. C. AwesKyoichiro OzawaM. S. DaugherityH. A. GustafssonT. CsörgőO. DrapierTakahiro FusayasuE. R. KinneyC. P. SinghAlexander MalakhovY. MiyachiD. P. MorrisonY. AramakiV. PeresedovM. BaiS. CampbellMarisilvia DonadelliV. BumazhnovMartin PurschkeB. H. KangJ. SunTakao SakaguchiA. SenKenta ShigakiD. E. FieldsB. M. JohnsonFilip KrizekE. C. AschenauerR. J. PettiRobert VertesiB. V. JacakY. IkedaJiangyong JiaJiangyong JiaY. GotoD. SilvermyrA. IsupovE. J. MannelH. Al-ta'aniTatsuya ChujoL. S. ZolinA. D. FrawleyA. S. NyaninS. AfanasievL. DingRachid NouicerA. N. ZelenskiM. ProisslA. SterS. SawadaJ. YingA. FranzY. FukaoY. TanakaG. RocheJ. SziklaiV. S. PantuevM. SanoZhiying YouM. GoninM. JavaniS. HuangD. KleinjanR. ReynoldsBrian ColeM. MccumberA. DionR. AkimotoSenta GreeneM. I. NagyS. MasumotoJ. KosterP. L. McgaugheyJen-chieh PengJ. E. FrantzA. YanovichM. FingerS. DairakuViktor RiabovD. RoachK. M. KijimaInkyu ParkD. KawallR. K. ChoudhuryK. S. JooB. FademC. PinkenburgE. O'brienM. ViriusE. T. AtomssaC. L. WoodyA. BerdnikovK. V. DharmawardaneXiong WangDong Jo KimA. TaranenkoH. J. MoonH. PeiMaya Hachiya ShimomuraR. S. HollisY. I. MakdisiH. ThemannS. BaumgartJ. MurataGerd Joachim KundeY. NakamiyaY. TsuchimotoM. SoumyaT. HoraguchiBrajesh K. SinghI. SheinTomoya TsujiM. MendozaO. DietzschS. H. LeeS. N. WhiteN. ApadulaH. J. KimC. H. ChenH. IinumaT. HesterE. M. TakaguiR. S. TowellI. TserruyaYu. EfremenkoA. VossenA. VeichtV. SinghM. J. TannenbaumH. ToriiK. HashimotoC. GalJ. HanksSung Keun ParkN. N. AjitanandTakahiro NakamuraI. GarishviliF. WeiA. ManionBum-hoon LeeM. WysockiB. BannierM. J. LeitchJulia VelkovskaZvi Hirsh CitronK. NakanoMinghui LiuK. SedgwickA. GarishviliD. McglincheyS. EsumiVladimir SamsonovChristine NattrassS. BatheM. ChiuBeomkyu KimT. TodorokiD. SharmaC. A. OgilvieKisung LeeT. K. HemmickJ. M. DurhamE. TennantYasuo MiakeAaron AngeramiK. N. BarishA. DurumY. KomatsuJongmin LeeKenneth Francis ReadKenneth Francis ReadMihael MakekA. DeshpandeK. B. KimF. FleuretPrashant ShuklaW. E. SondheimM. IssahD. IvanischevS. F. PateI. V. SourikovaA. GlennEunja KimA. SukhanovS. WolinR. PakB. AzmounA. KrálH. PereiraN. GrauS. YokkaichiK. OkadaKe. NakamuraC. Y. ChiW. A. ZajcByoungchoo ParkKazuyoshi KuritaM. KasaiY. J. KwonA. DreesV. BaublisY. WatanabeP. A. RukoyatkinA. DenisovB. MeredithTomofumi NagaeJ. L. NagleV. CiancioloP. KlineP. CasteraM. LeitgabC. O. KimAtsushi TaketaniM. OuchidaI. YounusSergey FokinMotoi InabaI. J. ChoiH. QuJ. S. KangS. MotschwillerM. VargyasM. L. BrooksJohn HillJ. H. KangJ. S. HaggertyS. R. LeeM. SarsourMate CsanadS. P. SorensenV. PapavassiliouA. IordanovaToru SugitateB. LewisB. LoveX. BingO. ChvalaB. SahlmuellerY. J. KimM. NihashiJ. G. LajoieA. G. LitvinenkoT. HachiyaY. S. LaiD. WatanabeE. VznuzdaevR. P. PisaniR. SetoKensuke HommaDmitry BlauE. RichardsonE. J. DesmondK. I. HahnE. Vazquez-zambranoA. NederlofB. BassalleckI. E. YushmanovL. GuoK. BoyleJ. T. MitchellAlexei KhanzadeevE. StenlundJ. B. ChoiR. SeidlVladislav MankoM. SlunečkaDipak Kumar MishraC. ValeChristine Angela AidalaT. V. MoukhanovaR. A. SoltzM. Grosse PerdekampTaku GunjiM. E. ConnorsPeter ChristiansenD. WinterD. Yu PeressounkoS. D. RolnickAjit Kumar MohantyT. A. ShibataC. L. SilvaAgneta OskarssonY. BerdnikovY. AkibaC. MckinneyS. NagamiyaVaclav VrbaVaclav VrbaRui WeiD. IsenhowerK. O. EyserY. L. YamaguchiM. KurosawaA. EnokizonoJ. ImrekH. W. Van HeckeA. DattaH. AsanoA. KissJan RakHenner BueschingR. LaceyS. ButsykX. GongR. Granier De CassagnacA. AdareL. A. Linden LevyM. TomášekM. TomášekG. S. KyleJames AlexanderK. KaratsuByung-sik HongA. BazilevskyAlexandre LebedevY. HoriAnne Marie SicklesD. M. LeeK. GaineyX. JiangD. KotchetkovB. KomkovNorio SaitoTsutomu MibeM. A. L. LeiteS. H. LimR. BelmontJ. S. KapustinskyV. BabintsevS. EdwardsK. S. SimR. YangS. TanejaHideki HamagakiK. AokiG. DavidK. WatanabeYosuke WatanabeK. ShojiP. W. StankusT. KempelS. KanetiA. V. Kazantsev


PhysicsNuclear physicsRange (particle radiation)PiExponentGeneral Physics and AstronomyPartonImpact parameterAtomic physicsNuclear ExperimentRelativistic Heavy Ion ColliderPower lawSpectral line


Neutral-pion pi(0) spectra were measured at midrapidity (vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.35) in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 39 and 62.4 GeV and compared with earlier measurements at 200 GeV in a transverse-momentum range of 1 < p(T) < 10 GeV/c. The high-p(T) tail is well described by a power law in all cases, and the powers decrease significantly with decreasing center-of-mass energy. The change of powers is very similar to that observed in the corresponding spectra for p + p collisions. The nuclear modification factors (RAA) show significant suppression, with a distinct energy, centrality, and p(T) dependence. Above p(T) = 7 GeV/c, R-AA is similar for root sNN = 62.4 and 200 GeV at all centralities. Perturbative-quantum-chromodynamics calculations that describe R-AA well at 200 GeV fail to describe the 39 GeV data, raising the possibility that, for the same p(T) region, the relative importance of initial-state effects and soft processes increases at lower energies. The p(T) range where pi(0) spectra in central Au + Au collisions have the same power as in p + p collisions is approximate to 5 and 7 GeV/c for root sNN = 200 and 62.4 GeV, respectively. For the root sNN = 39 GeV data, it is not clear whether such a region is reached, and the x(T) dependence of the x(T)-scaling power-law exponent is very different from that observed in the root sNN = 62 and 200 GeV data, providing further evidence that initial-state effects and soft processes mask the in-medium suppression of hardscattered partons to higher p(T) as the collision energy decreases.
