

Improving childhood obesity treatment using new technologies: the ETIOBE System

Mariano AlcaníizElia OliverAzucena García-palaciosAusiàs CebollaIrene ZaragozáRosa M. BañosCristina Botella


Gerontologymedicine.medical_specialtyEpidemiologyEmerging technologiesAlternative medicinecognitive-behavioural treatment.Persuasive technologyArticleChildhood obesitye-therapyWeight lossmedicineObesityCognitive-behavioural treatmentpersuasive technologyPersuasive technologybusiness.industryObesitat en els infants--TractamentPublic healthmedicine.diseaseObesityPsychiatry and Mental healthInformation and Communications TechnologyObesity in children--Treatmente-healthmedicine.symptombusiness


Childhood obesity is an increasing public health problem in western culture. Sedentary lifestyles and an “obesogenic environment” are the main influences on children leading to an increase in obesity. The objective of this paper is to describe an e-health platform for the treatment and prevention of childhood obesity called ETIOBE. This e-health platform is an e-therapy system for the treatment of obesity, aimed at improving treatment adherence and promoting the mechanisms of self-control in patients, to obtain weight loss maintenance and to prevent relapse by establishing healthy lifestyle habits. ETIOBE is composed of three different applications, the Clinician Support System (CSS), the Home Support System (HSS) and the Mobile Support System (MSS). The use of new Information and Communication (ICT) technologies can help clinicians to improve the effectiveness of weight loss treatments, especially in the case of children, and to achieve designated treatment goals
