

Radioluminescence Response of Ce-, Cu-, and Gd-Doped Silica Glasses for Dosimetry of Pulsed Electron Beams

Arto JavanainenSylvain GirardHeikki KettunenHicham El HamzaouiDaniel SoderstromAdriana MoranaGéraud BouwmansBruno CapoenYoucef OuerdaneMohamed Bouazaoui


optical fiberLuminescenceMaterials scienceradiation-induced luminescenceAnalytical chemistryElectronsTP1-118502 engineering and technologyElectronhiukkaskiihdyttimetelektronit01 natural sciencesBiochemistryArticleAnalytical Chemistrylaw.inventionmittauslaitteetlaw0103 physical sciencesDosimetrydosimetritIrradiationElectrical and Electronic EngineeringRadiometryInstrumentation[PHYS]Physics [physics]optiset kuidutdosimetry010308 nuclear & particles physicsChemical technologypulsed electron beamluminesenssiDopingParticle acceleratorRadioluminescenceSilicon Dioxide021001 nanoscience & nanotechnologyelectron acceleratorAtomic and Molecular Physics and Opticspoint dosimeterCondensed Matter::Soft Condensed MattersäteilyfysiikkaCathode rayPhysics::Accelerator Physics0210 nano-technologyLuminescence


Radiation-induced emission of doped sol-gel silica glass samples was investigated under a pulsed 20-MeV electron beam. The studied samples were drawn rods doped with cerium, copper, or gadolinium ions, which were connected to multimode pure-silica core fibers to transport the induced luminescence from the irradiation area to a signal readout system. The luminescence pulses in the samples induced by the electron bunches were studied as a function of deposited dose per electron bunch. All the investigated samples were found to have a linear response in terms of luminescence as a function of electron bunch sizes between 10−5 Gy/bunch and 1.5×10−2 Gy/bunch. The presented results show that these types of doped silica rods can be used for monitoring a pulsed electron beam, as well as to evaluate the dose deposited by the individual electron bunches. The electron accelerator used in the experiment was a medical type used for radiation therapy treatments, and these silica rod samples show high potential for dosimetry in radiotherapy contexts.
