

Phase partitioning of aerosol particles in clouds at Kleiner Feldberg

Kevin J. NooneJost HeintzenbergB. G. ArendsA. HallbergR. MaserI. B. SvenningssonAlfred WiedensohlerHans-christen HanssonJohn A. OgrenAndrea I. FlossmannT. L. Anderson


[SDU.OCEAN]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Ocean AtmosphereAtmospheric Science010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciencesChemistrySize dependentNucleation010501 environmental sciencesEntrainment (meteorology)Atmospheric sciences01 natural sciencesStandard deviationAerosolVolume (thermodynamics)13. Climate actionPhase (matter)Environmental ChemistryScavengingComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS0105 earth and related environmental sciences


The partitioning of aerosol particles between cloud droplets and interstitial air by number and volume was determined both in terms of an integral value and as a function of size for clouds on Mt. Kleiner Feldberg (825 m asl), in the Taunus Mountains north-west of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Differences in the integral values and the size dependent partitioning between two periods during the campaign were observed. Higher number and volume concentrations of aerosol particles in the accumulation mode were observed during Period II compared to Period I. In Period I on average 87 ± 11% (±one standard deviation) and 73 ± 7% of the accumulation mode volume and number were incorporated into cloud droplets. For Period II the corresponding fractions were 42 ± 6% and 12 ± 2% in one cloud event and 64 ± 4% and 18 ± 2% in another cloud event. The size dependent partitioning as a function of time was studied in Period II and found to have little variation. The major processes influencing the partitioning were found to be nucleation scavenging and entrainment.
