

Quasi-static magnetoresistive sensor modeling for current-time conversion circuit applications

A. RoldanSusana CardosoPaulo P. FreitasA. Cano-abellanJuan Bautista RoldánCandid Reig


Materials scienceMagnetoresistancebusiness.industryLow-power electronicsElectronic engineeringElectrical engineeringGiant magnetoresistanceCurrent sensorTransient (oscillation)businessDevice parametersQuasistatic processPower (physics)


In this paper we report a current-to-time converter (CTC) suitable for current sensor monitoring in low power applications. Based on a discrete resistence-to-frequency converter and a Giant MagnetoResistance (GMR) current sensor. Simulations have been done using a quasi-static electrical Verilog-A model for the GMR current sensor. A reduced set of parameters has been extracted to characterize the GMR sensor's behavior. The application has been analyzed making use of different sensors, whose device parameters were previously extracted. Finally, the accuracy of the models has been tested by comparing with experimental transient measurements.
