

A search for anisotropy in the arrival directions of ultra high energy cosmic rays recorded at the Pierre Auger Observatory

R. GaiorJ. OehlschlägerP. BrogueiraCarola DobrigkeitAzadeh KeivaniA. F. BarbosaD. AllardPaul SommersP. WahrlichJ. ChauvinJ. Alvarez-mũizA. SegretoMarkus AhlersE. VarelaN. GriffithF. SnchezP. GouffonP. N. DongM. J. CooperJ. D. HagueB. RevenuU. FröhlichGünter SiglM. De DomenicoAlan WatsonR. E. BurtonJ. R. VázquezDomenico TegoloD. Garcia-gamezG. MatthiaeAntonio BuenoSergio PastorW. Rodrigues De CarvalhoGualberto AvilaJ. Alvarez CastilloAngela V. OlintoMaria-teresa DovaI. C. MarişJ. Chirinos DiazHernan WahlbergYingchun ZhuA.m. Van Den BergDarko VeberičJ. A.j. MatthewsXavier BertouOctavian FratuB. M. BaughmanB. M. BaughmanT. BäckerV. H. PonceM. GoldL. NožkaD. HarariJ. W. CroninL. PerroneM. PalatkaP. W. YounkP. W. YounkD. NitzMaria Rita ColucciaT. HuegeHernán Gonzalo AsoreyA. ZepedaF. DiogoL. CarameteN. ScharfYogendra N. SrivastavaM. I. MichelettiH. RiveraR. M. De AlmeidaJiri ChudobaPedro AssisV. De SouzaA. ParraJ. SchovancovaE. D. FraenkelG. TomaJeffrey BrackOlaf ScholtenK. LouedecJan PękalaA. EtchegoyenA. EtchegoyenJavier TiffenbergMiguel MostafáB. J. WhelanA. ChiavassaM. AveR. J. LauerP. RistoriMariangela SettimoD. MaurizioR. BoninoHumberto Ibarguen SalazarNataliia BorodaiE. KempM. ProuzaC. AramoM. Gómez BerissoL. Del PeralO. RavelK. H. KampertAlexey YushkovJörg R. HörandelThomas HarrisonK. B. BarberR. C. ShellardD. Monnier RagaigneS. HarmsmaC. PfendnerW. DoctersMaria J. OrtizR. Š MídaL. R. WienckeC. MacolinoC. HojvatJan EbrH. BlümerG. P. GuedesPham Ngoc DiepJ. C. MarinK. KoteraAlina Mihaela BadescuW. J. M. De Mello JuniorC. De DonatoL. Molina-buenoD. MeloM. AvenierPiotr HomolaDavid WalzP. PieroniP. Facal San LuisJ. K. KulbartzH. MartinezJ. StasielakS. CoutuHeino FalckeHeino FalckeI. Lhenry-yvonM. JosebachuiliH.o. KlagesB. CaccianigaI. AllekotteJ. VichaH. H. Silva LopezG. WieczorekDusan MandatJ. Rodriguez MartinoP. AbreuS. Le CozS. WesterhoffM. WommerG. CataldiElton J. G. SantosK. LinkPeter SchifferPeter SchifferF. ArquerosA. C. FauthV. ScheriniA. ShadkamP. KarhanG. NavarraB. ZamoranoS. J. De JongC. L. WilliamsH. M. SpinkaH. M. SpinkaP. NecesalPierre BilloirD. ThomasA. CurutiuH. LyberisA. P. FergusonO. KrömerC. A. MouraS. L.c. BarrosoT. YamamotoT. YamamotoBrian FickS. SchulteMiroslav HrabovskýP. SchovnekAlexandra SaftoiuA. HaungsCarla BonifaziO. TacuJose A. BellidoI. Rodriguez-caboR. MussaJ. J. BeattyD. RavignaniA. F. GrilloJuan Carlos D'olivoT. PierogPhilipp MertschP. GoncalvesSamo StaničLuis A. AnchordoquiM. NyklicekMartina BohacovaPatrick AllisonT. YapiciE. MorenoIván SidelnikM. AmbrosioA. PetroliniAlain HervéJ. L. HartonJ. CoppensH. DembinskiJ. SorokinM. S. A. B. LeãoN. FazziniK.-h. BeckerM. PimentaA. NellesJaime RosadoP. MantschA. SchmidtJ. D. SwainP. L. GhiaOsvaldo CatalanoD. Pakk Selmi-deiJ. R. T. De Mello NetoRémi BardenetR. CesterB. MoralesD. MaurelPetr TravnicekZ. SzadkowskiH. SchielerM. Zimbres SilvaM. Zimbres SilvaD. SchusterS. JiraskovaA. InsoliaM. KleifgesD. ZavrtanikJ. KleinfellerJulien AublinMichael UrbanJ. PetrovicH. CookA. ItalianoLu LuC. RühleR. SatoAntonella CastellinaJ. StapletonA. HornefferP. PetrincaF. SuarezThomas HebbekerC. J.w.p. TimmermansB. Vargas CárdenasT. SuomijärviSergio DassoJ. PallottaE. J. QuelA. G. MariazziL. ValoreAmin AminaeiS. GrebeAlberto Daniel SupanitskyJ. Lozano BahiloSegev BenzviDaniel KuempelDaniel KuempelCarlos EscobarCarlos EscobarA. CordierS. MalderaH. SchoorlemmerR. F. GamarraA. TapiaG. RodriguezBéatrice FuchsNiraj DhitalI. ValĩoV. PirronelloH. GemmekeF. WernerI. A. MinayaB. KeilhauerA. FilevichB. GarcíaMario ScuderiM. UngerTobias WinchenP. LebrunD. B. TridapalliJ. AllenSasa MicanovicR. SquartiniI. ZawI. ZawBalázs KéglCorbin CovaultT. PaulIuri Muniz PepeR. LópezKaren S. Caballero-moraD. Kruppke-hansenC. JarneA. PorcelliY. PetrovErnesto ArgandaErnesto ArgandaE. PetermannS. FliescherJ. NeuserH. WilczyskiS. J. SciuttoA. CrissM. PontzR. PesceA. BellétoileIvone F. M. AlbuquerqueMarkus RothN. T. ThaoM. LudwigMarcio Aparecido MullerLino MiramontiR. BruijnR. BruijnM. PlatinoA. C. RoveroA. GuzmanC. BleveMiroslav PechMartin ErdmannP. T. NhungPavel HorvathV. MarinI. Fajardo TapiaE. MenichettiF. IonitaEsteban RouletM. MonasorM. TartareKai DaumillerG. GolupEun-joo AhnM. GrigatM. D. Rodríguez-fríasVincenzo RiziJ. L. NavarroM. S. SutherlandRoger W ClayN. KunkaG. TristramRichard DallierG. Medina-tancoD. MartelloM. BlancoM. ZiolkowskiSilvia MollerachO. Martínez BravoDaniel GonzalezC. E. FracchiollaD. NosekM. RisseFrancisco J. BlancoSofia AndringaJ. BäumlRossella CarusoA. LuceroB. Rouillé-d'orfeuilR. ConceiçoF. Gomez AlbarracinG. La RosaM. WillB. TomeC. J. Todero PeixotoJ. KnappA. Lopez AgüeraG. ParenteD. D'ursoCorinne BeratM. GillerA. SmiakowskiSubir SarkarPeter HansenS. NavasF. GuarinoJohn MatthewsJohn MatthewsPeter BuchholzN. KrohmM. SzubaA. GorgiB. SarkarH. R. Marquez FalconI.m. BrancusAlejandro AlmelaAlejandro AlmelaH. GlassMarco AgliettaJ. EspadanalM. MelissasB. WilczyskaN. PalmieriR. A. VázquezL. NellenA. FilipčičA. GasconA. MenshikovK. WeidenhauptE. ParizotG. MarsellaC. E. SantoOctavian SimaJ. G. GonzalezV. C. HolmesD. LebrunI. DutanF. SarazinC. MorelloK. D. De VriesMatthias BalzerS. PetreraMarc WeberR. M. KieckhaferJuan MorenoA. WeindlA. CreusotD. HeckF. KuehnM. Del RíoDenise BoncioliGerman RosKreso KadijaN. HollonV. VerziJ. RautenbergO. WainbergO. WainbergPeter L. BiermannW. TkaczykPaolo PriviteraMarcus NiechciolC. G. Tavera RuizM. L. Díaz CastroC. MeurerG. FarrarW. C. BrownR. PelayoR. PelayoF. SalamidaJ. F. Valdés GaliciaE. TrovatoMaurice StephanS. QuerchfeldJ. L. KelleyL. NiemietzN. PachecoI. De MitriJ. RobertsA. TonachiniY. GuardincerriS. T. Garcia RocaM. VidelaB. GookinP.f. Gómez VitaleG. MüllerM. A. Leigui De OliveiraR. TcaciucG. YuanMatias TuerosE. GrashornS. RiggiE. M. SantosT. AntičićS. H. ChengF. MontanetJ. C. Dos AnjosL. VillasẽorBruce R. DawsonD. Garcia-pintoP.o. MazurB. WundheilerGregory R SnowP. H. KasperF. Salesa GreusG. SalinaOlivier DelignyB. R. BeckerMoritz MünchmeyerRalph EngelD. H. KoangJ. RidkyT. SusaA. StutzJose ChinellatoP. LautridouS. Dagoret-campagneA. WidomC. LachaudA. DorofeevL. MartinMarco CilmoA. Letessier-selvonH. J. MathesG. De La VegaJ. Rodriguez RojoF.g. SchröderLorenzo CazonEnrique ZasC. Di GiulioFernando ContrerasT. RosslerM. ZavrtanikN. NierstenhoeferU. GiaccariRalf UlrichS. GambettaR. Piegaia


HIRES STEREO[SDU.ASTR.CO]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Cosmology and Extra-Galactic Astrophysics [astro-ph.CO]AstronomySMALL-SCALE ANISOTROPYAstrophysics01 natural sciencesAltas energíasCosmic Rays ShowerCosmologyUltra-high-energy cosmic rayAnisotropy010303 astronomy & astrophysicsmedia_commonPhysicsHigh Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)[PHYS]Physics [physics]BL-LACERTAEAstrophysics::Instrumentation and Methods for AstrophysicsPierre Auger ObservatoryRadiación cósmicaFísica nuclearOBJECTSAstrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomenacosmic ray experiments; ultra high energy cosmic raysACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEIActive galactic nucleusmedia_common.quotation_subjectAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaFOS: Physical sciencesCosmic raysearch for anisotropyultra high energy cosmic raysCosmic Ray[PHYS.ASTR.CO]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Cosmology and Extra-Galactic Astrophysics [astro-ph.CO]0103 physical sciences010306 general physicsCiencias ExactasPierre Auger ObservatorySPECTRUMAstronomyFísicaAstronomy and AstrophysicsASTROFÍSICAUniverseGalaxyExperimental High Energy Physicsanisotrpycosmic ray experiments[PHYS.ASTR]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]cosmology


Observations of cosmic ray arrival directions made with the Pierre Auger Observatory have previously provided evidence of anisotropy at the 99% CL using the correlation of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) with objects drawn from the Véron-Cetty Véron catalog. In this paper we report on the use of three catalog independent methods to search for anisotropy. The 2pt–L, 2pt+ and 3pt methods, each giving a different measure of selfclustering in arrival directions, were tested on mock cosmic ray data sets to study the impacts of sample size and magnetic smearing on their results, accounting for both angular and energy resolutions. If the sources of UHECRs follow the same large scale structure as ordinary galaxies in the local Universe and if UHECRs are deflected no more than a few degrees, a study of mock maps suggests that these three methods can efficiently respond to the resulting anisotropy with a P-value = 1.0% or smaller with data sets as few as 100 events. Using data taken from January 1, 2004 to July 31, 2010 we examined the 20, 30, . . . , 110 highest energy events with a corresponding minimum energy threshold of about 49.3 EeV. The minimum P-values found were 13.5% using the 2pt-L method, 1.0% using the 2pt+ method and 1.1% using the 3pt method for the highest 100 energy events. In view of the multiple (correlated) scans performed on the data set, these catalog-independent methods do not yield strong evidence of anisotropy in the highest energy cosmic rays.
