Noninvasive Ventilation of Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Insights from the LUNG SAFE Study
Giacomo BellaniJohn G. LaffeyTai PhamFabiana MadottoEddy FanLaurent BrochardAndres EstebanLuciano GattinoniVesna BumbasirevicLise PiquilloudFrank Van HarenAnders LarssonDaniel F. McauleyPhilippe R. BauerYaseen ArabiMarco RanieriMassimo AntonelliGordon D. RubenfeldB. Taylor ThompsonHermann WriggeArthur S. SlutskyAntonio PesentiRios FVan Haren FSottiaux TDepuydt PLora FsAzevedo LcFan EBugedo GQiu HGonzalez MSilesky JCerny VNielsen JJibaja MPham TWrigge HMatamis DRanero JlAmin PHashemian SmClarkson KBellani GKurahashi KVillagomez AZeggwagh AaHeunks LmLaake JhPalo JeDo Vale Fernandes ASandesc DArabi YBumbasierevic VNin NLorente JaLarsson APiquilloud LAbroug FMcauley DfMcnamee LHurtado JBajwa EDémpaire GFrancois GmSula HNunci LCani AZazu ADellera CInsaurralde CsAlejandro RvDaldin JVinzio MFernandez RoCardonnet LpBettini LrBisso McOsman EmSetten MgLovazzano PAlvarez JVillar VPozo NcGrubissich NPlotnikow GaVasquez DnIlutovich STiribelli NChena APellegrini CaSaenz MgEstenssoro EBrizuela MGianinetto HGomez PeCerrato ViBezzi MgBorello SaLoiacono FaFernandez AmKnowles SReynolds CInskip DmMiller JjKong JWhitehead CBihari SSeven AKrstevski ARodgers HjMillar RtMckenna TeBailey ImHanlon GcAneman ALynch JmAzad RNeal JWoods PwRoberts BlKol MrWong HsRiss KcStaudinger TWittebole XBerghe CBulpa PaDive AmVerstraete RLebbinck HDepuydt PVermassen JMeersseman PCeunen HRosa JiBeraldo DoPiras CRampinelli AmNassar Jr ApMataloun SMoock MThompson MmGonçalves ChAntônio ApAscoli ABiondi RsFontenele DcNobrega DSales VmShindhe SAiman MLaffey JBeloncle FDavies KgCirone RManoharan VIsmail MGoligher EcJassal MNishikawa EJaveed ACurley GRittayamai NParotto MFerguson NdMehta SKnoll JPronovost ACanestrini SBruhn ArGarcia PhAliaga FaFarías PaYumha JsOrtiz CaSalas JeSaez AaVega LdLabarca EfMartinez FtCarreño NgLora PLiu HQiu HLiu LTang RLuo XAn YZhao HGao YZhai ZYe ZlWang WLi WLi QZheng RYu WShen JLi XYu TWu YqHuang XbHe ZLu YHan HZhang FSun RWang HxQin ShZhu BhZhao JLiu JLi BLiu JlZhou FcLi QjZhang XyLi-xin ZXin-hua QJiang LGao YnZhao XyLi YyLi XlWang CYao QYu RChen KShao HQin BHuang QqZhu WhHang AyHua MxLi YXu YDi YdLing LlQin ThWang ShQin JHan YZhou SVargas MpSilesky Jimenez JiGonzález Rojas MaSolis-quesada JeRamirez-alfaro CmMáca JSklienka PGjedsted JChristiansen ANielsen JVillamagua BgLlano MBurtin PBuzancais GBeuret PPelletier NMortaza SMercat AChelly JJochmans STerzi NDaubin CCarteaux GDe Prost NChiche JdDaviaud FPham TFartoukh MBarberet GBiehler JDellamonica JDoyen DArnal JmBriquet AHraiech SPapazian LFollin ARoux DMessika JKalaitzis EDangers LCombes AAu SmBéduneau GCarpentier DZogheib EhDupont HRicome SSantoli FlBesset SlMichel PGelée BDanin PeGoubaux BCrova PjPhan NtBerkelmans FBadie JcTapponnier RGally JKhebbeb SHerbrecht JeSchneider FDeclercq PmRigaud JpDuranteau JHarrois AChabanne RMarin JBigot CThibault SGhazi MBoukhazna MZein SoRichecoeur JrCombaux DmGrelon FLe Moal CSauvadet EpRobine ALemiale VReuter DDres MDemoule AGoldgran-toledano DBaboi LGuérin CLohner RKraßler JSchäfer SZacharowski KdMeybohm PReske AwSimon PHopf HfSchuetz MBaltus TPapanikolaou MnPapavasilopoulou TgZacharas GaOurailogloy VMouloudi EkMassa EvNagy EoStamou EeKiourtzieva EvOikonomou MaAvila LeCortez CaCitalán JeJog SaSable SdShah BGurjar MBaronia AkMemon MMuthuchellappan RRamesh VjShenoy AUnnikrishnan RDixit SbRhayakar RvRamakrishnan NBhardwaj VkMahto HlSagar SvPalaniswamy VGanesan DHashemian SmJamaati HHeidari FMeaney EaNichol AKnapman KmO’croinin DDunne EsBreen DmClarkson KpJaafar RfDwyer RAmir FAjetunmobi OoO’muircheartaigh AcBlack CsTreanor NCollins DvAltaf WZani GFusari MSpadaro SVolta CaGraziani RBrunettini BPalmese SFormenti PUmbrello MLombardo APecci EBotteri MSavioli MProtti AMattei ASchiavoni LTinnirello ATodeschini MGiarratano ACortegiani ASher SRossi AAntonelli MmMontini LmCasalena PScafetti SPanarello GOcchipinti GPatroniti NPozzi MBiscione RrPoli MmRaimondi FAlbiero DCrapelli GBeck EPota VSchiavone VMolin ATarantino FMonti GFrati EMirabella LCinnella GFossali TColombo RTerragni PPattarino IMojoli FBraschi ABorotto EeCracchiolo AnPalma DmRaponi FFoti GVascotto ErCoppadoro ABrazzi LFloris LIotti GaVenti AYamaguchi OTakagi SMaeyama HnWatanabe EYamaji YShimizu KShiozaki KFutami SRyosuke SSaito KKameyama YUeno KIzawa MOkuda NSuzuki HHarasawa TNasu MTakada TIto FNunomiya SKoyama KAbe TAndoh KKusumoto KHirata ATakaba AKimura HMatsumoto SHigashijima UHonda HAoki NImai HOgino YMizuguchi IIchikado KNitta KMochizuki KHashida TTanaka HNakamura TNiimi DUeda TKashiwa YUchiyama ASabelnikovs OOss PHaddad YLiew KyÑAmendys-silva SaJarquin-badiola YdSanchez-hurtado LaGomez-flores SsMarin McVillagomez AjLemus JsFierro JmCervantes MrFlores Mejia FjDector DDector DmGonzalez DrEstrella CrSanchez-medina JrRamirez-gutierrez AGeorge FgAguirre JsBuensuseso JaPoblano MDendane TZeggwagh AaBalkhi HElkhayari MSamkaoui NEzzouine HBenslama AAmor MMaazouzi WCimic NBeck OBruns MmSchouten JaRinia MRaaijmakers MHeunks LmVan Wezel HmHeines SjStrauch UBuise MpSimonis FdSchultz MjGoodson JcBrowne TsNavarra LHunt AHutchison RaBailey MbNewby LMcarthur CKalkoff MMcleod ACasement JHacking DjAndersen FhDolva MsLaake JhBarratt-due ANoremark KlSøreide ESjøbø BåGuttormsen AbYoshido HlAguilar RzOscanoa FmAlisasis AuRobles JbPasanting-lim RbTan BcAndruszkiewicz PJakubowska KCoxo CmAlvarez AmOliveira BsMontanha GmBarros NcPereira CsMessias AmMonteiro JmAraujo AmCatorze NtMarum SmBouw MjGomes RmBrito VaCastro SEstilita JmBarros FmSerra ImMartinho AmTomescu DrMarcu ABedreag OhPapurica MCorneci DeNegoita SiGrigoriev EGritsan AiGazenkampf AaAlmekhlafi GAlbarrak MmMustafa GmMaghrabi KaSalahuddin NAisa TmAl Jabbary AsTabhan EArabi YmArabi YmTrinidad OaAl Dorzi HmTabhan EeBolon SSmith OMancebo JLopez-delgado JcEsteve FRialp GForteza CDe Haro CArtigas AAlbaiceta GmDe Cima-iglesias SSeoane-quiroga LRuiz-aguilar AlClaraco-vega LmSoler JaLorente McHermosa CGordo FPrieto-gonzález MLópez-messa JbPerez MpPerez CpAllue RmRoche-campo FIbañez-santacruz MTemprano SPintado McDe Pablo RGómez PaRodriguez Ruiz SIglesias Moles SJurado MtArizmendi APiacentini EaFranco NHonrubia TPerez Cheng MPerez Losada EBlanco JYuste LjCarbayo-gorriz CCazorla-barranquero FgAlonso JgAlda RsAlgaba ANavarro GCereijo EDiaz-rodriguez EPastor Marcos DAlvarez Montero LHerrera Para LJimenez Sanchez RBlasco Navalpotro MaDiaz Abad RCastro AgJose D Artiga MCeniceros-barros AMontiel González RParrilla Toribio DPenuelas ORoser TpOlga MfGallego Curto EManzano Sánchez RImma VpElisabet GmClaverias LMagret MPellicer AmRodriguez LlSánchez-ballesteros JsGonzález-salamanca AJimenez AgHuerta FpSotillo Diaz JjBermejo Lopez ELlinares Moya DdTallet Alfonso AaEugenio Luis PsSanchez Cesar PRafael SiVirgilio CgRecio NnAdamsson RoRylander CcHolzgraefe BBroman LmWessbergh JPersson LSchiöler FKedelv HOscarsson Tibblin AAppelberg HHedlund LHelleberg JEriksson KeGlietsch RLarsson NNygren INunes SlMorin AkKander TAdolfsson APiquilloud LZender HoLeemann-refondini CElatrous SBouchoucha SChouchene IOuanes ISouissi AbKamoun SDemirkiran OAker MErbabacan ECeylan IGirgin NkOzcelik MÜNal NMeco BcAkyol OoDerman SsKennedy BParhar KSrinivasa LMcnamee LMcauley DHopkins PMellis CKakar VHadfield DVercueil ABhowmick KHumphreys SkFerguson AMckee RRaj AsFawkes DaWatt PTwohey LJha RrThomas MMorton AKadaba VSmith MjHormis ApKannan SgNamih MReschreiter HCamsooksai JKumar ARugonfalvi SNutt COneill OSeasman CDempsey GScott CjEllis HeMckechnie SHutton PjDi Tomasso NnVitale MnGriffin RoDean MnCranshaw JhWillett ElIoannou NGillis SCsabi PMacfadyen RDawson HPreez PdWilliams AjBoyd OOrtiz-ruiz De Gordoa LBramall JSymmonds SChau SkWenham TSzakmany TToth-tarsoly PMccalman KhAlexander PStephenson LCollyer TChapman RCooper RAllan RmSim MWrathall DwIrvine DaZantua KsAdams JcBurtenshaw AjSellors GpWelters IdWilliams KeHessell RjOldroyd MgBattle CePillai SKajtor ISivashanmugavel MOkane ScDonnelly AFrigyik AdCareless JpMay MmStewart RTrinder TjHagan SjWise MpCole JmMacfie CcDowling AtHurtado JNin NHurtado JNuñez EPittini GRodriguez RImperio McSantos CFrança AgEbeid ADeicas ASerra CUppalapati AKamel GBanner-goodspeed VmBeitler JrReddy Mukkera SKulkarni SLee JMesar TShinn Iii JoGomaa DTainter CLee JMesar TLee JYeatts DjWarren JLanspa MjMiller RrGrissom CkBrown SmBauer PrGosselin RjKitch BtCohen JeBeegle ShGueret RmTulaimat AChoudry SStigler WBatra HHuff NgLamb KdOetting TwMohr NmJudy CSaito SKheir FmKheir FSchlichting AbDelsing ACrouch DrElmasri MCrouch DrIsmail DDreyer KrBlakeman TcDreyer KrGomaa DBaron RmQuintana Grijalba CHou PcSeethala RAisiku IHenderson GFrendl GHou SkOwens RlSchomer ABumbasirevic VJovanovic BSurbatovic MVeljovic M.subject
MaleARDSprocedureblood oxygen tensionCritical Care and Intensive Care MedicineSeverity of Illness Indexlaw.invention0302 clinical medicinelawHospital MortalityRespiratory Distress SyndromeAcute respiratory distress syndromeadult respiratory distress syndromeMiddle AgedIntensive care unitIntensive Care Unitsmedicine.anatomical_structureTreatment Outcomepriority journalpositive end expiratory pressureNoninvasive ventilationdisease severityFemaletreatment outcome AgedNoninvasive ventilationprospective studyHumanAdultPulmonary and Respiratory Medicinemedicine.medical_specialtycohort analysiIntensive Care Unitdisease classificationAcute respiratory distressArticleNO03 medical and health sciencesacute respiratory distress syndrome; noninvasive ventilationlength of staySeverity of illnessSettore MED/41 - ANESTESIOLOGIAmedicineSequential Organ Failure Assessment ScoreHumansIn patientAcute respiratory distress syndrome; Noninvasive ventilation; Aged; Female; Hospital Mortality; Humans; Intensive Care Units; Male; Middle Aged; Respiratory Distress Syndrome Adult; Severity of Illness Index; Treatment Outcome; Noninvasive Ventilation; Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine; Critical Care and Intensive Care MedicineIntensive care medicineoutcome assessmentAgedLungbusiness.industryRespiratory Distress Syndrome Adult030208 emergency & critical care medicinemedicine.diseasemajor clinical studymortalityrespiratory tract diseasesbreathing ratemulticenter study030228 respiratory systemincidenceObservational studyobservational studybusinessAcute respiratory distress syndrome; Noninvasive ventilation;description
Rationale: Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is increasingly used in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The evidence supporting NIV use in patients with ARDS remains relatively sparse.Objectives: To determine whether, during NIV, the categorization of ARDS severity based on the PaO2/FiO2 Berlin criteria is useful.Methods: The LUNG SAFE (Large Observational Study to Understand the Global Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Failure) study described the management of patients with ARDS. This substudy examines the current practice of NIV use in ARDS, the utility of the PaO2/FiO2 ratio in classifying patients receiving NIV, and the impact of NIV on outcome.Measurements and Main Results: Of 2,813 patients with ARDS, 436 (15.5%) were managed with NIV on Days 1 and 2 following fulfillment of diagnostic criteria. Classification of ARDS severity based on PaO2/FiO2 ratio was associated with an increase in intensity of ventilatory support, NIV failure, and intensive care unit (ICU) mortality. NIV failure occurred in 22.2% of mild, 42.3% of moderate, and 47.1% of patients with severe ARDS. Hospital mortality in patients with NIV success and failure was 16.1% and 45.4%, respectively. NIV use was independently associated with increased ICU (hazard ratio, 1.446 [95% confidence interval, 1.159–1.805]), but not hospital, mortality. In a propensity matched analysis, ICU mortality was higher in NIV than invasively ventilated patients with a PaO2/FiO2 lower than 150 mm Hg.Conclusions: NIV was used in 15% of patients with ARDS, irrespective of severity category. NIV seems to be associated with higher ICU mortality in patients with a PaO2/FiO2 lower than 150 mm Hg.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2016-10-19 |