

Understanding the complexity of IgE-related phenotypes from childhood to young adulthood: A Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy (MeDALL) seminar.

Cisca WijmengaValérie SirouxRenato T. SteinIsabella Annesi-maesanoJohn WrightJosep M. AntóTorsten ZuberbierCynthia HohmannJordi SunyerMarjan KerkhofJames P. KileyMartijn C. NawijnWeiniu GanRobert A. SmithAntoon J. M. Van OosterhoutPatricia NoelBénédicte JacqueminBénédicte JacqueminSabina IlliRudolf ValentaPascal DemolyS. PalkonenFerran BallesterWillem Van De VeenGörkem YamanKarin C. Lødrup CarlsenDieter MaierJonathan M. CoquetDirkje S. PostmaKai-håkon CarlsenJean BousquetJean BousquetSam OddieChristian LupinekHenriette A. SmitManolis KogevinasJocelyne JustJocelyne JustMagnus WickmanMariona PinartSergio ValverdeRaphaëlle VarrasoRaphaëlle VarrasoM. HerrStefano GuerraChantal Guihenneuc-jouyauxAnne Cambon-thomsenIsabelle PinJudith Garcia-aymerichCezmi A. AkdisClaus BachertIsabelle MomasFrancine KauffmannFrancine KauffmannElena Gimeno-santosMarta BenetBart N. LambrechtLeena Von HertzenMarek L. KowalskiXavier BasagañaM. AkdisCharles AuffrayGerard H. KoppelmanThomas KeilSusanne LauDaniela PortaPeter J. SterkBarbara StanicLeda ChatziTari HaahtelaFernando D. MartinezJoachim HeinrichAntonello PunturieriFanny Rancière


AllergyAllergyWORLD-HEALTH-ORGANIZATIONBioinformaticsEpigenesis Genetic0302 clinical medicineRisk FactorsImmunology and AllergyMedicineYoung adultChildEpigenesismedia_commonMechanisms of the Development of Allergy0303 health scienceseducation.field_of_studyphenotypesAllergy; Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy; Seventh Framework Program; phenotypes; IgE; asthmaRUSSIAN KARELIAPhenotype3. Good healthLUNG-FUNCTIONPhenotypeChild PreschoolBRONCHIAL HYPERRESPONSIVENESSIgEBIRTH-COHORTAdolescentASTHMA RESEARCH-PROGRAMSystems biologyImmunologyPopulationOBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY-DISEASEYoung Adult03 medical and health sciencesDIAGNOSTIC GATEKEEPERSHypersensitivityAnimalsHumansmedia_common.cataloged_instanceEuropean unioneducation030304 developmental biologyCLUSTER-ANALYSISbusiness.industryMechanism (biology)ResearchImmunoglobulin Easthmamedicine.disease030228 respiratory systemSeventh Framework ProgramImmunologybusinessT-REGULATORY-CELLS


Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy (MeDALL), a Seventh Framework Program European Union project, aims to generate novel knowledge on the mechanisms of initiation of allergy. Precise phenotypes of IgE-mediated allergic diseases will be defined in MeDALL. As part of MeDALL, a scientific seminar was held on January 24, 2011, to review current knowledge on the IgE-related phenotypes and to explore how a multidisciplinary effort could result in a new integrative translational approach. This article provides a summary of the meeting. It develops challenges in IgE-related phenotypes and new clinical and epidemiologic approaches to the investigation of allergic phenotypes, including cluster analysis, scale-free models, candidate biomarkers, and IgE microarrays; the particular case of severe asthma was reviewed. Then novel approaches to the IgE-associated phenotypes are reviewed from the individual mechanisms to the systems, including epigenetics, human in vitro immunology, systems biology, and animal models. The last chapter deals with the understanding of the population-based IgE-associated phenotypes in children and adolescents, including age effect in terms of maturation, observed effects of early-life exposures and shift of focus from early life to pregnancy, gene-environment interactions, cohort effects, and time trends in patients with allergic diseases. This review helps to define phenotypes of allergic diseases in MeDALL. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2012;129:943-54.)
