

Coulomb displacement energies as a probe for nucleon pairing in the $f_{7/2}$ shell

Ari JokinenM. ReponenJuha ÄYstöAnu KankainenTommi EronenVeli KolhinenJani HakalaVolker SonnenscheinDmitry GorelovJuho RissanenAntti Saastamoinen


PhysicsNuclear and High Energy Physicsta114010308 nuclear & particles physicsFOS: Physical sciences01 natural sciencesAtomic massIonMass formulaPairing0103 physical sciencesCoulombMirror nucleiAtomic physicsNuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)010306 general physicsNucleonNuclear ExperimentMultiplet


Coulomb displacement energies of $T=1/2$ mirror nuclei have been studied via a series of high-precision $Q_\mathrm{EC}$-value measurements with the double Penning trap mass spectrometer JYFLTRAP. Most recently, the $Q_\mathrm{EC}$ values of the $f_{7/2}$-shell mirror nuclei $^{45}$V ($Q_\mathrm{EC}=7123.82(22)$ keV) and $^{49}$Mn ($Q_\mathrm{EC}=7712.42(24)$ keV) have been measured with an unprecedented precision. The data reveal a 16-keV ($1.6\sigma$) offset in the adopted Atomic Mass Evaluation 2012 value of $^{49}$Mn suggesting the need for further measurements to verify the breakdown of the quadratic form of the isobaric multiplet mass equation. Precisely measured $Q_\mathrm{EC}$ values confirm that the pairing effect in the Coulomb energies is quenched when entering the $f_{7/2}$ shell and reaches a minimum in the midshell.
