

Magnetic properties of Co2Mn1−xFexSi Heusler alloys

M. KallmayerGerhard H. FecherClaudia FelserS. WurmehlFranziska EmmerlingBenjamin BalkeH. J. Elmers


Acoustics and UltrasonicsCondensed matter physicsMagnetic momentMagnetic circular dichroismChemistryMagnetometerElectronDichroismCondensed Matter PhysicsSurfaces Coatings and FilmsElectronic Optical and Magnetic Materialslaw.inventionMagnetizationFerromagnetismlawCircular magnetic dichroism


Co2Mn1−xFexSi Heusler alloys with Fe concentration x = 0–0.4 as prepared by arc melting show a L21 long range order for all Fe concentrations. Magnetic properties of Co2Mn1−xFexSi Heusler alloys were investigated by magnetometry and circular magnetic dichroism. The magnetization of the Fe doped Heusler alloys is in agreement with the Slater–Pauling values expected for half-metallic ferromagnets. Element specific magnetic moments as determined by x-ray absorption using the total electron yield method are in disagreement with theoretical predictions for x = 0 but approach the predicted values as the Fe concentration increases. Surprisingly small Fe concentration increases the magnetic moments of all constituents considerably.
