

Background radioactivity in the scaler mode technique of the Argo-YBJ detector

Aielli GBacci CBartoli BBernardini PBi XjBleve CBranchini PBudano ACalabrese Melcarne AkCamarri PCao ZCappa ACardarelli RCatalanotti SCattaneo CCelio PChen SzChen TlChen YCheng NCreti PCui SwDai BzD'ali Staiti GDanzengluobuDattoli MDe Mitri ID'ettorre Piazzoli BMario De VincenziDi Girolamo TDing XhDi Sciascio GFeng CfFeng Zhao YangFeng Zhen YongGaleazzi FGaleotti PGargana RGou QbGuo YqHe HhHu HaibingHu Hong BoHuang QIacovacci MIuppa RJames IJia HyLabacirenLi HjLi JyLi XxLiberti BLiguori GLiu CLiu CqLiu MyLiu JLu HMa XhMancarella GMarsella GMartello DMastroianni SMeng XrMontini PNing CcPagliaro APanareo MPerrone LPistilli PQu XbRossi ERuggieri FSaggese LSalvini PSantonico RShen PrSheng XdShi FStanescu CSurdo ATan YhVallania PVernetto SVigorito CWang BWang HWu CyWu HrXu BXue LYan YxYang QyYang XcYuan AfZha MZhang HmZhang Ji LongZhang Jian LiZhang LZhang PZhang XyZhang YZhaxisangzhuZhou XxZhu FrZhu QqZizzi G.Severino Angelo Maria BussinoStefano Maria Mari


PhysicsResistive touchscreenPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)Atmospheric pressureSettore FIS/01 - Fisica SperimentaleDetectorScaler ModeAstronomy and AstrophysicsCosmic rayRadioactivity Array Detector Scaler ModeArray DetectorCoincidenceComputational physicsRadioactivityAir showerCoincidentArgo


""ARGO-YBJ is an extensive air shower detector located at the Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Laboratory (4300 ma.s.l., 606 g cm^−2 atmospheric depth, Tibet, China).. It is made by a single layer of Resistive Plate Chambers. (RPCs, total surface ~ 6700 m^2) grouped into 153 units. called “clusters”. The low energy threshold of the experiment is obtained using the ”scaler operation mode”, counting all the particles hitting the detector without reconstruction of the shower size and arrival direction. For each cluster the signals generated by these particles are put in coincidence in a narrow time window (150 ns) and read by four independent. scaler channels, giving the counting rates of channel. >= 1, >= 2, >= 3 and >= 4 hits. The study of these counting. rates pointed out a different behavior of channel >= 1. respect to the higher multiplicity channels: while the MC simulations can account fairly well for the coincident counting. rates, the expectation for channel >= 1 is sensibly less. than the measured value. Moreover, the regression coefficient with the atmospheric pressure for channel >= 1 is also. about half of the value measured for the coincident counting rates: seemingly half of these counts did not cross the atmosphere. Measurements of the natural radioactivity background. in the air of the detector hall and a MC simulation to. estimate its contribution on our counting rates are presented and discussed.""
