

Assessment of the out-plane and in-plane ordering of high quality ZnO nanorods by X-ray multiple diffraction

D.n. MontenegroVicente Muñoz-sanjoséVincent SalletM.c. Martínez-tomásSaid Agouram


DiffractionMaterials sciencebusiness.industryPlane (geometry)Metals and AlloysX-rayPhysics::OpticsSurfaces and InterfacesSurfaces Coatings and FilmsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsAzimuthCondensed Matter::Materials ScienceQuality (physics)OpticsMaterials ChemistrySapphireNanorodbusinessBeam (structure)


Abstract ZnO nanorods grown on buffered and non buffered sapphire substrates have been investigated by X-ray multiple diffraction using Renninger scans of the ZnO(0001) and ZnO(0003) forbidden reflections. In this technique the diffracted X-ray beam is simultaneously diffracted by several sets of planes, providing information on the broadening in different directions, as well as from nanorods, and from the layer on which they grow. The intensities and angular widths of peaks obtained by azimuthal and omega scans have been analyzed, making a direct comparison with conventional measurements of the full width at half-maximum of symmetric and asymmetric reflections. The analysis leads to establish that the peaks of the Renninger scan are highly sensitive to structural characteristics, providing information related with both the out-plane and in-plane ordering of nanostructured samples with a single scan.
