Soil carbon, multiple benefits
Martial BernouxGenxing PanCristiano BallabioHeitor Luiz Da Costa CoutinhoPeter GrathwohlFrédéric GouletYongcun ZhaoRodrigo VargasMeine Van NoordwijkT. GoverseMarty M GoldhaberGervasio PiñeiroPete SmithChristopher J. DuffyAndré BationoGreta GaudigPhilippe LemanceauAlberto Raul QuirogaFrancesca BampaCristiane Figueira Da SilvaFranziska TannebergerDavid S. PowlsonGenerose NziguhebaJinwei ZhengPierre Alain MaronElaine Cristina Cardoso FidalgoRoger FunkMette TermansenJo SmithZichuan LiJohan SixDavid J. AbsonLuca MontanarellaP. GicheruXuhui ZhangClaude CompagnoneBoaz S. WaswaDaniel Eduardo BuschiazzoDavid WernerT. BhattacharyyaNikolaos P. NikolaidisUnai PascualUnai PascualKeith PaustianDaniel RichterHans JoostenCarlos Eduardo Pellegrino CerriRich ConantNewton La ScalaJerry M. MelilloEleanor MilneEleanor MilneJob KiharaP. KamoniElke NoellemeyerKun ChengRené KrawczynskiPia GottschalkBas Van WesemaelLianqing LiMichael StockingWendelin WichtmannReynaldo Luiz VictoriaFabiano De Carvalho BalieiroSabine WichmannZucong CaiJufeng ZhengSteven A. BanwartChristopher MartiusNiels H. BatjesHelaina BlackEmanuele LugatoDelphine De BrogniezAnnie SigwaltChristian Fellersubject
P33 - Chimie et physique du solProcess (engineering)http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_37938Geography Planning and DevelopmentManagement Monitoring Policy and Law7. Clean energySustainability ScienceScientific evidenceSOLOSMatière organique du solProjet de recherchePolitical science11. SustainabilityLife ScienceEuropean commissionEnvironmental planninghttp://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_356572. Zero hungerProjet de développementhttp://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_24891[SHS.SOCIO]Humanities and Social Sciences/SociologyScope (project management)Soil organic matterÉvaluation de l'impacthttp://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_2229Soil carbon15. Life on landRapid assessmentJoint research13. Climate actionP01 - Conservation de la nature et ressources foncièrescarbone du solISRIC - World Soil Information/dk/atira/pure/core/keywords/nachhaltigkeitswissenschaftdescription
Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-11T17:24:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-01-01 In March 2013, 40 leading experts from across the world gathered at a workshop, hosted by the European Commission, Directorate General Joint Research Centre, Italy, to discuss the multiple benefits of soil carbon as part of a Rapid Assessment Process (RAP) project commissioned by Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). This collaboration led to the publication of the SCOPE Series Volume 71 Soil Carbon: Science, Management and Policy for Multiple Benefits; which brings together the essential scientific evidence and policy opportunities regarding the global importance of soil carbon. This short communication summarises the key messages of the assessment including research and policy implications. Colorado State University University of Leicester Kroto Research Institute, The University of Sheffield Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa FuturES Research Center, Leuphana Universität European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) ISRIC - World Soil Information French Research Institute for Development (IRD) National Bureau of Soil Survey, Land Use Planning (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) The James Hutton Institute National Institute for Agronomic Research of Argentina (INTA), National University of La Pampa School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University Department of Soil Science, University of São Paulo (USP) Institute of Resource, Ecosystem and Environment of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University AgroSup, Dijon - INRA Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory and Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University National Centre for Soil Research (Embrapa Soils) National Science Foundation (NSF) Critical Zone Observatory, Pennsylvania State University Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) Institute for Soil Landscape Research, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) US Geological Survey Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research CIRAD Agricultural Research for Development Division of Early Warning and Assessment, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Center for Applied Geosciences, Tuebingen University International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) Brandenburg University of Technology Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) INRA - Univ. of Burgundy Joint Research Unit for Soil Microbiology and the Environment Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science Basque Centre for Climate Change University of Cambridge, Department Land Economy Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University Department of Natural Resources, University of Buenos Aires Department of Sustainable Soils and Grassland Systems, Rothamsted Research Division of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Duke University Département Economie et Sciences Sociales, Groupe ESA Sustainable Agroecosystem Group, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Zurich Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen School of International Development, University of East Anglia Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University ICRAF (World Agroforestry Centre) Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research, Earth and Life Institute, Université Catholique de Louvain Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware Universidade de São Paulo School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University Michael Succow Foundation for the Protection of Nature, Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Action for Integrated Rural Development Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2014-11-25 |