

Jahn–Teller effects in Au25(SR)18

Marcus A. TofanelliKirsi SalorinneThomas W. NiSami MalolaBrian NewellBilly PhillipsHannu HäkkinenChristopher J. Ackerson


Jahn–Teller distortionsgold nanoclusters


The relationship between oxidation state, structure, and magnetism in many molecules is well described by first-order Jahn–Teller distortions. This relationship is not yet well defined for ligated nanoclusters and nanoparticles, especially the nano-technologically relevant gold-thiolate protected metal clusters. Here we interrogate the relationships between structure, magnetism, and oxidation state for the three stable oxidation states, 1, 0 and +1 of the thiolate protected nanocluster Au25(SR)18. We present the single crystal X-ray structures of the previously undetermined charge state Au25(SR)18+1, as well as a higher quality single crystal structure of the neutral compound Au25(SR)180 . Structural data combined with SQUID magnetometry and DFT theory enable a complete description of the optical and magnetic properties of Au25(SR)18 in the three oxidation states. In aggregate the data suggests a first-order Jahn– Teller distortion in this compound. The high quality single crystal X-ray structure enables an analysis of the ligand–ligand and ligand–cluster packing interactions that underlie single-crystal formation in thiolate protected metal clusters. peerReviewed
