Sami Malola
Dynamics of weak interactions in the ligand layer of meta-mercaptobenzoic acid protected gold nanoclusters Au68(m-MBA)32 and Au144(m-MBA)40
Atomically precise metal nanoclusters, stabilized and functionalized by organic ligands, are emerging nanomaterials with potential applications in plasmonics, nano-electronics, bio-imaging, nanocatalysis, and as therapeutic agents or drug carriers in nanomedicine. The ligand layer has an important role in modifying the physico-chemical properties of the clusters and in defining the interactions between the clusters and the environment. While this role is well recognized from a great deal of experimental studies, there is very little theoretical information on dynamical processes within the layer itself. Here, we have performed extensive molecular dynamics simulations, with forces calculated…
Computational studies of defects in graphene and carbon nanotubes
Carbon structures have a big role in nanoscience today because of their rich and promising electrical, mechanical and optical properties. However, advancing these properties requires understanding the underlying structure and its behavior. In addition to ideal systems, defects are frequently unavoidable in experiments; hence their e ects, along with their possibilities to enrich the functionalities of carbon nanostructures, should be investigated. This thesis concentrates on computational studies of various defects in graphene and carbon nanotubes. It combines investigations of changes in Raman-active modes of single-walled carbon nanotubes due to vacancies and bending, reconstructions for …
What Contributes to the Measured Chiral Optical Response of the Glutathione-Protected Au25 Nanocluster?
The water-soluble glutathione-protected [Au25(GSH)18]−1 nanocluster was investigated by integrating several methodologies such as molecular dynamics simulations, essential dynamics analysis, and state-of-the-art time-dependent density functional theory calculations. Fundamental aspects such as conformational, weak interactions and solvent effects, especially hydrogen-bonds, were included and found to play a fundamental role in assessing the optical response of this system. Our analysis demonstrated not only that the electronic circular dichroism is extremely sensitive to the solvent presence but also that the solvent itself plays an active role in the optical activity of such system, formin…
Cubic aromaticity in ligand-stabilized doped Au superatoms
The magnetic response of valence electrons in doped gold-based [M@Au8L8]q superatoms (M = Pd, Pt, Ag, Au, Cd, Hg, Ir, and Rh; L = PPh3; and q = 0, +1, +2) is studied by calculating the gauge including magnetically induced currents (GIMIC) in the framework of the auxiliary density functional theory. The studied systems include 24 different combinations of the dopant, total cluster charge, and cluster structure (cubic-like or oblate). The magnetically induced currents (both diatropic and paratropic) are shown to be sensitive to the atomic structure of clusters, the number of superatomic electrons, and the chemical nature of the dopant metal. Among the cubic-like structures, the strongest arom…
A Unified AMBER-Compatible Molecular Mechanics Force Field for Thiolate-Protected Gold Nanoclusters.
We present transferable AMBER-compatible force field parameters for thiolate-protected gold nanoclusters. Five different sized clusters containing both organo-soluble and water-soluble thiolate ligands served as test systems in MD simulations, and parameters were validated against DFT and experimental results. The cluster geometries remain intact during the MD simulations in various solvents, and structural fluctuations and energetics showed agreement with DFT calculations. Experimental diffusion coefficients and crystal structures were also reproduced with sufficient accuracy. The presented parameter set contains the minimum number of cluster-specific parameters enabling the use of these p…
Hydrophobic pocket targeting probes for enteroviruses
Visualization and tracking of viruses without compromising their functionality is crucial in order to understand virus targeting to cells and tissues, and to understand the subsequent subcellular steps leading to virus uncoating and replication. Enteroviruses are important human pathogens causing a vast number of acute infections, and are also suggested to contribute to the development of chronic diseases like type I diabetes. Here, we demonstrate a novel method to target site-specifically the hydrophobic pocket of enteroviruses. A probe, a derivative of Pleconaril, was developed and conjugated to various labels that enabled the visualization of enteroviruses under light and electron micros…
Patterning of supported gold monolayers via chemical lift-off lithography
The supported monolayer of Au that accompanies alkanethiolate molecules removed by polymer stamps during chemical lift-off lithography is a scarcely studied hybrid material. We show that these Au–alkanethiolate layers on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) are transparent, functional, hybrid interfaces that can be patterned over nanometer, micrometer, and millimeter length scales. Unlike other ultrathin Au films and nanoparticles, lifted-off Au–alkanethiolate thin films lack a measurable optical signature. We therefore devised fabrication, characterization, and simulation strategies by which to interrogate the nanoscale structure, chemical functionality, stoichiometry, and spectral signature of t…
Chiral Inversion of Thiolate-Protected Gold Nanoclusters via Core Reconstruction without Breaking an Au-S Bond
Based on density functional theory computations of the well-known chiral Au38(SR)24 nanocluster and its Pd- and Ag-doped derivatives, we propose here a mechanism for chiral inversion that does not require breaking of a metal-sulfur bond at the metal-ligand interface, but features a collective rotation of the gold core. The calculated energy barriers for this mechanism for Au38 and Pddoped Au38 are in the range of 1 – 1.5 eV, significantly lower than barriers involving breakage of Au-S bonds (2.5 eV). For Ag-doped Au38, barriers for both mechanisms are similar (1.3 – 1.5 eV). Inversion barriers for a larger chiral Au144(SR)60 are much higher (2.8 eV). Our computed barriers are in a good agre…
Bulky Surface Ligands Promote Surface Reactivities of [Ag141X12(S-Adm)40]3+ (X=Cl, Br, I) Nanoclusters: Models for Multiple-Twinned Nanoparticles
Surface ligands play important roles in controlling the size and shape of metal nanoparticles and their surface properties. In this work, we demonstrate that the use of bulky thiolate ligands, along with halides, as the surface capping agent promotes the formation of plasmonic multiple-twinned Ag nanoparticles with high surface reactivities. The title nanocluster [Ag141X12(S-Adm)40]3+ (where X = Cl, Br, I; S-Adm = 1-adamantanethiolate) has a multiple-shell structure with an Ag71 core protected by a shell of Ag70X12(S-Adm)40. The Ag71 core can be considered as 20 frequency-two Ag10 tetrahedra fused together with a dislocation that resembles multiple-twinning in nanoparticles. The nanocluster…
Stability, electronic structure, and optical properties of protected gold-doped silver Ag29−xAux (x = 0–5) nanoclusters
In this work, we used density functional theory (DFT) and linear response time-dependent DFT (LR-TDDFT) to investigate the stability, electronic structure, and optical properties of Au-doped [Ag29-xAux(BDT)12(TPP)4]3- nanoclusters (BDT: 1,3-benzenedithiol; TPP triphenylphosphine) with x = 0-5. The aim of this work is to shed light on the most favorable doped structures by comparing our results with previously published experimental data. The calculated relative energies, ranging between 0.8 and 10 meV per atom, indicate that several doped Ag29-xAux nanoclusters are likely to co-exist at room temperature. However, only the Au-doped [Ag29-xAux(BDT)12(TPP)4]3- nanoclusters that have direct bon…
Atomically Precise Alkynyl-Protected Metal Nanoclusters as a Model Catalyst: Observation of Promoting Effect of Surface Ligands on Catalysis by Metal Nanoparticles
Metal nanoclusters whose surface ligands are removable while keeping their metal framework structures intact are an ideal system for investigating the influence of surface ligands on catalysis of metal nanoparticles. We report in this work an intermetallic nanocluster containing 62 metal atoms, Au34Ag28(PhC≡C)34, and its use as a model catalyst to explore the importance of surface ligands in promoting catalysis. As revealed by single-crystal diffraction, the 62 metal atoms in the cluster are arranged as a four-concentric-shell Ag@Au17@Ag27@Au17 structure. All phenylalkynyl (PA) ligands are linearly coordinated to the surface Au atoms with staple "PhC≡C-Au-C≡CPh" motif. Compared with reporte…
Photodynamics of a Molecular Water-Soluble Nanocluster Identified as Au130(pMBA)50
Photodynamics of a highly monodisperse sample of a water-soluble gold nanocluster tentatively identified as Au130(pMBA)50 (pMBA = p-mercaptobenzoic acid) was studied by mid-IR transient absorption spectroscopy with visible excitation. The observed long-lived excited states (>1 ns) indicate a molecular behavior of the cluster. By combining the transient absorption data with DFT calculation results the observed relaxation dynamics could be fully explained by identifying several relaxation processes involving singlet and triplet manifolds. The results indicate that the cluster may have interesting transient magnetic properties due to a long-lived triplet population.
The Role of Nanocrystal Symmetry in the Crossover Region from Molecular to Metallic Gold Nanoparticles
There is a wide-spread interest to design ambient-stable gold nanoparticles with tailored physico-chemical properties for applications in several areas such as plasmonics, nanomedicine, catalysis, biological imaging, sensing, and nanoelectronics. It has been known for a long time that optical response of gold nanoparticles changes drastically in a cross-over region from 150 to 250 gold atoms, from a “molecule-like” to “metallic” behavior, but insufficient knowledge of atomic structures has precluded detailed computational studies on the underlying mechanisms. Here, we analyze the electronic structure and optical and chiroptical properties of recently reported gold nanoparticles of 144, 146,…
Structural characterization of site-modified nanocapsid with monodispersed gold clusters
AbstractHepatitis E Virus-like particles self-assemble in to noninfectious nanocapsids that are resistant to proteolytic/acidic mucosal delivery conditions. Previously, the nanocapsid was engineered to specifically bind and enter breast cancer cells, where successful tumor targeting was demonstrated in animal models. In the present study, the nanocapsid surface was modified with a solvent-exposed cysteine to conjugate monolayer protected gold nanoclusters (AuNC). Unlike commercially available gold nanoparticles, AuNCs monodisperse in water and are composed of a discrete number of gold atoms, forming a crystalline gold core. Au102pMBA44 (Au102) was an ideal conjugate given its small 2.5 nm s…
Molecule-like photodynamics of Au102(pMBA)44 nanocluster.
Photophysical properties of a water-soluble cluster Au102(pMBA)44 (pMBA = para-mercaptobenzoic acid) are studied by ultrafast time-resolved mid-IR spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations in order to distinguish between molecular and metallic behavior. In the mid-IR transient absorption studies, visible or near-infrared light is used to electronically excite the sample, and the subsequent relaxation is monitored by studying the transient absorption of a vibrational mode in the ligands. Based on these studies, a complete picture of energy relaxation dynamics is obtained: (1) 0.5-1.5 ps electronic relaxation, (2) 6.8 ps vibrational cooling, (3) intersystem crossing from the low…
[Cu32(PET)24H8Cl2](PPh4)2: A Copper Hydride Nanocluster with a Bisquare Antiprismatic Core
Atomically precise coinage metal (Au, Ag and Cu) nanoclusters (NCs) have been the subject of immense interest for their intriguing structural, photophysical and catalytic properties. However, the synthesis of Cu NCs is highly challenging because of low reduction potential and high reactivity of copper, demonstrating the need for new synthetic methods using appropriate ligand combinations. By designing a diamine-assisted synthetic strategy, here we report the synthesis and total structure characterization of a box-like dianionic Cu NC, [Cu32(PET)24H8Cl2](PPh4)2 co-protected by 2-phenylethanethiolate (PET), hydride and chloride ligands. Its crystal structure comprises a rare bisquare antipris…
Ag44(EBT)26(TPP)4Nanoclusters With Tailored Molecular and Electronic Structure
Although atomically precise metalloid nanoclusters (NCs) of identical size with distinctly different molecular structures are highly desirable to understand the structural effects on the optical and photophysical properties, their synthesis remains highly challenging. Herein, we employed phosphine and thiol capping ligands featuring appropriate steric effects and synthesized a charge-neutral Ag NC with the formula Ag44 (EBT)26 (TPP)4 (EBT: 2-ethylbenzenethiolate; TPP: triphenylphosphine). The single-crystal X-ray structure reveals that this NC has a hollow metal core of Ag12 @Ag20 and a metal-ligand shell of Ag12 (EBT)26 (TPP)4 . The presence of mixed ligands and long V-shaped metal-ligand …
Selective Acrolein Hydrogenation over Ligand-Protected Gold Clusters : A Venus Flytrap Mechanism
The catalytic partial hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes is an ideal reaction to understand the selectivity between two different functional groups Here the two functional groups are C═C and C═O, and the hydrogenation of C═O is preferentially desired due to the importance of the issuing products, unsaturated alcohols, in fine-chemical industries. Using density functional theory calculations, we investigate the catalytic competency toward this reaction of a Au nanocluster in the presence of protecting ligands that offer higher stability and the possibility for the uniform distribution of size-selected clusters in the catalytic system. meta-Mercaptobenzoic-acid-protected-protected Au …
Isomer dynamics of the [Au6(NHC-S)4]2+ nanocluster
The use of metal nanoclusters is strongly reliant on their size and configuration; hence, studying the potential isomers of a cluster is extremely beneficial in understanding their performance. In general, the prediction and identification of isomer structures and their properties can be challenging and computationally expensive. Our work describes an investigation to find local isomers for the previously experimentally characterized small gold cluster [Au6(NHC-S)4]2+ protected by bidentate mixed carbene-thiolate ligands. We employ the molecular dynamics simulation method where the interatomic forces are calculated from density functional theory. We find several isomers that are more stable…
Evidence for Graphene Edges Beyond Zigzag and Armchair
The edges of nanoscopic objects determine most of their properties. For this reason the edges of honeycomb carbon--always considered either zigzag- or armchair-like--need special attention. In this report we provide experimental evidence confirming a previous unexpected prediction: zigzag is a metastable edge, as its planar reconstruction lowers energy and forms the most stable graphene edge. Our evidence is based on re-analyzing a recent experiment. Since the reconstructed edge, along with other unconventional edges we discuss, has distinct chemical properties, this discovery urges for care in experiments and theory--we must enter the realm beyond zigzag and armchair.
A method for structure prediction of metal-ligand interfaces of hybrid nanoparticles
Hybrid metal nanoparticles, consisting of a nano-crystalline metal core and a protecting shell of organic ligand molecules, have applications in diverse areas such as biolabeling, catalysis, nanomedicine, and solar energy. Despite a rapidly growing database of experimentally determined atom-precise nanoparticle structures and their properties, there has been no successful, systematic way to predict the atomistic structure of the metal-ligand interface. Here, we devise and validate a general method to predict the structure of the metal-ligand interface of ligand-stabilized gold and silver nanoparticles, based on information about local chemical environments of atoms in experimental data. In …
Highly Robust but Surface-Active : An N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Stabilized Au25 Nanocluster
Surface organic ligands play a critical role in stabilizing atomically precise metal nanoclusters in solutions. However, it is still challenging to prepare highly robust ligated metal nanoclusters that are surface-active for liquid-phase catalysis without any pre-treatment. Now, an N-heterocyclic carbene-stabilized Au25 nanocluster with high thermal and air stabilities is presented as a homogenous catalyst for cycloisomerization of alkynyl amines to indoles. The nanocluster, characterized as [Au25(iPr2-bimy)10Br7]2+ (iPr2-bimy=1,3-diisopropylbenzimidazolin-2-ylidene) (1), was synthesized by direct reduction of AuSMe2Cl and iPr2-bimyAuBr with NaBH4 in one pot. X-ray crystallization analysis …
Tertiary Chiral Nanostructures from C‐H∙∙∙F Directed Assembly of Chiroptical Superatoms
Chiral hierarchical structures are universal in nature, whereas quite challenging to mimic in man-made synthesis. We report herein the synthesis and structure of tertiary chiral nanostructures with 100% optical purity. A novel synthetic strategy, using chiral reducing agent, R and S -BINAPCuBH 4 (BINAP is 2,2'-Bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthyl), is developed to access to atomically precise, intrinsically chiral [Au 7 Ag 6 Cu 2 ( R - or S -BINAP) 3 (SCH 2 Ph) 6 ]SbF 6 nanoclusters in one-pot synthesis. The clusters represent the first tri-metallic superatoms with inherent chirality and fair stability. Both metal distribution (primary) and ligand arrangement (secondary) of the enantiomer…
A Homoleptic Alkynyl‐Ligated [Au 13 Ag 16 L 24 ] 3− Cluster as a Catalytically Active Eight‐Electron Superatom
A new alkynylated cluster [Au13 Ag16 (C10 H6 NO)24 ]3- is prepared by a NaBH4 mediated reduction method. The AuAg clusters are confirmed by sophisticated characterization techniques. It has a unique "Aucenter @Ag12 @Au12 Ag4 " metal framework which is protected by 24 atypical alkyne ligands L (L=C10 H6 NO). The ligands construct a unique type of motif L-(Ag)-Au-(Ag)-L at the cluster interface, where the alkyne (C≡C) group of each L was linked by sharing an Au atom through the σ bonds and each C≡C group was discretely connected to a chemically different Ag atom (Agicosahedral /Agcap ) through π bonds. The electronic and optical properties of [Au13 Ag16 L24 ]3- were studied. DFT characterized…
How many gold atoms make gold metal?
It is well known that a piece of gold is an excellent metal: it conducts heat and electricity, it is malleable to work out for jewellery or thin coatings, and it has the characteristic golden colour. How do these everyday properties – familiar from our macroscopic world – change when a nanometre-size chunk of gold contains only 100, 200 or 300 atoms? nonPeerReviewed
Analysis of the Electronic Structure of Non-Spherical Ligand-Protected Metal Nanoclusters: The Case of a Box-Like Ag67
In this work we introduce a new strategy to investigate the electronic shell structure of ligand-protected metal nanoclusters of polyhedral core shape. The central idea is to identify the symmetry of the Kohn–Sham molecular orbitals of an atomistic structure based on their projection onto the electronic states of a jellium system with a similar shape of the background charge density. Herein, we study the connection between a reduced atomistic model of the recently reported box-like [Ag67(SR)32(PR3)8]3+ nanocluster and a jellium box consisting of 32 free electrons. With this approach, we determine the symmetry of electronic states of the metal core and identify those that are involved in the…
Cd12Ag32(SePh)36 : Non-Noble Metal Doped Silver Nanoclusters
While there are numerous recent reports on doping of a ligand-protected noble metal nanocluster (e.g., Au and Ag) with another noble metal, non-noble metal (e.g., Cd) doping remains challenging. Here, we design a phosphine-assisted synthetic strategy and synthesize a Cd doped Ag nanocluster, Cd12Ag32(SePh)36 (SePh: selenophenolate), which exhibits characteristic UV–vis absorption features and rare near-infrared (NIR) photoluminescence at ∼1020 nm. The X-ray single crystal structure reveals an asymmetric two-shell Ag4@Ag24 metal kernel protected by four nonplanar Cd3Ag(SePh)9 metal–ligand frameworks. Furthermore, the electronic structure analysis shows that the cluster is a 20-electron “supe…
Robust, Highly Luminescent Au13 Superatoms Protected by N-Heterocyclic Carbenes
Gold superatom nanoclusters stabilized entirely by N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) and halides are reported. The reduction of well-defined NHC–Au–Cl complexes produces clusters comprised of an icosahedral Au13 core surrounded by a symmetrical arrangement of nine NHCs and three chlorides. X-ray crystallography shows that the clusters are characterized by multiple CH−π and π–π interactions, which rigidify the ligand and likely contribute to the exceptionally high photoluminescent quantum yields observed, up to 16.0%, which is significantly greater than that of the most luminescent ligand-protected Au13 superatom cluster. Density functional theory analysis suggests that clusters are 8-electron …
Copper Induces a Core Plasmon in Intermetallic Au(144,145)–xCux(SR)60 Nanoclusters
The electronic structure and optical absorption spectra of intermetallic thiol-stabilized gold-copper clusters, having 144-145 metal atoms and 60 thiols, were studied by ab initio computations. The widely known icosahedral-based cluster model from the work of Lopez-Acevedo et al. (2009) was used, and clusters doped with one to 30 copper atoms were considered. When doped inside the metal core, copper induces dramatic changes in the optical spectrum as compared to the previously studied all-gold Au144(SR)60. An intense broad absorption peak develops in the range 535-587 nm depending on the amount of doping and doping sites. This result agrees very well with recent experiments by the Dass grou…
NHC-Stabilized Au10 Nanoclusters and Their Conversion to Au25 Nanoclusters
Herein, we describe the synthesis of a toroidal Au10 cluster stabilized by N-heterocyclic carbene and halide ligands via reduction of the corresponding NHC−Au−X complexes (X = Cl, Br, I). The significant effect of the halide ligands on the formation, stability, and further conversions of these clusters is presented. While solutions of the chloride derivatives of Au10 show no change even upon heating, the bromide derivative readily undergoes conversion to form a biicosahedral Au25 cluster at room temperature. For the iodide derivative, the formation of a significant amount of Au25 was observed even upon the reduction of NHC−Au−I. The isolated bromide derivative of the Au25 cluster displays a…
Ligand Ratio Plays a Critical Role in the Design of Optimal Multifunctional Gold Nanoclusters for Targeted Gastric Cancer Therapy
Nanodrug delivery systems (NDDSs) based on water-soluble and atomically precise gold nanoclusters (AuNCs) are under the spotlight due to their great potential in cancer theranostics. Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most aggressive cancers with a low early diagnosis rate, with drug therapy being the primary means to overcome its increasing incidence. In this work, we designed and characterized a set of 28 targeted nanosystems based on Au144(p-MBA)60 (p-MBA = para-mercaptobenzoic acid) nanocluster to be potentially employed as combination therapy in GC treatment. The proposed multifunctional AuNCs are functionalized with cytotoxic drugs (5-fluorouracil and epirubicin) or inhibitors of diffe…
Conformation and dynamics of the ligand shell of a water-soluble Au102 nanoparticle
Inorganic nanoparticles, stabilized by a passivating layer of organic molecules, form a versatile class of nanostructured materials with potential applications in material chemistry, nanoscale physics, nanomedicine and structural biology. While the structure of the nanoparticle core is often known to atomic precision, gaining precise structural and dynamical information on the organic layer poses a major challenge. Here we report a full assignment of 1H and 13C NMR shifts to all ligands of a water-soluble, atomically precise, 102-atom gold nanoparticle stabilized by 44 para-mercaptobenzoic acid ligands in solution, by using a combination of multidimensional NMR methods, density functional t…
From Symmetry Breaking to Unraveling the Origin of the Chirality of Ligated Au13Cu2 Nanoclusters
A general method, using mixed ligands (here diphosphines and thiolates) is devised to turn an achiral metal cluster, Au13Cu2, into an enantiomeric pair by breaking (lowering) the overall molecular symmetry with the ligands. Using an achiral diphosphine, a racemic [Au13Cu2(DPPP)3(SPy)6]+ was prepared which crystallizes in centrosymmetric space groups. Using chiral diphosphines, enantioselective synthesis of an optically pure, enantiomeric pair of [Au13Cu2((2r,4r)/(2s,4s)‐BDPP)3(SPy)6]+ was achieved in one pot. Their circular dichroism (CD) spectra give perfect mirror images in the range of 250–500 nm with maximum anisotropy factors of 1.2×10−3. DFT calculations provided good correlations wit…
Silver Sulfide Nanoclusters and the Superatom Model
The superatom model of electron-shell closings has been widely used to explain the stability of noble-metal nanoclusters of few nanometers, including thiolate-protected Au and Ag nanoclusters. The presence of core sulfur atoms in silver sulfide (Ag–S) nanoclusters renders them a class of clusters with distinctive properties as compared to typical noble-metal clusters. Here, it is natural to ask whether the superatom model is still applicable for the Ag–S nanoclusters with mixed metal and nonmetal core atoms. To address this question, we applied density functional simulations to analyze a series of Ag–S nanoclusters: Ag14S(SPh)12(PPh3)8, Ag14(SC6H3F2)12(PPh3)8, Ag70S16(SPh)34(PhCO2)4(triphos…
A General Method for Structure Prediction of Metal-Ligand Interfaces of Hybrid Nanoparticles
<p> </p><p>Hybrid metal nanoparticles, consisting of a nano-crystalline metal core and a protecting shell of organic ligand molecules, have applications in diverse areas such as biolabeling, catalysis, nanomedicine, and solar energy. Despite a rapidly growing database of experimentally determined atom-precise nanoparticle structures and their properties, there has been no successful, systematic way to predict the atomistic structure of the metal-ligand interface. Here, we devise and validate a general method to predict the structure of the metal-ligand interface of ligand-stabilized gold and silver nanoparticles, based on information about local chemical environments of at…
Solid state halogen bonded networks vs. dynamic assemblies in solution: explaining N⋯X interactions of multivalent building blocks
Tetrapyridine functionalized resorcinarene macrocycles were used as multivalent building blocks for the construction of halogen bonded networks with aryl halide linkers. In the solid state, resorcinarene macrocycles and aryl halide linker molecules assembled into interpenetrated, multidimensional halogen bonded networks with porous structure caused by the 3D block scaffold of the resorcinarenes. 19F NMR spectroscopy proved halogen bond formation also in solution, as either upfield or downfield shifts were observed depending on the bivalent or monovalent halogen bond binding mode. The binding mode in solution was explained by density functional theory computations. peerReviewed
Monte Carlo Simulations of Au38(SCH3)24 Nanocluster Using Distance-Based Machine Learning Methods
We present an implementation of distance-based machine learning (ML) methods to create a realistic atomistic interaction potential to be used in Monte Carlo simulations of thermal dynamics of thiol...
Surface Coordination of Multiple Ligands Endows N‐Heterocyclic Carbene‐Stabilized Gold Nanoclusters with High Robustness and Surface Reactivity
Deciphering the molecular pictures of the multi-component and non-periodic organic-inorganic interlayer is a grand technical challenge. Here we show that the atomic arrangement of hybrid surface ligands on metal nanoparticles can be precisely quantified through comprehensive characterization of a novel gold cluster, Au 44 ( i Pr 2 -bimy) 9 (PA) 6 Br 8 , which features three types of ligands, namely, carbene (1,3-diisopropylbenzimidazolin-2-ylidene, i Pr 2 -bimy), alkynyl (phenylacetylide, PA), and halide (Br), respectively. The delicately balanced stereochemical effects and bonding capabilities of the three ligands give rise to peculiar geometrical and electronic structures. Remarkably, des…
A Homoleptic Alkynyl‐Ligated [Au13Ag16L24]3‐ Cluster as a Catalytically Active Eight‐Electron Superatom
A brand new alkynylated cluster [Au 13 Ag 16 (C 10 H 6 NO) 24 ] 3- is prepared by NaBH 4 mediated reduction method. The AuAg clusters are confirmed by various sophisticated characterization techniques. It manifested the unique metal framework of “Au center @Ag 12 @Au 12 Ag 4 ” is protected by 24 atypical alkyne ligands L (L = C 10 H 6 NO). The ligands were found to construct a unique type of motif L-(Ag)-Au-(Ag)-L at the cluster interface, where, the alkyne (C≡C) group of each L was linked by sharing an Au atom through the σ bonds and each C≡C group was discretely connected to chemically different Ag atom (Ag icosahedral /Ag cap ) through π bonds. The electronic and optical properties of [A…
Exploring Strategies for Labeling Viruses with Gold Nanoclusters through Non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Biocompatible gold nanoclusters can be utilized as contrast agents in virus imaging. The labeling of viruses can be achieved noncovalently but site-specifically by linking the cluster to the hydrophobic pocket of a virus via a lipid-like pocket factor. We have estimated the binding affinities of three different pocket factors of echovirus 1 (EV1) in molecular dynamics simulations combined with non-equilibrium free-energy calculations. We have also studied the effects on binding affinities with a pocket factor linked to the Au102pMBA44 nanocluster in different protonation states. Although the absolute binding affinities are over-estimated for all the systems, the trend is in agreement with r…
Ag44(EBT)26(TPP)4 Nanoclusters with Tailored Molecular and Electronic Structure
Although atomically precise metalloid nanoclusters (NCs) of identical size with distinctly different molecular structures are highly desirable to understand the structural effects on the intriguing optical and photophysical properties, their synthesis remains highly challenging. Herein, we employed phosphine and thiol capping ligands featuring appropriate steric effects and synthesized a charge‐neutral Ag NC with the formula, Ag 44 (EBT) 26 (TPP) 4 (EBT: 2‐ethylbenzenethiolate; TPP: triphenylphosphine). The single‐crystal X‐ray structure reveals that this NC has a hollow metal core of Ag 12 @Ag 20 and a metal‐ligand shell of Ag 12 (EBT) 26 (TPP) 4 . The presence of mixed ligands and long V‐…
Atomically Precise Alkynyl- and Halide-Protected AuAg Nanoclusters Au78Ag66(C≡CPh)48Cl8 and Au74Ag60(C≡CPh)40Br12: The Ligation Effects of Halides
Reported herein are the synthesis and structures of two high-nuclearity AuAg nanoclusters, namely, [Au78Ag66(C≡CPh)48Cl8]q− and [Au74Ag60(C≡CPh)40Br12]2–. Both clusters possess a three-concentric-s...
Solubility-Driven Isolation of a Metastable Nonagold Cluster with Body-Centered Cubic Structure.
The conventional synthetic methodology of atomically precise gold nanoclusters using reduction in solutions offers only thermodynamically most stable nanoclusters. We report herein a solubility‐driven isolation strategy to access the synthesis of a metastable gold cluster. The cluster, with the composition of [Au 9 (PPh 3 ) 8 ] + ( 1 ), displays an unusual, nearly perfect body‐centered‐cubic (bcc) structure. As revealed by ESI‐MS and UV/Vis measurement, the cluster is metastable in solution and converts to the well‐known [Au 11 (PPh 3 ) 8 Cl 2 ] + ( 2 ) within just 90 min. DFT calculations revealed that while both 1 and 2 are eight‐electron superatoms, there is a driving force to convert 1 …
A critical size for emergence of nonbulk electronic and geometric structures in dodecanethiolate-protected Au clusters.
We report on how the transition from the bulk structure to the cluster-specific structure occurs in n-dodecanethiolate-protected gold clusters, Au(n)(SC12)m. To elucidate this transition, we isolated a series of Au(n)(SC12)m in the n range from 38 to ∼520, containing five newly identified or newly isolated clusters, Au104(SC12)45, Au(∼226)(SC12)(∼76), Au(∼253)(SC12)(∼90), Au(∼356)(SC12)(∼112), and Au(∼520)(SC12)(∼130), using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Low-temperature optical absorption spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffractometry, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations revealed that the Au cores of Au144(SC12)60 and smaller clusters have molecular-like elec…
Electron Binding in a Superatom with a Repulsive Coulomb Barrier: The Case of [Ag44(SC6H3F2)30]4– in the Gas Phase
The electron binding mechanism in [Ag44(SC6H3F2)30]4- (SC6H3F2 = 3,4-difluorobenzenethiolate) tetra-anion was studied by photoelectron spectroscopy (PES), collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry (CID-MS), and density functional theory (DFT) computations. PES showed that [Ag44(SC6H3F2)30]4- is energetically metastable with respect to electron autodetachment {[Ag44(SC6H3F2)30]3- + e-} and features a repulsive Coulomb barrier (RCB) with a height of 2.7 eV. However, CID-MS revealed that [Ag44(SC6H3F2)30]4- does not release an electron upon collisional excitation but undergoes dissociation. DFT computations performed on the known structure of [Ag44(SC6H3F2)30]4- confirmed the negative a…
Synthesis and properties of an Au6 cluster supported by a mixed N-heterocyclic carbene–thiolate ligand
The preparation of a novel Au6 cluster bearing a bidentate mixed carbene–thiolate ligand is presented. The length of linker between the central benzimidazole and thiolate has a strong effect on the formation of cluster products, with a C2 chain giving an Au6 cluster, while a C3 chain results in no evidence of cluster formation. Density functional theory analysis predicts a non-metallic cluster with a large HOMO–LUMO (3.2–3.6 eV) and optical gap.
Photo-Induced Cluster-to-Cluster Transformation of [Au37–xAgx(PPh3)13Cl10]3+ into [Au25–yAgy(PPh3)10Cl8]+: Fragmentation of a Trimer of 8-Electron Superatoms by Light
We present the photoinduced size/structure transformation of [Au37-xAgx(PPh3)13Cl10]3+ (M37) into [Au25-yAgy(PPh3)10Cl8]+ (M25) cluster. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction revealed that M37 has a tri-icosahedron M36 metal core assembled via the fusion of three Au7Ag6 icosahedrons in a cyclic fashion and that the M36 core is further protected by phosphine and chloride ligands. The M37 cluster is found to be highly sensitive toward ambient light, and the M37 → M25 transition is observed with 530 nm irradiation, monitored by time-dependent UV-vis spectroscopy, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Linear-response time-dependent DFT…
Au-40(SR)(24) Cluster as a Chiral Dimer of 8-Electron Superatoms: Structure and Optical Properties
We predict and analyze density-functional theory (DFT)-based structures for the recently isolated Au(40)(SR)(24) cluster. Combining structural information extracted from ligand-exchange reactions, circular dichroism and transmission electron microscopy leads us to propose two families of low-energy structures that have a chiral Au-S framework on the surface. These families have a common geometrical motif where a nonchiral Au(26) bi-icosahedral cluster core is protected by 6 RS-Au-SR and 4 RS-Au-SR-Au-SR oligomeric units, analogously to the "Divide and Protect" motif of known clusters Au(25)(SR)(18)(-/0), Au(38)(SR)(24) and Au(102)(SR)(44). The strongly prolate shape of the proposed Au(26) c…
Prospects and challenges for computer simulations of monolayer-protected metal clusters
Precise knowledge of chemical composition and atomic structure of functional nanosized systems, such as metal clusters stabilized by an organic molecular layer, allows for detailed computational work to investigate structure-property relations. Here, we discuss selected recent examples of computational work that has advanced understanding of how these clusters work in catalysis, how they interact with biological systems, and how they can make self-assembled, macroscopic materials. A growing challenge is to develop effective new simulation methods that take into account the cluster-environment interactions. These new hybrid methods are likely to contain components from electronic structure t…
Analysis of the Electronic Structure of Non-Spherical Ligand-Protected Metal Nanoclusters : The Case of a Box-Like Ag67
In this work we introduce a new strategy to investigate the electronic shell structure of ligand-protected metal nanoclusters of polyhedral core shape. The central idea is to identify the symmetry of the Kohn–Sham molecular orbitals of an atomistic structure based on their projection onto the electronic states of a jellium system with a similar shape of the background charge density. Herein, we study the connection between a reduced atomistic model of the recently reported box-like [Ag67(SR)32(PR3)8]3+ nanocluster and a jellium box consisting of 32 free electrons. With this approach, we determine the symmetry of electronic states of the metal core and identify those that are involved in the…
Combinatorial Identification of Hydrides in a Ligated Ag40 Nanocluster with Noncompact Metal Core
No formation of bulk silver hydride has been reported. Until very recently, only a few silver nanoclusters containing hydrides have been successfully prepared. However, due to the lack of effective techniques and also poor stability of hydride-containing Ag nanoclusters, the identification of hydrides' location within Ag nanoclusters is challenging and not yet achieved, although some successes have been reported on clusters of several Ag atoms. In this work, we report a detailed structural and spectroscopic characterization of the [Ag40(DMBT)24(PPh3)8H12]2+ (Ag40H12) cluster (DMBT = 2,4-dimethylbenzenethiol). The metal framework consists of three concentric shells of Ag8@Ag24@Ag8, which can…
Solvent-mediated assembly of atom-precise gold–silver nanoclusters to semiconducting one-dimensional materials
Bottom-up design of functional device components based on nanometer-sized building blocks relies on accurate control of their self-assembly behavior. Atom-precise metal nanoclusters are well-characterizable building blocks for designing tunable nanomaterials, but it has been challenging to achieve directed assembly to macroscopic functional cluster-based materials with highly anisotropic properties. Here, we discover a solvent-mediated assembly of 34-atom intermetallic gold–silver clusters protected by 20 1-ethynyladamantanes into 1D polymers with Ag–Au–Ag bonds between neighboring clusters as shown directly by the atomic structure from single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Density fun…
Alkynyl‐Protected Chiral Bimetallic Ag22Cu7 Superatom with Multiple Chirality Origins
Understanding the origin of chirality in the nanostructured materials is essential for chiroptical and catalytic applications. Here we report a chiral AgCu superatomic cluster, [Ag22Cu7(C≡CR)16(PPh3)5Cl6](PPh4), Ag22Cu7, protected by an achiral alkynyl ligand (HC≡CR: 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenylacetylene). Its crystal structure comprises a rare interpenetrating biicosahedral Ag17Cu2 core, which is stabilized by four different types of motifs: one Cu(C≡CR)2, four -C≡CR, two chlorides and one helical Ag5Cu4(C≡CR)10(PPh3)5Cl4. Structural analysis reveals that Ag22Cu7 exhibits multiple chirality origins, including the metal core, the metal-ligand interface and the ligand layer. Furthermore, t…
Self-Passivating Edge Reconstructions of Graphene
Planar reconstruction patterns at the zigzag and armchair edges of graphene were investigated with density functional theory. It was unexpectedly found that the zigzag edge is metastable and a planar reconstruction spontaneously takes place at room temperature. The reconstruction changes electronic structure and self-passivates the edge with respect to adsorption of atomic hydrogen from molecular atmosphere.
Monte Carlo Simulations of Au38(SCH3)24 Nanocluster Using Distance-Based Machine Learning Methods
<div> <div> <div> <p>We present an implementation of distance-based machine learning (ML) methods to create a realistic atomistic interaction potential to be used in Monte Carlo simulations of thermal dynamics of thiolate (SR) protected gold nanoclusters. The ML potential is trained for Au38(SR)24 by using previously published, density functional theory (DFT) -based, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data on two experimentally characterized structural isomers of the cluster, and validated against independent DFT MD simulations. This method opens a door to efficient probing of the configuration space for further investigations of thermal-dependent electronic and opti…
Ultrafast electronic relaxation and vibrational cooling dynamics of Au 144(SC2H4Ph)60 nanocluster probed by transient mid-IR spectroscopy
Energy relaxation dynamics of a gold nanocluster with atomically precise composition, Au144(SC2H4Ph)60, is studied by transient mid-IR spectroscopy. The experiment is designed to simultaneously pro...
[Ag67(SPhMe2)32(PPh3)8]3+: Synthesis, Total Structure, and Optical Properties of a Large Box-Shaped Silver Nanocluster
Engineering the surface ligands of metal nanoparticles is critical in designing unique arrangements of metal atoms. Here, we report the synthesis and total structure determination of a large box-shaped Ag67 nanocluster (NC) protected by a mixed shell of thiolate (2,4-dimethylbenzenethiolate, SPhMe2) and phosphine (triphenylphosphine, PPh3) ligands. Single crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) revealed the cluster formula to be [Ag67(SPhMe2)32(PPh3)8]3+. The crystal structure shows an Ag23 metal core covered by a layer of Ag44S32P8 arranged in the shape of a box. The Ag23 core was formed through an unprecedented centered cuboctahedron, i.e.,…
All-thiol-stabilized Ag44 and Au12Ag32 nanoparticles with single-crystal structures
Noble metal nanoparticles stabilized by organic ligands are important for applications in assembly, site-specific bioconjugate labelling and sensing, drug delivery and medical therapy, molecular recognition and molecular electronics, and catalysis. Here we report crystal structures and theoretical analysis of three Ag44(SR)30 and three Au12Ag32(SR)30 intermetallic nanoclusters stabilized with fluorinated arylthiols (SR=SPhF, SPhF2 or SPhCF3). The nanocluster forms a Keplerate solid of concentric icosahedral and dodecahedral atom shells, protected by six Ag2(SR)5 units. Positive counterions in the crystal indicate a high negative charge of 4(-) per nanoparticle, and density functional theory…
Towards Controlled Synthesis of Water-Soluble Gold Nanoclusters : Synthesis and Analysis
Water-soluble gold nanoclusters with well-defined molecular structures and stability possess particular biophysical properties making them excellent candidates for biological applications as well as for fundamental spectroscopic studies. The currently existing synthetic protocols for atomically monodisperse thiolate-protected gold nanoclusters (AuMPCs) have been widely expanded with organothiolates, yet the direct synthesis reports for water-soluble AuMPCs are still deficient. Here, we demonstrate a wet-chemistry pH-controlled synthesis of two large water-soluble nanoclusters utilizing p-mercaptobenzoic acid (pMBA), affording different sizes of plasmonic AuMPCs on the preparative scale (∼7 …
Enhanced Surface Ligands Reactivity of Metal Clusters by Bulky Ligands for Controlling Optical and Chiral Properties.
Surface ligands play critical roles in determining the surface properties of metal clusters. However, modulating the properties and controlling the surface structure of clusters through surface‐capping agent displacement remain a challenge. In this work, a silver cluster, [Ag 14 (SPh(CF 3 ) 2 ) 12 (PPh 3 ) 4 (DMF) 4 ] ( Ag 14 ‐DMF , where HSPh(CF 3 ) 2 is 3,5‐bis(trifluoromethyl)benzenethiol, PPh 3 is triphenylphosphine and DMF is N,N‐Dimethylformamide), with weakly coordinated DMF ligands on the surface silver sites, was synthesized by using a mixed ligands strategy (bulky thiolates, phosphines and small solvents). The as‐prepared Ag 14 ‐DMF is a racemic mixture of chiral molecules. Owing …
Chloride ligands on DNA-stabilized silver nanoclusters
DNA-stabilized silver nanoclusters (AgN-DNAs) are known to have one or two DNA oligomer ligands per nanocluster. Here, we present the first evidence that AgN-DNA species can possess additional chloride ligands that lead to increased stability in biologically relevant concentrations of chloride. Mass spectrometry of five chromatographically isolated near-infrared (NIR)-emissive AgN-DNA species with previously reported X-ray crystal structures determines their molecular formulas to be (DNA)2[Ag16Cl2]8+. Chloride ligands can be exchanged for bromides, which red-shift the optical spectra of these emitters. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the 6-electron nanocluster show that the …
Magnetically induced currents and aromaticity in ligand-stabilized Au and AuPt superatoms
Understanding magnetically induced currents (MICs) in aromatic or metallic nanostructures is crucial for interpreting local magnetic shielding and NMR data. Direct measurements of the induced currents have been successful only in a few planar molecules but their indirect effects are seen in NMR shifts of probe nuclei. Here, we have implemented a numerically efficient method to calculate gauge-including MICs in the formalism of auxiliary density functional theory. We analyze the currents in two experimentally synthesized gold-based, hydrogen-containing ligand-stabilized nanoclusters [HAu9(PPh3)8]2+ and [PtHAu8(PPh3)8]+. Both clusters have a similar octet configuration of Au(6s)-derived deloc…
Atomically Precise, Thiolated Copper–Hydride Nanoclusters as Single-Site Hydrogenation Catalysts for Ketones in Mild Conditions
Copper-hydrides are known catalysts for several technologically important reactions such as hydrogenation of CO, hydroamination of alkenes and alkynes, and chemoselective hydrogenation of unsaturated ketones to unsaturated alcohols. Stabilizing copper-based particles by ligand chemistry to nanometer scale is an appealing route to make active catalysts with optimized material economy; however, it has been long believed that the ligand-metal interface, particularly if sulfur-containing thiols are used as stabilizing agent, may poison the catalyst. We report here a discovery of an ambient-stable thiolate-protected copper-hydride nanocluster [Cu25H10(SPhCl2)18]3- that readily catalyzes hydrogen…
Stability, electronic structure, and optical properties of protected gold-doped silver Ag29-xAux (x = 0-5) nanoclusters
In this work, we used density functional theory (DFT) and linear response time-dependent DFT (LR-TDDFT) to investigate the stability, electronic structure, and optical properties of Au-doped [Ag29−xAux(BDT)12(TPP)4]3− nanoclusters (BDT: 1,3-benzenedithiol; TPP triphenylphosphine) with x = 0–5. The aim of this work is to shed light on the most favorable doped structures by comparing our results with previously published experimental data. The calculated relative energies, ranging between 0.8 and 10 meV per atom, indicate that several doped Ag29−xAux nanoclusters are likely to co-exist at room temperature. However, only the Au-doped [Ag29−xAux(BDT)12(TPP)4]3− nanoclusters that have direct bon…
Cd12Ag32(SePh)36: Non-Noble Metal Doped Silver Nanoclusters
While there are numerous recent reports on doping of a ligand-protected noble metal nanocluster (e.g., Au and Ag) with another noble metal, non-noble metal (e.g., Cd) doping remains challenging. Here, we design a phosphine-assisted synthetic strategy and synthesize a Cd doped Ag nanocluster, Cd12Ag32(SePh)36 (SePh: selenophenolate), which exhibits characteristic UV–vis absorption features and rare near-infrared (NIR) photoluminescence at ∼1020 nm. The X-ray single crystal structure reveals an asymmetric two-shell Ag4@Ag24 metal kernel protected by four nonplanar Cd3Ag(SePh)9 metal–ligand frameworks. Furthermore, the electronic structure analysis shows that the cluster is a 20-electron “supe…
Chiral footprint of the ligand layer in the all-alkynyl-protected gold nanocluster Au144(CCPhF)60
The electronic structure and chiroptical properties of the recently isolated and structurally characterized all-alkynyl-protected gold nanocluster Au144(CCPhF)60 were analyzed via density functional theory (DFT) computations and compared to those of the structurally similar all-thiolate-protected Au144(SCH2Ph)60. While DFT predicts very strong CD signals of similar strength for both clusters, the origins of chiroptical activity are markedly different. The chiral response of Au144(CCPhF)60 originates only from the footprint of the outermost gold-ligand layer of 30 FPhCC-Au-CCPhF units covering an achiral Ih-symmetric Au114 core whereas the Au114 core of the Au144(SCH2Ph)60 cluster has a chir…
Birth of the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in Monolayer-Protected Gold Nanoclusters
Gold nanoclusters protected by a thiolate monolayer (MPC) are widely studied for their potential applications in site-specific bioconjugate labeling, sensing, drug delivery, and molecular electronics. Several MPCs with 1-2 nm metal cores are currently known to have a well-defined molecular structure, and they serve as an important link between molecularly dispersed gold and colloidal gold to understand the size-dependent electronic and optical properties. Here, we show by using an ab initio method together with atomistic models for experimentally observed thiolate-stabilized gold clusters how collective electronic excitations change when the gold core of the MPC grows from 1.5 to 2.0 nm. A …
Dynamic Stabilization of the Ligand-Metal Interface in Atomically Precise Gold Nanoclusters Au68 and Au144 Protected by meta-Mercaptobenzoic Acid
Ligand-stabilized, atomically precise gold nanoclusters with a metal core of a uniform size of just 1–3 nm constitute an interesting class of nanomaterials with versatile possibilities for applications due to their size-dependent properties and modifiable ligand layers. The key to extending the usability of the clusters in applications is to understand the chemical bonding in the ligand layer as a function of cluster size and ligand structure. Previously, it has been shown that monodispersed gold nanoclusters, stabilized by meta-mercaptobenzoic acid (m-MBA or 3-MBA) ligands and with sizes of 68–144 gold atoms, show ambient stability. Here we show that a combination of nuclear magnetic reson…
Real-space imaging with pattern recognition of a ligand-protected Ag374 nanocluster at sub-molecular resolution
High-resolution real-space imaging of nanoparticle surfaces is desirable for better understanding of surface composition and morphology, molecular interactions at the surface, and nanoparticle chemical functionality in its environment. However, achieving molecular or sub-molecular resolution has proven to be very challenging, due to highly curved nanoparticle surfaces and often insufficient knowledge of the monolayer composition. Here, we demonstrate sub-molecular resolution in scanning tunneling microscopy imaging of thiol monolayer of a 5 nm nanoparticle Ag374 protected by tert-butyl benzene thiol. The experimental data is confirmed by comparisons through a pattern recognition algorithm t…
Site-specific targeting of enterovirus capsid by functionalized monodisperse gold nanoclusters
Development of precise protocols for accurate site-specific conjugation of monodisperse inorganic nanoparticles to biological material is one of the challenges in contemporary bionanoscience and nanomedicine. We report here a successful site-specific covalent conjugation of functionalized atomically monodisperse gold clusters with 1.5-nm metal cores to viral surfaces. Water-soluble Au102(para-mercaptobenzoic acid)44 clusters, functionalized by maleimide linkers to target cysteines of viral capsid proteins, were synthesized and conjugated to enteroviruses echovirus 1 and coxsackievirus B3. Quantitative analysis of transmission electron microscopy images and the known virus structures showed …
Electron microscopy of gold nanoparticles at atomic resolution
Detailed structure of a gold nanoparticle Adding only a few atoms or changing the capping ligand can dramatically change the structure of individual metal nanoparticles. Azubel et al. used aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy to derive a three-dimensional reconstruction of water-soluble gold nanoparticles. Small-angle x-ray scattering and other techniques have also corroborated this model. They used this to determine the atomic structure, which compared favorably with density functional theory calculations, without assuming any a priori structural knowledge or the use of model fitting. Science , this issue p. 909
Effects of Bending on Raman-active Vibration Modes of Carbon Nanotubes
We investigate vibration modes and their Raman activity of single-walled carbon nanotubes that are bent within their intrinsic elastic limits. By implementing novel boundary conditions for density-functional based tight-binding, and using non-resonant bond polarization theory, we discover that Raman activity can be induced by bending. Depending on the degree of bending, high-energy Raman peaks change their positions and intensities significantly. These effects can be explained by migration of nodes and antinodes along tube circumference. We discuss the challenge of associating the predicted spectral changes with experimental observations.
TDDFT Analysis of Optical Properties of Thiol Monolayer-Protected Gold and Intermetallic Silver–Gold Au144(SR)60 and Au84Ag60(SR)60 Clusters
The optical absorption spectra of atomistic model structures for experimentally isolated all-gold Au144(SR)60 and intermetallic Au84Ag60(SR)60 clusters are systematically analyzed from linear-response time-dependent density functional theory (LR-TDDFT) and time-dependent density functional perturbation theory (TD-DFPT) calculations. The computed spectra, utilizing the atomistic model for Au144(SR)60 published by us in 2009, reproduce closely the experimental observations for corresponding isolated compounds, reported previously by Kumara and Dass in 2011. A collective dipole oscillation within the metal cores of the all-gold and intermetallic clusters is formed as response to light in the v…
Jahn–Teller effects in Au25(SR)18
The relationship between oxidation state, structure, and magnetism in many molecules is well described by first-order Jahn–Teller distortions. This relationship is not yet well defined for ligated nanoclusters and nanoparticles, especially the nano-technologically relevant gold-thiolate protected metal clusters. Here we interrogate the relationships between structure, magnetism, and oxidation state for the three stable oxidation states, −1, 0 and +1 of the thiolate protected nanocluster Au25(SR)18. We present the single crystal X-ray structures of the previously undetermined charge state Au25(SR)18+1, as well as a higher quality single crystal structure of the neutral compound Au25(SR)180. …
Lithium adsorption at prismatic graphite surfaces enhances interlayer cohesion
Abstract We use density functional calculations to determine the binding sites and binding energies of Li + at graphene edges and prismatic graphite surfaces. Binding is favorable at bare and carbonyl terminated surfaces, but not favorable at hydrogen terminated surfaces. These findings have implications for the exfoliation of graphitic anodes in lithium-ion batteries that happens if solute and solvent co-intercalate. First, specific adsorption facilitates desolvation of Li + . Second, chemisorption lowers the surface energy by about 1 J m −2 prismatic surface area, and gives graphite additional stability against exfoliation. The results offer an explanation for experiments that consistentl…
Solvation chemistry of water-soluble thiol-protected gold nanocluster Au102 from DOSY NMR spectroscopy and DFT calculations
The hydrodynamic diameter of Aum(pMBA)n [(m, n) = (102, 44) and (144, 60)] clusters in aqueous media was determined via DOSY NMR spectroscopy. The apparent size of the same (n, m) cluster depends on the counter ion of the deprotonated pMBA− ligand as explained by the competing ion-pair strength and hydrogen bonding interactions studied in DFT calculations. The choice of the counter ion affects the surface chemistry and molecular structure at the organic/water interface, which is relevant for biological applications.
Structural and Theoretical Basis for Ligand Exchange on Thiolate Monolayer Protected Gold Nanoclusters
Ligand exchange reactions are widely used for imparting new functionality on or integrating nanoparticles into devices. Thiolate-for-thiolate ligand exchange in monolayer protected gold nanoclusters has been used for over a decade; however, a firm structural basis of this reaction has been lacking. Herein, we present the first single-crystal X-ray structure of a partially exchanged Au(102)(p-MBA)(40)(p-BBT)(4) (p-MBA = para-mercaptobenzoic acid, p-BBT = para-bromobenzene thiol) with p-BBT as the incoming ligand. The crystal structure shows that 2 of the 22 symmetry-unique p-MBA ligand sites are partially exchanged to p-BBT under the initial fast kinetics in a 5 min timescale exchange reacti…
1H NMR global diatropicity in copper hydride complexes
Understanding the magnetic response of electrons in nanoclusters is essential to interpret their NMR spectra thereby providing guidelines for their synthesis towards various target applications. Here, we consider two copper hydride clusters that have applications in hydrogen storage and release under standard temperature and pressure. Through Born–Oppenheimer molecular dynamics simulations, we study dynamics effects and their contributions to the NMR peaks. Finally, we examine the electrons’ magnetic response to an applied external magnetic field using the gauge-including magnetically induced currents theory. Local diatropic currents are generated in both clusters but an interesting global …
[Cu32(PET)24H8Cl2](PPh4)2: A Copper Hydride Nanocluster with a Bisquare Antiprismatic Core
Atomically precise coinage metal (Au, Ag, and Cu) nanoclusters (NCs) have been the subject of immense interest for their intriguing structural, photophysical, and catalytic properties. However, the synthesis of Cu NCs is highly challenging because of low reduction potential and high reactivity of copper, demonstrating the need for new synthetic methods using appropriate ligand combinations. By designing a diamine-assisted synthetic strategy, here we report the synthesis and total structure characterization of a box-like dianionic Cu NC [Cu32(PET)24H8Cl2](PPh4)2 coprotected by 2-phenylethanethiolate (PET), hydride, and chloride ligands. Its crystal structure comprises a rare bisquare antipri…
Point Group Symmetry Analysis of the Electronic Structure of Bare and Protected Metal Nanocrystals
The electronic structures of a variety of experimentally identified gold and silver nanoclusters from 20 to 246 atoms, either unprotected or protected by several types of ligands, are characterized by using point group specific symmetry analysis. The delocalized electron states around the HOMO-LUMO energy gap, originating from the metal s-electrons in the cluster core, show symmetry characteristics according to the point group that describes best the atomic arrangement of the core. This indicates strong effects of the lattice structure and overall shape of the metal core to the electronic structure, which cannot be captured by the conventional analysis based on identification of spherical a…
Role of the central gold atom in ligand-protected biicosahedral Au 24 and Au25 clusters
The crystal structures of the ligand-protected clusters [Au24(PPh3)10(SC2H4Ph)5Cl2]+ and [Au25(PPh3)10(SC2H4Ph)5Cl2]2+ have been elucidated recently, and they comprise the same biicosahedral structural motif for the Au core. The only difference is the central Au atom joining two icosahedra which is absent in the Au24 cluster. On the basis of density functional simulations, we have evaluated the structural, electronic, optical, and vibrational properties of the clusters in question with a full presentation for the thiolate and phosphine side groups. Our spherical harmonics analysis of the electronic structure shows that the chemical stability of both clusters can be understood based on an 8 …
Bulky Surface Ligands Promote Surface Reactivities of [Ag141X12(S-Adm)40]3+ (X = Cl, Br, I) Nanoclusters: Models for Multiple-Twinned Nanoparticles
Surface ligands play important roles in controlling the size and shape of metal nanoparticles and their surface properties. In this work, we demonstrate that the use of bulky thiolate ligands, along with halides, as the surface capping agent promotes the formation of plasmonic multiple-twinned Ag nanoparticles with high surface reactivities. The title nanocluster [Ag141X12(S-Adm)40]3+ (where X = Cl, Br, I; S-Adm = 1-adamantanethiolate) has a multiple-shell structure with an Ag71 core protected by a shell of Ag70X12(S-Adm)40. The Ag71 core can be considered as 20 frequency-two Ag10 tetrahedra fused together with a dislocation that resembles multiple-twinning in nanoparticles. The nanocluster…
Orientation Adaptive Minimal Learning Machine for Directions of Atomic Forces
Machine learning (ML) force fields are one of the most common applications of ML in nanoscience. However, commonly these methods are trained on potential energies of atomic systems and force vectors are omitted. Here we present a ML framework, which tackles the greatest difficulty on using forces in ML: accurate prediction of force direction. We use the idea of Minimal Learning Machine to device a method which can adapt to the orientation of an atomic environment to estimate the directions of force vectors. The method was tested with linear alkane molecules. peerReviewed
Thiol-Stabilized Atomically Precise, Superatomic Silver Nanoparticles for Catalyzing Cycloisomerization of Alkynyl Amines
Abstract Both the electronic and surface structures of metal nanomaterials play critical roles in determining their chemical properties. However, the non-molecular nature of conventional nanoparticles makes it extremely challenging to understand the molecular mechanism behind many of their unique electronic and surface properties. In this work, we report the synthesis, molecular and electronic structures of an atomically precise nanoparticle, [Ag206L72]q (L = thiolate, halide; q = charge). With a four-shell Ag7@Ag32@Ag77@Ag90 Ino-decahedral structure having a nearly perfect D5h symmetry, the metal core of the nanoparticle is co-stabilized by 68 thiolate and 4 halide ligands. Both electroche…
A topological isomer of the Au25(SR)18−nanocluster
Energetically low-lying structural isomers of the much-studied thiolate-protected gold cluster Au25(SR)18− are discovered from extensive (80 ns) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using the reactive molecular force field ReaxFF and confirmed by density functional theory (DFT). A particularly interesting isomer is found, which is topologically connected to the known crystal structure by a low-barrier collective rotation of the icosahedral Au13 core. The isomerization takes place without breaking of any Au–S bonds. The predicted isomer is essentially iso-energetic with the known Au25(SR)18− structure, but has a distinctly different optical spectrum. It has a significantly larger collision cr…
Combinatorial Identification of Hydrides in a Ligated Ag40 Nanocluster with Non-compact Metal Core
No formation of bulk silver hydride has been reported. Until very recently, only few silver nanoclusters containing hydrides have been successfully prepared. However, due to the lack of effective techniques and also poor stability of hydride-containing Ag nanoclusters, the identification of hydrides’ location within Ag nanoclusters is challenging and not yet achieved although some successes have been reported on clusters of several Ag atoms. In this work, we report a detailed structural and spectroscopic characterization of the [Ag40(DMBT)24(PPh3)8H12]2+ (Ag40H12) cluster (DMBT=2,4-dimethylbenzenethiol). The metal framework consists of three-concentric shells of Ag8@Ag24@Ag8 which can be de…
Structural, chemical and dynamical trends in graphene grain boundaries
Grain boundaries are topological defects that often have a disordered character. Disorder implies that understanding general trends is more important than accurate investigations of individual grain boundaries. Here we present trends in the grain boundaries of graphene. We use density-functional tight-binding method to calculate trends in energy, atomic structure (polygon composition), chemical reactivity (dangling bond density), corrugation heights (inflection angles), and dynamical properties (vibrations), as a function of lattice orientation mismatch. The observed trends and their mutual interrelations are plausibly explained by structure, and supported by past experiments.
Robust, Highly Luminescent Au13 Superatoms Protected by N-Heterocyclic Carbenes
Gold superatom nanoclusters stabilized entirely by N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) are reported. The reduction of well-defined NHC–Au–Cl complexes produces clusters com-prised of an icosahedral Au13 core surrounded by a symmetrical arrangement of 9 NHCs and 3 chlorides. X-ray crystallography shows that the clusters are characterized by multiple CH–π and π–π interactions, which rigidify the ligand and likely con-tribute to the exceptionally high photoluminescent quantum yields observed, up to 16.0 %, which is significantly greater than the most luminescent ligand-protected Au13 superatom cluster. Density functional theory analysis suggests that clus-ters are 8-electron superatoms with a wide …
Copper-hydride nanoclusters with enhanced stability by N-heterocyclic carbenes
AbstractCopper-hydrides have been intensively studied for a long time due to their utilization in a variety of technologically important chemical transformations. Nevertheless, poor stability of the species severely hinders its isolation, storage and operation, which is worse for nano-sized ones. We report here an unprecedented strategy to access to ultrastable copper-hydride nanoclusters (NCs), namely, using bidentate N-heterocyclic carbenes as stabilizing ligands in addition to thiolates. In this work, a simple synthetic protocol was developed to synthesize the first large copper-hydride nanoclusters (NCs) stabilized by N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs). The NC, with the formula of Cu31(RS)2…
Tailoring the interaction between a gold nanocluster and a fluorescent dye by cluster size : creating a toolbox of range-adjustable pH sensors
We present a novel strategy for tailoring the fluorescent azadioxatriangulenium (KU) dye-based pH sensor to the target pH range by regulating the pKa value of the gold nanoclusters. Based on the correlation between the pKa and surface curvature of ligand-protected nanoparticles, the pKa value of the gold nanoclusters was controlled by size. In particular, three different-sized para-mercaptobenzoic acid (p-MBA) protected gold nanoclusters, Au25(p-MBA)18, Au102(p-MBA)44, and Au210–230(p-MBA)70–80 were used as the regulator for the pH range of the KU response. The negatively charged gold nanoclusters enabled the positively charged KU to bind to the surface, forming a complex and quenching the …
Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral Bimetallic [Ag28Cu12(SR)24]4- Nanoclusters via Ion Pairing
In this work, a facile ion-pairing strategy for asymmetric synthesis of optically active negatively charged chiral metal nanoparticles using chiral ammonium cations is demonstrated. A new thiolated chiral three-concentric-shell cluster, [Ag28Cu12(SR)24] 4- was first synthesized as a racemic mixture and characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure determination. Mass spectrometric measurements revealed relatively strong ion-pairing interactions between the anionic nanocluster and ammonium cations. Inspired by this observation, the as-prepared racemic mixture was separated into enantiomers by employing chiral quaternary ammonium salts as chiral resolution agents. Subsequently, direct asymm…
[Ag67(SPhMe2)32(PPh3)8]3+: Synthesis, Total Structure, and Optical Properties of a Large Box-Shaped Silver Nanocluster
Engineering the surface ligands of metal nanoparticles is critical in designing unique arrangements of metal atoms. Here, we report the synthesis and total structure determination of a large box-shaped Ag67 nanocluster (NC) protected by a mixed shell of thiolate (2,4-dimethylbenzenethiolate, SPhMe2) and phosphine (triphenylphosphine, PPh3) ligands. Single crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) revealed the cluster formula to be [Ag67(SPhMe2)32(PPh3)8]3+. The crystal structure shows an Ag23 metal core covered by a layer of Ag44S32P8 arranged in the shape of a box. The Ag23 core was formed through an unprecedented centered cuboctahedron, i.e.,…
Dynamic Stabilization of the Ligand-Metal Interface in Atomically Precise Gold Nanoclusters Au68 and Au144 Protected by meta-Mercaptobenzoic Acid
Ligand-stabilized, atomically precise gold nanoclusters with a metal core of a uniform size of just 1-3 nm constitute an interesting class of nanomaterials with versatile possibilities for applications due to their size-dependent properties and modifiable ligand layers. The key to extending the usability of the clusters in applications is to understand the chemical bonding in the ligand layer as a function of cluster size and ligand structure. Previously, it has been shown that monodispersed gold nanoclusters, stabilized by meta-mercaptobenzoic acid (m-MBA or 3-MBA) ligands and with sizes of 68-144 gold atoms, show ambient stability. Here we show that a combination of nuclear magnetic reson…
A DFT Study of Linear Gold–Thiolate Superclusters Absorbing in the Therapeutic NIR Window
A series of linear clusters up to an aspect ratio of 1:6, formed as multimers of smaller clusters with an icosahedral Au13(5+) core having an eight-electron superatom configuration, are computationally predicted to have a greatly enhanced size-dependent absorption in the near-infrared (NIR) region extending to the biologically important NIR window. A novel structural model is presented for the previously isolated thiol-stabilized Au54(SR)30 cluster, where the metal core is formed as a heterodimer of the cores of the known Au25(SR)18(-/0) and Au38(SR)24 clusters.
Reversible isomerization of metal nanoclusters induced by intermolecular interaction
Most inorganic nanoparticles are directly surface-terminated (and -stabilized) by protecting ligands, which could greatly affect the atomic packing and physical/chemical properties of their inorganic cores. Here, we show that the intermolecular interactions between the adsorbed molecules and surface ligands can also affect the core structure of inorganic nanoparticles. Through the coupling/decoupling of cationic surfactants (cetyltrimethylammonium cations, CTA+) and anionic surface ligands (para-mercaptobenzoic acid, p-MBA) in the aqueous phase, we have achieved a reversible transformation between two isomers of [Au25(p-MBA)18]− nanoclusters. The interconversion process between the two isom…
Experimental Confirmation of a Topological Isomer of the Ubiquitous Au25(SR)18 Cluster in the Gas Phase
High-resolution electrospray ionization ion mobility mass spectrometry has revealed a gas-phase isomer of the ubiquitous, extremely well-studied Au25(SR)18 cluster both in anionic and cationic form. The relative abundance of the isomeric structures can be controlled by in-source activation. The measured collision cross section of the new isomer agrees extremely well with a recent theoretical prediction (Matus, M. F.; et al. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 8087) corresponding to a Au25(SR)18– isomer that is energetically close and topologically connected to the known ground-state structure via a simple rotation of the gold core without breaking any Au–S bonds. The results imply that the structural d…
Total Structure and Electronic Structure Analysis of Doped Thiolated Silver [MAg24(SR)18]2– (M = Pd, Pt) Clusters
With the incorporation of Pd or Pt atoms, thiolated Ag-rich 25-metal-atom nanoclusters were successfully prepared and structurally characterized for the first time. With a composition of [PdAg24(SR)18](2-) or [PtAg24(SR)18](2-), the obtained 25-metal-atom nanoclusters have a metal framework structure similar to that of widely investigated Au25(SR)18. In both clusters, a M@Ag12 (M = Pd, Pt) core is capped by six distorted dimeric -RS-Ag-SR-Ag-SR- units. However, the silver-thiolate overlayer gives rise to a geometric chirality at variance to Au25(SR)18. The effect of doping on the electronic structure was studied through measured optical absorption spectra and ab initio analysis. This work d…
Highly Robust but Surface-Active: N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Stabilized Au25 Nanocluster as a Homogeneous Catalyst
<div> <div> <div> <p>Surface organic ligands play a critical role in stabilizing atomically precise metal nanoclusters in solutions. However, it is still challenging to prepare highly robust ligated metal nanoclusters that are surface-active for liquid-phase catalysis without any pre-treatment. Herein, we report a novel N-heterocyclic carbine-stabilized Au25 nanocluster with high thermal and air stabilities as a homogenous catalyst for cycloisomerization of alkynyl amines to indoles. The nanocluster, characterized as [Au25(iPr2-bimy)10Br7]2+ (iPr2-bimy=diisopropyl-benzilidazolium) (1), was synthesized by direct reduction of AuSMe2Cl and iPr2- bimyAuBr with NaBH4 in o…
Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral Bimetallic [Ag28Cu12(SR)24]4– Nanoclusters via Ion Pairing
In this work, a facile ion-pairing strategy for asymmetric synthesis of optically active negatively charged chiral metal nanoparticles using chiral ammonium cations is demonstrated. A new thiolated chiral three-concentric-shell cluster, [Ag28Cu12(SR)24]4–, was first synthesized as a racemic mixture and characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure determination. Mass spectrometric measurements revealed relatively strong ion-pairing interactions between the anionic nanocluster and ammonium cations. Inspired by this observation, the as-prepared racemic mixture was separated into enantiomers by employing chiral quaternary ammonium salts as chiral resolution agents. Subsequently, direct asymm…
Highly Robust but Surface‐Active: An N‐Heterocyclic Carbene‐Stabilized Au 25 Nanocluster
Surface organic ligands play a critical role in stabilizing atomically precise metal nanoclusters in solutions. However, it is still challenging to prepare highly robust ligated metal nanoclusters that are surface-active for liquid-phase catalysis without any pre-treatment. Now, an N-heterocyclic carbene-stabilized Au25 nanocluster with high thermal and air stabilities is presented as a homogenous catalyst for cycloisomerization of alkynyl amines to indoles. The nanocluster, characterized as [Au25 (i Pr2 -bimy)10 Br7 ]2+ (i Pr2 -bimy=1,3-diisopropylbenzimidazolin-2-ylidene) (1), was synthesized by direct reduction of AuSMe2 Cl and i Pr2 -bimyAuBr with NaBH4 in one pot. X-ray crystallization…
Vibrational Perturbations and Ligand–Layer Coupling in a Single Crystal of Au144(SC2H4Ph)60 Nanocluster
We have determined vibrational signatures and optical gap of the Au144(PET)60 (PET: phenylethylthiol, SC2H4Ph) nanocluster solvated in deuterated dichloromethane (DCM-D2, CD2Cl2) and in a single crystal. For crystals, solid-state (13)C NMR and X-ray diffraction were also measured. A revised value of 2200 cm(-1) (0.27 eV) was obtained for the optical gap in both phases. The vibrational spectra of solvated AU144(PET)60 closely resembles that of neat PET, while the crystalline-state spectrum exhibits significant inhomogeneous spectral broadening, frequency shifts, intensity transfer between vibrational modes, and an increase in the overtone and combination transition intensities. Spectral broa…
[Pt2Cu34(PET)22Cl4]2–: An Atomically Precise, 10-Electron PtCu Bimetal Nanocluster with a Direct Pt–Pt Bond
Heteroatom-doped metal nanoclusters (NCs) are highly desirable to gain fundamental insights into the effect of doping on the electronic structure and catalytic properties. Unfortunately, their controlled synthesis is highly challenging when the metal atomic sizes are largely different (e.g., Cu and Pt). Here, we design a metal-exchange strategy that enables simultaneous doping and resizing of NCs. Specifically, [Pt2Cu34(PET)22Cl4]2- NC, the first example of a Pt-doped Cu NC, is synthesized by utilizing the unique reactivity of [Cu32(PET)24Cl2H8]2- NC with Pt4+ ions. The single-crystal X-ray structure reveals that two directly bonded Pt atoms occupy the two centers of an unusually interpenet…
Reversible Supracolloidal Self-Assembly of Cobalt Nanoparticles to Hollow Capsids and Their Superstructures
| openaire: EC/FP7/291364/EU//MIMEFUN The synthesis and spontaneous, reversible supracolloidal hydrogen bond-driven self-assembly of cobalt nanoparticles (CoNPs) into hollow shell-like capsids and their directed assembly to higher order superstructures is presented. CoNPs and capsids form in one step upon mixing dicobalt octacarbonyl (Co2CO8) and p-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) in 1,2-dichlorobenzene using heating-up synthesis without additional catalysts or stabilizers. This leads to pABA capped CoNPs (core ca. 5nm) with a narrow size distribution. They spontaneously assemble into tunable spherical capsids (d≈50-200nm) with a few-layered shells, as driven by inter-nanoparticle hydrogen bonds th…
Electronic Structure and Bonding of Icosahedral Core–Shell Gold–Silver Nanoalloy Clusters Au144–xAgx(SR)60
Atomically precise thiolate-stabilized gold nanoclusters are currently of interest for many cross-disciplinary applications in chemistry, physics and molecular biology. Very recently, synthesis and electronic properties of "nanoalloy" clusters Au_(144-x)Ag_x(SR)_60 were reported. Here, density functional theory is used for electronic structure and bonding in Au_(144-x)Ag_x(SR)_60 based on a structural model of the icosahedral Au_144(SR)_60 that features a 114-atom metal core with 60 symmetry-equivalent surface sites, and a protecting layer of 30 RSAuSR units. In the optimal configuration the 60 surface sites of the core are occupied by silver in Au_84Ag_60(SR)_60. Silver enhances the electr…
Co-crystallization of atomically precise metal nanoparticles driven by magic atomic and electronic shells
This paper reports co-crystallization of two atomically precise, different-size ligand-stabilized nanoclusters, a spherical (AuAg)267(SR)80 and a smaller trigonal-prismatic (AuAg)45(SR)27(PPh3)6 in 1:1 ratio, characterized fully by X-ray crystallographic analysis (SR = 2,4-SPhMe2). The larger cluster has a four concentric-shell icosahedral structure of Ag@M12@M42@M92@Ag120(SR)80 (M = Au or Ag) with the inner-core M147 icosahedron observed here for metal nanoparticles. The cluster has an open electron shell of 187 delocalized electrons, fully metallic, plasmonic behavior, and a zero HOMO-LUMO energy gap. The smaller cluster has an 18-electron shell closing, a notable HOMO-LUMO energy gap and…
Charge Transfer Plasmons in Dimeric Electron Clusters
The tunability of the optical response of dimers of metal clusters and nanoparticles makes them ideal for many applications from sensing and imaging to inducing chemical reactions. We have studied charge transfer plasmons in separate and linked dimers of closed-shell electron clusters of 8 and 138 electrons using time-dependent density functional theory. The simple model clusters enable the systematic study of the charge transfer phenomenon from the electronic perspective. To identify the charge transfer plasmons, we have developed an index, the Charge Transfer Ratio, for quantifying the charge transfer nature of the excitations. In addition, we analyze the induced transition density and th…
Pd2Au36(SR)(24) cluster: structure studies
The location of the Pd atoms in Pd2Au36(SC2H4Ph)(24), is studied both experimentally and theoretically. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) indicates oxidized Pd atoms. Palladium K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) data clearly show Pd-S bonds, which is supported by far infrared spectroscopy and by comparing theoretical EXAFS spectra in R space and circular dichroism spectra of the staple, surface and core doped structures with experimental spectra.
From Symmetry Breaking to Unraveling the Origin of the Chirality of Ligated Au13 Cu2 Nanoclusters
A general method, using mixed ligands (here diphosphines and thiolates) is devised to turn an achiral metal cluster, Au13 Cu2 , into an enantiomeric pair by breaking (lowering) the overall molecular symmetry with the ligands. Using an achiral diphosphine, a racemic [Au13 Cu2 (DPPP)3 (SPy)6 ]+ was prepared which crystallizes in centrosymmetric space groups. Using chiral diphosphines, enantioselective synthesis of an optically pure, enantiomeric pair of [Au13 Cu2 ((2r,4r)/(2s,4s)-BDPP)3 (SPy)6 ]+ was achieved in one pot. Their circular dichroism (CD) spectra give perfect mirror images in the range of 250-500 nm with maximum anisotropy factors of 1.2×10-3 . DFT calculations provided good corre…
Jahn–Teller effects in Au25(SR)18
The relationship between oxidation state, structure, and magnetism in many molecules is well described by first-order Jahn–Teller distortions. This relationship is not yet well defined for ligated nanoclusters and nanoparticles, especially the nano-technologically relevant gold-thiolate protected metal clusters. Here we interrogate the relationships between structure, magnetism, and oxidation state for the three stable oxidation states, 1, 0 and +1 of the thiolate protected nanocluster Au25(SR)18. We present the single crystal X-ray structures of the previously undetermined charge state Au25(SR)18+1, as well as a higher quality single crystal structure of the neutral compound Au25(SR)180 . …
Ab initio molecular dynamics studies of Au38(SR)24 isomers under heating
Despite the great success in achieving monodispersity for a great number of monolayer-protected clusters, to date little is known about the dynamics of these ultra-small metal systems, their decomposition mechanisms, and the energy that separates their structural isomers. In this work, we use density functional theory (DFT) to calculate and compare the ground state energy and the Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics of two well-known Au 38 (SCH 2 CH 2 Ph) 24 nanocluster isomers. The aim is to shed light on the energy difference between the two clusters isomers and analyze their decomposition mechanisms triggered by high temperatures. The results demonstrate that the energy that separates the…
Analysis of the plasmonic excitations in assemblies of three-dimensional electron clusters
In the quest to built novel metamaterials with unique optical properties, three-dimensional assemblies of metal clusters and nanoparticles are gathering significant attention. Organized geometries, such as tetrahedra and icosahedra, can be built, for example, by using DNA strands or virus capsids as templates. Here we use the jellium model and time-dependent density functional theory to study the plasmonic resonances in different arrangements of eight-electron clusters from the electronic perspective. A charge transfer ratio index based on the induced transition densities is used to quantify the charge transfer nature of the excitations at different energies. We vary the size, shape, and in…
Analysis of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances in Spherical Jellium Clusters and Their Assemblies
Due to multiple possible applications of physico-chemical properties of plasmonic metal nanoparticles and particle systems, there is high interest to understand the mechanisms that underlie the birth of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). Here we studied the birth of the LSPR in spherical jellium clusters with the density of sodium and with 8, 20, 34, 40, 58, 92, 138, and 186 electrons, by using the linear response time-dependent density functional theory (lr-TDDFT). The coupling of the individual plasmon resonances in dimer, trimer, tetramer, and hexamer cluster assemblies consisting of the 8-electron cluster was also studied. The Kohn-Sham electron-hole transitions contributing to…
Site Preference in Multimetallic Nanoclusters: Incorporation of Alkali Metal Ions or Copper Atoms into the Alkynyl-Protected Body-Centered Cubic Cluster [Au7Ag8(C≡CtBu)12]+
The synthesis, structure, substitution chemistry, and optical properties of the gold-centered cubic monocationic cluster [Au@Ag8@Au6(C≡CtBu)12]+ are reported. The metal framework of this cluster can be described as a fragment of a body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice with the silver and gold atoms occupying the vertices and the body center of the cube, respectively. The incorporation of alkali metal atoms gave rise to [MnAg8−nAu7(C≡CtBu)12]+ clusters (n=1 for M=Na, K, Rb, Cs and n=2 for M=K, Rb), with the alkali metal ion(s) presumably occupying the vertex site(s), whereas the incorporation of copper atoms produced [CunAg8Au7−n(C≡CtBu)12]+ clusters (n=1–6), with the Cu atom(s) presumably occup…
Chiral Inversion of Thiolate-Protected Gold Nanoclusters via Core Reconstruction without Breaking an Au-S Bond
On the basis of density functional theory computations of the well-known chiral Au38(SR)24 nanocluster and its Pd- and Ag-doped derivatives, we propose here a mechanism for chiral inversion that does not require the breaking of a metal-sulfur bond at the metal-ligand interface but features a collective rotation of the gold core. The calculated energy barriers for this mechanism for Au38 and Pd-doped Au38 are in the range of 1-1.5 eV, significantly lower than barriers involving the breakage of Au-S bonds (2.5 eV). For Ag-doped Au38, barriers for both mechanisms are similar (1.3-1.5 eV). Inversion barriers for a larger chiral Au144(SR)60 are much higher (2.5-2.8 eV). Our computed barriers are…
Dynamics of weak interactions in the ligand layer of meta-mercaptobenzoic acid protected gold nanoclusters Au68(m-MBA)32 and Au144(m-MBA)40
Atomically precise metal nanoclusters, stabilized and functionalized by organic ligands, are emerging nanomaterials with potential applications in plasmonics, nano-electronics, bio-imaging, nanocatalysis, and as therapeutic agents or drug carriers in nanomedicine. The ligand layer has an important role in modifying the physico-chemical properties of the clusters and in defining the interactions between the clusters and the environment. While this role is well recognized from a great deal of experimental studies, there is very little theoretical information on dynamical processes within the layer itself. Here, we have performed extensive molecular dynamics simulations, with forces calculated…
CCDC 2093430: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Zhaoxian Qin, Junhui Wang, Sachil Sharma, Sami Malola, Kaifeng Wu, Hannu Häkkinen, Gao Li|2021|J.Phys.Chem.Lett.|12|10920|doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c02863
CCDC 2054076: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Guocheng Deng, Sami Malola, Peng Yuan, Xianhu Liu, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2021|Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.|60|12897|doi:10.1002/anie.202101141
CCDC 1044958: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Tiia-Riikka Tero, Kirsi Salorinne, Sami Malola, Hannu Häkkinen, Maija Nissinen|2015|CrystEngComm|17|8231|doi:10.1039/C5CE01144B
CCDC 1469852: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Yu Wang, Xian-Kai Wan, Liting Ren, Haifeng Su, Gang Li, Sami Malola, Shuichao Lin, Zichao Tang, Hannu Häkkinen, Boon K Teo, Quan-Ming Wang, and Nanfeng Zheng|2016|J.Am.Chem.Soc.|138|3278|doi:10.1021/jacs.5b12730
CCDC 1521591: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 2044601: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Xiting Yuan, Sami Malola, Guocheng Deng, Fengjiao Chen, Hannu Häkkinen, Boon K. Teo, Lansun Zheng, Nanfeng Zheng|2021|Inorg.Chem.|60|3529|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03462
CCDC 2050535: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Hui Shen, Lingzheng Wang, Omar López-Estrada, Chengyi Hu, Qingyuan Wu, Dongxu Cao, Sami Malola, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2021|Nano Res.|14|3303|doi:10.1007/s12274-021-3389-9
CCDC 1055143: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Marcus A. Tofanelli, Kirsi Salorinne, Thomas W. Ni, Sami Malola, Brian Newell, Billy Phillips, Hannu Häkkinen, Christopher J. Ackerson|2016|Chemical Science|7|1882|doi:10.1039/C5SC02134K
CCDC 2096619: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Hui Shen, Zhen Xu, Lingzheng Wang, Ying-Zi Han, Xianhu Liu, Sami Malola, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2021|Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.|60|22411|doi:10.1002/anie.202108141
CCDC 2054077: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Guocheng Deng, Sami Malola, Peng Yuan, Xianhu Liu, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2021|Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.|60|12897|doi:10.1002/anie.202101141
CCDC 2044592: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Xiting Yuan, Sami Malola, Guocheng Deng, Fengjiao Chen, Hannu Häkkinen, Boon K. Teo, Lansun Zheng, Nanfeng Zheng|2021|Inorg.Chem.|60|3529|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03462
CCDC 1543483: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Liting Ren, Peng Yuan, Haifeng Su, Sami Malola, Shuichao Lin, Zichao Tang, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen , Lansun Zheng, and Nanfeng Zheng|2017|J.Am.Chem.Soc.|139|13288|doi:10.1021/jacs.7b07926
CCDC 953878: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Huayan Yang, Yu Wang, Huaqi Huang, Lars Gell, Lauri Lehtovaara, Sami Malola, Hannu Hakkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2013|Nat.Commun.|4|2422|doi:10.1038/ncomms3422
CCDC 1814032: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Guocheng Deng, Sami Malola, Juanzhu Yan, Yingzi Han, Peng Yuan, Chaowei Zhao, Xiting Yuan, Shuichao Lin, Zichao Tang, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2018|Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.|57|3421|doi:10.1002/anie.201800327
CCDC 1044955: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Tiia-Riikka Tero, Kirsi Salorinne, Sami Malola, Hannu Häkkinen, Maija Nissinen|2015|CrystEngComm|17|8231|doi:10.1039/C5CE01144B
CCDC 1851619: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Cunfa Sun, Nisha Mammen, Sami Kaappa, Peng Yuan, Guocheng Deng, Chaowei Zhao, Juanzhu Yan, Sami Malola, Karoliina Honkala, Hannu Häkkinen, Boon K. Teo, Nanfeng Zheng|2019|ACS Nano|13|5975|doi:10.1021/acsnano.9b02052
CCDC 1428884: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Juanzhu Yan, Haifeng Su, Huayan Yang, Sami Malola, Shuichao Lin, Hannu Häkkinen, and Nanfeng Zheng|2015|J.Am.Chem.Soc.|137|11880|doi:10.1021/jacs.5b07186
CCDC 953880: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Huayan Yang, Yu Wang, Huaqi Huang, Lars Gell, Lauri Lehtovaara, Sami Malola, Hannu Hakkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2013|Nat.Commun.|4|2422|doi:10.1038/ncomms3422
CCDC 1985367: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Kirsi Salorinne, Renee W. Y. Man, Paul A. Lummis, Maryam Sabooni Asre Hazer, Sami Malola, Jacky C.-H. Yim, Alex J. Veinot, Wenxia Zhou, Hannu Häkkinen, Masakazu Nambo, Cathleen M. Crudden|2020|Chem.Commun.|56|6102|doi:10.1039/D0CC01482F
CCDC 2096621: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Hui Shen, Zhen Xu, Lingzheng Wang, Ying-Zi Han, Xianhu Liu, Sami Malola, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2021|Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.|60|22411|doi:10.1002/anie.202108141
CCDC 1839942: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Juanzhu Yan, Sami Malola, Chengyi Hu, Jian Peng, Birger Dittrich, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Lansun Zheng, Nanfeng Zheng|2018|Nat.Commun.|9|3357|doi:10.1038/s41467-018-05584-9
CCDC 953881: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Huayan Yang, Yu Wang, Huaqi Huang, Lars Gell, Lauri Lehtovaara, Sami Malola, Hannu Hakkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2013|Nat.Commun.|4|2422|doi:10.1038/ncomms3422
CCDC 1962411: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1918141: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1962412: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Peng Yuan, Ruihua Zhang, Elli Selenius, Pengpeng Ruan, Yangrong Yao, Yang Zhou, Sami Malola, Hannu Häkkinen, Boon K. Teo, Yang Cao, Nanfeng Zheng|2020|Nat.Commun.|11|2229|doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16062-6
CCDC 1814033: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1508753: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Juanzhu Yan, Haifeng Su, Huayan Yang, Chengyi Hu, Sami Malola, Shuichao Lin, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, and Nanfeng Zheng|2016|J.Am.Chem.Soc.|138|12751|doi:10.1021/jacs.6b08100
CCDC 2054074: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Guocheng Deng, Sami Malola, Peng Yuan, Xianhu Liu, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2021|Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.|60|12897|doi:10.1002/anie.202101141
CCDC 2054073: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Guocheng Deng, Sami Malola, Peng Yuan, Xianhu Liu, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2021|Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.|60|12897|doi:10.1002/anie.202101141
CCDC 1942682: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Xiting Yuan, Cunfa Sun, Xihua Li, Sami Malola, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Lan-Sun Zheng, Nanfeng Zheng|2019|J.Am.Chem.Soc.|141|11905|doi:10.1021/jacs.9b03009
CCDC 2022415: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Yu Wang, Haifeng Su, Liting Ren, Sami Malola, Shuichao Lin, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2016|Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.|55|15152|doi:10.1002/anie.201609144
CCDC 2054075: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Guocheng Deng, Sami Malola, Peng Yuan, Xianhu Liu, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng|2021|Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.|60|12897|doi:10.1002/anie.202101141
CCDC 2021376: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Sanghwa Lee, Megalamane S. Bootharaju, Guocheng Deng, Sami Malola, Woonhyuk Baek, Hannu Häkkinen, Nanfeng Zheng, Taeghwan Hyeon|2020|J.Am.Chem.Soc.|142|13974|doi:10.1021/jacs.0c06577
CCDC 1811378: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Juanzhu Yan, Jun Zhang, Xumao Chen, Sami Malola, Bo Zhou, Elli Selenius, Xiaomin Zhang, Peng Yuan, Guocheng Deng, Kunlong Liu, Haifeng Su, Boon K. Teo, Hannu Häkkinen, Lansun Zheng, Nanfeng Zheng|2018|National Science Review|5|694|doi:10.1093/nsr/nwy034
CCDC 1044957: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Tiia-Riikka Tero, Kirsi Salorinne, Sami Malola, Hannu Häkkinen, Maija Nissinen|2015|CrystEngComm|17|8231|doi:10.1039/C5CE01144B
CCDC 1055144: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Marcus A. Tofanelli, Kirsi Salorinne, Thomas W. Ni, Sami Malola, Brian Newell, Billy Phillips, Hannu Häkkinen, Christopher J. Ackerson|2016|Chemical Science|7|1882|doi:10.1039/C5SC02134K
CCDC 1985364: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Kirsi Salorinne, Renee W. Y. Man, Paul A. Lummis, Maryam Sabooni Asre Hazer, Sami Malola, Jacky C.-H. Yim, Alex J. Veinot, Wenxia Zhou, Hannu Häkkinen, Masakazu Nambo, Cathleen M. Crudden|2020|Chem.Commun.|56|6102|doi:10.1039/D0CC01482F
CCDC 2071611: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 2054078: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 953883: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1044956: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 953879: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1044959: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 953882: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1044954: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1428883: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1886732: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1814031: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1916156: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 1839941: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 2032634: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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CCDC 2009603: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
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Kernels and Graphs on M25 + H (parent repository)
The repository contains codes related to article "Graphs and Kernelized Learning Applied to Interactions of Hydrogen with Doped Gold Nanoparticle Electrocatalysts". There are two main types of codes: codes to transform a catalytic system of protected gold nanoparticle and a single hydrogen atom into a graph-based representation, and codes to run kernel-based machine learning methods to predict interaction energies between the nanoparticle and the hydrogen atom. This is the metadata for the parent repository of the codes. Updates and possible corrections are documented in the GitLab project, where the material saved and shared. The GitLab project can be found and downloaded from the followin…