showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
I diritti audiovisivi sportivi in Italia prima e dopo il decreto Melandri Gentiloni
Metodi automatici di analisi e caratterizzazione di esami radiologici del massiccio facciale.
L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è lo sviluppo di algoritmi e procedure di analisi di referti radiografici digitali di tipo CBCT delle strutture della mandibola e dell’apparato dentario. In particolare, mediante un’opportuna campagna di sperimentazione, in collaborazione con i reparti di radiologia ed odontoiatria del Policlinico di Palermo, è stata realizzata un procedura in grado di: • eliminare i problemi di sovrapponibilità dei referti tridimensionali effettuati in tempi successivi; • identificare lo spazio parodontale su indagini CBCT per la valutazione dei possibili difetti nello stesso e prevedere l’insorgenza di parodontiti. • individuare gli elementi di maggiore interesse medico caratt…
Relasió y esplicasio de la falla de la calle de Félix Pizcueta y D. Cirilo Amarós.
Dades preses de la coberta
Gozos a Santa Rita de Casia, abogada de los imposibles.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de "Sa. Rita de Cassia", flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Pascualo y Visanteta
Declamationes maiores. Italià
Ms. il·luminat Títol donat pel catalogador Col·lació: Pergamí, f. i (paper) + 33 + i (paper) ; reclams horitzontals cada 8 fulls ; foliació moderna a llapis Composició: Escrit a dues columnes de 38 línies (f. 3r, col.2) Escriptura: Humanística cursiva. Notes marginals, contemporànies, de la mateixa mà Decoració: En el f. 1r orla amb motius vegetals (fulles d'alzina i bellotes), un llop i un escut heràldic. Caplletres decorades amb tintes de color blau i vermell, així com els calderons. Les majúscules han estat retocades amb tinta groga Enquadernació: Pasta espanyola del segle XVIII. Al llom teixell amb el nom de l'autor "Quintiliano" i decoració amb ferros daurats Origen: Escrit probablemen…
Scriptum D[urandi] de S[an]c[t]o Portiano super tertium [et quartum] S[ente]n[t]iaru[m]
Ms. il·luminat Títol obtingut del colofó del f. 102v amb la adicció pel catalogador del llibre quart, tot atenent el colofó del f. 10 Col·lació: Pergamí, f. iii (pergamí actual) + 279 + ii (pergamí actual); reclams horitzontals cada 12 f. ; signatures de quaderns a-z6 ; numeració moderna a llapis Composició: Escrit a dues columnes a 52 línies Escriptura: Gòtica textual cal·ligràfica. Notes marginals del copista i posteriors Decoració: Al començament del llibres caplletres i orles miniades en or i colors (f. 1r i 103r), la resta de caplletres decorades amb tintes de color blau i vermell de la mateixa manera que els calderons. Al marge superior majúscules en tinta blava indicant les referènci…
Carta para el escarmiento.
Precedeix al tít.: ✠ Text a 1 col. - Reclams Sign.: A8
Céfalo y Pocris
Precedeix al tít., en l'angle dret: "Num. 105." Text a 1 i a 2 col. - Reclams Sign.: A-C4, D2
Lista de los libros legados en su último testamento á esta Biblioteca por el Excmo. Sor. D. Francisco Carbonell, Rector que fue de esta Universidad
Loores al Santísimo Sacramento del altar.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de l'Eucaristia, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Daemoniaci, hoc est De obsessis a spiritibus daemoniorum hominibus, liber vnus ...
Sign.: A-S8, T6 Errates tip. a la pàg
Las dos estrellas de Francia
Sig. A-D4 Sig. A-D4. - Sense port. - En l'angle superior dret de la 1ª p. "Num.35" (modificat ms. a 36). - Text a dues col. - Reclams
Carta de un español europeo a otro americano amigo suyo residente en México.
Relación y explicación de la Falla de las calles de Aragón, Espartero y Padre Jofré : año 1905.
Dades preses de la coberta
Oracion a S. Cayetano, fundador del Orden de Clerigos Reglares.
El full orlat
Llaors del molt venerable y en santetat insigne sacerdot mossen Frances Geroni Simo.
F. amb orla tip
Se acaba de recibir la fausta noticia de haberse pronunciado Castellón de la Plana ...
Signat a la fi: Antonio M. Blanco, Presidente, Fernando Herbás, Secretario Precedeix al tít.: Junta Provincial de Gobierno de Valencia Data a la fi: Valencia 18 julio 1854
Recibimiento de la santisima reliquia del glorioso san Vicente Ferrer
Grav. a port Sign.: ¶8
Sermó de S. Vicent Ferrer
Text a 1 col. - Notes a peu de p. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]2, A-C4
Aforismos de Hypocrates : traducidos del griego al latín y de éste al castellano, con advertencias y notas : añadido al fin el Capitulo aureo de Avic…
Sign.:[]1, ¶8, A-S8 Reclams
Gozos al deifico Corazon de Jesus, venerado en la Iglesia del Religiosissimo Convento de Santa Ursola de Valencia.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del Cor de Jesús, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Gozos al deifico Corazon de jesus, venerado en la Iglesia del Religiosissimo Convento de Santa Ursola de Valencia.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del Cor de Jesús, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Dormilón, El
Precedeix al tít., en l'angle esquerre: Núm. 78 Filets Text a 2 col Sign.: [ ]4
In vitro bioactivity study of composite scaffold prepared via thermally induced phase separation
Among porous materials suitable for Bone Tissue Engineering (BTE) scaffolds, bioactive ceramics (hydroxyapatite, HA) and bioactive glasses (BG) have been used for their excellent biocompatibility, bioactivity and efficient osteointegration (1). However, their major limitations are brittleness, low mechanical stability and low dissolution rate (2). Recent evidences suggest that composite scaffold based on biodegradable polymers (e.g. Poly-lacticacid (PLLA)) simultaneously loaded with HA and BG hold promising potential as efficient osteoconductive implants (3, 4). In this work we investigated the possibility to produce composite PLLA-HA-BG scaffolds via Thermally Induced Phase Separation (TIP…
Questa ricerca si inserisce nell’ambito della verifica della “sostenibilità ambientale delle realizzazioni antropiche” . Una preliminare fase di studio dei macroscopici aspetti economici, sociali, ambientali globali, ha spinto la mia indagine su un piano via via più intimo, individuando infine nell’uomo, nella sua integrità, l’elemento chiave per una corretta stima dei fenomeni di criticità energetico-ambientale. Procedendo, anche attraverso una fase sperimentale di cooperazione internazionale tra l’Università di Palermo e il mondo delle imprese di piccole comunità locali del Bangladesh, sono giunto alla definizione di SVILUPPO ZERO, che si presenta come una chiave di lettura dei temi (soci…
Multi-omics of Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125: a quest for antimicrobial metabolic pathways
Backgrounds The Antarctic strain Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 is one of the model organisms of cold-adapted bacteria and is currently exploited as a new alternative expression host for numerous biotechnological applications. Interestingly, this bacterium has been reported to be able to inhibit the growth of Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) strains, opportunistic pathogens responsible for the infection of immune-compromised patients. Most likely, this occurs through the synthesis of several different compounds, including Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), whose nature and characteristics are currently mostly unknown. Objectives To obtain a complete picture of cellular processes di…
The small protein TrpM is involved in Streptomyces coelicolor differentiation
About the validation of models for multicomponent systems
We shall discuss the derivation of systems of partial differ- ential equations, where hydrodynamic equations are coupled to mean field (Vlasov type) kinetic equations, as the asymptotic limit of suitable models on a smaller scale. This kind of PDE systems can be considered as simply modelling multicomponent flows in mixtures containing a dispersed phase, such as sprays or aerosols. In this talk we shall give an overview of results of various type obtained in cooperation with E. Bernard, L. Desvillettes, F. Golse.
The Problem of Time Arrow in Financial Time Series
According to the efficient market hypothesis, future movements of the market cannot be predicted. This introduces an intrinsic time asymmetry of the financial time series as there are no laws forbidding “predicting” past based on the current market fluctuations. This clear time asymmetry in the basic laws of finance raises a question which we shall be referring to as the problem of time arrow: are there any noticeable statistical differences between forward-in-time and reverse-in-time market data. Majority of the statistical methods used for financial time series are time-symmetric and hence, not usable for our purposes. The first method used in our study is the analysis of the length-distr…
A comprehensive multi-scale process model of bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) systems
Bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) uses electrical energy to produce acidic and alkaline solutions by water dissociation. Its great versatility has increasingly gained the interest in chemical/biochemical industry and in environmental protection. Co-ion leakages through the membranes and shunt currents pose major issues leading to significant drops in current efficiency. This work focuses on the development of a novel model based on a multi-scale approach. Four different dimensional scales were fully integrated within a comprehensive simulating tool with distributed parameters. The lowest scale, which is represented by the channel, includes two sub-models. The CFD simulations sub-level…
Mafia e costi psichici. Le ricadute nei familiari delle vittime di omicidio
La letteratura mostra che la morte di un familiare a causa di un omicidio rappresenta una perdita traumatica in grado di provocare un elevato distress (caratterizzato dal “sinergismo” di trauma e lutto) associato all’aumento del rischio di gravi conseguenze sia sulla salute psichica che sulla qualità della vita in generale (Green, 2000; Rynearson & McCreery, 1993). Recenti reviews (van Denderen et al., 2013; Connolly & Gordon, 2014) hanno messo in evidenza un’elevata incidenza di problematiche psicologiche a medio e a lungo termine nei familiari definiti dalla letteratura “ survivors” (Hertz et al., 2005). Tuttavia, ancora pochi sono gli studi sistematici sulle esperienze di lutto traumatic…
In the last years, great attention was focused on immobilized ionic liquids for their application in the field of catalysis. The main challenge is represented by the possibility of combining the benefits of the ionic liquids to that of the supports. In order to achieve this ambitious objective both the choice of the support and the functionalization strategy are of fundamental importance. In this context, one of the aims of this doctoral project was to develop novel catalysts based on covalently mono- or multilayer imidazolium or thiazolium networks onto a high ordered mesoporous silica or carbon nanotubes materials. The second goal of this PhD thesis was to design novel imidazolium based c…