showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Gozos a la milagrosa imagen del santisimo Ecce-Homo, venerado en la Villa de Burriana en una heredad de Francisco Mayner, donde se halló en 12 de Oct…
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del Crist, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Norma de vn parrocho practicada en la exemplar vida y singvlares virtvdes del venerable ... Miguel Saurina, Rector de la Iglesia Parroquial de la Vni…
Port. orlada Postil·les marginals Sign.: A-N4, O1
Static Light Scattering as a tool to control extruded liposomes concentration: A novel physicist-friendly approach
Relationship between genetic background and performance in professional basketball players
How far are we from the valorization of waste-CO2 to formic acid via electrochemical routes for the applicative scale?
To date, the decarbonization of the world economy and storage and production of energy from alternative C-based sources is considered a relevant topic. The electrochemical conversion of CO2 has been widely investigated since the 1870s as a promising strategy to convert waste-CO2 into value-added chemicals [1,2]. Recently, it was highlighted that, among the several emerging technologies for CO2 conversion to value-added products on an applicative scale, electrochemical technologies are the closest to commercialization due to the numerous start-ups and established companies being invested in this area (e.g., Opus-12, Dioxide Material, and Carbon Recycling International) [3]. These technologie…
The EU’s urban policy through the 2008 financial crisis: A perspective from the case of Oporto
Many European countries are currently faced with a difficult situation fostered by a set of financial, socioeconomic and environmental problems. The last decade has been particularly rough for the Southern Europe countries due to the political reactions from the European Union (EU) to the strong economic crisis that affected the great majority of the developed economies. The EU’s actions, placed in order to face such challenges, can be characterised as a series of austerity measures that clearly diverged from the original ongoing strategies. The debate on the causes of the crisis remains unsettled and the dominant studies on the crisis focus the socioeconomic national indicators. Since the …
Beni comuni e diritto di proprietà tra pubblico e privato
La tesi dal titolo “Beni comuni e diritto di proprietà tra pubblico e privato” si propone di esplorare la tematica dei “commons” e intende affrontare il problema dell’individuazione della forme di appartenenza che ad essi possono essere riferite. L’analisi è stata stimolata dall’odierno dibattito in materia di “beni comuni” e dalla riflessione che la scienza giuridica ha condotto al fine della delineazione di uno statuto giuridico unitario di questa categoria di beni. Il lavoro muove dall’analisi della tematica dei commons nelle sue implicazioni teoriche fondamentali, riguardanti, principalmente, l’affermazione e l’evoluzione del paradigma della proprietà individuale. Nell’ambito della rico…
Performance Optimization in Wireless Local Area Networks
Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) are becoming more and more important for providing wireless broadband access. Applications and networking scenarios evolve continuously and in an unpredictable way, attracting the attention of academic institutions, research centers and industry. For designing an e cient WLAN is necessary to carefully plan coverage and to optimize the network design parameters, such as AP locations, channel assignment, power allocation, MAC protocol, routing algorithm, etc... In this thesis we approach performance optimization in WLAN at di erent layer of the OSI model. Our rst approach is at Network layer. Starting from a Hybrid System modeling the ow of tra c in the net…
La responsabilità degli intermediari finanziari per la violazione dei doveri di informazione
Targeting PAM signaling pathway in the treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Assessing opportunities for water savings in large-scale pressurized irrigation systems using actual evapotranspiration retrieved by surface energy b…
Remote sensing allows the observation of large land stretches and the acquisition of worthwhile information that can be used efficaciously in agro-hydrologic systems. Satellite imagery associated to computational models provide a reliable resource in estimating evapotranspiration (ET) fluxes based on surface energy balance. On irrigated crops, quantifying the spatial distribution of actual ET enables a broad range of applications such as irrigation management, monitoring water distribution, assessing crop water status and irrigation system performance. The general objective of the research was to propose a methodology to estimate ET by using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images and surface e…
Polycyclic Pyrrolo-Thiazole Systems with Biological Activity
Disputatio theologica in qua praecipua capita Summae Doctoris angelici D. Thomae Aquinatis cum lib. XII. ... Melch. Cani nonnullisque historicis diss…
Escut xil. dels dominicans a la port Banda Sign.: [A]2, B-N2, O1 Reclams
Certificació, 1766, 09, 12
Com a tít. el començament del text Fris Reclams
Coloqui nou : en que Tito Bufalampolla, y Sento el Formál referixen la real proclamació que feu la ... ciutat de Valencia al Rey ... Don Carlos Quart…
Nom de l'autor pres de Ribelles i Palau Text a 2 col. - Reclams Sign.: [ ]4
Con el mayor respeto a su Augusta Soberana Dª María Luisa de Borbón un leal vasallo le ofrece su obediencia : Liras.
Amb tit. epígrafe El full orlat
Dialogos de Juan Luis Vives
Sign. [ ]8, A-Hh8 Capll. orn.- Retrat de l'autor a port Sign.: [ ]8, A-Dd8, Ee4 Reclams. - Notes a peu de p Text paral·lel llatí i castellà
Gozos a San Leandro Arzobispo de Sevilla : à 13. Marzo.
Full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per gerros amb flors Text del goig a dues col. separades per doble banda
Libre de les dones : mes verament dit de consells profitosos y saludables, axi peral regiment y orde de la vida humana, com pera aumentar la deuocio …
Sign.: A-T8, V4 Al colofó: estampat en Barcelona, en casa de Iaume Cortey. - Marca tip. de Jaime Cortey al colofó Nom del llibreter obtingut del colofó Text de J. Roig a 2 col. - Port. a 2 tintes. - 2a obra amb portadella pròpia. - Errors a la fol Grav. xil. a la port
Gozos a la serafica virgen Santa Catarina de Sena, del Sagrado Orden de Predicadores.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat de la santa, flanquejat per gerros amb flors El text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Gozos a la milagrosa imagen de Jesus Nazareno venerada en el Convento de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, de Trinitarios Descalzos de Valencia.
El full orlat Grav. xil. enmarcat del Natzarè, flanquejat per escuts dels trinitaris Text del goig a tres col. separades per filets
Falla de la plaza de Ripalda en el añ de 1904.
Dades preses de la coberta
Estado Mayor del ejército y armada : historia de los generales que más se han distinguido
[1]. Historia del ilustre cuerpo de oficiales generales, hecha con las biografías de los que más se han distinguido e ilustrada con sus retratos de cuerpo entero. Sección capitanes generales del ejército. - Al gravat principal: Historia individual de su cuadro en los años de 1851 á 1853. [2]. Historia individual de su cuadro, formada con las biografías de los que más se han distinguido é ilustrada con los retratos de cuerpo entero. Sección de brigadieres
Primera [-Segunda] parte del Arte dada del mismo Dios a Abraham para le seruir perfectamente
Sig. A-Nn8, Oo-Rr4; [creu grega]8, A-Z8 Al tít. de la Parte Segunda falta "a Abraham" Capitals grav Cada part amb port. i pag./fol. pròpia. - Text amb postil·les marginals. - Reclams. - Errates de pag. i fol
Commentum super IV libro Sententiarum
Sign.: aa-bb8, cc10, a-z8, r/8, t/8, L/8, A-O8, P12. - Data completa, 17 desembre, 1499 L. gòt. - 4 mides. - 2 col. - Text i comentari. - 42 lín. (text), 54 lín. (comentari). - Inic. grav. - Min. p. inic. - Registre. - Llegendes de foli. - Filigr.: gessamí (?)
Ab urbe condita. Italià
Ms. il·luminat Títol obtingut de la rúbrica (f. 1v) Col·lació: Vitel·la, f. i (pergamí actual) + 328 (f. 328 en blanc) + i (pergamí actual) ; foliació moderna a llapis ; reclams horitzontals cada deu fulls Composició: Escrit a línia tirada a 32 línies Escriptura: Humanística antiqua Decoració: Orla en el f. 1v hom troba un medalló de bell estil renaixentista, en or i colors, amb adorns, flors, perles, a l'interior del qual s'hi troba el títol de l'obra; en la part superior l'escut dels sobirans de Nàpols; a la part inferior hi ha la minatura representant un balcó àrab amb la llegenda "Amor m'inçiende et mi struggie", sota la qual hi ha un medalló amb un retrat de Simone Vespucci, segons hom…
Semitransparent Design of Planar n-i-p Perovskite Solar Cells using a Cost-Effective, Perovskite-Compatible DMD Structure as the Top Electrode
In recent years, a significant emphasis has been placed on developing multi-functional solar cells that integrate new features such as color and transparency, thereby opening up the possibility of unconventional photovoltaic (PV) applications, including building-integrated PV (BIPV) systems, tandem solar cells, and wearable electronics. In particular, the integration of semitransparent (ST) solar cells into buildings as power-generating windows, facades or other aesthetic architectural elements constitutes one of the most intriguing perspectives [1]. Since silicon-based panels are generally opaque and unaesthetic, there has been a growing research interest in emerging thin-film solar cells …
Electrochemical remediation of kaolin-soil contaminated by phenol: effect of several operative parameters
Electrochemical remediation technology is considered an appealing strategy for the remediation of fine- grained soils, characterized by a low hydraulic conductivity and large specific surface area, contaminated with inorganic, organic, and mixed pollutants. In both Electrokinetic (EK) and Electrochemical Geo-Oxidation (ECGO) technologies, an electric field is imposed on the contaminated soil to remove the pollutants by the combined mechanisms of electroosmosis, electromigration, and/or electrophoresis. Moreover, ECGO uses low voltage and both direct and alternating amperage (DC/AC) applied in a proprietary series to induce reduction-oxidation reactions on soil surfaces at the micro-scale. A…
Complexation equilibria between beta-cyclodextrin and p-nitroaniline derivatives in mixed solvent media: a polarimetric study
Electrical and optical properties of Graphene Field-Effect Transistors (GFETs) fabricated on sapphire
Loores al glorioso San Antonio Abad.
El full orlat. Grav. xil. enmarcat del sant, flanquejat per gerros amb flors. Text del goig a dues col. separades per banda.
La monja alférez : comedia en tres jornadas y en verso
A la port.: 1º el desafío, 2º los guantes, 3º el disfraz