showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Materiali per una biografia


Biografia ed ergografia del pittore Jannis Psychopedis

Psychopedis biografia ergografiaSettore L-LIN/20 - Lingua E Letteratura Neogreca

Ghosts from the Abyss. The imagination of new worlds in the sea-narratives of Afrofuturism


This contribution aims to investigate a different ghostscape, shaped by the turbulent materiality of the sea: the abyss. A space of trauma and simultaneously of becoming, it is populated by spectral objects, traces, fragments, and, above all, ghosts. Looking into the abyss through the turbulent materiality of the sea (where the turbulence recalls Haraway’s trouble and the materiality a livingness of the world in which “matter comes to matter”), sea-related ghosts from the Black Atlantic to the Black Mediterranean emerge as absences-presences that matter. The emersion of sea-related new worlds is one of the main topics of Afrofuturism narratives: from the Drexciya world to the Novella The De…

Ghosts Abyss Black Mediterranean Afrofuturism HarawaySettore M-GGR/01 - Geografia



raggiungimento degli obiettivi del precedente Accordo di Parigi, tutti i Paesi sono stati invitati a impegnarsi a garantire l'azzeramento globale entro la metà del secolo e a mantenere l'aumento della temperatura media globale significativamente al di sotto dei 2 °C, rispetto ai livelli preindustriali, entro il 2050, e più precisamente entro il limite superiore di 1,5 °C. Tutti i Paesi stanno concentrando le loro politiche su una transizione energetica globale che consiste nell'aumento dell'uso di fonti rinnovabili per la generazione di elettricità e nell'uso diretto di calore e biomassa rinnovabili, nell'uso diretto di elettricità pulita nei trasporti e nelle applicazioni termiche, nel mig…

energy modelRenewable energySettore ING-IND/11 - Fisica Tecnica AmbientaleSolar energydish-Stirlingthermal storageLCSAConcentrating solar powerDeep Learning.Borehole thermal energy systemCogeneration

Determinantes de la divulgación de información sobre sostenibilidad en los gobiernos locales de Latinoamérica


This paper analyses the socioeconomic factors that influence the disclosure of sustainability information on 99 local government websites in 2018 in countries that make up the Pacific Alliance (PA) in Latin America, associated with internal and external demands that public entities have for accountability in social and environmental issues. We use as methodology a content analysis of the sustainability information disclosed by local entities on their websites and a regression of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). This article shows empirical evidence that the size, budget capacity and the economic level of the municipality are factors associated with the sustainability disclosure on websites due…

Local governmentsPublic sectorpublic sectorAlianza del PacíficoDivulgaciónUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASDisclosurelatin americasustainabilitylocal GovernmentsSostenibilidadSustainabilitySector público:6 - Ciencias aplicadas::65 - Gestión y organización. Administración y dirección de empresas. Publicidad. Relaciones públicas. Medios de comunicación de masas [CDU]AccountingGobiernos localesdisclosurepacific alliancePacific AllianceRevista de Contabilidad

Permanent Loss of Human Leukocyte Antigen E–restricted CD8+ T Stem Memory Cells in Human Tuberculosis


Pulmonary and Respiratory MedicineHLA AntigensHLA-EClinical BiochemistryTuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosisStem cellsCell BiologyCD8-Positive T-LymphocytesMolecular BiologyAmerican Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology

Il parco dei Re. Studi sul paesaggio di Palermo nel medioevo


Il volume contiene i primi esiti di una ricerca in corso di svolgimento presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, in partenariato con il Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Escuela de Estudios Árabes in Granada (Spagna) e la collaborazione della Soprintendenza Regionale ai Beni Culturali e all’Identità Siciliana per la Provincia di Palermo. The volume contains the first results of an ongoing research at the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo, in partnership with the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Escuela de Estudios Árabes in Granada (Spain) and the collaboration of Regional Superintendency for Cultural H…

paesaggio arabo normanno storico palermo medioevo qanat unescoSettore ICAR/15 - Architettura Del Paesaggio

Advances and innovations in manufacturing systems research 2022


MaufacturingHardware and ArchitectureControl and Systems EngineeringIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringSoftware

Workplace violence among healthcare workers, a multicenter study in Italy


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence and determinants of workplace violence and the sociodemographic risk factors associated. Study design: This was a multicenter cross-sectional study. Methods: The study was performed using self-compiled Italian version of the World Health Organization's questionnaire on workplace violence online by filling in a Google form. The survey was opened from May 2018 to March 2020 and lasted 5-10 min. Results: The sample consists of 3659 healthcare workers, of which 2525 (69%) are females, 1446 (39.5%) are nurses, and 2029 (55.5%) are health workers from northern Italy. The most frequent age group of the sample is 50-54 years (16.7%).…

Malephysical aggressionHealth PersonnelprevalencePublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthPhysical aggression Prevalence Risk factor Verbal abuse Workplace violenceGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedAggressionverbal abuseCross-Sectional StudiesItalyrisk factorSurveys and Questionnairesworkplace violenceHumansFemalephysical aggression; prevalence; risk factor; verbal abuse; workplace violenceWorkplace

Wearable Sensing and Quantified-self to explain Learning Experience


Author's accepted manuscript © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The confluence of wearable technologies for sensing learners and the quantified-self provides a unique opportunity to understand learners’ experience in diverse learning contexts. We use data from learners using Empatica Wristbands and self-reported questionnaire. We compute stress, ar…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Biblioteks- og informasjonsvitenskap: 320::Informasjons- og kommunikasjonssystemer: 3212022 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT)

PROGETTARE L’ADATTAMENTO. Resilienze di agricoltura urbana nel contesto europeo


I crescenti fenomeni legati al cambiamento climatico spingono le città a sviluppare piani di resilienza che possano rispondere in termini di sostenibilità ambientale, sociale ed economica. Le strategie nature-based possono rappresentare una soluzione; tra queste l’agricoltura urbana può contribuire ad aumentare la resilienza dei tessuti urbani europei. Questa attività è stata più volte oggetto di interesse in periodi di crisi come impegno comunitario dai caratteri sociali, oltre che produttivi ed educativi. Attraverso un excursus storico e una successiva analisi di casi studio contemporanei, il paper fornisce strumenti progettuali per intervenire nel costruito con strategie che spaziano dal…

urban agriculture nature-based solutions climate change urban regeneration agri-culture in a protected environment controlled environment agricultureSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbanaagricoltura urbana soluzioni basate sulla natura cambiamento climatico rigenerazione urbana agricoltura in ambiente protettoSettore ICAR/21 - UrbanisticaSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura

Werewolves and warning signs: Cultural responses to tropical cyclones in Mauritius


The role that culture plays in the way different groups experience, respond to, and recover from disasters has been widely discussed. Yet, while there is a considerable (and growing) literature of case study evidence for the need to account for culture in disasters, comparatively few studies take a long-term perspective on cultural interactions with disasters, resulting in a lack of exploration into the diachronic nature of these cultural responses, both past and present. The literature that does exist tends also to focus either on western cultures or on groups that pursue highly traditional livelihoods. Communities that call on elements of both local or vernacular knowledge and scientific …

HistorySociology and Political ScienceDisasterLocal knowledgeTropical cyclonesCultureVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Geofag: 450Mauritius

Applying the UDA‑ODA discrimination technique to a herpetological association: the case of the Middle Palaeolithic site of El Salt (Alcoi, Spain)


AbstractEl Salt (Middle Palaeolithic; Alcoi, Spain) is a key site for understanding the disappearance of Neanderthals in the eastern Iberian Peninsula, a process that is observed along its stratigraphic sequence. To improve our understanding of the palaeoclimatic context in which this process took place, we applied the UDA-ODA discrimination technique to the fossil herpetological assemblages from Stratigraphic Units (SU) Xb (52.3 ± 4.6 ka) and V (45.2 ± 3.4/44.7 ± 3.4 ka). This method is based in the application of an ecological criterion, the maximum altitude of each species on each Iberian range, to discern and remove those areas that do not meet their ecological requirements (UDA) from t…

ArcheologyHerpetologiaAnthropologyHome de NeandertalPaleolític

A person-oriented approach to maternal homework involvement during the transition to lower secondary school


This study examined patterns of mothers' homework involvement (n = 680 in Grade 6 and 665 in Grade 7) and changes in them during 12-year-old Finnish adolescents' (n = 848; 391 boys) transition to lower secondary school. Moreover, the extent to which adolescents' motivational behavior and prior academic achievement predicted these patterns was examined. The latent transition analyses identified four relatively stable latent patterns of maternal homework involvement in Grades 6 and 7: averagely involved, psychologically controlling and intrusive, noninvolved, and intrusive monitoring and helping. The higher task avoidance and the poorer achievement adolescents showed, the more likely their mo…

opintomenestysSocial Psychologytask avoidanceyläkoululaisetmaternal involvementäiditEducationalakouluacademic achievementvanhemmatnuoretkäyttäytymismallitDevelopmental and Educational Psychologykotitehtävätyläkouluhomeworkauttaminenosallistuminen

Trascrivere il tessuto. Progetti di architettura per il centro antico di Palermo


Il volume che contiene il saggio presenta uno sguardo trasversale che prova a coniugare le risorse storiche dei paesaggi urbani, gli interventi di conservazione con le trasformazioni contemporanee di qualità, il patrimonio tangibile e intangibile, lo sviluppo economico e sociale, indirizzandolo soprattutto a una loro immissione nella vita quotidiana della città. In ciascuno dei contributi vi è una specifica attenzione al ruolo dell’Architettura nella costruzione delle nuove relazioni urbane nel confronto tra la città contemporanea e i ‘Paesaggi storici urbani‘. Il saggio, richiamando l’esperienza svolta nell’ambito di un ampio laboratorio di laurea, affronta la ricostruzione di edifici rido…

centri storici progetto urbano paesaggio urbanoSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbanahistorical centers urban poject urban landscape

Force/Torque-Sensorless Joint Stiffness Estimation in Articulated Soft Robots


Currently, the access to the knowledge of stiffness values is typically constrained to a-priori identified models or datasheet information, which either do not usually take into ac- count the full range of possible stiffness values or need extensive experiments. This work tackles the challenge of stiffness estimation in articulated soft manipulators, and it proposes an innovative solution adding value to the previous research by removing the necessity for force/torque sensors and generalizing to multi-degree- of-freedom robots. Built upon the theory of unknown input-state observers and recursive least-square algorithms, the solution is independent of the actuator model parameters and its in…

Human-Computer InteractionControl and OptimizationArtificial IntelligenceControl and Systems EngineeringMechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringComputer Vision and Pattern RecognitionComputer Science ApplicationsCalibration and identification compliant joints and mechanisms flexible robots safety in HRI.

Social cognition theories and behavior change in COVID-19: A conceptual review.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented health, economic, and social consequences worldwide. Although contact reductions and wearing face coverings have reduced infection rates, and vaccines have reduced illness severity, emergence of new variants of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, and the shift from pandemic to endemic patterns of infection, highlights the importance of ongoing preventive behavior adherence to manage future outbreaks. Research applying social cognition theories may assist in explaining variance in these behaviors and inform the development of efficacious behavior change interventions to promote adherence. In the present article, we summarize research applying the…

Social CognitionReflective processesehkäisyHealth BehaviorAutomatic processesIntegrated modelsMechanism of actionpandemiatkäyttäytymismallitClinical ResearchtartuntatauditBehavioral and Social ScienceHumansPsychologyPandemicsmotivaatioMotivationSARS-CoV-2COVID-19 preventive behaviorsPreventionsosiaalinen kognitioCOVID-19Clinical PsychologyGood Health and Well BeingterveyskäyttäytyminenCognitive SciencesPsychological Theory

Il rimborso delle spese legali sostenute dall’assolto: verso la sperimentazione di una riforma molto attesa


Following an intense debate, Law no. 178 of 2020 has introduced, in our system, a tool aimed at the reimbursement of the legal costs incurred by the acquitted. This innovation – which has not only economic, but above all symbolic significance – has raised several issues. Some of them have been addressed by an interministerial decree adopted in 2021, but others remain under discussion. The main uncertainty concerns the real impact of this instrument and depends both on the jurisdictional choices that will be adopted and on the resources that will actually be available.

Settore IUS/16 - Diritto Processuale PenaleReimbursement legal costs acquittal

Somatosensory Deviance Detection ERPs and Their Relationship to Analogous Auditory ERPs and Interoceptive Accuracy


Abstract. Automatic deviance detection has been widely explored in terms of mismatch responses (mismatch negativity or mismatch response) and P3a components of event-related potentials (ERPs) under a predictive coding framework; however, the somatosensory mismatch response has been investigated less often regarding the different types of changes than its auditory counterpart. It is not known whether the deviance detection responses from different modalities correlate, reflecting a general prediction error mechanism of the central nervous system. Furthermore, interoceptive functions have been associated with predictive coding theory, but whether interoceptive accuracy correlates with devian…

deviance detectionmedicine.medical_specialtyPhysiologyGeneral NeuroscienceaistitMismatch negativityhavaitseminenDeviance (statistics)Audiologyevent-related potentialsSomatosensory systemkuulokuulohavainnotsomatosensoryP3aNeuropsychology and Physiological PsychologyEvent-related potentialinteroceptive accuracymedicineauditorykognitiivinen neurotiedeaivotPsychologyJournal of Psychophysiology

Creativity, Comparison and Sharing in the Co-Creation of the Communication Campaign


In the fourth chapter the evolution of Oltre's online campaign will be transversally analysed, focusing on the path of awareness acquisition by the second-generation youth involved in the co-creation process of the campaign. Afterwards, we will be analysing in detail the backstage of the creation of content. Through the participatory method, we will be highlighting how the content creators of our campaign selected the themes and the perspective from which to deal with them. We will be underlying how the content creators dismantled the circulating representation and built a counter-narrative or an alternative narrative and converted the idea, through a process of creative co-construction, in…

Online communication campaignprosumersSettore SPS/08 - Sociologia Dei Processi Culturali E Comunicativiparticipatory methodSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia Generaleinclusive communityco-creation

Depresión, baja autoestima y ansiedad como factores de riesgo de dismorfia muscular: revisión sistemática


La dismorfia muscular es la preocupación patológica por no estar suficientemente musculados, la cual produce gran malestar. Se ha relacionado con otras patologías como los trastornos de depresión y ansiedad o baja autoestima. Se estima que su prevalencia es mayor entre los hombres y los que se dedican a realizar ejercicios de desarrollo de masa muscular. El objetivo es analizar la relación de la dismorfia muscular con los trastornos de ansiedad, depresión y autoestima, en culturistas y otros atletas de mayor riesgo. Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática siguiendo las directrices PRISMA durante el proceso, incluyendo 16 investigaciones encontradas en diferentes bases de datos (ProQuest y …

PsicologiaRevista de Psicología Aplicada al Deporte y el Ejercicio Físico

The origin of the auditor’s income and audit quality : the Spanish case


Estudios previos señalan la existencia de una relación entre la especialización del auditor y la calidad de la auditoría. A partir de esta idea, cuanto más importante sea la actividad de auditoría en el total del negocio de la firma auditora y mayor especialización exista en dicha actividad, el auditor firmante adoptará una postura más conservadora en la emisión de su informe. Utilizando la materialidad cuantitativa como subrogado de la calidad, se examina el efecto que los honorarios por otros servicios distintos a los de auditoría y el peso de los socios firmantes en la firma tienen sobre la cifra de materialidad. Partiendo de la materialidad real utilizada en cada uno de los encargos com…

Calidad de auditoríaSocios firmantes de auditoríaPequeñas firmas de auditoría españolasUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASSmall-sized Spanish audit firmsAudit qualityHonorarios por servicios de consultoría:6 - Ciencias aplicadas::65 - Gestión y organización. Administración y dirección de empresas. Publicidad. Relaciones públicas. Medios de comunicación de masas [CDU]AccountingQuatitative materiallyConsultancy services feesSigning audit partnersECONOMIA FINANCIERA Y CONTABILIDADMaterialidad cuantitativa

Sicily's Prime - Il viaggio nelle Arti Decorative siciliane di Emily Nevill Jackson


“A student in Sicily” by Emily Nevill Jackson, published in 1926, represents the first real general survey of Sicilian Decorative Arts. In it, the author describes in detail works, typologies, materials, techniques and collections with a meticulousness and precision that would only be fully reflected and scientifically formulated in later studies. After reconstructing the figure of the scholar, the book examines Jackson's text on the works of Decorative Arts, contextualising it with the most recent scientific studies on the works themselves.

Settore L-ART/04 - Museologia E Critica Artistica E Del RestauroEmily Nevill JacksonSicilyDecorative Artsmuseumscollections

Corrigendum to ‘Baveno VII – Renewing consensus in portal hypertension’ [J Hepatol (2022) 959-974]


Porta hypertensionHepatologyJournal of Hepatology

The role of sustainable agroforestry practices and food consumption to prevent tropical deforestation and increase ecosystem services


Tropical forests harbor most of global terrestrial biodiversity and provide essential ecosystem services, although they have been largely replaced by agricultural activities. Amazon is the largest tropical forest remaining, and cattle ranching and soybean cultivation are by far the greater drivers of deforestation, that together with other few commodities constitutes the main products responsible for the imported deforestation caused by European countries. Agroforestry systems and sustainable intensification are pointed out as solutions to conciliate food production with environmental conservation, thus reviewing the results of studies comparing these practices against conventional ones are…

Settore BIO/07 - EcologiaSettore AGR/05 - Assestamento Forestale E SelvicolturaSettore AGR/10 - Costruzioni Rurali E Territorio Agroforestaleagroforestry amazon deforestation ecosystem services sustainable intensification

Editorial Comment: LI-RADS Provides High Accuracy for Liver Transplant Eligibility in High-Risk Patients.


Carcinoma HepatocellularHepatocellular carcinomaLiver NeoplasmsLI-RADSContrast MediaHumansRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingGeneral MedicineSettore MED/36 - Diagnostica Per Immagini E RadioterapiaTomography X-Ray ComputedMagnetic Resonance ImagingLiver TransplantationAJR. American journal of roentgenology

Time series momentum in the US stock market: Empirical evidence and theoretical analysis


There is much controversy in the academic literature on the presence of short-term trends in financial markets and the trend-following strategy’s profitability. We restrict our attention to studying the time series momentum in the S&P Composite stock price index. Our contributions are both empirical and theoretical. On the empirical side, we present compelling evidence of the presence of short-term momentum. For the first time, we suppose that the returns follow a -order autoregressive process and evaluate this process’s parameters. On the theoretical side, we develop a tractable theoretical model that contributes to our fundamental understanding of the trend-following strategy’s risk, retu…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210Economics and EconometricsFinance

Mobilizing ‘context’: Vocabulary checks in ESL tutoring sessions


This study investigates the practice of unplanned and emergent vocabulary checks, i.e. turns through which a speaker explicitly checks whether the recipient knows a word, in small-group tutorial instruction. The data are video-recorded English as a second language (ESL) tutoring sessions between a native English speaker tutor and ESL students at an urban community college in the United States. By drawing on conversation analysis, we analyze how vocabulary checks emerge sequentially and with the help of contextual interactional resources. Findings suggest that vocabulary checks constitute a practice for managing both shared understanding and pedagogical concerns. By singling out a vocabulary…

toinen kieliLinguistics and LanguagekeskustelunanalyysiL2 learnerstutorointiESL tutoringLanguage and LinguisticsEducationvocabulary checkspienryhmätsanavarastoComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONepistemicskielen oppiminenSystem

Aliens Coming by Ships: Distribution and Origins of the Ocellated Skink Populations in Peninsular Italy


The ocellated skink (Chalcides ocellatus) is a widespread lizard, naturally distributed between the Maghreb and coastal Pakistan, with few insular populations in the Mediterranean coastal area. Some populations of this species have also been recorded in peninsular Italy, Campania and Southern Tuscany due to accidental introductions via touristic and commercial routes. In this work, we conducted genetic analyses on mitochondrial DNA COXI, cytb and 16S mtDNA genes on a sample of Italian insular and peninsular populations. Differently from what previously suggested, the nucleus in Portici (Southern Italy) may have originated from Sardinia. The intense trade and touristic traffic between Sardin…

Chalcides ocellatusReptiliaGeneral Veterinaryspecies introduction<i>Chalcides ocellatus</i>; mitochondrial DNA; port areas; species introduction; ReptiliaAnimal Science and ZoologyChalcides ocellatumitochondrial DNAPort areasport areaAnimals; Volume 12; Issue 13; Pages: 1709

Un indeclinable deseo de fiesta: expresiones de la religiosidad popular en Sicilia en tiempo de pandemia


Sicily is a land of deep religious traditions linked to popular Catholicism. In the winter of 2020, the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic prompted the Italian government to adopt "Urgent measures for the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency due to COVID-19", to control the spread of the plague. The measures included, among other things, the prohibition of meetings, i.e. static or itinerant aggregation of groups of people gathered for any reason, and of demonstrations and events, and consequently the cessation of all public religious celebrations. This has caused that two important religious feasts are not officially celebrated: the feast of San Giuseppe and the rites of…

Sicily San Giuseppe Holy Week covid-19 prohibitionsSettore M-DEA/01 - Discipline DemoetnoantropologicheSicilia San José Semana Santa covid-19 prohibiciones

Parallelismi e inversioni: l’impensato del semiologo


The emphasis on the search for a method identifies Semiotics among human sciences. One of the guiding principles of this search is poeticness, conceived as a core mechanism of meaning-making structures. As Jakobson, Lévis-Strauss and, finally, with its exemplar analysis of Maupassant, Greimas illustrate, looking for parallelisms and inversions between expression and content is one of the most marking traits of Semiotic methodology. In order to clarify this point, the article resumes a previous semiotic analysis of Paolo Conte’s song Pittori della domenica, a text with manifest poetic features. The objective is not to articulate further what previously found, but to illuminate the underlying…

Semiotics Paolo Conte MethodologySettore M-FIL/05 - Filosofia E Teoria Dei Linguaggi

Note critiche sui nuovi reati a tutela del patrimonio culturale: incoerenze normative e questioni aperte


Il presente contributo analizza la recente riforma in materia di tutela penale dei beni culturali. Lungi però dal voler fornire un quadro generale della stessa, l’articolo si concentra esclusivamente su due profili problematici, entrambi presumibilmente figli di una non adeguata ponderazione delle scelte di incriminazione. Sotto un primo profilo, si analizzano le possibili censure di irragionevolezza sanzionatoria della recente normativa se paragonata alla disciplina prevista dalla legge n. 45/2009. In aggiunta, l’attenzione è rivolta alle possibili carenze in punto di contrasto al fenomeno del traffico di beni culturali, vagliando criticamente la scelta di criminalizzazione della condotta …

Criminal protection of cultural property proportionality unlawful possession of cultural propertyTutela penale dei beni culturali proporzionalità detenzione illecita del bene culturaleSettore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale

Onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis: Sedimentological, petrographic and geochemical characterization of the pre-salt sediments from a new core (Ca…


The present study aims to reconstruct the environmental changes leading to the Messinian Salinity Crisis during the transition from the Tortonian-Messinian marine conditions to the Messinian evaporitic environments. The core 3AGN2S04, recently drilled in the Caltanissetta Basin (Sicily), was analyzed to reveal the petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the late Tortonian – early Messinian pre-salt sediments. In particular, the facies characterization of the carbonates and organic-rich shales of the Calcare di Base (CdB) member allowed to understand its significance in the paleoenvironmental evolution towards salt deposition and to the reconstruct the brecciation proc…

GeophysicsStratigraphyMessinian Salinity Crisis Calcare di base Evaporites Authigenic carbonates Oxygen and carbon isotopes Organic-rich sedimentsEconomic GeologyGeologyOceanography

Learning Outcomes in HMD-VR: a Literature Review


While the educational technology has developed to the point that Extended Reality (XR), including immersive Virtual Reality (VR) can be used in education, the learning outcomes of these technologies in the large scale is still quite unknown. This literature review aims to take a comprehensive look to the field of immersive VR in to find out where the learning outcomes of HMD-VR stands out, and how they compare to other technologies and methods. The main result of this paper is that while HMD-based Virtual Reality Learning Environments (VRLEs) may not be superior compared to other technologies such as desktop-based VR environments regarding direct learning outcomes, a clear indication toward…

motivaatiolearning motivationlearning engagementoppimisympäristölearningkoulutusteknologiaoppiminenhead-mounted-displayssitoutuminenoppimistuloksettavoitteetvirtuaalitodellisuusvirtuaalilasitlearning outcomesimmersiveHMDteknologiavirtual realityopetusteknologiakirjallisuuskatsauksetlisätty

Development and application of an alternative modelling approach for the thermo-mechanical analysis of a DEMO water-cooled lithium lead breeding blan…


In the frame of the EUROfusion research activities devoted to the design of the DEMO breeding blanket (BB), the Water-Cooled Lithium-Lead BB (WCLL) concept is one of the candidates currently assessed in EU. To this end, an intense research campaign is ongoing to develop a robust geometric configuration for the WCLL BB Central Outboard Segment (COB). Since the current reference design of the WCLL COB segment is not mature enough to allow a full thermal-hydraulic assessment, an alternative procedure aimed at obtaining a thermal field for the whole segment without performing its complete thermal-hydraulic analysis is presented and applied in this work. The scope of the work is to obtain a ther…

Analysis procedureNuclear Energy and EngineeringThermo-mechanicsMechanical EngineeringCOB segmentGeneral Materials Sciencesecondary stressWCLL BBSettore ING-IND/19 - Impianti NucleariCivil and Structural EngineeringFusion Engineering and Design

Il progetto Fake News e lo spazio della città


Attraverso una disamina di alcuni punti di passaggio e cambiamento della struttura delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della loro strumentalizzazione da parte dei sistemi di potere è possibile individuare alcune costanti utili per organizzare difese per una corretta informazione pubblica. Nella continua ricerca della libertà di comunicare le persone hanno bisogno di agganciare la dimensione del sociale in uno spazio della comunicazione in cui lo spazio fisico della città non è secondario. Questo perché la dimensione spaziale urbana e territoriale è l’ambiente indirettamente affetto dalle pratiche e politiche di governo della città generate dall’elaborazione delle informazioni pubbliche. Lo…

Fake news città plurale dimensione spazialeSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease St…


Correction to Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2022; 7: 627-47. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Aug;7(8):704. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(22)00210-2. PMID: 35809605. Background: Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Given the recent increasing trends in colorectal cancer incidence globally, up-to-date information on the colorectal cancer burden could guide screening, early detection, and treatment strategies, and help effectively allocate resources. We examined the temporal patterns of the global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer and its risk factors in 204 countries and territories across the past three decades. Methods: Estimates of incidenc…

AdultMED/42 - IGIENE GENERALE E APPLICATAIMPACTcolorectal cancerColorectal NeoplasmGBD 2019 Colorectal Cancer CollaboratorsHEREDITARYGlobal Burden of DiseaseCancer screeningDISPARITIESSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingCancer treatment strategiesRisk FactorsQuality-Adjusted Life YearCOLONGlobal studiesDALY GBD colorectal cancerrisk factorsHumansGlobal Burden of Disease StudyEarly Detection of CancerHepatologyMORTALITYGastroenterologyCancer incidence ratesMiddle AgedCancer burdenSURVIVAL/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/good_health_and_well_beingSEXGENDERQuality-Adjusted Life YearsColorectal NeoplasmsHumanThe Lancet Gastroenterology &amp; Hepatology