showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Evidence, and replication thereof, that molecular-genetic and environmental risks for psychosis impact through an affective pathway
AbstractBackgroundThere is evidence that environmental and genetic risk factors for schizophrenia spectrum disorders are transdiagnostic and mediated in part through a generic pathway of affective dysregulation.MethodsWe analysed to what degree the impact of schizophrenia polygenic risk (PRS-SZ) and childhood adversity (CA) on psychosis outcomes was contingent on co-presence of affective dysregulation, defined as significant depressive symptoms, in (i) NEMESIS-2 (n = 6646), a representative general population sample, interviewed four times over nine years and (ii) EUGEI (n = 4068) a sample of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder, the siblings of these patients and controls.ResultsT…
Force/Torque-Sensorless Joint Stiffness Estimation in Articulated Soft Robots
Currently, the access to the knowledge of stiffness values is typically constrained to a-priori identified models or datasheet information, which either do not usually take into ac- count the full range of possible stiffness values or need extensive experiments. This work tackles the challenge of stiffness estimation in articulated soft manipulators, and it proposes an innovative solution adding value to the previous research by removing the necessity for force/torque sensors and generalizing to multi-degree- of-freedom robots. Built upon the theory of unknown input-state observers and recursive least-square algorithms, the solution is independent of the actuator model parameters and its in…
L’organo straordinario di liquidazione e gli organi di governo del comune consustanziali alla sana gestione: un caso di studio
Without wishing in any way to interfere in the substance of the legislation of local authorities in failure, this work concerns the possible contribution that the Extraordinary Liquidation Body (OSL) can make to the municipal government bodies on the rebalancing of a local authority. The starting point of the research project is the formalization of the declaration of bankruptcy approved by the City Council. Its evolutionary prospects are the measures launched in the context of extraordinary management entrusted to a liquidation body at the same time as the preparation of the hypothesis of permanently-rebalanced budget by the competence of the governing bodies in office. In parallel with th…
Sostenibilità nelle global supply chains: uno schema di analisi della letteratura
Il presente lavoro si pone l’obiettivo di ricercare quali siano i differenti livelli di governance impegnati nell’implementazione di pratiche di sostenibilità aziendale e come questi siano influenzati e, allo stesso tempo, influenzino distinti contesti istituzionali. A tal fine, viene offerta una revisione della letteratura interpretando la ricerca con due chiavi di lettura, attinenti rispettivamente agli studi di International Corporate Governance e Institutional Theory. Vengono utilizzate due chiavi di lettura distinte per analizzare come, le multinazionali, coinvolte in strutture di governance multilivello e, operanti in contesti istituzionali caratterizzati da sistemi di capitalismo dif…
Nanostructured Coating for Aluminum Alloys Used in Aerospace Applications
The authors would like to acknowledge the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research by granting the projects IUT2–24, TLTFY14054T, PSG448, PRG4, SLTFY16134T and by the EU through the European Regional Development Fund under project TK141 (2014-2020.4.01.15-00). The atomic oxygen testing was performed in the framework of the “Announcement of opportunity for atomic oxygen in the ESTEC Materials and Electrical Components Laboratory/ESA-TECQE-AO-013375),” through a collaboration with Picosun Oy. The authors also thank Dr. Elo Kibena-Põldsepp for the electrodeposition of Ag onto the anodized substrates.
Algoritmi, Informazione, Formazione. Riflessioni, esperienze di ricerca e didattica attorno al progetto Fake News
De Kerckhove ci segnala che viviamo al tempo della "tirannia morbida" della “datacrazia”, del capitalismo della sorveglianza digitale, dei deep fake e della prepotenza degli algoritmi, imprigionati, come siamo, dentro bolle di filtraggio e camere dell’eco. Un ecosistema dell’informazione che attraversa una fase caotica e ci impone la ricerca di un nuovo equilibrio tra tecnologia e uomo. Per governare con più competenza e maggiore coscienza etica tale complessità, occorre agire sulla formazione delle generazioni future. Una sfida fondamentale che, superando le aberrazioni dell’utopia tecnicistica, ci accompagni verso una nuova dimensione antropologica della tecnologia. Un “umanesimo digitale…
Corporate social responsibility: Does it really matter in the luxury context?
The impact of CSR in the luxury sector has been less investigated than in the non-luxury context, and the findings in the luxury context are not unidirectional. In recent years, researchers have begun exploring the link between CSR and luxury. These efforts have attempted to overcome the gap between theory and practice while also acknowledging that luxury and CSR can be considered conflicting concepts. This mixed picture underscores the need for further investigations. The current study aims to illuminate CSR in the luxury context by examining business model development and financial performance. In particular, we conducted an in-depth longitudinal and qualitative analysis of a leading luxu…
Analysis of the Photoneutron Field Near the THz Dump of the CLEAR Accelerator at CERN With SEU Measurements and Simulations
We study the radiation environment near the terahertz (THz) dump of the CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research (CLEAR) electron accelerator at CERN, using FLUktuierende KAskade in German (FLUKA) simulations and single-event upset (SEU) measurements taken with 32-Mbit Integrated Silicon Solution Inc. (ISSI) static random access memories (SRAMs). The main focus is on the characterization of the neutron field to evaluate its suitability for radiation tests of electronics in comparison with other irradiation facilities. Neutrons at CLEAR are produced via photonuclear reactions, mostly initiated by photons from the electromagnetic cascades that occur when the beam is absorbed by the dump …
The prognostic value of subjective nasal symptoms and SNOT-22 score in middle ear surgery
Background: The relationship between nasal functions and middle ear surgery is still under debate. Nasal obstruction is considered as a negative prognostic factor in middle ear surgery. This is based on the theory that it may cause Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) by leading to reduced ventilation of the middle ear, as found in several patients with nasal septal deviation, chronic rhinitis and nasal polyps. Objectives: To assess how the subjective feeling of nasal function, evaluated by a preoperative questionnaire, may be predictive of surgical outcome and/or risk of failure in middle ear surgery. Methods: We prospectively evaluated data of patients undergoing middle ear surgery for chron…
Exploring the factors influencing the use of public transport by commuters living in networks of small cities and towns
The use of public transport is directly associated with a reduced environmental impact for satisfying daily mobility needs. Current research has focused on identifying the factors affecting the use of public transport, elements such as age, car ownership, travel distance, or parking availability having been associated with a direct impact on an individual’s transport mode choice. However, most of these studies focused on the travel behaviour of individuals living in large cities, where the population density is high, and public transport is usually more developed than in small cities and towns. The present study provides additional insights into the impact of eleven different factors on the…
Aesthetics and smile: correlation between upper central incisor morphology and face shape
Un alfabeto... particolare
Sulle caratteristiche e il seignificato dell'opera "L'alfabeto" di Jannis Psychopedis
Sicily's Prime - Il viaggio nelle Arti Decorative siciliane di Emily Nevill Jackson
“A student in Sicily” by Emily Nevill Jackson, published in 1926, represents the first real general survey of Sicilian Decorative Arts. In it, the author describes in detail works, typologies, materials, techniques and collections with a meticulousness and precision that would only be fully reflected and scientifically formulated in later studies. After reconstructing the figure of the scholar, the book examines Jackson's text on the works of Decorative Arts, contextualising it with the most recent scientific studies on the works themselves.
Extreme duration exercise affects old and younger men differently.
Aim & Methods: Extreme endurance exercise provides a valuable research model for understanding the adaptive metabolic response of older and younger individuals to intense physical activity. Here, we compare a wide range of metabolic and physiologic parameters in two cohorts of seven trained men, age 30 ± 5 years or age 65 ± 6 years, before and after the participants travelled ≈3000 km by bicycle over 15 days. Results: Over the 15-day exercise intervention, participants lost 2–3 kg fat mass with no significant change in body weight. V̇O2max did not change in younger cyclists, but decreased (p = 0.06) in the older cohort. The resting plasma FFA concentration decreased markedly in both gro…
A fog-assisted system to defend against Sybils in vehicular crowdsourcing
Technological advancements in vehicular transportation systems have led to the growth of novel paradigms, in which vehicles and infrastructures collaborate to infer high-level knowledge about phenomena of interest. Vehicular Social Network (VSN) is one such paradigm in which vehicular network entities are considered as part of an Online Social Network (OSN), paving the way for new services derived from social context. Although vehicular crowdsourcing has tremendous benefits, its deployment in real systems requires to solve important challenges including defense against Sybil attacks. This paper proposes a novel fog-assisted system that uses SybilDriver to minimize the presence of Sybil enti…
Schizophrenia polygenic risk score and long-term success in the labour market: A cohort study
Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors Employment is rare among people with a schizophrenia diagnosis. Meanwhile, a genetic liability for schizophrenia may hinder labour market performance. We studied how the polygenic risk score (PGS) for schizophrenia related to education and labour market outcomes. We found that a higher PGS was linked to lower educational levels and weaker labour market outcomes as well as a higher likelihood of receiving social income transfers, particularly among men. Assuming that the link is causal, our results indicate that individuals with schizophrenia or schizophrenia-related traits have a weakened ability to fully participate in the labour market, potentially …
Influence of Guideline Operationalization on Youth Activity Prevalence in the International Children's Accelerometry Database
Introduction: The United Kingdom and World Health Organization recently changed their youth physical activity (PA) guidelines from 60 minutes of moderate-vigorous PA (MVPA) every day, to an average of 60 minutes of MVPA per day, over a week. The changes are based on expert opinion due to insufficient evidence comparing health outcomes associated with different guideline definitions. Further, inconsistent guideline operationalization impairs understanding of physical inactivity prevalence. This study used the International Children’s Accelerometry Database to compare approaches to calculating PA compliance among youth and associations with health indicators. Methods: Cross-sectional accelero…
I volti del sacro nella Segesta elima: spazi, riti, oggetti
Si pubblicano in questa sede i testi dei pannelli esplicativi della mostra "I volti del sacro nella Segesta elima: spazi, riti, oggetti" inaugurata il 14 luglio 2021 al Parco Archeologico di Segesta nelle nuove sale espositive dello “Stazzo”. La mostra illustra la vita religiosa del centro elimo, raccontata attraverso le recenti acquisizioni sulle aree cultuali segestane (VI-V sec. a.C.), frutto di ‘scavi’ effettuati nei magazzini del Parco, dove sono conservati i numerosissimi reperti, per lo più inediti, delle vecchie ricerche - compiute da Vincenzo Tusa negli anni ’50-’60 del secolo scorso - al cosiddetto scarico di Grotta Vanella (pertinenti ad un’area sacra collocata sulla cima del Mo…
Expertise préalable à la création d’un tableau de maladie professionnelle ou à l’élaboration de recommandations aux comités régionaux dereconnaissanc…
Le plan d’actions sur les produits phytopharmaceutiques publié en avril 2018 vise notamment, sur la base des recommandations formulées par l’Inspection générale des affaires sociales, l’Inspection générale des finances et le Conseil général de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture etdes espaces ruraux dans leur rapport conjoint de janvier 2018, à améliorer la prise en charge des maladies professionnelles liées aux pesticides.Dans ce cadre, les pouvoirs publics ont, par courrier en date du 24 avril 2018, saisi l’Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm) afin d’actualiser l’expertise collective « Pesticides : effets sur la santé » parue en 2013. Cette expertise synthétise …
Does the digitalization of retailing disrupt consumers’ attachment to retail places?
This study breaks new ground in the marketing domain by extending the concept of place attachment to the study of the online retail environment. We provide empirical evidence that consumers can establish strong attachments not only with traditional offline places but also with online retail stores. Moreover, we assessed how distinct dimensions of the place affect the formation of consumers’ attachment and their behavioral loyalty. Our findings show that while consumers who feel a strong sense of attachment toward the place engage in spreading positive word-of-mouth regardless of the environment, their attachment to the store does not prevent them from switching to another provider, especial…
Il Bello, l’Idea e la Forma. Studi in onore di Maria Concetta Di Natale
L'opera, in due volumi, contiene 125 contributi di docenti e studiosi, nazionali e non italiani, su argomenti che spaziano ampiamente nel campo della storia dell'arte, sia cronologicamente che geograficamente, che sono stati ordinati e raccolti per sezioni relativamente all'ambito di interesse prevalente.
The Languages and Anti-Languages of Health Communication in the Age of Conspiracy Theories, Mi/Disinformation and Hate Speech
The Languages and Anti-Languages of Health Communication in the Age of Conspiracy Theories, Mis/Disinformation and Hate Speech” aims at analysing the languages of discourse of health communication, specifically health message design, addressing COVID-19 in both institutional and non-institutional media settings. The purpose of this special issue is to explore the “anti-languages” and counter-discourses endorsing (mis/dis-)information, and conspiracy theories which are in direct opposition to official discourses and challenge social and political hegemony. The discourse approach to health communication featured in the papers of this special issue will help understanding social responses to s…
PROGETTARE L’ADATTAMENTO. Resilienze di agricoltura urbana nel contesto europeo
I crescenti fenomeni legati al cambiamento climatico spingono le città a sviluppare piani di resilienza che possano rispondere in termini di sostenibilità ambientale, sociale ed economica. Le strategie nature-based possono rappresentare una soluzione; tra queste l’agricoltura urbana può contribuire ad aumentare la resilienza dei tessuti urbani europei. Questa attività è stata più volte oggetto di interesse in periodi di crisi come impegno comunitario dai caratteri sociali, oltre che produttivi ed educativi. Attraverso un excursus storico e una successiva analisi di casi studio contemporanei, il paper fornisce strumenti progettuali per intervenire nel costruito con strategie che spaziano dal…
Bortezomib potentiates the antitumor effect of tributyltin(IV) ferulate in colon cancer cells exacerbating ER stress and promoting apoptosis
Organotin(IV) complexes represent promising drugs in medicinal chemistry for their potential use in cancer therapy. We recently reported synthesis and characterization of a new organotin(IV) complex of ferulic acid (FA), tributyltin(IV) ferulate (TBT-F), showing its antitumor action in colon cancer cells. Here we provide evidence that the efficacy of this compound is strongly potentiated by the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (BTZ). While low concentrations of tributyltin(IV) ferulate alone promoted autophagy without reducing cell viability, combination of the two compounds markedly affected colon cancer cell viability, cell morphology and exasperated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, as r…
The disease-specific clinical trial network for primary ciliary dyskinesia: PCD-CTN
Primary ciliary dyskinesia; Rare genetic disorder; Lung diseases Discinesia ciliar primaria; Trastorno genético raro; Enfermedades pulmonares Discinesia ciliar primària; Trastorn genètic rar; Malalties pulmonars Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by impaired mucociliary clearance leading to irreversible lung damage. In contrast to other rare lung diseases like cystic fibrosis (CF), there are only few clinical trials and limited evidence-based treatments. Management is mainly based on expert opinions and treatment is challenging due to a wide range of clinical manifestations and disease severity. To improve clinical and translational research and facili…
1682 un'annata florida. Andrea Mamingari, Paolo Amato e un'inedita cassetta reliquiaria della Cattedrale di Palermo
The study of an unprecedented reliquary box of the Cathedral of Palermo is an opportunity to reconstruct a happy productive context and expand the catalog of the works of the silversmith Andrea Mamingari
Il presepe di Andrea Tipa nel Monastero de las Salesas Reales di Madrid
The essay studies the nativity scene in coral, ivory and precious materials in the Monasterio de las Salesas Reales in Madrid, made by Andrea Tipa in 1749, the only work known to date to bear the signature of the master from Trapani. The Madrid nativity scene is contextualised with the production so far attributed to Andrea and the Tipa family and its exhibition history and restoration are reconstructed.
Werewolves and warning signs: Cultural responses to tropical cyclones in Mauritius
The role that culture plays in the way different groups experience, respond to, and recover from disasters has been widely discussed. Yet, while there is a considerable (and growing) literature of case study evidence for the need to account for culture in disasters, comparatively few studies take a long-term perspective on cultural interactions with disasters, resulting in a lack of exploration into the diachronic nature of these cultural responses, both past and present. The literature that does exist tends also to focus either on western cultures or on groups that pursue highly traditional livelihoods. Communities that call on elements of both local or vernacular knowledge and scientific …
Social cognition theories and behavior change in COVID-19: A conceptual review.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented health, economic, and social consequences worldwide. Although contact reductions and wearing face coverings have reduced infection rates, and vaccines have reduced illness severity, emergence of new variants of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, and the shift from pandemic to endemic patterns of infection, highlights the importance of ongoing preventive behavior adherence to manage future outbreaks. Research applying social cognition theories may assist in explaining variance in these behaviors and inform the development of efficacious behavior change interventions to promote adherence. In the present article, we summarize research applying the…
Antidepressive-like Behavior-Related Metabolomic Signatures of Sigma-1 Receptor Knockout Mice
Sigma-1 receptor (Sig1R) has been proposed as a therapeutic target for neurological, neu-rodegenerative, and psychiatric disorders, including depression and anxiety. Identifying metabolites that are affected by Sig1R absence and cross-referencing them with specific mood-related behaviors would be helpful for the development of new therapies for Sig1R-associated disorders. Here, we examined metabolic profiles in the blood and brains of male CD-1 background Sig1R knockout (KO) mice in adulthood and old age and correlated them with the assessment of depression-and anxiety-related behaviors. The most pronounced changes in the metabolic profile were observed in the plasma of adult Sig1R KO mice.…
La reparación integral del daño a víctimas de desaparición forzada. Análisis y propuesta metodológica: un enfoque particular al caso mexicano
In assenza di meccanismi specifici per determinare le misure di riparazione delle vittime della scomparsa, l'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di proporre un protocollo d'azione per le autorità preposte alla consulenza e all'accompagnamento delle vittime. In altre parole, l'ipotesi di questa tesi è che, con un protocollo che stabilisce i percorsi che l'autorità deve seguire per determinare le misure di riparazione, le vittime della scomparsa saranno in grado di accedere più facilmente alla giustizia, saranno in grado di superare l'atto carnefice e torneranno al loro progetto di vita. In the absence of specific mechanisms to determine reparation measures for victims of disappearance, the o…
raggiungimento degli obiettivi del precedente Accordo di Parigi, tutti i Paesi sono stati invitati a impegnarsi a garantire l'azzeramento globale entro la metà del secolo e a mantenere l'aumento della temperatura media globale significativamente al di sotto dei 2 °C, rispetto ai livelli preindustriali, entro il 2050, e più precisamente entro il limite superiore di 1,5 °C. Tutti i Paesi stanno concentrando le loro politiche su una transizione energetica globale che consiste nell'aumento dell'uso di fonti rinnovabili per la generazione di elettricità e nell'uso diretto di calore e biomassa rinnovabili, nell'uso diretto di elettricità pulita nei trasporti e nelle applicazioni termiche, nel mig…
Somatosensory Deviance Detection ERPs and Their Relationship to Analogous Auditory ERPs and Interoceptive Accuracy
Abstract. Automatic deviance detection has been widely explored in terms of mismatch responses (mismatch negativity or mismatch response) and P3a components of event-related potentials (ERPs) under a predictive coding framework; however, the somatosensory mismatch response has been investigated less often regarding the different types of changes than its auditory counterpart. It is not known whether the deviance detection responses from different modalities correlate, reflecting a general prediction error mechanism of the central nervous system. Furthermore, interoceptive functions have been associated with predictive coding theory, but whether interoceptive accuracy correlates with devian…
Ghosts from the Abyss. The imagination of new worlds in the sea-narratives of Afrofuturism
This contribution aims to investigate a different ghostscape, shaped by the turbulent materiality of the sea: the abyss. A space of trauma and simultaneously of becoming, it is populated by spectral objects, traces, fragments, and, above all, ghosts. Looking into the abyss through the turbulent materiality of the sea (where the turbulence recalls Haraway’s trouble and the materiality a livingness of the world in which “matter comes to matter”), sea-related ghosts from the Black Atlantic to the Black Mediterranean emerge as absences-presences that matter. The emersion of sea-related new worlds is one of the main topics of Afrofuturism narratives: from the Drexciya world to the Novella The De…
A two-stage LDA algorithm for ranking induced topic readability
Probabilistic topic models, such as LDA, are standard text analysis algorithms that provide predictive and latent topic representation for a corpus. However, due to the unsupervised training process, it is difficult to verify the assumption that the latent space discovered by these models is generally meaningful and valuable. This paper introduces a two-stage LDA algorithm to estimate latent topics in text documents and use readability scores to link the identified topics to a linguistically motivated latent structure. We define a new interpretative tool called induced topic readability, which is used to rank topics from the one with the most complex linguistic structure to the one with the…
Time series momentum in the US stock market: Empirical evidence and theoretical analysis
There is much controversy in the academic literature on the presence of short-term trends in financial markets and the trend-following strategy’s profitability. We restrict our attention to studying the time series momentum in the S&P Composite stock price index. Our contributions are both empirical and theoretical. On the empirical side, we present compelling evidence of the presence of short-term momentum. For the first time, we suppose that the returns follow a -order autoregressive process and evaluate this process’s parameters. On the theoretical side, we develop a tractable theoretical model that contributes to our fundamental understanding of the trend-following strategy’s risk, retu…