showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Agricultura periurbana y planificación territorial. De la protección al proyecto agrourbano
La agricultura periurbana está adquiriendo en los últimos tiempos un gran interés analítico y prospectivo en el marco de las renovadas políticas agroalimentarias y de planificación territorial. Para fortalecer su papel de proveedora de alimentos de calidad y proximidad, se requiere un mayor y mejor conocimiento de este tipo peculiar de agricultura a la luz de un marco teórico renovado que dé soporte a la acción pública para garantizar su viabilidad económica y asegurar su carácter multifuncional y su territorialidad. Desde esta perspectiva, el libro aporta un panorama actualizado de la conceptuación de la agricultura periurbana y una revisión profunda de la trayectoria de la ordenación de l…
Recent progress in L-H transition studies at JET: tritium, helium, hydrogen and deuterium
Abstract We present an overview of results from a series of L–H transition experiments undertaken at JET since the installation of the ITER-like-wall (JET-ILW), with beryllium wall tiles and a tungsten divertor. Tritium, helium and deuterium plasmas have been investigated. Initial results in tritium show ohmic L–H transitions at low density and the power threshold for the L–H transition (P LH) is lower in tritium plasmas than in deuterium ones at low densities, while we still lack contrasted data to provide a scaling at high densities. In helium plasmas there is a notable shift of the density at which the power threshold is minimum ( n ¯ e , min ) to higher values relative to deuterium and …
Los hábitos de movilidad en la Universitat de València (2005-2006). Problemas de acceso a los campus y sostenibilidad
Las pautas de movilidad cotidiana entre lugar de residencia y lugar de trabajo o estudio son un elemento fundamental de la calidad de vida de los universitarios, con notables implicaciones para la sostenibilidad urbana y la protección del medio ambiente. Desde esta noble perspectiva, este estudio presenta y analiza los resultados de la I Encuesta sobre Hábitos de Movilidad de la Universitat de València (2005-2006). Los universitarios hacen un uso notable del transporte colectivo, pero en los últimos años se está produciendo un cierto abandono de algunos modos de transporte público, que no es compensado por el mayor uso de la bicicleta. Se hace así necesaria la elaboración de una Plan de Mov…
Effect of an internet-based intervention for adjustment disorder on meaning in life and enjoyment
Abstract Introduction Positive psychological variables, such as meaning in life and the capacity for enjoyment, are important resilience factors against negative behaviors and symptoms. These constructs are related to better emotional regulation strategies, a greater perception of control over one’s life, and better mental health in general. Adjustment disorder (AjD) is a prevalent condition defined as the failure to adapt to a stressful event. Objective This study presents secondary analysis data on the effect of an Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention (iCBT) for AjD on meaning in life and capacity for enjoyment, compared to a control group. Method The sample consis…
Effectiveness of pre-anaesthetic assessment clinic: a systematic review of randomised and non-randomised prospective controlled studies
ObjectivesThe aim of this systematic review was to examine the effectiveness of pre-anaesthesia assessment clinics (PACs) in improving the quality and safety of perioperative patient care.DesignSystematic review.Data sourcesThe electronic databases CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCOhost), Medline and Embase (OvidSP) were systematically searched on 11 September 2018 and updated on 3 February 2020 and 4 February 2021.Eligibility criteriaThe inclusion criteria for this study were studies published in English or Scandinavian language and scientific original research that included randomised or non-randomised prospective controlled studies. Additionally, studies that reported the outcomes from a …
Linguistic, Contextual, and Experiential Equivalence Issues in the Adaptation of a Performance-Based Assessment of Generic Skills in Higher Education
This qualitative study investigated the various linguistic, contextual, and experiential equivalence issues embedded in a performance-based instrument aimed at assessing generic skills in higher education. A rigorous translation and adaptation process (American English to Finnish) was conducted on one instrument, namely Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+) International. The data were obtained from cognitive laboratories (n = 13), with think-alouds and follow-up interviews conducted among Finnish undergraduate students. Content logs were created, and the data were analyzed thematically. The findings revealed that linguistic and contextual equivalence issues were more prominent than experie…
Nuevos factores de desarrollo territorial
El análisis de los nuevos componentes que influyen en la generación y localización de actividad económica y de desarrollo territorial (los nuevos factores de desarrollo territorial o NFDT) es fundamental para comprender mejor su función y relevancia en la reducción o consolidación de la desventaja que muestran los territorios periféricos frente a los centros económicos. La diferencia principal entre los NFDT y los tradicionales de localización de actividad económica es que su existencia y «calidad» están en relación con factores sociales y culturales que forman parte de la idiosincrasia particular de un territorio, por lo que no son fácilmente trasladables a otros territorios. Las implicaci…
Effect of Land-Use Change on the Changes in Human Lyme Risk in the United States
The spatial extent and incidence of Lyme disease is increasing in the United States, particularly in the Upper Midwest and Northeast. Many previous studies have explored the drivers of its spatial pattern, however, few studies tried to explore the drivers for the changes of Lyme disease. We here compared the spatial patterns of changes of human Lyme cases and incidence in the Northeast and Upper Midwest between 2003–2005 and 2015–2017, and applied two different approaches (i.e., a statistical regularization approach and model averaging) to investigate the climatic and landscape factors affecting the risk change between the two periods. Our results suggested that changes in land-use variable…
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 13
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1.
La «unió diabòlica» del maestrazgo viejo de Montesa: sociología, motivaciones y definición de las germanías en el centro de la Corona de Aragón
Los estudios sobre las germanías en el campo valenciano han acentuado su relación con el fenómeno de la lucha antiseñorial, mostrándonos la sociología que caracterizó a los dos bandos y el desarrollo de los acontecimientos. Sin embargo, la búsqueda de las causas y la conceptualización de la sublevación campesina ha sido menos afortunada. A partir de un análisis en profundidad de las fuentes judiciales preservadas y del contexto socioeconómico, este estudio propone, partiendo de la bibliografía existente, una investigación sobre un territorio rural de frontera: el maestrazgo viejo de la Orden de Montesa. Se persigue deslindar los rasgos sociológicos más relevantes de agermanados y realistas,…
Rethinking Music Practise-Sessions beyond Poiesis and Praxis - Towards Practising Democracy
How can the (seemingly isolated) process of practising a musical instrument in the context of practice sessions be seen as enabling students to develop skills “that are needed to keep democracies alive’ (Nussbaum, 2010, p. 2). How can we encourage this further? The approach is to explore the various potentials of the practise session to be something more than mere training. An exploration that can be instrumentally fostered in a study environment (formal or informal) through a practical pedagogical approach, not to reach a specific end — i.e. defined learning outcomes — but to result in the student transcending the professional competence acquisition situation to gai…
On Puppets and Literary Education in Diverse Schools: A Review from Spain
Intercultural education and the attention to diversity have become two of the most important aspects of education in recent decades. There are many areas of diversity that can be addressed in the classroom, always based on tolerance and the acceptance of difference. However, intercultural education is destined to go one step further: from an inalienable foundation of respect and tolerance for everyone, we aim to develop diversity as a positive value that must be understood and accepted. There is no doubt that we are faced with one of the great challenges of education.Literature and theatre, on the other hand, is always a meeting point, first and foremost between the author and the recipient…
The International Guideline Evaluation Screening Tool (IGEST): development and validation.
Abstract Background Guideline adaptation provides an important alternative to de novo guideline development by making the process more efficient and reducing unnecessary duplication. The quality evaluation of international guidelines is an essential part of the adaptation process. The study aims at describing the development and validation of a new tool to screen trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for their adoption/adaption: the International Guideline Evaluation Screening Tool (IGEST). Methods The process of developing the IGEST involved two main phases: 1) tool development and 2) content validation. The tool development phase comprised three stages, where the scope of the IG…
Involvement of MIR-126 and MMP9 in the Pathogenesis of Intra-Abdominal Fistulizing Crohn’s Disease: A Brief Research Report
BackgroundIntra-abdominal fistulas are complications that affect a significant proportion of Crohn’s disease patients, often requiring surgery. The aim of the present work was to correlate the occurrence of intestinal fistulization to the clinico-pathological features of these patients and to the plasma levels of MMP9, a gelatinase involved in the pathophysiology of fistula formation, and of miR-126, appearing to modulate MMP9 expression.MethodsIn a series of 31 consecutive Crohn’s patients admitted to surgery due to therapeutic failure and/or complicated disease, we identified nine cases of abdominal fistulas, mainly entero-enteric fistulas. MMP9 protein was determined in plasma and at the…
Musiikkiharrastuksella osallisuuteen
Teksti perustuu kirjoittajan väitöstilaisuuden lectio praecursoriaan Jyväskylän yliopistossa 22.5.2021. Vastaväittäjänä toimi professori Elina Lehtomäki Oulun yliopistosta. nonPeerReviewed
Changes in Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Representative Sample of Young Adults from Germany, Israel, Poland, and Slovenia: A Longi…
The aim of this cross-national longitudinal study was to identify a change in mental health indicators: coronavirus-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), perceived stress, and fear of vaccination (FoVac). The first measurement (T1) took place in February 2021, and the second (T2) took place in May–June 2021. The sample consisted of 1723 participants across Germany, Israel, Poland, and Slovenia, between the age of 20 and 40 (M = 30.74, SD = 5.74). A paired-samples Student’s t-test was used for testing the differences between T1 and T2. A repeated measures two-way ANOVA was performed to examine changes over time (T) and across the countries (C). A significant although small decrease …
Measurements of the groomed and ungroomed jet angularities in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV
The jet angularities are a class of jet substructure observables which characterize the angular and momentum distribution of particles within jets. These observables are sensitive to momentum scales ranging from perturbative hard scatterings to nonperturbative fragmentation into final-state hadrons. We report measurements of several groomed and ungroomed jet angularities in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector. Jets are reconstructed using charged particle tracks at midrapidity (|η| < 0.9). The anti-kT algorithm is used with jet resolution parameters R = 0.2 and R = 0.4 for several transverse momentum pTchjet intervals in the 20–100 GeV/c range. Using the jet grooming algo…
Multiorgan Involvement in SARS-CoV-2 Infection: The Role of the Radiologist from Head to Toe
Radiology plays a crucial role for the diagnosis and management of COVID-19 patients during the different stages of the disease, allowing for early detection of manifestations and complications of COVID-19 in the different organs. Lungs are the most common organs involved by SARS-CoV-2 and chest computed tomography (CT) represents a reliable imaging-based tool in acute, subacute, and chronic settings for diagnosis, prognosis, and management of lung disease and the evaluation of acute and chronic complications. Cardiac involvement can be evaluated by using cardiac computed tomography angiography (CCTA), considered as the best choice to solve the differential diagnosis between the most common…
Les syndicalistes confédérées et la guerre d’Espagne
En juillet 1936, au moment du coup d’État franquiste, la France vit au rythme des dernières grèves victorieuses et des premiers départs en congés payés. Malgré cette ambiance joyeuse, de nombreuses similitudes contribuent à faire de la tragédie espagnole une affaire française. Au niveau syndical, l’Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT) espagnole et la Confédération générale du travail (CGT) française (réunifiée depuis mars 1936) ont connu des évolutions parallèles. Elles ont toutes deux contrib...
Are No-Till Herbicide-Free Systems Possible? A Simulation Study
Conservation agriculture (CA) allows farmers to reduce costs and enhance soil health, buttends to increase either weed infestation and associated crop yield loss, and/or herbicide use.We aimed to investigate how much tillage contributes to reducing weed infestation and yieldloss, and which systems and weed species are the most affected if tillage is deleted. Wecollected farming practices on 395 arable cropping systems from Spain and France, andsimulated them over 30 years and with 10 weather repetitions, using FLORSYS. This processbased model (Colbach et al., 2021, Field Crops Res 261:108006) simulates daily multi-speciesweed floras and crop canopies from cropping systems and pedoclimate ov…
Pointwise inequalities for Sobolev functions on generalized cuspidal domains
We establish point wise inequalities for Sobolev functions on a wider class of outward cuspidal domains. It is a generalization of an earlier result by the author and his collaborators
Mapping the concept, content, and outcome of family-based outdoor therapy for children and adolescents with mental health problems: a scoping review.
Outdoor therapy and family-based therapy are suggested to be promising interventions for the treatment of mental health problems. The aim of the present scoping review was to systematically map the concept, content, and outcome of combining family- and outdoor-based therapy for children and adolescents with mental health problems. The Joanna Briggs Institute methodology and PRISMA guidelines were applied. Eligible qualitative and quantitative studies were screened, included, and extracted for data. Seven studies were included. Findings from these studies indicated that family-based outdoor therapy programs have a positive impact on family- and peer relationships, adolescent behavior, mental…
Determinants of performance drivers in online food delivery platforms: a dynamic performance management perspective
PurposeThis study aims to demonstrate that the Dynamic Performance Management (DPM) framework, integrating performance management with system dynamics modelling, enables decision-makers to identify sustainable strategies in online food delivery platforms, thereby avoiding company failure.Design/methodology/approachThis study undertakes a multistep methodological approach. After the literature review, a retrospective case study approach was used. To build the DPM framework and the system dynamics simulation model, primary and secondary data were collected and analysed.FindingsThis study by adopting the DPM perspective highlights the critical role performance drivers play to assess the viabil…
Role of LI-RADS Indeterminate Observations in the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma after HCV Eradication with Direct-Acting Antivirals.
Purpose: To assess whether HCC (LR-5) occurrence may be associated with the presence of Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) indeterminate observations in patients with hepatitis C virus infection treated with direct acting antiviral (DAA) therapy. Materials and methods: This retrospective study included patients with HCV-related cirrhosis who achieved sustained virologic response (SVR) after DAA therapy between 2015 and 2019 and submitted to CT/MRI follow-ups with a minimum interval time of six months before and after DAA. Two blinded readers reviewed CT/MRI to categorize observations according to LI-RADS version 2018. Differences in rate of LI-RADS 5 observations (i.e., LR-5)…
Measurement of K⁎(892)± production in inelastic pp collisions at the LHC
The first results on K⁎(892)± resonance production in inelastic pp collisions at LHC energies of s=5.02, 8, and 13 TeV are presented. The K⁎(892)± has been reconstructed via its hadronic decay channel K⁎(892)→±KS0+π± with the ALICE detector. Measurements of transverse momentum distributions, pT-integrated yields, and mean transverse momenta for charged K⁎(892) are found to be consistent with previous ALICE measurements for neutral K⁎(892) within uncertainties. For pT>1 GeV/c the K⁎(892)± transverse momentum spectra become harder with increasing centre-of-mass energy from 5.02 to 13 TeV, similar to what previously observed for charged kaons and pions. For pT<1 GeV/c the K⁎(892)± yield does n…
The power of the economic outlook : an ideational explanation of the distinct pattern of Finnish wage setting within the Nordic context
Industrial relations scholars are paying increasing attention to the role of ideas in explaining shifts in bargaining systems and wage policies. This article contributes to this growing body of literature by conducting a meso-level analysis of the uses and impacts of ideas in wage regulation policy processes in coordinated market economies. Through our in-depth case study of the Finnish policy process leading to the Competitiveness Pact of 2016, we argue that certain ideas – which we call the ‘economic outlook’ – prescribed and legitimized exhausting institutional resources in wage regulation and enabled temporary consensus among divergent interests regarding wage policy. The economic outlo…
Metal–Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Containing Adsorbents for Carbon Capture
This research was funded by the European Regional Development Fund project “Innovation of the waste‐to‐energy concept for the low carbon economy: development of novel carbon capture technology for thermochemical processing of municipal solid waste (carbon capture and storage from waste—CCSW)”, grant number
The impact of workload and job satisfaction on occupational stress -A comparison among newly qualified and experienced midwives in Poland.
BACKGROUND: Midwives are potentially exposed to high levels of occupational stress. The level of stress may be related to the job demands and job resources, as well as midwife seniority. To date, few studies on the determinants of occupational stress have examined Polish midwives. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the roles of workload, job satisfaction, and seniority in shaping the stress levels of midwives in Poland. METHODS: A cross-sectional approach and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to compare two groups: newly qualified midwives (NQMs; n = 79) and experienced midwives (n = 99). All data were collected between January and November 2018. RESULTS: Analysis revealed…
Sosiaalialan korkeakoulutettujen ammattilaisten arviot asiakastietojärjestelmistä 2020
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan sosiaalialan korkeakoulutettujen ammattilaisten arvioita käyttämistään asiakastietojärjestelmistä. Artikkelissa arvioidaan Sote-tieto hyötykäyttöön strategian tavoitteiden toteutumista sosiaalialan ammattilaisten näkökulmasta ja tuotetaan tuotemerkkikohtaista tietoa käyttäjäkokemuksista kehittämisen tueksi. Artikkelin tutkimuskysymyksenä oli: Minkälaisia arvioita sosiaalialan korkeakoulutetut ammattilaiset antavat käyttämilleen asiakastietojärjestelmille vuonna 2020 käyttäjäkokemuksiinsa perustuen? Tutkimusaineistona hyödynnettiin STePS 3.0 -hankkeessa syyslokakuussa 2020 ammattiliittojen kanssa yhteistyössä kerättyä tutkimusaineistoa (n=990), josta tähän artikkel…
The potential of multilayer green roofs for stormwater management in urban area under semi-arid Mediterranean climate conditions
Different low impact development measures have been proposed to make cities more flood-resilient, and recent literature is paying great attention to the evaluation of their direct benefits in terms of flood risk mitigation and the numerous co-benefits that they may offer. This study describes an experimental prototype of a technologically advanced multilayer green roof installed in a Mediterranean urban area (i.e., Palermo, Italy) and explores the results of an analysis of data collected over a one-year monitoring period by a complex sensors network. Multilayer green roofs, or "blue-green" roofs (BGRs), are characterized by a high water retention capacity compared to traditional green roofs…
Preliminary Study of the Mural Paintings of Sotterra Church in Paola (Cosenza, Italy)
A multi-analytical approach was employed to study wall paintings located in the Sotterra church at Paola, in the province of Cosenza, Italy. The site is an underground church (hence the name of Sotterra, which means “under the earth”) rediscovered in the second half of the 19th century, during the building works of the Madonna del Carmine church on the same area. This underground church preserves valuable mural paintings having different styles. The construction’s dating and overlapped modifications made until the site was abandoned is also debated. A wall painting, depicting “The Virgin” as part of the “Annunciation and the Archangel Gabriel” prese…
JIFAM Special Issue on Experiential Marketing: Perspectives from the International Agro-food Sector
Globalization in the food sector has increased over the past few decades, resulting in consumers finding little differentiation between food products, and consumers who are less loyal to the brand. To help overcome this problem, food companies are trying to shift the consumer’s attention from the product itself toward other elements, such as the experience they have with the brand/product and the emotions that derive from it, through Experiential Marketing. The rise of Experiential Marketing has led to businesses advertising and selling their offerings based on experiences rather than just the characteristics and quality of the product, meaning consumers are increasingly motivated by emotio…
Montanoa tomentosa. A review of the new scientific evidence on pharmacological properties
Montanoa tomentosa is a shrub, belonging to the Asteraceae family, originally from Mexico and Central America, and it is known for its medicinal properties. The origins of its use in the field of herbal medicine can be traced back to the Mexican tradition. It was used for sexual dysfunctions. The extract of leaves was used in women to induce menstruation, abortion and labor, and also to reduce postpartum bleeding. The leaves are also used for their diuretic properties and the ground roots are used in the treatment of dysentery. Over time, studies have been conducted to identify the compounds responsible for the therapeutic activity and their mechanism of action. Two studies conducted in rat…
Persistency of window dressing practices in the US repo markets after the GFC: The unexplored role of the deposit insurance premium
We investigate whether the regulatory improvements made in the aftermath of the global financial crisis have been effective in limiting bank downward window dressing by means of repos in the United States. We find that a strict application of the Basel III regulation wipes out incentives to engage in window dressing to bolster the level of leverage Tier 1 ratio at quarter-end. We also show that the persistency of window dressing is related to the computation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation assessment base, which motivates banks to engage in window dressing to reduce the deposit insurance premium.
Perceptions of technology in education during the COVID-19 pandemic: The views of student teachers specializing in ICT
This study aimed to analyze the perceptions of teacher training students, specializing in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in relation to digital technology during the COVID-19 crisis. To do so, forty-three asynchronous interviews, based on an open-ended question, were carried out with students undertaking the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education Teaching at the Universitat de València and specializing in ICT, during strict home confinement. The analysis shows that the participants did not have an instrumental view of technology as providing a series of solutions for the educational difficulties presented by the pandemic. Instead, they took a broad analytical view of the …
Hypes and the birth of new sustainable market categories – a socio-cultural perspective on the emergence of the meat substitute category in Finland
Hypes can be a significant contributor in the mainstreaming of sustainable products. Former research on hypes has been supplier oriented, and thus little is known of their effect on new market formation. Our paper contributes to this research gap by examining the establishment of the ‘meat substitute’ category in Finland using press articles, retailer interviews and consumer panel data. We show how the emergence and legitimation of the meat substitute category depended heavily on the hype arising around a single product, called Pulled Oats (PO). This hype was anchored in its association with trendy and socio-culturally relevant values and practices. We further discover that the hype had pos…