showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Vitamin D in the Prevention and Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy.
Neuropathy is one of the most important complications of diabetes. According to recent advances, vitamin D deficiency might play a role in the development and progression of diabetic neuropathy. Moreover, therapeutic vitamin D supplementation has the potential to improve this condition. The aim of the present review was to summarize new data available in this area.The PubMed database was searched for articles written in English and published through September 2021, using combinations of the following key words: vitamin D, diabetes, diabetes mellitus, diabetic neuropathy, polyneuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, cardiac autonomic neuropathy, supplementation, and therapy.A number of studies hav…
Vastedda della valle del Belice DOP
This chapter of the Mediterranean cheeses art book talk about of Vastedda della valle del Belice PDO cheese
Pittore attivo in Sicilia nella seconda metà del XV secolo, Madonna dell’Itria
The complex conservative history of the work, the Madonna dell’Itria, executed in fresco, detached from the back wall of the presbytery of the eponymous sacred building and restored in 1990, then transferred to the Diocesan Museum of Palermo
Regional heterogeneity in the business environment: the case of Italy
How do we evaluate the business environment of regional economies? This paper makes use of primary data from the World Bank’s Subnational Doing Business studies to analyze the capacity of Italian regions to facilitate entrepre- neurs in setting up and operating new businesses. By comparing data across locations and over time, we are able to identify best practices that may help policy makers in the implementation of reforms aiming at improving the business environ- ment of Italian regions and, as a result, of the country.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and hospitality sector: Charting new frontiers for restaurant businesses
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a key theme of discussion and focus in all debates regarding the need for business enterprises to function in a manner that is responsive and sensitive to the needs of their communities and society. Academic research has also kept pace with the rising industry interest. The literature on CSR has grown appreciably, offering important insights that scholars must collectively evaluate if they are to inform theory and practice. Appreciating the value of such an endeavour, the present study utilised a critical systematic literature review (SLR) to analyse the literature published on the role of CSR in the restaurant sector from 2004 to 2021. The S…
Politica e pianificazione linguistica (PPL) nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese, fra interventi sulle lingue e (auto/etero) rappresentazioni. Note in ma…
Language Policy and Planning (LPP) in the People’s Republic of China, be- tween Language Interventions and (Self /Hetero) Representation. Marginal Notes of a Translation The aim of this paper is to present some relevant themes of Language Policy and Planning in the People’s Republic of China focusing on two key terms: fangyan (often translated as ‘dialects’) and ‘language harmony’ (yuyan hexie ). Both of them do not belong to the western linguistic tradi- tion and are therefore of particular interest. The paper examines official texts from the last ten years.
Grynfeltt-Lesshaft hernia Personal experience of nine cases and a review of the literature
L’ernia lombare di Grynfeltt, dall’ autore che per primo l’ha descritta nel 1866, fra tutte le ernie della parete addominale è la più rara, rappresenta infatti secondo i dati della letteratura più recente solo il 2% di tutte le ernie. Di queste circa il 20% è congenita, secondaria principalmente a difetti di sviluppo embrionale mentre l’80% sono difetti acquisiti. Gli interventi chirurgici, le ferite penetranti e le infezioni rappresentano fattori di rischio per lo sviluppo di ernie lombari secondarie e pertanto iatrogene. In letteratura è riportata una prevalenza dell’ernia a sinistra mentre eccezionale è l’osservazione di una ernia di Grynfeltt bilaterale. La recente osservazione di una v…
Exhibition Design Stories : metodi e pratiche di fruizione della cultura
Museums, the main actors in the conservation and communication of works and promoters of a cultural offer, are at the center of a profound transformation; the technological aspects are the most obvious phenomenon, which increases the ability to accommodate and structure an ever-increasing request for participation and socialization on the part of the user. In particular, the importance of museum accessibility is described through the activation of participatory design processes which, through a narrative construction, are able to produce meaningful knowledge processes. The designer is able to articulate, mediate, coordinate, with awareness and effectiveness, the great complexity implemented…
Il problema della regolazione dei partiti politici. Itinerari della scuola palermitana di diritto pubblico
the problem of party regulation according to the Palermo school of public law. between past and future. In particular, the analysis is on three authors: Pietro Virga, Guido Corso and Marco Mazzamuto.
Il saggio riflette sul tema della Temporaneità considerata, ormai, prassi strettamente connessa a quello dell’urban shrinkage, condizione centrale nel dibattito scientifico quanto nell’agenda politica di diverse città europee. Dagli anni ’90 a livello globale, nelle città e nei territori abbondano i luoghi dell’abbandono e dell’inutilizzato che ci restituiscono uno scenario di progressiva contrazione non solo demografica ma anche economica e sociale. In questo controverso quadro di mutazione strutturale delle città e dei territori si stanno sperimentando strategie, strumenti e schemi di governance efficaci per governare la decrescita e l’abbandono il cui comun denominatore è il ricorso …
The response of Brent crude oil to the European central bank monetary policy
Este artículo examina el impacto de las decisiones de política monetaria del Banco Central Europeo (BCE) sobre los precios del petróleo y la liquidez mediante un estudio de eventos con datos intradía. Analizamos el período de enero de 1999 a diciembre de 2020, que incluye la crisis financiera que comenzó en agosto de 2007. Nuestros resultados muestran una respuesta significativa de los rendimientos del petróleo solo durante la crisis financiera. Específicamente, encontramos que los rendimientos de los futuros de petróleo crudo Brent respondieron negativamente a variaciones inesperadas en la prima de riesgo italiana como medida de acciones de política monetaria no convencionales, y positivam…
Inderogabilità dell’art. 1463 c.c. e causa del contratto: una ricostruzione alla luce delle recenti esperienze
L’articolo analizza l’istituto dell’impossibilità sopravvenuta totale, sostenendo l’inderogabilità della relativa disciplina in àmbito contrattuale (art. 1463 c.c.). A tale conclusione si perviene dopo aver messo in luce la sua collocazione sistematica, la dinamica applicativa e la connessione con la causa del contratto nell’accezione, ormai prevalente, di funzione concreta del regolamento negoziale. The article analyzes the institution of the total supervening impossibility, supporting the non-negotiability of the related contractual discipline (Article 1463 of the Civil Code). This conclusion is reached after having highlighted its systematic position, the dynamics of application and the …
Chronically elevated branched chain amino acid levels are pro-arrhythmic.
Aim. Cardiac arrhythmias comprise a major health and economic burden and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, including cardiac failure, stroke and sudden cardiac death (SCD). Development of efficient preventive and therapeutic strategies is hampered by incomplete knowledge of disease mechanisms and pathways. Our aim is to identify novel mechanisms underlying cardiac arrhythmia and SCD using an unbiased approach. Methods and Results. We employed a phenotype-driven N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis screen and identified a mouse line with a high incidence of sudden death at young age (6-9 weeks) in the absence of prior symptoms. Affected mice were found to be homozyg…
Life care annuities to help couples cope with the cost of long-term care
This paper examines the possibility of including cash-for-care benefits in life care annuities (LCAs) to help retired couples cope with the cost of long-term care (LTC). It aims to assess how much it would cost to add an extra stream of payments to annuities for couples should either or both require LTC. We present an actuarial method based on array calculus to value this type of LCA. The impact of introducing the LTC contingency on the annuity is assessed by comparing the initial benefits in both cases. The difference in the initial benefit arises due to the annuity factors used to compute the benefits. We also analyse how willing couples would be to choose this type of LCA. Using Australi…
Modeling wave propagation in elastic solids via high-order accurate implicit-mesh discontinuous Galerkin methods
A high-order accurate implicit-mesh discontinuous Galerkin framework for wave propagation in single-phase and bi-phase solids is presented. The framework belongs to the embedded-boundary techniques and its novelty regards the spatial discretization, which enables boundary and interface conditions to be enforced with high-order accuracy on curved embedded geometries. High-order accuracy is achieved via high-order quadrature rules for implicitly-defined domains and boundaries, whilst a cell-merging strategy addresses the presence of small cut cells. The framework is used to discretize the governing equations of elastodynamics, written using a first-order hyperbolic momentum-strain formulation…
Morality, Aggression, and Social Activism in a Transmedia Sport Controversy
This article examines how the interconnections between morality, aggression, and social activism are discursively articulated in two data sets: a face-to-face sport controversy and a corpus of evaluative online comments in response to reports of said controversy. The study adopted a combined transmedia, critical, and intersectional perspective that revealed the divergent interpretations of the controversy as an aggression that threatened the moral or a case of activism in defense of the moral. Thus, competing moral and social frameworks were found to lie behind social division and suggested the need for intersectional awareness and critical views on the complex and unstable distinctions bet…
EpCAM y obstrucción microvascular en pacientes con un IAMCEST: estudio con resonancia magnética cardiaca
Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La obstruccion microvascular (OMV) se asocia negativamente con la estructura cardiaca y el pronostico de los pacientes tras un infarto agudo de miocardio con elevacion del segmento ST (IAMCEST). El factor epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), implicado en la cohesion de las celulas epiteliales, esta poco estudiado en el contexto de la OMV. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar en una cohorte de pacientes con IAMCEST la asociacion entre la concentracion de EpCAM circulante con la extension de la OMV, determinada por resonancia magnetica cardiaca (RMC), y la funcion sistolica en fases cronicas. Metodos Se incluyo prospectivamente a 106 paciente…
Acciones para mejorar la eficiencia energética en los edificios en Europa: estado del arte sobre los standards técnicos
The paper is aimed at reviewing the state of the art of the European technical normative implementation during the last decades concerning the building energy efficiency. Indeed, it is well acknowledged that the present building stock is largely obsolete and inefficient: in the European context alone, around 75% of the buildings is not energy efficient and most are expected to be in use until 2050. Consequently, buildings require not only a general rehabilitation, to extend, or even avoid, its end-of-life time, but also a complete afterthought of their energy performance. That is extremely urgent to improve the overall sustainability of the construction sector that, alone, is one of the mai…
Separation of palladium and silver from E-waste leachate : effect of nitric acid concentration on adsorption to Thiol scavenger
The development of recovery techniques for metals present in low concentrations in E-waste, such as silver and palladium, is important from the aspect of the circular economy. Adsorption of palladium and silver was studied in detail in a batch process with silica-based Thiol scavenger from nitric acid leachate of waste printed circuit boards (PCBs). High adsorption efficiencies of Pd(II) and Ag(I), >97%, were reached in nitric acid concentrations below 3 mol L−1. At higher acid concentrations, adsorption efficiency of Ag(I) decreased drastically which enables the separation of Ag(I) and Pd(II) based on nitric acid concentration in sample solution. Pd(II) and Ag(I) followed pseudo 2nd order …
Almond shell reuse: a viable non-conventional aggregate for sustainable building materials
Bio-based or green architecture is a new way of designing and building in line with the European Green Deal and in light of the Circular Economy principles. The main green approach directs the whole construction life cycle to be eco-sustainable and environmentally friendly from the beginning to the end of the building process. Beyond the use of eco sustainable and highly performing structural materials, new technologies able of reduce the environmental impact of buildings must be used. This paper is aimed at reviewing the possible reuse of bio- wastes of agricultural origin whose massive production generates a number of issues for their treatment and disposal. In particular, this study will…
Factores asociados al estrés prenatal y la ansiedad en gestantes durante el COVID-19 en España
AIM OF THE STUDY To describe prenatal stress and state anxiety levels in pregnant women living in Spain during the lockdown of the first wave of COVID-19 and its relation with obstetric factors, perception of health care, and concerns about the socio-sanitary situation. METHODS The present study is an observational, correlational, and cross-sectional quantitative study. The participants in the study were pregnant women recruited through non-probabilistic convenience and snowball sampling during the lockdown. A web link was provided to an online questionnaire designed for this research, which collected socio-demographic and obstetric variables, perceptions of health care received during the …
Le présent de la philosophie. Pour Jean-Luc Nancy
The author tries to sketch the scientific and human profile of Jean-Luc Nancy using the text "The sense of the world" as a theoretical guide in which the inclusive vocation of his thought is expressed.
The incidence of psychotic disorders among migrants and minority ethnic groups in Europe: findings from the multinational EU-GEI study
AbstractBackgroundIn Europe, the incidence of psychotic disorder is high in certain migrant and minority ethnic groups (hence: ‘minorities’). However, it is unknown how the incidence pattern for these groups varies within this continent. Our objective was to compare, across sites in France, Italy, Spain, the UK and the Netherlands, the incidence rates for minorities and the incidence rate ratios (IRRs, minorities v. the local reference population).MethodsThe European Network of National Schizophrenia Networks Studying Gene–Environment Interactions (EU-GEI) study was conducted between 2010 and 2015. We analyzed data on incident cases of non-organic psychosis (International Classification of …
Abitare i paesaggi inattesi: DOM – e la pratica del cammino
Urbanized territories have expanded invading the space and modifying the dynamics defined over the centuries of slow development, often making the city indistinguishable from the non-city. In this condition, an unforeseen form of landscape takes place and determines itself, unexpectedly interposing between the planned meshes. By appropriating spaces transitorily rejected by hyper-functionalization, wild environments nomadically occupy empty sites until a new order to come. The practice of walking to cross spaces is an experience of comprehension that allows human beings a renewed way of dwelling in the world. The article assumes that the design process over wild areas continue to occur thro…
Noise-induced behavioral change driven by transient chaos
We study behavioral change in the context of a stochastic, non-linear consumption model with preference adjusting, interdependent agents. Changes in long-run consumption behavior are modelled as noise induced transitions between coexisting attractors. A particular case of multistability is considered: two fixed points, whose immediate basins have smooth boundaries, coexist with a periodic attractor, with a fractal immediate basin boundary. If a trajectory leaves an immediate basin, it enters a set of complexly intertwined basins for which final state uncertainty prevails. The standard approach to predicting transition events rooted in the stochastic sensitivity function technique due to Mil…
Il modulo toponomastico in Sicilia: tra ATOS e DATOS
Il contributo presenta la genesi e gli obiettivi che hanno portato a progettare un modulo toponomastico all'interno dell'Atlante Linguistico della Sicilia. ll progetto di raccolta sul campo del patrimonio toponomastico orale si rende non più procrastinabile poiché i testimoni del sapere esperienziale dei luoghi si vanno sempre più riducendo. Le indagini sul territorio hanno già consegnato un panorama di conoscenze spesso unicamente dichiarative, con etichette che denotano ma non connotano la geografia dei luoghi e in cui talora è impossibile arricchire il dato linguistico con il contesto geoantropico, ergologico, simbolico, che spesso giustifica la stessa denominazione. Si presentano le car…
Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Protection of the Human Person: An International Law Analysis
Providing a much needed study of the weapons paradox in the case of autonomous weapons, this book is a detailed and comprehensive account of the current debate over the use of autonomous weapons – should some form of regulation be applied or a total ban be enforced? How can compliance with existing rules be ensured? Can responsibility be properly allocated? To what extent do concepts such as ‘human dignity’ and ‘humanity’ provide legal guidance in coping with technology? This book tackles these momentous challenges and strives to provide sound answers, by elaborating on international law and proposing normative solutions for current and future human-machine interactions in this critical fie…
Clausole e principi generali nel diritto della proprietà intellettuale
The application of the general clauses and principles to the matter of intellectual property
Parents’ Perceptions and Experiences with Their Children’s Use of Augmentative/Alternative Communication: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-Sy…
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) consists of any method of communicating that supplements or completely substitutes oral and/or written language when it is impaired. Therefore, it enables children with complex communication needs to develop their full communicative potential. However, despite the many benefits of AAC and its widespread use, several review studies have underscored the problems faced by parents and children who use AAC in their daily lives. The general objective of this systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis is to provide a complete overview of parents’ experiences and perceptions with their children’s use of AAC. Specifically, it aimed to identify c…
Wastewater-based epidemiology for early warning of SARS-COV-2 circulation: A pilot study conducted in Sicily, Italy
There is increasing evidence of the use of wastewater-based epidemiology to integrate conventional monitoring assessing disease symptoms and signs of viruses in a specific territory. We present the results of SARS-CoV-2 environmental surveillance activity in wastewater samples collected between September 2020 and July 2021 in 9 wastewater treatment plants (WTPs) located in central and western Sicily, serving over 570,000 residents. The presence of SARS-CoV-2, determined in 206 wastewater samples using RT-qPCR assays, was correlated with the notified and geo-referenced cases on the areas served by the WTPs in the same study period. Overall, 51% of wastewater samples were positive. Samples we…
Generalized “one-pot” preparative strategy to obtain highly functionalized silica-based mesoporous spherical particles
In this work we present a synthesis strategy for the preparation of Stöber-type mesoporous particles functionalized with inorganic species. The procedure is based on a combination of the Atrane and the Stöber methods. Both as a source of silicon and of the incorporated heteroelements (Fe, Zn, Al, Ti) the corresponding atrane complexes are used as hydrolytic reagents. These complexes are easily formed by reaction with triethanolamine. Mesoporosity is achieved using surfactant micelles as templates. Obtaining uniform spherical particles is achieved by optimizing the amount of water-ethanol in the reaction medium. The particle sizes have been modulated by controlling simple parameters such as …
Prise en charge de l’infarctus cérébral à la phase initiale
Ischemic stroke accounts for 80% of overall stroke, and is one of the leading causes of death, disability and dementia in worldwide. Management of patients with acute ischemic stroke dramatically improved over time with the implementation of intensive care stroke units, the development of acute recanalization strategies, the optimization of the management of post-stroke complications, and the prevention of early stroke recurrence. The objective of this article is to provide a general overview of the current management of patients with acute ischemic stroke aiming at improving post-stroke outcome.
Appropriateness criteria for the use of cardiac computed tomography, SIC-SIRM part 2: Acute chest pain evaluation; Stent and coronary artery bypass g…
In the past 20 years, cardiac computed tomography (CCT) has become a pivotal technique for the noninvasive diagnostic workup of coronary and cardiac diseases. Continuous technical and methodological improvements, combined with fast growing scientific evidence, have progressively expanded the clinical role of CCT. Randomized clinical trials documented the value of CCT in increasing the cost-effectiveness of the management of patients with acute chest pain presenting in the emergency department, also during the pandemic. Beyond the evaluation of stents and surgical graft patency, the anatomical and functional coronary imaging have the potential to guide treatment decision-making and planning …
Versi di confine. Traduzione e riscrittura oltre il conflitto
Un protocollo per la raccolta dei toponimi orali in Sicilia
Il DATOS sarà un progetto capillare che riguarderà una rete di punti fitta, grazie alla quale ricostruire un sistema onomastico a rischio depauperamento. Il contributo illustra - grazie a solidi riferimenti teorici e ad analoghe ricerche nazionali e internazionalli - metodologia e obiettivi del protocollo da affidare ai ricercatori sul campo, al fine di assicurare omogeneità non soltanto in fase di raccolta, ma anche di output dei materiali. Dalla scelta degli informatori, all'uso della documentazione d'archivio, dalla trascrizione alla classificazione, vengono forniti gli elementi che si renderanno utili per la formazione sul campo.
Il contributo raccoglie i rapporti epilogativi (Research Report) di una specifica ricerca condotta sulla tecnologia come scienza applicata al patrimonio dell’esistente oltre le good practices, al di fuori di nicchie elitarie poco rappresentative della comune produzione edilizia. Queste, ora, hanno bisogno di un approccio tecnologicamente flessibile, innestato sul consenso e sulla partecipazione evolutiva del già fatto e dal potersi ancora fare (Germanà, 2008). Ci riferiamo alla tecnologia edilizia come scienza del costruire capace di innescare nuovi percorsi del fare inerenti ai processi di trasformazione, completamento e rigenerazione dell’esistente; da ricerche ‘sensibili’ a nuove qualità…