showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Mosses as a biomonitor to identify elements released into the air as a result of car workshop activities
Human activity as a result of civilization development contributes to creating new sources of environmental pollution. Air pollution is one of the major problems because it affects the fauna and flora, and people themselves. There is a lack of public awareness of the level of atmospheric analytes pollution emitted from people's occupational and recreational (leisure) activities. A quick, cheap and easy way to investigate the state of the environment is to use organisms-biomonitors that indicate the level of environmental pollution. The study aimed to assess air pollution in an urban area using three moss species: Sphagnum fallax, Pleurozium schreberi and Dicranum polysetum. Mosses were expo…
Los riñones también hablan español: iniciativas hacia la estandarización de nuestra nomenclatura nefrológica
Este artículo de investigación se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL: En este artículo de investigación también participan: Ramón A. García-Trabanino, Miguel Hueso, Pedro Trinidad, Aquiles Jara, Mónica Furlano, Rosana Gelpi, Ana Vila-Santandreu, César A. Restrepo, Maya Sánchez-Baya, Carolt Arana, Marián Goicoechea, Verónica Coll, Julián Segura, Orlando Gutiérrez, Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, Emilio Sánchez y Alejandro Ferreiro.
The incidence of psychotic disorders among migrants and minority ethnic groups in Europe: findings from the multinational EU-GEI study
AbstractBackgroundIn Europe, the incidence of psychotic disorder is high in certain migrant and minority ethnic groups (hence: ‘minorities’). However, it is unknown how the incidence pattern for these groups varies within this continent. Our objective was to compare, across sites in France, Italy, Spain, the UK and the Netherlands, the incidence rates for minorities and the incidence rate ratios (IRRs, minorities v. the local reference population).MethodsThe European Network of National Schizophrenia Networks Studying Gene–Environment Interactions (EU-GEI) study was conducted between 2010 and 2015. We analyzed data on incident cases of non-organic psychosis (International Classification of …
Mario di Laurito, Madonna dell’Itria, 1529-1536
Observations on the canvas, due to the brush of Mario de Laurito, an elegant painter of composite culture active between Naples and Sicily in the first half of XVI century, it came to the Diocesan Museum of Palermo from the local church of the archconfraternity of the Santissima Annunziata "outside Porta San Giorgio "(late fifteenth - early sixteenth century, for which Travagliato 2010) fortunately shortly before the allied bombings on Palermo which between April and May 1943 caused the destruction (Guiotto 1946).
Comunicare il paesaggio. La fotografia come strumento di lettura delle trasformazioni del territorio
Following the alterations generated by the industrialization process, guided by the continuous domination of nature in the name of progress, photography has allowed us to observe the permanence and transformations on the territory. Gregotti in his essay "La Forma Del Territorio" (1966) gives particular attention to the tools inherent in modern art, such as photography, painting and cinema. According to the architect, in fact, these tools have the ability to immediately highlight the descriptive and representative dynamics of a territory, thus becoming extremely important also in the architectural field for their anticipatory role of reality. The comparison of representations of the same pla…
Pioniere. Abitare territori in contrazione
Partendo da una difficoltà che è quella di dare un nome a dimensioni che non hanno chiara definizione, il testo introduce il lavoro di indagine e di progetto sviluppato durante e in seguito al Laboratorio del Cammino 2022. In questa occasione si sono attraversati i territori in contrazione delle province di Biella e Torino e lo sguardo è stato rivolto ai/alle pionieri/e (umani e non) capaci di abitare un territorio alle volte ostile ma ricco di nuove possibilità. Starting from the effort needed to name realities that have no clear definition, the contribution introduces the field research and project work developed during and after the "Laboratorio del Cammino", 2022. On this occasion, terr…
Almond shell reuse: a viable non-conventional aggregate for sustainable building materials
Bio-based or green architecture is a new way of designing and building in line with the European Green Deal and in light of the Circular Economy principles. The main green approach directs the whole construction life cycle to be eco-sustainable and environmentally friendly from the beginning to the end of the building process. Beyond the use of eco sustainable and highly performing structural materials, new technologies able of reduce the environmental impact of buildings must be used. This paper is aimed at reviewing the possible reuse of bio- wastes of agricultural origin whose massive production generates a number of issues for their treatment and disposal. In particular, this study will…
Improved FMECA for effective risk management decision making by failure modes classification under uncertainty
Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) is a proactive reliability and risk management technique extensively used in practice to ensure high system performance by prioritising failure modes. Owing to the limitations of traditional FMECA, multi-criteria decision-making methods have been employed over the past two decades to enhance its effectiveness. To consider the vagueness and uncertainty of the FMECA evaluation process, an interval-based extension of the Elimination et Choice Translating Reality (ELECTRE) TRI method is proposed in the present paper for the classification of failure modes into risk categories. Therefore, ratings of failure modes against risk parameters are…
Grynfeltt-Lesshaft hernia Personal experience of nine cases and a review of the literature
L’ernia lombare di Grynfeltt, dall’ autore che per primo l’ha descritta nel 1866, fra tutte le ernie della parete addominale è la più rara, rappresenta infatti secondo i dati della letteratura più recente solo il 2% di tutte le ernie. Di queste circa il 20% è congenita, secondaria principalmente a difetti di sviluppo embrionale mentre l’80% sono difetti acquisiti. Gli interventi chirurgici, le ferite penetranti e le infezioni rappresentano fattori di rischio per lo sviluppo di ernie lombari secondarie e pertanto iatrogene. In letteratura è riportata una prevalenza dell’ernia a sinistra mentre eccezionale è l’osservazione di una ernia di Grynfeltt bilaterale. La recente osservazione di una v…
La rigenerazione urbana di Aalborg : un modello di sviluppo sostenibile per il futuro delle città
Uno dei maggiori eventi che ha portato la città di Aalborg, capoluogo dello Jutland settentrionale, alla ribalta internazionale è stato lo svolgimento della prima conferenza europea sulle città sostenibili (European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns). Nel 1994 il Consiglio internazionale per le iniziative ambientali locali (ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability) ha scelto Aalborg per riflettere in che modo le città, principali responsabili del cambiamento climatico, del consumo delle risorse del pianeta e dell’inquinamento ambientale, potessero cambiare i loro trend di sviluppo per indirizzarli verso una dimensione più sostenibile. Alla conferenza, che si è svolta sotto il p…
Archeologia? Sì, ma industriale. Due 'rocchi di colonna' dal centro storico di Mistretta
Nell’ambito della revisione dei dati archeologici noti sull'area dei Nebrodi (Sicilia settentrionale), in occasione del progetto dottorale in corso, è stato possibile porre l’attenzione su due reperti, fino ad oggi noti in letteratura come ‘rocchi di colonna’ da Mistretta, l'antica Amestratos. Questo contributo esamina le vicende che hanno portato a quest’errata identificazione e, più in generale, la storia degli studi di topografia antica sul centro nebroideo.
The balancing act: How do moral norms and anticipated pride drive food waste/reduction behaviour?
Food waste is a serious problem that impacts the environment and sustainability by increasing greenhouse gas emissions from landfills. Food waste also represents a social challenge because it raises serious concerns about food security. While acknowledging that households waste a great deal of food because they lack a proper routine for reusing leftovers and purchase more food than required, few studies have extensively examined the drivers of leftover reuse and over-ordering. We address this gap using the stimulus-organism-response paradigm. Moral norms and anticipated pride are conceptualised as stimuli that impact the organismic state of intentions against food waste and response in the …
Teacher and student teacher views of agency in feedback
The present study compares the feedback themes that groups of teachers (n = 5) and student teachers (n = 15) discussed in a professional development programme concerning teachers’ classroom interaction and formative assessment, and the agents they assigned the feedback to. The results of the thematic analysis show little variation with the conversation themes between the groups, but they did show more with the appointed agents of feedback themes. The teachers assigned feedback themes to the teacher and the students, as student teachers assigned them to the teacher and the learning environment. By referring to feedback as the shared responsibility of the teacher and students, the teachers de…
Weed suppression in cover crop mixtures under contrasted levels of resource availability
Cover crop (CC) mixtures appear as a promising agroecological tool for weed management.Although CC supress weed growth by competing for resources, their suppressive effect undercontrasting levels of soil resource availability remains poorly documented. A two field: yearexperiment was conducted to investigate the weed suppressive effect of four CC mixtures.They were composed of 2 or 8 species including or not legume species and compared to abare soil control. The experiment included two levels of irrigation and nitrogen fertilisation atCC sowing. The objectives were to assess (i) weed and CC aboveground biomass response toCC mixtures and resource availability, (ii) the weed suppressive effec…
Investigating the relationship between spiritual transcendence, personal religiosity, and mental health in Roman Catholic clergy and nuns.
Structure and biodiversity of a Maltese maerl bed : new insight into the associated assemblage 24 years after the first investigation
Maerl beds are biogenic benthic habitats distributed worldwide and known to sustain high productivity and biodiversity levels. In the Mediterranean, the number of studies that have been carried out is limited, and little is known on its real distribution, mostly due to the difficulties of exploring such habitats — Due to the high transparency of Mediterranean waters, maerl can be found at depths of over 50 m making mandatory the use of benthic grabs and ROVs. The last published data from Maltese waters were taken two decades ago. In this present study, we provide new insights on this poorly known habitat, in particular regarding the north western bank, designated as a NATURA 2000 protected …
Separation of palladium and silver from E-waste leachate : effect of nitric acid concentration on adsorption to Thiol scavenger
The development of recovery techniques for metals present in low concentrations in E-waste, such as silver and palladium, is important from the aspect of the circular economy. Adsorption of palladium and silver was studied in detail in a batch process with silica-based Thiol scavenger from nitric acid leachate of waste printed circuit boards (PCBs). High adsorption efficiencies of Pd(II) and Ag(I), >97%, were reached in nitric acid concentrations below 3 mol L−1. At higher acid concentrations, adsorption efficiency of Ag(I) decreased drastically which enables the separation of Ag(I) and Pd(II) based on nitric acid concentration in sample solution. Pd(II) and Ag(I) followed pseudo 2nd order …
Development of stimulus-sensitive electrospun membranes based on novel biodegradable segmented polyurethane as triggered delivery system for doxorubi…
In this work, redox-sensitive polyurethane urea (PUU) based electrospun membranes have been exploited to chemically tether a pH-sensitive doxorubicin derivative achieved by linking a lipoyl hydrazide to the drug via a hydrazone linkage. First, the lipoyl-hydrazone-doxorubicin derivative labelled as LA-Hy-Doxo has been syn- thesized and characterized. Then, the molecule has been tethered, via a thiol-disulfide exchange reaction, to the redox-sensitive PUU (PolyCEGS) electrospun membrane. The redox-sensitive PolyCEGS PUU has been produced by using PCL-PEG-PCL polyol and glutathione-tetramethyl ester (GSSG-OMe)4 as a chain extender. The LA-Hy- Doxo tethered electrospun membrane has showed a du…
La progettazione di interventi per il benessere individuale e di comunità
I progetti di intervento in ambito sociale e psicologico prevedono azioni volte a creare una rete non solo tra istituzioni e supporto informale, ma anche un'opportunità di cambiamento per i beneficiari. In tal senso, nel 2020, 6 giovani dei Servizi della Giustizia Minorile di Palermo hanno par-tecipato ad un progetto ottenendo un'opportunità di cambiamento attraverso la promozione del benessere, sia come individui sia come membri di una comunità. In generale, tali interventi consistono nel sostenere le categorie sociali e gli individui più vulnerabili. L'adozione dello sport acquatico è una metodologia valida, poiché si basa sulla condivisione di norme oltre che sulla responsabilità individ…
Recensione a BART HUELSENBECK, Figures in the Shadows. The Speech of Two Augustan-Age Declaimers, Arellius Fuscus and Papirius Fabianus, Berlin-Bosto…
Review of the volume that is configured as an essay on the declamatory phenomenon as a whole, but above all as a reading entirely internal to the first corpus of declamatory texts by Seneca il Vecchio that has come down to us
Multiple tools for antibiotics and AMR characterisation in aquatic ecosystems a 2-years monitoring study
International audience
Qunawi: the disciple son.
Abū al-Ma‘ālī Sadr al-Dīn Muhammad b. Ishāq al-Qūnawī was born in Konya in 605/1209 and died in 673/1274. The influence that Ibn al-‘Arabī exerted on Qūnawī was decisive and the shaykh al-akbar reserved this intense education and this particular training exclusively for him, perhaps precisely because the task of his spiritual heir and interpreter had already been “foreseen”. In this intervention we will trace one of the fundamental points of Qūnawī’s thought, relying on the first epistle of the correspondence that focuses precisely on the question of the relationship between philosophical knowledge and divine illumination, a question that is found throughout the work of our Sufi and that it…
The response of Brent crude oil to the European central bank monetary policy
Este artículo examina el impacto de las decisiones de política monetaria del Banco Central Europeo (BCE) sobre los precios del petróleo y la liquidez mediante un estudio de eventos con datos intradía. Analizamos el período de enero de 1999 a diciembre de 2020, que incluye la crisis financiera que comenzó en agosto de 2007. Nuestros resultados muestran una respuesta significativa de los rendimientos del petróleo solo durante la crisis financiera. Específicamente, encontramos que los rendimientos de los futuros de petróleo crudo Brent respondieron negativamente a variaciones inesperadas en la prima de riesgo italiana como medida de acciones de política monetaria no convencionales, y positivam…
Classification of healthy, Alzheimer and Parkinson populations with a multi-branch neural network
Signal processing, for delimitation of the target events and parametrization, is usually required when instrumented assessment is conducted to determine an individual’s functional status. However, these procedures may rule out relevant information obtained by sensors. To prevent this, the use of models based on neural networks that automatically extract relevant features from the raw signal may improve the characterization of the functional status. Thus, the aim of the study was to determine the classification accuracy of a multi-head convolutional layered neural network (CNN) using a simple functional mobility test in people with different conditions. The raw data from an inertial sensor e…
Automatic classification of acoustically detected krill aggregations: A case study from Southern Ocean
Acoustic surveys represent the standard methodology to assess the spatial distribution and abundance of pelagic organisms characterized by aggregative behaviour. The species identification of acoustically observed aggregations is usually performed by taking into account the biological sampling and according to expert-based knowledge. The precision of survey estimates, such as total abundance and spatial distribution, strongly depends on the efficiency of acoustic and biological sampling as well as on the species identification. In this context, the automatic identification of specific groups based on energetic and morphological features could improve the species identification process, allo…
Brain magnetic resonance imaging radiomics features associated with hepatic encephalopathy in adult cirrhotic patients.
Abstract Purpose Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a potential complication of cirrhosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may demonstrate hyperintense T1 signal in the globi pallidi. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of MRI-based radiomic features for diagnosing and grading chronic HE in adult patients affected by cirrhosis. Methods Adult patients with and without cirrhosis underwent brain MRI with identical imaging protocol on a 3T scanner. Patients without history of chronic liver disease were the control population. HE grading was based on underlying liver disease, severity of clinical manifestation, and number of encephalopathic episodes. Texture analysis was perfo…
Young People in the Social World of Physical Activities : Meanings and Barriers
Physical inactivity has become one of the leading risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and death worldwide. From the future perspective it is alarming that in the group of young people few meet the recommendations. In this respect, physical activity promotion in general and physical education have challenges and new approaches are needed. In this study, the theoretical framework is based on the physical activity relationship (PAR) approach and the barriers were grouped according to the ecological model. The aim of the study was firstly to present both the meanings and barriers of physical activity in a comprehensive Finnish population of 11–15 year old (n = 2728) and secondly t…
The impact of sea-level rise on baselines: a question of interpretation of the UNCLOS or evolution of customary law?
In the framework of the broader question of the adverse impact of sea-level rise on low-lying coastal and archipelagic States, the specific question of the effects on baselines has been receiving increasing attention in the international debate. The question is whether, once a State has determined its baselines by a legislative or administrative act, these lines are fixed and will not be altered by any subsequent physical change due to the SLR. In other words, could baselines be opposable to other States regardless of a substantial change in the configuration of the coasts? Or, on the contrary, are baselines ambulatory so that in case of inundation of coastal areas, the baselines will move …
miR-126-3p and miR-21-5p as Hallmarks of Bio-Positive Ageing; Correlation Analysis and Machine Learning Prediction in Young to Ultra-Centenarian Sici…
Human ageing can be characterized by a profile of circulating microRNAs (miRNAs), which are potentially predictors of biological age. They can be used as a biomarker of risk for age-related inflammatory outcomes, and senescent endothelial cells (ECs) have emerged as a possible source of circulating miRNAs. In this paper, a panel of four circulating miRNAs including miR-146a-5p, miR-126-3p, miR-21-5p, and miR-181a-5p, involved in several pathways related to inflammation, and ECs senescence that seem to be characteristic of the healthy ageing phenotype. The circulating levels of these miRNAs were determined in 78 healthy subjects aged between 22 to 111 years. Contextually, extracellular miR-1…
Chitosan Film Functionalized with Grape Seed Oil—Preliminary Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity
Although the fishing and wine industries undoubtedly contribute significantly to the economy, they also generate large waste streams with considerable repercussions on both economic and environmental levels. Scientific literature has shown products can be extracted from these streams which have properties of interest to the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industries. Antimicrobial activity is undoubtedly among the most interesting of these properties, and particularly useful in the production of food packaging to increase the shelf life of food products. In this study, film for food packaging was produced for the first time using chitosan extracted from the exoskeletons of red shrimp (Ar…
Correlating Rheological Properties of a Gellan Gum-Based Bioink: A Study of the Impact of Cell Density.
Here, for the production of a bioink-based gellan gum, an amino derivative of this polysaccharide was mixed with a mono-functionalized aldehyde polyethyleneglycol in order to improve viscoelastic macroscopic properties and the potential processability by means of bioprinting techniques as confirmed by the printing tests. The dynamic Schiff base linkage between amino and aldehyde groups temporally modulates the rheological properties and allows a reduction of the applied pressure during extrusion followed by the recovery of gellan gum strength. Rheological properties, often related to printing resolution, were extensively investigated confirming pseudoplastic behavior and thermotropic and io…
Valorization of Side Stream Products from Sea Cage Fattened Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus): Production and In Vitro Bioactivity Evaluation of Enriche…
The valorization of side streams from fishery and aquaculture value-chains is a valuable solution to address one of the challenges of the circular economy: turning wastes into profit. Side streams produced after filleting of sea cage fattened bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) were analyzed for proximate composition and fatty acid profile to evaluate the possibility of producing tuna oil (TO) as a valuable source of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and testing its bioactivity in vitro. Ethyl esters of total fatty acids (TFA), obtained from TO, were pre-enriched by urea complexation (PUFA-Ue) and then enriched by short path distillation (SPD) up to almost 85% of the PUFA fraction (PU…
Вплив рухової активності на щастя учнів у контексті позитивної та негативної мотивації
Background and Study Aim. This study investigated whether the physical activity and the type of motivation among students inactive in professional sport can enhance their life satisfaction.Material and Methods. An experimental study was conducted with the participation of 164 students (not athletes) aged 24,52±4. In the experimental groups participants engaged in physical activity which they performed at their leisure 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes for 6 weeks. Additionally, the students were motivated to be active in a positive way (focus on benefits), in a negative way (focus on avoiding losses) or were not motivated at all. The experiment was based on a mixed group plan - with t…
Obstetric-Neonatal Care during Birth and Postpartum in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Women Infected with SARS-CoV-2: A Retrospective Multicenter Study
Este artículo se encuentra disponible en la siguiente URL: Este artículo de investigación pertenece a la colección "COVID-19 Research". En este artículo de investigación también participan: Laura Andreu-Pejó, Cristina Martínez-Porcar, Carmen Rodríguez Gonzálvez, Patricia Torrent-Ramos, Nieves Asensio-Tomás, Yolanda Herraiz-Soler, Ramon Escuriet y Desirée Mena-Tudela. This study analyses the obstetric–neonatal outcomes of women in labour with symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19. A retrospective, multicenter, observational study was carried out between 1 March 2020 and 28 February 2021 in eight public hospitals in the Valencian community (Spain). The…
Methionine Cycle Rewiring by Targeting miR-873-5p Modulates Ammonia Metabolism to Protect the Liver from Acetaminophen
Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) development is commonly associated with acetaminophen (APAP) overdose, where glutathione scavenging leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and hepatocyte death. DILI is a severe disorder without effective late-stage treatment, since N-acetyl cysteine must be administered 8 h after overdose to be efficient. Ammonia homeostasis is altered during liver diseases and, during DILI, it is accompanied by decreased glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT) expression and S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) levels that suggest a reduced methionine cycle. Anti-miR-873-5p treatment prevents cell death in primary hepatocytes and the appearance of necrotic areas in liver from APAP-adminis…
Persistence in complex systems
Persistence is an important characteristic of many complex systems in nature, related to how long the system remains at a certain state before changing to a different one. The study of complex systems' persistence involves different definitions and uses different techniques, depending on whether short-term or long-term persistence is considered. In this paper we discuss the most important definitions, concepts, methods, literature and latest results on persistence in complex systems. Firstly, the most used definitions of persistence in short-term and long-term cases are presented. The most relevant methods to characterize persistence are then discussed in both cases. A complete literature r…