showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
The Finnish Version of the Affinity for Technology Interaction (ATI) Scale : Psychometric Properties and an Examination of Gender Differences
The pervasiveness of technical systems in our lives calls for a broad understanding of the interaction between humans and technology. Affinity for technology interaction (ATI) scale measures the tendency of a person to actively engage or to avoid interaction with technological systems, including both software and physical devices. This research presents a psychometric analysis of a Finnish version of the ATI scale. The data consisted of 796 responses of students in a Finnish university. The data were analyzed utilizing factor analysis and both nonparametric and parametric item response theory. The Finnish version of the ATI scale proved to be essentially unidimensional, showing high reliabi…
Effects of precipitation seasonality, vegetation cycle, and irrigation on enhanced weathering
Enhanced Weathering (EW) is a promising strategy for carbon sequestration, but several open questions remain regarding the actual rates of dissolution in conditions of natural hydroclimatic variability in comparison to laboratory experiments. In this context, models play a pivotal role, as they allow exploring and predicting EW dynamics under different environmental conditions. Here a comprehensive hydro-biogeochemical model has been applied to four cropland case studies (i.e., Sicily and the Padan plain in Italy and California and Iowa in the USA) characterized by different rainfall seasonality, vegetation (i.e., wheat for Sicily and California and corn for Padan plain and Iowa), and soil …
Impact or No Impact for Women With Mild Knee Osteoarthritis: A Bayesian Meta‐Analysis of Two Randomized Controlled Trials With Contrasting Interventi…
Objective We aim to predict the probability of a benefit from two contrasting exercise programs for a woman with a new diagnosis of mild knee osteoarthritis (OA). The short and long-term effects of aquatic resistance training (ART) and high-impact aerobic land training (HLT) compared with the control will be estimated. Methods Original data sets from two previously conducted randomised controlled trials (RCT) were combined and used in a Bayesian meta-analysis. Group differences in multiple response variables were estimated. Variables included cardiorespiratory fitness, dynamic maximum leg muscle power, maximal isometric knee extension and flexion force, pain, other symptoms and quality of l…
Incidence of mandibular osteoradionecrosis (MORN) after intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) versus 3D conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT): A systemat…
Background: Analyze the incidence of MORN after head and neck radiotherapy by two novel irradiation techniques. 3DCRT and IMRT and compare the success rates of distinct authors. Material and Methods: An electronic search in Pubmed (MEDLINE), Ovid. Google Scholar and Cochrane Library (Wiley). databases was conducted with the key words Radiotherapy, Conformal[Mesh] OR Radiotherapy. Intensity-Modulated[Mesh]) AND Osteoradionecrosis[Mesh] for all databases. The inclusion criteria randomized controlled trials (RCT), as well as prospective and retrospective cohort studies published in English; MORN patients treated with 3D-CRT y IMRT. Results: 27 articles were selected from 194 initially found. 1…
The Role of Acetyl-Carnitine and Rehabilitation in the Management of Patients with Post-COVID Syndrome: Case-Control Study
Post-COVID syndrome is characterized by the persistence of nonspecific disabling symptoms, even several months after the resolution of the infection, with clinical characteristics similar to fibromyalgia (FM) and a prevalence of 31%. We evaluated the effectiveness of physical exercise, in association with L-acetyl-carnitine (ALC) therapy, in patients with Post-COVID syndrome, on musculoskeletal pain, dyspnea, functional capacity, quality of life, and depression. We conducted an observational case-control study on patients with Post-COVID syndrome. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: a treatment group that received rehabilitation treatment in combination with ALC 500 mg thera…
Diversidad étnica en la televisión infantil: el caso de La Princesa Sofía
Miriam E. Aguasanta-Regalado – Universidad de Valencia - 0000-0003-2917-4111
HarrisZ$^+$: Harris Corner Selection for Next-Gen Image Matching Pipelines
Due to its role in many computer vision tasks, image matching has been subjected to an active investigation by researchers, which has lead to better and more discriminant feature descriptors and to more robust matching strategies, also thanks to the advent of the deep learning and the increased computational power of the modern hardware. Despite of these achievements, the keypoint extraction process at the base of the image matching pipeline has not seen equivalent progresses. This paper presents HarrisZ$^+$, an upgrade to the HarrisZ corner detector, optimized to synergically take advance of the recent improvements of the other steps of the image matching pipeline. HarrisZ$^+$ does not onl…
The use of Electronic Information Systems in social work : A scoping review of the empirical articles published between 2000 and 2019
Sähköisiä tietojärjestelmiä käytetään laajasti sosiaalityössä, mutta empiirisiä tutkimustuloksia niiden käytöstä ei ole vielä analysoitu ja levitetty. Tässä kartoittavassa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkasteltiin vuosien 2000–2019 julkaistun 36 tutkimusartikkelin tuloksia selvittäen, mitkä teemat korostuivat tutkimuksissa sekä millaisia tutkimusaukkoja oli tunnistettavissa. Analyysin perusteella tunnistettiin neljä pääteemaa: (1) tietojärjestelmien käytön vaikutukset sosiaalityöhön; (2) tekijät, joilla on vaikutusta tietojärjestelmien käytössä; (3) sosiaalityöntekijöiden toimintatavat tietojärjestelmien käytössä ja (4) tietojärjestelmien kehittäminen sosiaalityöntekijöiden kanssa. Tulosten mu…
Systematic implementation of higher order Whitney forms in methods based on discrete exterior calculus
AbstractWe present a systematic way to implement higher order Whitney forms in numerical methods based on discrete exterior calculus. Given a simplicial mesh, we first refine the mesh into smaller simplices which can be used to define higher order Whitney forms. Cochains on this refined mesh can then be interpolated using higher order Whitney forms. Hence, when the refined mesh is used with methods based on discrete exterior calculus, the solution can be expressed as a higher order Whitney form. We present algorithms for the three required steps: refining the mesh, solving the coefficients of the interpolant, and evaluating the interpolant at a given point. With our algorithms, the order of…
La formación científica y didáctica en el grado de Maestro en Educación Primaria y la presencia de la indagación según el profesorado
En este trabajo se analiza la formación científica y de didáctica de las ciencias experimentales que proponen los formadores de maestros y maestras de educación primaria, y si la metodología indagatoria está presente en dichas propuestas. Las respuestas de este profesorado en activo (n=77) del grado en Educación Primaria de veinte universidades españolas, recogidas mediante un cuestionario con cuatro preguntas abiertas, muestran, por un lado, que los contenidos científicos propuestos más frecuentes son los relacionados con los grandes bloques de la asignatura de Ciencias de la Naturaleza de Educación Primaria (Materia y Energía, Ser Humano y Salud y Seres Vivos). Por otro lado, entre los co…
Partial wave analysis of J/ψ→γη′η′
Hogar, distribución espacial, camas y familia en el siglo XV a partir de los inventarios de Valencia
En este artículo se aborda la compartimentación del espacio doméstico en el siglo XV, tomando como base 114 inventarios de bienes, conservados en los protocolos notariales del valenciano Jaume Vinader, con una cronología comprendida entre1416 y 1470. Además se ha tratado de relacionar la división interna de los hogares y la presencia de camas con el modelo familiar de la Valencia del siglo XV. Por ello, se ha profundizado en las salas existentes y la distribución de los miembros de la familia a lo largo de las mismas, entendiendo que algunos individuos, como los esclavos o los sirvientes, también podían convivir en el mismo edificio. En definitiva, se ha intentado mostrar la relación entre el…
Towards more learning-centred English-medium education: promoting the combination of backward design and community of practice in teacher training
Purpose Teaching in English-medium education (EME) requires mastery of content and ability to teach in a multilingual setting, but also pedagogical expertise and didactic agility. However, there is an apparent lack of proper training of EME teachers, who are typically experts of their field, but not necessarily equipped to design and implement EME. Moreover, there is still an evident gap with respect to understanding how EME teachers turn curricula into actual teaching and students’ learning. By addressing this gap, the present study provides recommendations for EME teacher training. Approach Finland, with its long EME traditions, was the present study’s context. Data saturation, i.e. adequ…
Perceived risk, illness perception and dispositional optimism related to COVID-19 among oncologic outpatients undergoing in-hospital treatments and h…
Objective This study aimed to explore risk estimations (perceived risk, dispositional optimism) related to COVID-19 perception and distress in oncologic outpatients undergoing active hospital treatments compared to the general population. Design and Main Outcome Measures Data were collected during the Italian lockdown on 150 oncologic outpatients and a sample of 150 healthy subjects. They completed a battery of questionnaires including the Perceived Risk scale, the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire, the Life Orientation Test- Revised and the Patient Health Questionnaire-4. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and a moderated mediation model were performed to test the study hyp…
Length-Weight Relationships of 52 Species from the South of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea)
The Length-Weight relationships (LWRs) of 52 species (14 never reported before) of fishes, crustaceans and cephalopods living on the shelf and upper slope off Southern Sicily are provided. Data were collected in the framework of the International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean (MEDITS) in the South of Sicily (Central Mediterranean), covering a time frame ranging from 2012 to 2019. Linear regressions were significant for all species (p < 0.05) with R2 values ranging from 0.86 to 0.99. The intercept (a) of LWRs ranged from 0.0003 to 0.4677, while the slope (b) ranged from 2.1281 to 3.306. The Welch t-test, used to evaluate differences between the obtained LWRs with those reported…
Co-designing a pedagogical framework and principles for a hybrid STEM learning environment design
AbstractThe importance of engaging and effective learning environments for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has been internationally recognised. However, no comprehensive pedagogical frameworks exist that support STEM learning environment design. In this study, a pedagogical framework and principles for STEM learning environment design were created based on participatory focus groups involving 10–18-year-old students, teachers, school directors, parents, university students and STEM professionals. Representatives of key stakeholder groups in Belarus, Finland, Germany, Greece and Spain (total n = 132) were invited to focus group discussions in which their wishes relate…
Analysis of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Knowledge of Cuban Teachers in Primary Schools and Preschools
Teachers’ knowledge of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) plays a key role in the successful inclusion of children with ASD in regular schools. The objective of this study was to analyze Cuban teachers’ knowledge of ASD of at inclusive primary schools and preschools and to compare it with the results obtained in previous studies carried out at an international level. To do this, a cross-sectional study was conducted with Cuban teachers from urban and rural areas throughout the country. The sample was selected using a non-probabilistic technique. In total, 131 primary school and preschool teachers participated. Data were collected by applying the Autism Knowledge Questionnaire (AKQ) …
Integrative Gene Expression and Metabolic Analysis Tool IgemRNA
ABSTRACTGenome scale metabolic modelling is widely used technique to research metabolism impacts on organism’s properties. Additional omics data integration enables a more precise genotype-phenotype analysis for biotechnology, medicine and life sciences. Transcriptome data amounts rapidly increase each year. Many transcriptome analysis tools with integrated genome scale metabolic modelling are proposed. But these tools have own restrictions, compatibility issues and the necessity of previous experience and advanced user skills. We have analysed and classified published tools, summarized possible transcriptome pre-processing, and analysis methods and implemented them in the new transcriptome…
Frame-related Sequences in Chains and Scales of Hilbert Spaces
Frames for Hilbert spaces are interesting for mathematicians but also important for applications in, e.g., signal analysis and physics. In both mathematics and physics, it is natural to consider a full scale of spaces, and not only a single one. In this paper, we study how certain frame-related properties of a certain sequence in one of the spaces, such as completeness or the property of being a (semi-) frame, propagate to the other ones in a scale of Hilbert spaces. We link that to the properties of the respective frame-related operators, such as analysis or synthesis. We start with a detailed survey of the theory of Hilbert chains. Using a canonical isomorphism, the properties of frame se…
Observation of the $Y(4230)$ and a new structure in $e^+ e^- \rightarrow K^+ K^- J/\Psi^*$
Chinese physics / C 46(11), 111002 (2022). doi:10.1088/1674-1137/ac945c
Hybrid prediction-optimization approaches for maximizing parts density in SLM of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy
AbstractIt is well known that the processing parameters of selective laser melting (SLM) highly influence mechanical and physical properties of the manufactured parts. Also, the energy density is insufficient to detect the process window for producing full dense components. In fact, parts produced with the same energy density but different combinations of parameters may present different properties even under the microstructural viewpoint. In this context, the need to assess the influence of the process parameters and to select the best parameters set able to optimize the final properties of SLM parts has been capturing the attention of both academics and practitioners. In this paper differ…
Visible organisational boundaries and the invisible boundaries of the scholarly profession
The role of universities in knowledge production has changed. Although most higher learning still takes place in universities, knowledge is increasingly produced in collaborative networks comprising partners from different sectors (Välimaa, J., V. Papatsiba, and D. M. Hoffman. 2016. “Higher Education in Networked Knowledge Societies.” In Re-becoming Universities, The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective. Vol. 15, edited by D. M. Hoffman and J. Välimaa, 13–39. Dordrecht: Springer). In addition, the focus of universities’ personnel policies has shifted from supporting professional inclusion and exclusion towards supporting the national d…
Machine learning techniques to estimate the degree of binder activity of reclaimed asphalt pavement
Part of this research was funded by the project RTI2018-096224-J-I00 that has been cofounded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, inside the National Program for Fostering Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research, National Subprogram of Knowledge Generation, 2018 call, in the framework of the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020, and by the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund, with the main objective of Promoting technological development, innovation and quality research. Part of this work was financially supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research with the research Grant PRIN 20…
Effect of dental headlights spectrum on the polymerization and working time of light-cured resin composites
The use of dental headlights is a common practice to better illuminate the operatory field and achieve excellence in restorative dentistry. However, visible light-cured dental materials can have reduced working time under headlight illumination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the spectral irradiance power of two dental headlights on the degree of polymerization and working time of light-curable dental composites.Two headlights, StarLight Nano 3 (StarMed) (SN) and Zeon Endevour XL (Orascoptic) (ZE) were characterized using a spectrophotometer coupled to an integrating sphere (MARC® Light Collector, BlueLight Analytics). The degree of conversion of the two composites, …
Combining workload balance and patient priority maximisation in operating room planning through hierarchical multi-objective optimisation
Abstract Previous analysis suggested the opportunity to consider the preferences of different stakeholders (hospital, patients, doctors and nurses) through the adoption of both patient priority maximisation and workload balance as performance criteria. The aim of this paper is to develop an effective and efficient solution approach for the operating room planning and scheduling capable to take into account the patient priority maximisation and workload balance criteria at the same time. This work is inspired by the need of a deeper understanding of the quality of the solutions obtained when a combination of the two criteria leads the OR planning decisions. Starting from a hierarchical multi…
The Role of Surface Acting in the Relationship between Job Stressors, General Health and Need for Recovery Based on the Frequency of Interactions at …
The aim of the study was to verify whether the frequency of face-to-face interactions with the public at work can reveal differences in how people react to emotional regulation demands. In particular, we investigated the mediating role of surface acting (a strategy of dealing with emotional dissonance) in the relationship between two typical job stressors (workload and mental load) and two outcomes closely related to work-related well-being: employees’ general health and the need for recovery. Prior studies investigating the detrimental effects of emotional dissonance mostly focused on service workers. However, in light of a survey conducted by the European Agency for Safety and Health at W…
Recent advances in methods, policies and technologies at sustainable energy systems development
Following the 2015 Paris Agreement and other agreements which have been signed after, sustainable energy development is becoming the major goal in many countries. EU have set the targets to reduce the annual greenhouse gas emission by 40% in 2030 and 80% for 2050 compared with 1990 levels. For achieving this ambitious energy policy, three major technological changes are available: energy savings on the demand side, efficiency improvements in the energy production, and replacement of fossil fuels by various sources of renewable energy. Also, for realization cited three major technological changes the support of the multi-disciplinary scientific knowledge is needed. Therefore, from the beginn…
A New Comorbidity in Periodontitis: Fusobacterium nucleatum and Colorectal Cancer
There is very recent and strong evidence relating Fusobacterium nucleatum to colorectal cancer. In this narrative review, we update the knowledge about gingival dysbiosis and the characteristics of Fusobacterium nucleatum as one of the main bacteria related to periodontitis. We provide data on microbiome, epidemiology, risk factors, prognosis, and treatment of colorectal cancer, one of the most frequent tumours diagnosed and whose incidence increases every year. We describe, from its recent origin, the relationship between this bacterium and this type of cancer and the knowledge and emerging mechanisms that scientific evidence reveals in an updated way. A diagram provided synthesizes the pa…
Rheto-Romance Studies: Language and Linguistics
This article resumes and critically discusses the literature published on Rhaeto-Romance (Romansh in Switzerland, Ladin and Friulian in Northern Italy) in 2019.
Built Environment and Wellbeing—Standards, Multi-Criteria Evaluation Methods, Certifications
The debate on IEQ (Indoor Environmental Quality), with a focus on the healthiness of the built environment and its possible influence on the natural environment, has been a relevant topic for a decade. This interest has expanded to the quality of building technologies, specifically their performances and environmental effects. The objectives set by the 2030 Agenda have led to overcome the idea that sustainability is only related to environment; instead, a holistic vision aimed at human health has been affirmed (objective 3). The period marked by the Covid19 emergency contributed to strengthen the need for human well-being, as the “quarantine” made us observe our living spaces, r…
A Digital Twin predictive maintenance framework of air handling units based on automatic fault detection and diagnostics
The building industry consumes the most energy globally, making it a priority in energy efficiency initiatives. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems create the heart of buildings. Stable air handling unit (AHU) functioning is vital to ensuring high efficiency and extending the life of HVAC systems. This research proposes a Digital Twin predictive maintenance framework of AHU to overcome the limitations of facility maintenance management (FMM) systems now in use in buildings. Digital Twin technology, which is still at an initial stage in the facility management industry, use Building Information Modeling (BIM), Internet of things (IoT) and semantic technologies to create…
COVID-19 Pandemic: New Prevention and Protection Measures
As of the end of February 2021, more than 420,000,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported worldwide, with 5,856,224 deaths. Transmission of the different genetically engineered variants of SARS-CoV-2, which have been isolated since the beginning of the pandemic, occurs from one infected person to another by the same means: the airborne route, indirect contact, and occasionally the fecal–oral route. Infection is asymptomatic or may present with flulike symptoms such as fever, cough, and mild to moderate and severe respiratory distress, requiring hospitalization and assisted ventilation support. To control the spread of COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for …
The Length of Leukocyte and Femoral Artery Telomeres in Patients with Peripheral Atherosclerosis.
The length of telomeres (TLs) that protect chromosome ends may reflect the age of cells as well as the degree of genetic material damage caused by external factors. Since leukocyte telomere length is associated with cardiovascular diseases, the aim of this study was to evaluate whether leukocyte TL reflects femoral artery wall telomeres of patients with atherosclerosis and lower limb ischemia. Samples of femoral artery wall and blood were collected from 32 patients qualified to surgical revascularization. The analysis included blood and artery wall telomere length measurement and biochemical parameters. The study indicated that there was a moderate correlation between artery wall TL and leu…
Coronary Artery Disease in South Asian Patients: Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Pathogenesis and Treatments.
In the last decades a significant increase of the migratory phenomenon from South Asian countries to the Western World has occurred for social, economic and geopolitical reasons. The aim of this review is to describe cardiovascular risk factors, pathogenesis and treatments of coronary artery disease in South Asian patients. It is well established that South Asian populations have a higher prevalence of coronary artery disease and premature onset of myocardial infarction episodes than other populations. This higher predisposition might be caused by genetic factors, common in both South Asian patients residing in their birth country and in those residing abroad, but it may also be due to the …
Moral Disengagement in Youth Athletes: A Narrative Review
The sports environment can be considered as a context characterized by interactions typical of social groups, where children have the chance to learn good values. Positive and negative behaviours in sports, also called prosocial and antisocial behaviours, have been studied according to a moral perspective, as has doping behaviour, taking into consideration the concept of moral disengagement. Moral disengagement in children has been associated with maladaptive behaviours later in life, even though it should disappear with growth. Concerning the sports environment, previous reviews on the topic have extensively illustrated the role of moral variables in sport and their relation to antisocial …
Adjuvant Imatinib in Patients with GIST Harboring Exon 9 KIT Mutations : Results from a Multi-institutional European Retrospective Study
[Purpose] The effect of high-dose imatinib (800 mg/day) on survival in the adjuvant treatment of patients with resected KIT exon 9–mutated gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) is not established. Here, the association of dose and other clinicopathologic variables with survival was evaluated in a large multi-institutional European cohort.