showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Health system reforms and the needs of the ageing population : an analysis of recent policy paths and reform trends in Finland and Sweden
AbstractPopulation ageing with an increasing number of people experiencing complex health and social care needs challenges health systems. We explore whether andhow health system reforms and policy measures adopted during the past two decades in Finland and Sweden reflect and address the needs of the older people. We discuss health system characteristics that are important to meet the care needs of older people and analyse how health policy agendas have highlighted these aspects in Finland and Sweden. The analysis is based on “most similar cases”. The two countries have rather similar health systems and are facing similar challenges. However, the policy paths to address these challenges are…
Responsibilities for just transition to low-carbon societies : a role-based framework
Low-carbon transitions in industrialised societies will have significant social, economic and environmental impacts, raising concerns of justice. Calls for urgent transitions evoke a question about the roles of different actors in advancing transitions and ensuring they are just. While the responsibilities for emission mitigation have been long discussed, responsibilities for making a just transition have not. The question about responsibilities is particularly pressing because of the diverse constellation of actors involved in climate action, including diverse forms of non-state actors from city-level and business alliances to grassroots activists. We examine the responsibilities of state …
Assessing Seagrass Restoration Actions through a Micro-Bathymetry Survey Approach (Italy, Mediterranean Sea)
Underwater photogrammetry provides a means of generating high-resolution products such as dense point clouds, 3D models, and orthomosaics with centimetric scale resolutions. Underwater photogrammetric models can be used to monitor the growth and expansion of benthic communities, including the assessment of the conservation status of seagrass beds and their change over time (time lapse micro-bathymetry) with OBIA classifications (Object-Based Image Analysis). However, one of the most complex aspects of underwater photogrammetry is the accuracy of the 3D models for both the horizontal and vertical components used to estimate the surfaces and volumes of biomass. In this study, a photogrammetry…
A Digital Twin predictive maintenance framework of air handling units based on automatic fault detection and diagnostics
The building industry consumes the most energy globally, making it a priority in energy efficiency initiatives. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems create the heart of buildings. Stable air handling unit (AHU) functioning is vital to ensuring high efficiency and extending the life of HVAC systems. This research proposes a Digital Twin predictive maintenance framework of AHU to overcome the limitations of facility maintenance management (FMM) systems now in use in buildings. Digital Twin technology, which is still at an initial stage in the facility management industry, use Building Information Modeling (BIM), Internet of things (IoT) and semantic technologies to create…
Occupational dermatosis is defined as a skin pathology expressed as a result of factors mainly associated with the work environment. Given the considerable heterogeneity of skin pathologies that are possible in the work environment, it was decided not to use the term dermatitis but dermatosis, which is generic but more appropriate for such pathological conditions. Many occupational activities can lead to skin diseases, especially when the exposure is very intense, such as the construction industry, the metal industry, the chemical industry, etc. In many developed countries, including the countries of the European Union, occupational skin diseases are the second most common occupational dise…
A Lite Romanian BERT: ALR-BERT
Large-scale pre-trained language representation and its promising performance in various downstream applications have become an area of interest in the field of natural language processing (NLP). There has been huge interest in further increasing the model’s size in order to outperform the best previously obtained performances. However, at some point, increasing the model’s parameters may lead to reaching its saturation point due to the limited capacity of GPU/TPU. In addition to this, such models are mostly available in English or a shared multilingual structure. Hence, in this paper, we propose a lite BERT trained on a large corpus solely in the Romanian language, which we cal…
Outcome of Direct Pulp Capping in Teeth Diagnosed as Irreversible Pulpitis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
This review and meta-analysis investigates the outcome of direct pulp capping in teeth diagnosed as irreversible pulpitis.This systematic review includes experimental and descriptive clinical studies according to the PRISMA criteria, using PubMed and Scopus as database. We have included studies that performed direct pulp capping on human permanent teeth previously diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis and that carried out a subsequent follow-up. The outcome of interest was the clinical success of direct pulp capping.A total of four studies met the inclusion criteria for this review, however only three of these could be included in the meta-analysis. These three studies represent a total samp…
Development of a Simulator for Prototyping Reinforcement Learning-Based Autonomous Cars
Autonomous driving is a research field that has received attention in recent years, with increasing applications of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. It is impractical to train an autonomous vehicle thoroughly in the physical space, i.e., the so-called ’real world’; therefore, simulators are used in almost all training of autonomous driving algorithms. There are numerous autonomous driving simulators, very few of which are specifically targeted at RL. RL-based cars are challenging due to the variety of reward functions available. There is a lack of simulators addressing many central RL research tasks within autonomous driving, such as scene understanding, localization and mapping, pla…
MUTYH-associated tumor syndrome: The other face of MAP
MUTYH gene is involved in the base excision repair (BER) mechanism and its pathogenic alterations are associated with colorectal polyposis and cancer. MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP) is a condition which is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. MAP patients, beyond colorectal cancer (CRC), may develop other types of tumors, including duodenal, breast, ovarian, pancreatic, bladder and skin cancers. Carriers of biallelic MUTYH likely pathogenic/pathogenic variants exhibit a high lifetime risk of CRC, though cancer risk evidence becomes less clear when monoallelic carriers and extraintestinal tumors are considered. However, several studies recently reported an increased genetic suscepti…
Poison frog social behaviour under global change: potential impacts and future challenges
AbstractThe current and cascading effects of global change challenges the interactions both between animal individuals (i.e. social and sexual behaviour) and the environment they inhabit. Amphibians are an ecologically diverse class with a wide range of social and sexual behaviours, making them a compelling model to understand the potential adaptations of animals faced with the effects of human-induced rapid environmental changes (HIREC). Poison frogs (Dendrobatoidea) are a particularly interesting system, as they display diverse social behaviours that are shaped by conspecific and environmental interactions, thus offering a tractable system to investigate how closely related species may re…
From stress to resistance: Challenging the capitalist underpinnings of mental unhealth in work and organizations
The worldwide spread of work-related mental unhealth suggests that this is amajor problem affecting organizations and employees on a global scale. In thispaper, we therefore provide a thematic review of the literatures that address thisissue in management and organization studies (MOS) and related fields. Whilethese literatures examine how employee mental health is affected by organiza-tional and occupational structures and managed by organizations and employ-ees, they have paid relatively little attention to the capitalist labour relationswhich underpin the unhealthy conditions of contemporary working life. Theyhave paid even less attention to how these conditions may be resisted. To helpf…
A Spotlight on the Role of Radiomics and Machine-Learning Applications in the Management of Intracranial Meningiomas: A New Perspective in Neuro-Onco…
Background: In recent decades, the application of machine learning technologies to medical imaging has opened up new perspectives in neuro-oncology, in the so-called radiomics field. Radiomics offer new insight into glioma, aiding in clinical decision-making and patients’ prognosis evaluation. Although meningiomas represent the most common primary CNS tumor and the majority of them are benign and slow-growing tumors, a minor part of them show a more aggressive behavior with an increased proliferation rate and a tendency to recur. Therefore, their treatment may represent a challenge. Methods: According to PRISMA guidelines, a systematic literature review was performed. We included selected a…
Pala Ukrainasta – väkisin, mutta suostutellen
Tämä artikkeli käsittelee vuoden 2014 Krimin valtauksen läpivientiä painopisteenään Venäjän hallinnon tuottaman oikeutuksen tarkastelu. Päättäjien julkilausumista ja valtionmedian representaatiosta koostuvaa venäjänkielistä aineistoa analysoidaan tapahtumaketjuun suhteuttaen diskursiivis-retorisen geopolitiikan luennalla, mikä valottaa oikeutuskampanjan reaktiivista toteutusmuotoa ja kohdeyleisöihin vedonneen suostuttelun perustaa. Kreml sai johdettua Ukrainan sisäisestä konfliktista ensin juridisuuteen ja turvallisuuteen vetoavat interventiodiskurssit, joilla vakuutteli kotiyleisöä ja krimiläisiä maanmiehiä puolelleen osin jo ennen Krimin miehitystä, ja täydensi oikeutussisältöä niemimaan …
The Effect of Periodontal Treatment on the Reactive Hyperemia Index. A 1-Year Follow-Up Pilot Study
BackgroundPeriodontitis is a chronic multifactorial inflammatory disease of the supportive tissues of the teeth. In more recent years, remarkable epidemiological and pathophysiological associations between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) have been presented. Whether or not treatment of periodontitis is valuable for primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, has not yet been fully established. In this practice-based pilot study we focused on primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, by investigating the effect of periodontal treatment on the earliest detectable stage of CVD; endothelial dysfunction.MethodsOtherwise healthy periodontitis and non-periodontiti…
Il saggio esamina i limiti all'utilizzo dei social network del lavoratore nel contesto della re-lazione di lavoro e nella vita privata. Nella prima parte ci si sofferma sulla questione del monitoraggio tecnologico dei dipendenti, alla luce della disciplina in tema di privacy e con-trollo a distanza dei lavoratori. Nella seconda parte l'attenzione è concentrata sulle condot-te extra lavorative e sulla loro possibile incidenza sulla relazione lavorativa. Filo condutto-re dell'analisi è la verifica degli spazi di tutela dei diritti della personalità, alla luce dell'ap-plicazione giurisprudenziale più recente. The current work examines the boundaries to the use of social networks by workers wit…
Will COVID-19 Have Long-Lasting Effects on Inequality? Evidence from Past Pandemics
This paper provides evidence on the impact of major epidemics from the past two decades on income distribution. The pandemics in our sample, even though much smaller in scale than COVID-19, have led to increases in the Gini coefficient, raised the income share of higher-income deciles, and lowered the employment-to-population ratio for those with basic education compared to those with higher education. We provide some evidence that the distributional consequences from the current pandemic may be larger than those flowing from the historical pandemics in our sample, and larger than those following typical recessions and financial crises.The online version contains supplementary material avai…
What Do School Children Know about Climate Change? A Social Sciences Approach
One of the subject areas that is currently most prominent in the field of education (Social Science) is climate change, given its implications for raising awareness and training the present and future society. The objectives of this study, focused on school children (Primary Education—10 to 12 years old; third cycle, Secondary Education—12–16 years old; and pre-university, Baccalaureate—17–18 years old) in the Region of Valencia (Spain), are to analyse the following: the main information channels through which children receive information on climate change; the causes and consequences that they identify with respect to this phenomenon; and the main greenhouse g…
A Numerical Approach to Study Shell-Side Fluid Flow in Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers
Abstract The detailed CFD simulation of the shell-side flow inside shell-and-tube heat exchangers results prohibitive for large-size components, due to the large number of tubes, together with the multi-scale nature of the flow features. To overcome this issue, the porous media approach can be adopted, substituting the tube bundle with a porous domain, where a suitable momentum sink term in the Navier-Stokes equation is provided. In this paper, a novel numerical approach to estimate the crossflow shell-side pressure drop is presented: a complete characterization of the tube bundle was performed by running 2D-CFD steady-state isothermal analyses, collecting pressure gradient magnitudes and d…
Assessment of microalgae species, biomass, and distribution from spectral images using a convolution neural network
AbstractEffective monitoring of microalgae growth is crucial for environmental observation, while the applications of this monitoring could also be expanded to commercial and research-focused microalgae cultivation. Currently, the distinctive optical properties of different microalgae groups are targeted for monitoring. Since different microalgae can grow together, their spectral signals are mixed with ambient properties, making estimations of species biomasses a challenging task. In this study, we cultured five different microalgae and monitored their growth with a mobile spectral imager in three separate experiments. We trained and validated a one-dimensional convolution neural network by…
« “Casamento não é brincadeira” : Jeux d’enfants, parodies de mariage et parodies de contes de fées dans Les Malices de Petit Nez de Monteiro Lobato,…
Dans le monde magique crée dès les années 1920 par Monteiro Lobato au Brésil, les enfants jouissent d’une grande liberté de mouvement, d’expression et de contestation dans une ferme gérée uniquement par des femmes, si bien que cette lecture a souvent été perçue comme immorale, nocive, voire communiste. C’est surtout le personnage de la poupée de chiffon Emilia qui incarne la transgression des normes de comportement conservatrices imposées aux enfants sages et aux bonnes épouses. Le volume Reinações de Narizinho (Les malices de Petit Nez) met en scène deux unions : celle de l’héroïne éponyme et petite fille modèle avec le Prince Dézécailles du Royaume des Eaux Claires ; et celle d’Emilia ave…
Is Active Moss Biomonitoring Comparable to Air Filter Standard Sampling?
Recently, significant attention has been paid to air quality awareness and its impact on human health, especially in urban agglomerations. Many types of dust samplers for air quality monitoring are used by governmental environmental monitoring agencies. However, these techniques are associated with high costs; as a consequence, biological methods such as active moss biomonitoring are being developed. The main disadvantages of such techniques are the lack of standardization of the preparation procedures and the lack of reliable comparisons of results with data from instrumental analyses. Our study aimed to compare the results obtained from active biomonitoring with the use of three moss spec…
Impact of Conservation Policies on Households’ Deforestation Decisions in Protected and Open-Access Forests: Cases of Moribane Forest Reserve and Ser…
Tropical deforestation is considered a global priority due to its environmental, social, and economic impacts at international, national, and household levels. Conservation policies constitute one of the pathways to reverse this scenario. This paper examines the influence of forest protection measures on local communities’ livelihood decisions regarding forest clearing. It compares deforestation, access to forest resources, and households’ strategies in protected and open-access forests: the Moribane Forest Reserve (MFR) and Serra Chôa (SCH), two environmentally sensitive areas with different conservation statuses in Manica Province, central Mozambique. Socioeconomic data were collected fro…
Fungal Community Development in Decomposing Fine Deadwood Is Largely Affected by Microclimate
Fine woody debris (FWD) represents the majority of the deadwood stock in managed forests and serves as an important biodiversity hotspot and refuge for many organisms, including deadwood fungi. Wood decomposition in forests, representing an important input of nutrients into forest soils, is mainly driven by fungal communities that undergo continuous changes during deadwood decomposition. However, while the assembly processes of fungal communities in long-lasting coarse woody debris have been repeatedly explored, similar information for the more ephemeral habitat of fine deadwood is missing. Here, we followed the fate of FWD of Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba in a Central European forest to d…
On the modelling of tritium transport phenomena at fluid-structure interfaces
Abstract One of the main functions of the DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) system is to ensure the tritium breeding inside the reactor. Tritium is a beta emitter radioactive isotope, subjected to several processes that determine its permeation across materials and its leakage towards the environment, posing potential safety issues in terms of radiological hazard. Thus, the evaluation of tritium inventories inside components and tritium losses towards the environment plays a key role in the fulfilment of the pertinent BB safety requirements. In this regard, a research activity has been carried out, in close cooperation between the University of Palermo and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, fo…
Cold Leg LBLOCA uncertainty analysis using TRACE/DAKOTA coupling
Abstract Safety analyses for nuclear power plants were carried out in the past using a conservative approach. With the increase of the phenomenological knowledge, through experimental data, and computational power, it became possible to adopt best estimate thermal- hydraulic system codes to perform deterministic safety analyses. However, some uncertainties are still present in the models, correlations, initial and boundary conditions, etc. Therefore, it is fundamental to quantify the uncertainty of calculation. This approach is called “Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty” (BEPU). Among the available uncertainty analysis methodologies, the probabilistic method to propagate input uncertainty is wi…
Joint Attention and Its Relationship with Autism Risk Markers at 18 Months of Age
(1) Joint attention is the ability to coordinate attention to share a point of reference with another person. It has an early onset and is a clear indicator of understanding the representations of others, and it is essential in the development of symbolic thought and the acquisition of language. Deficiencies in this prelinguistic early communication skill are strong markers of the risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD); (2) this longitudinal study aimed to evaluate joint attention skills in a group of 32 infants at two developmental moments (8 and 12 months) in order to explore whether their performance on this skill was related to the presence of early signs of ASD at 18 months. Logistic m…
Microscopic Insights Into the Formation of Methanesulfonic Acid–Methylamine–Ammonia Particles Under Acid-Rich Conditions
Understanding the microscopic mechanisms of new particle formation under acid-rich conditions is of significance in atmospheric science. Using quantum chemistry calculations, we investigated the microscopic formation mechanism of methanesulfonic acid (MSA)–methylamine (MA)–ammonia (NH3) clusters. We focused on the binary (MSA)2n-(MA)n and ternary (MSA)3n-(MA)n-(NH3)n, (n = 1–4) systems which contain more acid than base molecules. We found that the lowest-energy isomers in each system possess considerable thermodynamic and dynamic stabilities. In studied cluster structures, all bases are protonated, and they form stable ion pairs with MSA, which contribute to the charge transfer and the stab…
World Hypertension Day 2021 in Italy: Results of a Nationwide Survey
Introduction: Hypertension is the biggest contributor to the global burden of cardiovascular diseases and related death, but the rates of hypertension awareness, treatment, and control remain largely perfectible. Methods: During the XVII World Hypertension Day (May 17th, 2021), a nationwide cross-sectional opportunistic study endorsed by the Italian Society of Hypertension was conducted on volunteer adults ≥ 18 years to raise awareness of high blood pressure (BP). A questionnaire on major demographic/clinical features (sex, age, employment, education, BP status awareness, hypertension family/personal history, antihypertensive medications use) and BP measurement habits (≥1 BP measurement in …
Reduced-dose of doublet chemotherapy combined with anti-EGFR antibodies in vulnerable older patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: Data from the…
Abstract Objectives To assess the toxicity patterns and effectiveness of doublet chemotherapy when administered at reduced doses of 20% (FOLFOX or FOLFIRI) in combination with anti-EGFR antibodies (cetuximab or panitumumab) in old, vulnerable patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Patients and methods We performed a retrospective observational study of RAS and BRAF wild-type, vulnerable patients aged ≥70 years with previously untreated mCRC. The primary endpoint was safety, and secondary endpoints were overall response rate (ORR), progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS). Results One hundred and eighteen patients were collected from 14 selected Italian centres.…
Intercultural integration in the university context of Cuba: psychosocial intervention program for its promotion
La subjetividad es un factor mediador de la producción y reproducción de la contradicción integración - exclusión en el contacto intercultural. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo proponer un programa de intervención psicosocial, para la promoción de la integración intercultural en la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, desde un enfoque histórico-cultural de las mediaciones por la subjetividad. La investigación se adscribió al modelo de investigación interventiva y a un enfoque cualitativo constructivo interpretativo. En este marco, se realizó una sistematización de experiencias y se propuso un programa de intervención psicosocial. El programa para la promoción de la integra…
Peripheral ossifying fibroma:a 20-year retrospective study with focus on clinical and morphological features
Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma (POF) is a reactive hyperplastic lesion that exclusively occurs in the gingiva and is characterized by the deposition of dystrophic calcification, cementum-like tissue, and immature and mature bone within the connective tissue. The objective of the present study was to perform a retrospective analysis of clinicopathologic features of POF. Clinical and histopathological data were obtained from biopsy records and histopathological reports from a Brazilian reference service in Oral Pathology (1999 - 2020). Morphological analysis was performed to evaluate features related to the mesenchymal component, inflammatory infiltrate, ulceration, and mineralized tissue. A to…
An Automata-Based Cardiac Electrophysiology Simulator to Assess Arrhythmia Inducibility
Personalized cardiac electrophysiology simulations have demonstrated great potential to study cardiac arrhythmias and help in therapy planning of radio-frequency ablation. Its application to analyze vulnerability to ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death in infarcted patients has been recently explored. However, the detailed multi-scale biophysical simulations used in these studies are very demanding in terms of memory and computational resources, which prevents their clinical translation. In this work, we present a fast phenomenological system based on cellular automata (CA) to simulate personalized cardiac electrophysiology. The system is trained on biophysical simulations to re…
Unveiling Neuromarketing and Its Research Methodology
Neuromarketing is the union of cognitive psychology, which studies mental processes, neurology and neurophysiology, which study the functioning and responses of the brain and body physiology to external stimuli, and marketing, which studies valuable exchanges, to explain marketing effects on customers’ and consumers’ behaviours and on buying and decision processes. It includes a set of research techniques that, by observing and evaluating how the brain and other body parts respond, avoids possible biases and provides truthful and objective information on consumer subconscious. The term “consumer neuroscience” covers academic approaches using techniques such as fMRI, Eye Tracking, or EED. Th…
O2 Loaded Germanosilicate Optical Fibers: Experimental In Situ Investigation and Ab Initio Simulation Study of GLPC Evolution under Irradiation
International audience; In this work we present a combined experimental and ab initio simulation investigation concerning the Germanium Lone Pair Center (GLPC), its interaction with molecular oxygen (O2), and evolution under irradiation. First, O2 loading has been applied here to Ge-doped optical fibers to reduce the concentration of GLPC point defects. Next, by means of cathodoluminescence in situ experiments, we found evidence that the 10 keV electron irradiation of the treated optical fibers induces the generation of GLPC centers, while in nonloaded optical fibers, the irradiation causes the bleaching of the pre-existing GLPC. Ab initio calculations were performed to investigate the reac…
Smooth sailing toward more peaceful societies? Long-run Nordic development paths
Publisher Copyright: © 2022 selection and editorial matter, Christopher Lloyd and Matti Hannikainen. In this chapter, the authors aim to compare the Nordic societies in a broad fashion in the last 200 years in their process of “sailing” (with the implication of rough waters along the way) from social fragmentation to more inclusive welfare societies. The authors’ main goal is to examine the coevolution of economic, political, and fiscal factors among the Nordic societies in the long run by making use of recent longitudinal data sets. In this way, they can map out some key patterns that characterized the shift toward more peaceful and well-functioning societies. First, the authors focus on t…
An Epidemiological Study to Investigate Links between Atmospheric Pollution from Farming and SARS-CoV-2 Mortality.
Exposure to atmospheric particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide has been linked to SARS-CoV-2 infection and death. We hypothesized that long-term exposure to farming-related air pollutants might predispose to an increased risk of COVID-19-related death. To test this hypothesis, we performed an ecological study of five Italian Regions (Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Sicily), linking all-cause mortality by province (administrative entities within regions) to data on atmospheric concentrations of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) and ammonia (NH3), which are mainly produced by agricultural activities. The study outcome was change in all-cause mortality during March–Apri…