showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Intracranial Venous Alteration in Patients With Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Protocol for the Prospective and Observational SAH Multicenter St…
BackgroundArterial vasospasm has been ascribed as the responsible etiology of delayed cerebral infarction in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH), but other neurovascular structures may be involved. We present the protocol for a multicenter, prospective, observational study focused on analyzing morphological changes in cerebral veins of patients with aSAH.Methods and AnalysisIn a retrospective arm, we will collect head arterial and venous CT angiograms (CTA) of 50 patients with aSAH and 50 matching healthy controls at days 0–2 and 7–10, comparing morphological venous changes. A multicenter prospective observational study will follow. Patients aged ≥18 years of any gender …
L’apiculture dans la plaine des Vosges, Synthèse de l’atelier participatif du 05 avril 2022 à Vittel
National audience; Ce document de synthèse présente les premiers résultats d’un atelier participatif conduit sur trois territoires du département des Vosges en avril 2022. Centrées sur la contribution de l’apiculture à la dynamique d’écologisation du territoire, ces tables rondes avaient pour objectif d’identifier les principaux enjeux de l’apiculture, les espaces propices et problématiques à l’apiculture ainsi que les initiatives favorables à l’activité apicole au sein de chacun de ces territoires. Ces échanges étant par ailleurs couplés à un exercice de spatialisation. Cet atelier participatif a notamment permis de révéler que l’apiculture et l’abeille sont des indicateurs de la qualité é…
Topological ranks reveal functional knowledge encoded in biological networks: a comparative analysis
Abstract Motivation Biological networks topology yields important insights into biological function, occurrence of diseases and drug design. In the last few years, different types of topological measures have been introduced and applied to infer the biological relevance of network components/interactions, according to their position within the network structure. Although comparisons of such measures have been previously proposed, to what extent the topology per se may lead to the extraction of novel biological knowledge has never been critically examined nor formalized in the literature. Results We present a comparative analysis of nine outstanding topological measures, based on compact vie…
The unnoticed northward expansion of Najas marina subsp. armata (Hydrocharitaceae) in the Mediterranean area: an effect of climate change?
Recent reports of Najas marina L. (Hydrocharitaceae) from Sicily have been interpreted as a confirmation of its presence on the island, where it was earlier mentioned in the 1800s. However the recent finds do not represent “N. marina” (currently N. major All.) but N. marina subsp. armata Horn (= N. delilei Rouy), a different taxon, previously not recorded from Sicily. According to those reports and several new finds presented here, it appears to be invading reservoirs and lakes in southern Sicily and seems to be naturally expanding its range. Climate change is suggested as possible cause of this shift. The same trend appears to be taking place across the whole N Mediterranean area, from Por…
Application of Inverse-Probability-of-Treatment Weighting to Estimate the Effect of Daytime Sleepiness in Obstructive sleep apnea patients
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), the first line therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), is considered effective in reducing daytime sleepiness. Its efficacy relies on adequate adherence, often defined as >4 hours per night. However, this binary threshold may limit our understanding of the causal effect of CPAP adherence and daytime sleepiness and multilevel approach for CPAP adherence can be more appropriate.
Pump It Up!—Strong Muscles Can Make You Healthier
We imagine that you want to be healthy; nobody likes to be ill because that often prevents us from doing the things we like to do. However, we often do not do everything in our power to keep ourselves healthy because modern life is designed to be comfortable. Consequently, we are moving and exercising less than ever, and even young people are suffering the effects of physical inactivity. In this article, we will explain why it is essential for you to move your body, to do so correctly, and to be physically active throughout your life. We will also dispel some myths about children and adolescents lifting weights. There are many things you can do in your daily life to be more physically activ…
Professional digital competence in initial teacher education: An examination of differences in two cohorts of pre-service teachers
A golden era for volcanic gas geochemistry?
The exsolution, rise, expansion, and separation of volatiles from magma provide the driving force behind both effusive and explosive volcanic eruptions. The field of volcanic gas geochemistry therefore plays a key role in understanding volcanism. In this article, we summarize the most important findings of the past few decades and how these shape today’s understanding of volcanic degassing. We argue that the recent advent of automated, continuous geochemical monitoring at volcanoes now allows us to track activity from unrest to eruption, thus providing valuable insights into the behavior of volatiles throughout the entire sequence. In the next 10 years, the volcanological community stands t…
Barns tilgang til erfaringer som er relevante for samfunnsfag
Praktiske erfaringer er en viktig kilde til sakkunnskap i samfunnsfag på småskoletrinnet. 97 prosent av elevene har 2–5 års barnehageerfaring når de begynner på skolen, og innholdet i barnehagehverdagen har betydning for skolestarternes erfaringsrikdom. Styringsdokumentene legger premisser for barns tilgang til slike erfaringer, og artikkelens problemstilling er: I hvilken grad legger planverket til rette for faglig progre-sjon mellom nærmiljø og samfunn i barnehagen og samfunnsfag på småskoletrinnet? Materialet er hentet fra Rammeplan for barnehagen (RP17) og Læreplan i samfunnsfag (LK20). For å sammenlikne så forskjellige plandokumenter har jeg utviklet et analyse-verktøy med utgangspunkt…
The current status of the majority of apomictic taxa, and therefore their priorities for conservation, are poorly known, and consequently, they are neglected by conservationists. In Sicily 8 species and 4 subspecies of Hieracium s. str. occurs. Eleven taxa are endemic to the area, one has a wider distribution. These taxa were not evaluated within the recent project “Red List assessment of plants and fungi in Italy” because collectively considered with insufficient and unreliable distribution data. The global conservation status of the endemic Hieracium s. str. taxa occurring in Sicily was assessed here using the IUCN categories and criteria, on the basis of the data collected during field s…
Tutkimusesittely : Pro gradu -tutkielma sanomalehtien supikoirakirjoituksista
YKES:in gradukilpailussa palkittu tutkielmani tarkastelee Suomessa ajoittain kiivastakin keskustelua herättäneen supikoiran merkitysten muotoutumista sanomalehtiteksteissä. nonPeerReviewed
Elimination of Vitamin D Signaling Causes Increased Mortality in a Model of Overactivation of the Insulin Receptor: Role of Lipid Metabolism
Vitamin D (VD) deficiency has been associated with cancer and diabetes. Insulin signaling through the insulin receptor (IR) stimulates cellular responses by activating the PI3K/AKT pathway. PTEN is a tumor suppressor and a negative regulator of the pathway. Its absence enhances insulin signaling leading to hypoglycemia, a dangerous complication found after insulin overdose. We analyzed the effect of VD signaling in a model of overactivation of the IR. We generated inducible double KO (DKO) mice for the VD receptor (VDR) and PTEN. DKO mice showed severe hypoglycemia, lower total cholesterol and increased mortality. No macroscopic tumors were detected. Analysis of the glucose metabolism did n…
Resting State EEG Directed Functional Connectivity Unveils Changes in Motor Network Organization in Subacute Stroke Patients After Rehabilitation
Brain plasticity and functional reorganization are mechanisms behind functional motor recovery of patients after an ischemic stroke. The study of resting-state motor network functional connectivity by means of EEG proved to be useful in investigating changes occurring in the information flow and find correlation with motor function recovery. In the literature, most studies applying EEG to post-stroke patients investigated the undirected functional connectivity of interacting brain regions. Quite recently, works started to investigate the directionality of the connections and many approaches or features have been proposed, each of them being more suitable to describe different aspects, e.g.,…
Air transport and tourism flows to islands: A panel analysis for southern European countries
Air transport is an essential component of the tourism industry, and the number, frequency, and capacity of flight connections may influence the level of tourism demand, especially for island destinations. This paper evaluates the influence of air transport on tourism arrivals to selected islands in seven southern European Union countries to determine the nature of the relationship between tourist arrivals and air transport, specifically, whether air transport services generate tourism demand or merely enable touristic flows. The paper uses panel data and applies an econometric model with justifications for endogeneity and dynamic issues. Results show a moderate impact of transport infrastr…
Propulsion Calculated by Force and Displacement of Center of Mass in Treadmill Cross-Country Skiing
This study evaluated two approaches for estimating the total propulsive force on a skier’s center of mass (COM) with double-poling (DP) and V2-skating (V2) skiing techniques. We also assessed the accuracy and the stability of each approach by changing the speed and the incline of the treadmill. A total of 10 cross-country skiers participated in this study. Force measurement bindings, pole force sensors, and an eight-camera Vicon system were used for data collection. The coefficient of multiple correlation (CMC) was calculated to evaluate the similarity between the force curves. Mean absolute force differences between the estimated values and the reference value were computed to evalua…
A Novel Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for a 2-DOF Elastic Robotic Arm
Collaborative robots (or cobots) are robots that are capable of safely operating in a shared environment or interacting with humans. In recent years, cobots have become increasingly common. Compliant actuators are critical in the design of cobots. In real applications, this type of actuation system may be able to reduce the amount of damage caused by an unanticipated collision. As a result, elastic joints are expected to outperform stiff joints in complex situations. In this work, the control of a 2-DOF robot arm with elastic actuators is addressed by proposing a two-loop adaptive controller. For the outer control loop, an adaptive sliding mode controller (ASMC) is adopted to deal with unce…
Lack of Functional Trehalase Activity in Candida parapsilosis Increases Susceptibility to Itraconazole
Central metabolic pathways may play a major role in the virulence of pathogenic fungi. Here, we have investigated the susceptibility of a Candida parapsilosis mutant deficient in trehalase activity (atc1Δ/ntc1Δ strain) to the azolic compounds Fluconazole and Itraconazole. A time-course exposure to Itraconazole but not Fluconazole induced a significant degree of cell-killing in mutant cells compared to the parental strain. Flow cytometry determinations indicated that Itraconazole was able to induce a marked production of endogenous ROS together with a simultaneous increase in membrane potential, these effects being irrelevant after Fluconazole addition. Furthermore, only …
Las organizaciones no gubernamentales de desarrollo en España. Una nueva radiografía sobre su perfil y tipología en el contexto del Tercer Sector
Las organizaciones no gubernamentales de desarrollo se han convertido en actores fundamentales de la coo peración internacional y han adquirido, a lo largo de los años, un papel destacado en la sociedad civil española. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar el perfil actual de las ONGD en nuestro país. Para ello, empleamos los da tos obtenidos a partir de una amplia encuesta realizada dentro de un proyecto de investigación financiado por la convocatoria Retos de la Sociedad en el año 2016. Los resultados de dicha encuesta nos han permitido construir una tipología que da cuenta de la diversidad del campo de las ONGD, a diferencia de otros estudios previos que mostraron un sector mucho más c…
Retirement as a predictor of physical functioning trajectories among older businessmen
Abstract Background Associations between retirement characteristics and consequent physical functioning (PF) are poorly understood, particularly in higher socioeconomic groups, where postponing retirement has had both positive and negative implications for PF. Methods Multiple assessments of PF, the first of which at the mean age of 73.3 years, were performed on 1709 men who were retired business executives and managers, using the RAND-36/SF-36 instrument, between 2000 and 2010. Questionnaire data on retirement age and type of pension was gathered in 2000. Five distinct PF trajectories were created using latent growth mixture modelling. Mortality- and covariate-adjusted multinomial regressi…
Developmental associations of accelerometer measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and sedentary time with cardiorespiratory fitness in scho…
Objectives This study examined the developmental associations of accelerometer-based moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary time (ST) with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in schoolchildren. Design A three-year follow-up study. Methods Participants were 446 (girls 57 %) Finnish children (M = 11.26 ± 0.32 years) from 17 randomly selected public schools in Finland. Accelerometer-based MVPA and ST were assessed using waist-worn activity monitors and CRF using the 20 m shuttle run test at four measurement points from 2017 to 2020. The developmental associations were tested using the Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model (RI-CLPM) reflecting MVPA, CRF, and ST overall leve…
On the critical behavior for time-fractional pseudo-parabolic type equations with combined nonlinearities
AbstractWe are concerned with the existence and nonexistence of global weak solutions for a certain class of time-fractional inhomogeneous pseudo-parabolic-type equations involving a nonlinearity of the form $|u|^{p}+\iota |\nabla u|^{q}$ | u | p + ι | ∇ u | q , where $p,q>1$ p , q > 1 , and $\iota \geq 0$ ι ≥ 0 is a constant. The cases $\iota =0$ ι = 0 and $\iota >0$ ι > 0 are discussed separately. For each case, the critical exponent in the Fujita sense is obtained. We point out two interesting phenomena. First, the obtained critical exponents are independent of the fractional orders of the time derivative. Secondly, in the case $\iota >0$ ι > 0 , we show that the gradie…
La presencia del nietzscheanismo en la biopolítica contemporánea
La filosofía de Nietzsche anticipó notablemente el umbral de la modernidad biológica al conceptualizar el alcance fisiológico de la moral, la política y la religión, así como su instrumentalización con fines de control social. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el estímulo que ha representado la filosofía de Nietzsche para algunos de los principales pensadores de la cuestión biopolítica, en concreto, Michel Foucault, Roberto Esposito y Peter Sloterdijk, y desvelar en qué medida sus núcleos conceptuales convergen y divergen. La aportación concreta reside en señalar algunos de los vínculos que articulan el tema de la disciplina y la cría (Zucht und Züchtung) con la configuración de la b…
Internet of Things for Sustainable Smart Education: An Overview
In the realm of fourth-generation industrialization, there will be great demand for a skilled workforceTo produce a skilled workforce, we need sustainable education with quality and equity. Conventional ways of delivering and managing education would not fulfil the demands of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). Disruptive technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), have great potential in revolutionizing the current educational setup. Therefore, this research work aims to present an overview of the capabilities of IoT applications in educational settings. Our research article digs into recent research carried out referring to IoT applications in education and provides a detailed ins…
El currículo del grado en derecho, los valores fundamentales del ordenamiento jurídico y la educación jurídica clínica: una reformulación de prospect…
En el presente texto se realiza una revisión crítica de la implementación del plan Bolonia en el estudio del Derecho y de cómo este supuso la mercantilización del currículum mediante la influencia de intereses privados en la determinación de los conocimientos y las habilidades a implementar. Esta tarea, que se realizó en detrimento del valor de la educación y del conocimiento como bienes comunes y estructurales en el desarrollo de la personalidad, implicó la incorporación de teorías como la del Capital Humano en la creación de los nuevos recorridos académicos, marginando asignaturas relativas a derechos humanos, filosofía o teoría del derecho, derecho antidiscriminatorio, deontología jurídi…
Revealing environmental synchronicity that enhances anchovy recruitment in the Mediterranean Sea.
AbstractSmall pelagic fishes in the Mediterranean Sea constitute about half of the total landings, of which almost one-third is European anchovy. Anchovy abundance mainly depends on early life stage and juvenile survival and growth, which are susceptible to shifts in environmental processes. Due to the commercial importance of this species, it is necessary to elucidate the processes affecting recruitment strength for effective fishery management, using environmental indices to set more appropriate harvesting limits. Here, we constructed a simple index to capture synchronicity between enrichment and retention/concentration processes, which are known to affect anchovy abundance, during the fi…
An Innovative Photovoltaic Luminescent Solar Concentrator Window: Energy and Environmental Aspects
Over the years, different types of smart windows have been tested and developed. In this study, an innovative prototype of a photovoltaic smart window, that integrates luminescent solar concentrators, was analysed. The device independently regulates the movement of the shading system and allows energy surplus, through the electricity generated by modules. Considering the peculiar structure (characterized by the presence of a light shelf) and the thermal characteristics of the device, the analyses focused on optical, thermal, and electrical performances, comparing them with those of a traditional window. The analysis followed an experimental approach that involved lighting and electrical mon…
Production of light (anti)nuclei in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV
The study of the production of nuclei and antinuclei in pp collisions has proven to be a powerful tool to investigate the formation mechanism of loosely bound states in high-energy hadronic collisions. In this paper, the production of protons, deuterons and 3He and their charge conjugates at midrapidity is studied as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity in inelastic pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV using the ALICE detector. Within the uncertainties, the yields of nuclei in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV are compatible with those in pp collisions at different energies and to those in p–Pb collisions when compared at similar multiplicities. The measurements are compared with the expe…
Tracking Ideal Varieties and Cropping Techniques for Agroecological Weed Management: A Simulation-Based Study on Pea.
Book of abstract p.110-111; International audience; Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is a key diversification crop but current varieties are not verycompetitive against weeds. The objective of this study was to identify, depending on the typeof cropping system and weed flora, (1) the key pea parameters that drive crop production,weed control and weed contribution to biodiversity, (2) optimal combinations of peaparameter values and crop-management techniques to maximise these goals. For this, virtualexperiments were run, using FLORSYS, a mechanistic simulation model (Colbach et al., 2021,Field Crops Res 261:108006). This individual-based 3D model simulates daily crop-weed seedand plant dynamics over t…
Hyper-flexible Convolutional Neural Networks based on Generalized Lehmer and Power Means
Convolutional Neural Network is one of the famous members of the deep learning family of neural network architectures, which is used for many purposes, including image classification. In spite of the wide adoption, such networks are known to be highly tuned to the training data (samples representing a particular problem), and they are poorly reusable to address new problems. One way to change this would be, in addition to trainable weights, to apply trainable parameters of the mathematical functions, which simulate various neural computations within such networks. In this way, we may distinguish between the narrowly focused task-specific parameters (weights) and more generic capability-spec…
Polynomial mapped bases: theory and applications
Abstract In this paper, we collect the basic theory and the most important applications of a novel technique that has shown to be suitable for scattered data interpolation, quadrature, bio-imaging reconstruction. The method relies on polynomial mapped bases allowing, for instance, to incorporate data or function discontinuities in a suitable mapping function. The new technique substantially mitigates the Runge’s and Gibbs effects.
Hacia la configuración de un nuevo prototipo de mujer a fines de la Edad Media
Se analiza la evolución del modelo (estereotipo) femenino desde la antigüedad hasta el Reenacimiento The evolution of the female model (stereotype) from antiquity to the Renaissance is analyzed
Polyethylene terephthalate clamps: Optimization in endodontic and restorative practices
There is a growing search for innovations in dental materials and instruments and, therefore, an increase need to optimize the instruments used in the absolute isolation. The gold standard procedure contributes significantly to the quality of restorative and endodontic procedures. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the radiopacity of polyethylene terephthalate polymer clamps and compare them to conventional metal clamps.The polyethylene terephthalate clamp was developed at the University of Uberaba (Patent application #PI0901719-4, Uberaba, MG, Brazil). Five polyethylene terephthalate clamps and five conventional metal clamps were used. The clamps were positioned, next to an…
Improvement of the expression of upper limb muscle strength and balance in a group of patients with multiple sclerosis, through a proprioceptive reha…
In multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, symptoms such as: fatigue, lack of physical energy, spasticity, difficulty in performing movements, and motor coordination disorders, and with tremors, dizziness and postural instability are among the most common complications. Cattaneo et al. (2007) studied the effects of stability training on MS patients and described it as an effective intervention in reducing falls risk, improving stability, and strength. Therefore, the present study aimed to confirm early observations by the application of a proprioceptive rehabilitation program targeting balance and strength on MS patients. 13 subjects with MS, 5 male and 8 female, volunteered in the study. A MAP h…
5-Azacytidine Inhibits the Activation of Senescence Program and Promotes Cytotoxic Autophagy during Trdmt1-Mediated Oxidative Stress Response in Insu…
5-Azacytidine (5-azaC), a methyltransferase inhibitor and anticancer drug, can promote several cellular stress responses such as apoptosis, autophagy, and senescence. The action of 5-azaC is complex and can be modulated by dose, time of treatment, and co-administration with oxidants. Insulinoma is a rare pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor with limited chemotherapeutic options. In the present study, two cellular models of insulinoma were considered, namely NIT-1 and β-TC-6 mouse cells, to evaluate the effects of 5-azaC post-treatment during hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress. 5-azaC attenuated the development of oxidant-induced senescent phenotype in both cell lines. No pro-apoptotic ac…
Predictive Metabolic Suitability Maps for the Thermophilic Invasive Hydroid Pennaria disticha Under Future Warming Mediterranean Sea Scenarios
Temperature is a fundamental variable for all biological processes. It influences the metabolism and tolerance limits of all living organisms, affecting species phenology and distribution patterns. It also facilitates the spread of non-indigenous species and the proliferation and expansion of native outbreak-forming species. Pennaria disticha is a colonial benthic cnidarian reported to be invasive in different Indian and Pacific coastal areas, as well as a harmful member of fouling communities found in Mediterranean marine aquaculture farms. Using the most basal functional trait (i.e., thermal tolerance), we explored the potential of P. disticha to colonize different habitats across the Med…