showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Brivaracetam as add-on treatment in patients with post-stroke epilepsy: real-world data from the BRIVAracetam add-on First Italian netwoRk Study (BRI…
Objective: Post-stroke epilepsy (PSE) is one of the most common causes of acquired epilepsy and accounts for about 10-15% of all newly diagnosed epilepsy cases. However, evidence about the clinical profile of antiseizure medications in the PSE setting is currently limited. Brivaracetam (BRV) is a rationally developed compound characterized by high-affinity binding to synaptic vesicle protein 2A. The aim of this study was to assess the 12-month effectiveness and tolerability of adjunctive BRV in patients with PSE treated in a real-world setting. Methods: This was a subgroup analysis of patients with PSE included in the BRIVAracetam add-on First Italian netwoRk Study (BRIVAFIRST). The BRIVAFI…
Triggering Open Innovation Processes Through Organizational Emotional Capability and Rival's Absorptive Capacity Orientation
In this article, we analyze the direct effects of the open innovation (OI) processes of acquisition and exploitation on innovation performance (IP), as well as the effects of two antecedents of OI: organizational emotional capability (EC) and rivaĺs absorptive capacity orientation (RACO). RACO implies processing external information in an analytical manner, whereas an intuitive approach is implicit in EC. The research model is tested in a sample of medium-low-technology Colombian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using structural equations by the consistent partial least squares method. Our results provide evidence on a significant effect of the OI acquisition process on IP, as well…
Bundle generation for last-mile delivery with occasional drivers
In this paper, we present the vehicle routing problem (VRP) with occasional drivers (OD) and order bundles (OB). The problem VRP-OD-OB is an extension of the VRP-OD, where instead of assigning one customer per driver, drivers are assigned bundles of customers. To deal with the bundle-to-driver assignment, a bidding system is exploited, in which a company offers a set of bundles and the drivers raise their bids. These bids depend on features such as the drivers’ destination, flexibility in deviating from the shortest path, and willingness to offer service. To generate valuable bundles of customers, we propose two strategies: (i) an innovative approach based on the creation of corridors, and …
Young generation and accessibility to health dissemination: TikTok as a case study.
Social media interactions represent an accessible way for young people to get health information and provide a form of public discourse about health. It is against this backdrop that experts and other health professionals have turned to digital platforms (e.g., TikTok) to share educational content about timely or touchy topics, and to spread awareness, specifically among younger users. This paper aims to explore these digital platforms where professionals provide health information that is specifically tailored for a young audience and attempts to explore the discursive negotiation of healthcare and health accessibility in digital social settings. In light of a social media critical discour…
Il risveglio dal sogno
«La storia è l’incubo da cui mi voglio svegliare». Queste parole sono pronunciate da Stephen Dedalus, nelle primissime pagine del capolavoro di James Joyce, l’Ulisse. Ci troviamo all’inizio del romanzo quando Dedalus introduce una delle classiche domande che assillano il pensiero filosofico, religioso, letterario e artistico contemporaneo: la storia ha ancora un senso?
Pandemia e neoliberismo: un incastro perfetto. Diseguaglianza, povertà e marginalità
Il contributo si sofferma sulla diffusione del Sars-Cov-2 quale epifenomeno della gestione capitalistica neoliberista del pianeta e sul suo ruolo rivelatore, per un verso, di tutte le contraddizioni e i disastri del neoliberismo, e detonatore, per un altro verso, delle nuove strategie capitalistiche per una nuova fase di accumulazione del capitale. Dentro a questo quadro cercheremo di far luce sulla ulteriore spinta alla crescita delle diseguaglianze, delle povertà e delle marginalità sociali ed economiche di cui è responsabile il modo di produzione capitalistico ma che la pandemia sta accentuando, consentendo agli attori economici, individuali e istituzionali di usare quest’ultima come ali…
Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and Swift during the LIGO-Virgo Run O3a
Abbott, R., et al. (LIGO and VIRGO Collaboration)
Optimal carbohydrate antigen 125 cutpoint for identifying low-risk patients after admission for acute heart failure
Introduction and objectives: Carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) has been shown to be useful for risk stratification in patients admitted with acute heart failure (AHF). We sought to determine a CA125 cutpoint for identifying patients at low risk of 1-month death or the composite of death/HF readmission following admission for AHF.Methods: The derivation cohort included 3231 consecutive patients with AHF. CA125 cutoff values with 90% negative predictive value (NPV) and sensitivity up to 85% were identified. The adequacy of these cutpoints and the risk of 1-month death/HF readmission was then tested using the Royston-Parmar method. The best cutpoint was selected and externally validated in a co…
Il capitolo analizza il rimedio dell'art. 709 ter c.p.c., i suoi presupposti sostanziali e le regole processuali di sua amministrazione, specie alla luce delle recenti novità introdotte dalla legge delega sulla riforma del processo civile
Towards Next-Generation Small-Size Boron Ion Implanting Apparatus
Abstract The article provides a brief insight in the history of ion implantation, paying special attention to boron ion implantation in high purity Germanium crystal, exclusively valuable in the production of highly effective sensors of high-energy radiation to detect photons in the range of megaelectron-volt or higher up to hard X-ray range. There is a need for small user-friendly implanters in response to urgent demand to scale up production of short wave sensors, which are in exclusive demand for various nuclear safety systems worldwide. Particularly, research driven “high tech” small and medium enterprises in Latvia are among the three leading worldwide producers of such sensors and sys…
Frammenti di biografie plurali
Ritorno a Palermo dopo tredici anni trascorsi in Umbria. Anni importanti in cui ho frequentato l’università laureandomi in filosofia e conseguendo un dottorato di ricerca; indagando sui temi del disagio psichico e della crisi della presenza in De Martino; sotto la guida di Tullio Seppilli, che di De Martino era stato allievo e il cui rigore nella ricerca è stato per me un esempio indimenticabile. Scappata a diciotto anni da una terra che mi aveva schiacciata con la sua violenza. In primo luogo sul versante privato. Una gelida brutalità di cui – quando sono andata via, determinata a non tornare – non percepivo fino in fondo i risvolti sul piano politico e della limitazione degli spazi fisici…
Le caratteristiche dell’insegnante Montessori e l’apprendimento per imitazione: un’indagine sulle prassi degli insegnanti
Maria Montessori nel suo percorso verso la delineazione del Metodo che prende il suo nome, enfatizza il ruolo dell’insegnante, la sua opera maieutica e puerocentrica. Il meccanismo della mimesi e l’apprendimento per imitazione rappresentano un caposaldo, oltre che una tra le modalità d’apprendimento più produttive nei primi mesi di vita del bambino. La commistione tra le recenti scoperte sul funzionamento del cervello e i principi guida del Metodo Montessori sono alla base dell’indagine quali-quantitativa svolta con 459 docenti di scuola primaria e scuola dell’infanzia di venti scuole siciliane durante l’A.S. 2020/2021. L’obiettivo dell’indagine è rilevare e misurare le prassi quotidiane de…
FEM Analysis: A Review of the Most Common Thermal Bridges and Their Mitigation
The necessity to improve the energy saving potential of buildings is now a duty. European and national policies are being implemented to address the important decisions being made on this subject. For these reasons, several studies focus on this relevant topic. This paper review not only focusses on it but studies it in-depth. A commercial 3D simulation software was used to design a building sited in Palermo estimating the thermal losses before and after external envelope insulation. In particular, all the thermal bridges (TBs) were analysed with the finite element method (FEM) and mitigated with rock wool insulation. The paper shows the linear thermal transmittance difference and heat flux…
Measurement of ionization, charge exchange and ion confinement times in charge breeder ECR ion sources with short pulse 1+ injection of metal ions
Abstract The Consecutive Transients (CT) method is used for estimating the characteristic times of ionization, charge exchange and confinement within the plasma of a Charge Breeder Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (CB-ECRIS). The method reveals differences in the characteristic times between different source configurations, with K9+ charge breeding efficiencies of 8.9 % and 20.4 %, and allows qualitative explanation of the improved breeding efficiency. The increase in K9+ efficiency is accompanied by a decrease in ionization time for low charge states, a decrease of charge exchange time for high charge states, and an overall decrease of the ion confinement time, which increases non-l…
Atrial fibrillation signatures on intracardiac electrograms identified by deep learning
BACKGROUND: Automatic detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) by cardiac devices is increasingly common yet sub-optimally groups AF, flutter or tachycardia (AT) together as ‘high rate events’. This may delay or misdirect therapy. OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that deep learning (DL) can accurately classify AF from AT by revealing electrogram (EGM) signatures. METHODS: We studied 86 patients in whom the diagnosis of AF or AT was established at electrophysiological study (25 female, 65 ± 11 years). Custom DL architectures were trained to identify AF using N = 29,340 unipolar and N = 23,760 bipolar EGM segments. We compared DL to traditional classifiers based on rate or regularity. We explained DL …
Touch, threats, and transactions: Pandemic influences on consumer responses and the mediating role of touch likelihood when shopping for fruits and v…
The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced consumer behavior in numerous ways. Most of the public health measures have centered around minimizing social contact and physical touch. In the present study, we investigate the impact of such touch restrictions, introduced during the pandemic, on consumers’ shopping responses and payment preferences in the context of a perishable food category amenable to tactile evaluation (fresh fruits and vegetables). The study used a single-factor between-subjects design (during vs. before the COVID-19 pandemic), with the data collected in a scenario-based online experiment from a sample of 729 participants. The results revealed significantly less favorable shoppin…
Effect of uncertain damping coefficient on the response of a SDOF system
In this paper, a full probabilistic description of the response of a randomized SDOF system in both the time and the frequency domain is done. Considering that the damping of the structure does not simply relate to any single physical phenomenon, the sensitivity of the response to the randomness of the damping parameter is investigated. The stochastic analysis is conducted via the Probability Transformation Method therefore the first probability density function of the response is evaluated. The effect of the uncertain damping coefficient on the response of the SDOF system has been investigated through several numerical examples. From the response probability density function as well as fro…
Recensione a Yuk Hui, Cosmotecnica. La questione della tecnologia in Cina, ed. it. a cura di S. Baranzoni, Nero, Roma 2021, pp. 287
The Association Between Objectively Measured Vision Impairment and Self-Reported Physical Activity Among 34,129 Adults Aged ≥50 Years in Six Low- and…
The authors investigated the association between vision impairment and physical activity among older adults from low- and middle-income countries. Visual acuity was measured using the tumbling ElogMAR chart, and vision impairment was defined as visual acuity worse than 6/18 (0.48 logMAR) in the better seeing eye. Physical activity was assessed by the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. Multivariable logistic regression and meta-analysis were conducted to assess associations. The sample included 34,129 individuals aged 50–114 years (mean [SD] age 62.4 [16.0] years; 47.9% male). After adjustment for confounders, near vision impairment was not significantly associated with low physical act…
Bold ambition, blunted agency? : Examining top management perspectives on a circular economy transition in Finland
The circular economy is proposed as a company-driven means to further sustainability transitions. Top managers have a critical role in fostering the circular economy as they are responsible for shaping and implementing a company's sustainability strategy and performance. In this paper, we adopt a microfoundations perspective to enhance our understanding of the influence of top managers as agents of the sustainability transition to the circular economy. In a qualitative research study, we interviewed 34 top managers of Finnish companies that are actively pursuing the circular economy. The main implication of our study is in exploring the role of top managers, as they engage in actively struc…
Yoko Tawada und die Bildlichkeit der Buchstaben
This article examines the role of language in the works of the German-Japanese author Yoko Tawada. For the analysis three works in which the writer deals with the languages Japanese and German will be considered: ›Talisman‹, ›Überseezungen‹, and ›Akzentfrei‹. Within the analysis the great imagination of Tawada will be underlined: She invents new words, new linguistic associations and surreal correspondences between signs and images. The world of the writer is a world between reality and fantasy and it must be observed with new eyes in order to be understood.
eTwinning e Scuole Nuove: collaborazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale
All’inizio del Novecento, la diffusione in Europa di numerosi modelli di rinnovamento educativo in linea con il movimento delle Scuole Nuove e il conseguente approfondimento della documentazione prodotta in quegli anni, permettono di riflettere ancora oggi sull’argomento. Il presente contributo mira a verificare se la piattaforma eTwinning possa oggi essere considerata come una delle possibili vie per attuare quanto auspicato cento anni fa dal movimento delle Scuole Nuove: incoraggiare la collaborazione tra i membri della comunità scolastica al fine di comprendere il valore della diversità e del patrimonio culturale. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the spread of numerous educatio…
Gli ordini di protezione contro gli abusi familiari
Il saggio analizza la disciplina sostanziale e processuale sulla repressione degli abusi familiari, prestando particolare attenzione alla chiave di lettura rimediale e al bilanciamento degli interessi che essa sottende The essay analyzes the substantive and procedural discipline on the prohibition of family abuses, paying particular attention to the remedial point of view and to the balance of interests the latter rests upon.
Teprotumumab Efficacy, Safety, and Durability in Longer-Duration Thyroid Eye Disease and Re-treatment
PURPOSE To evaluate teprotumumab safety/efficacy in patients with thyroid eye disease (TED) who were nonresponsive or who experienced a disease flare. DESIGN The Treatment of Graves' Orbitopathy to Reduce Proptosis with Teprotumumab Infusions in an Open-Label Clinical Extension Study (OPTIC-X) is a teprotumumab treatment and re-treatment trial following the placebo-controlled teprotumumab Phase 3 Treatment of Graves' Orbitopathy (Thyroid Eye Disease) to Reduce Proptosis with Teprotumumab Infusions in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Clinical Study (OPTIC) trial. PARTICIPANTS Patients who previously received placebo (n = 37) or teprotumumab (n = 14) in OPTIC. METHODS OPTIC nonresponders or …
Does glacial environment produce glacial mineral grains? Pro- and supra-glacial Icelandic sediments in microtextural study
Abstract Mineral grains from proglacial and supraglacial sedimentary settings in central south-eastern Iceland are considered in this study and analysed with the use of scanning electron microscope (SEM) techniques. By applying this, it is attempted to answer the key research question of whether quartz grains that come from a glacial-related sedimentary environment are indeed of glacial origin. The study also attempts to provide a linkage between microtextures produced on coarser and finer grains and to verify whether mineral grains from adjacent cryconite holes are similar or different. The preliminary assumption was that the more intense glacial grain record was based on several glacial a…
Networking and knowledge creation: Social capital and collaborative innovation in responding to the COVID-19 crisis
This study empirically explores the role of social capital in creating collaborative innovation and collective intelligence and maintaining organizational sustainability in the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. Data were collected from a sample of 289 managers, directors and heads of departments of top 50 manufacturing firms in Jordan and analyzed using Smart-PLS-SEM. The results indicate that social capital significantly impacts collaborative innovation, collective intelligence and organization sustainability during the COVID-19 crisis. They also reveal that collective intelligence significantly impacts collaborative innovation and organization sustainability. This study enriches the literatu…
La diretta applicabilità dei trattati nell’ordinamento italiano: quo vadis?
The concept of ‘direct applicability’ and ‘self-executing’ nature of international norms is still object of intense debate in the international legal scholarship. In Italy, such a debate has attracted new attention in the light of a recent ruling of the Joint Sections of the Court of Cassation, according to which the norms enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights are not directly applicable in domestic proceedings. Such a statement seems to derive from some terminological and legal mis-understanding. By summarizing the conclusions of the several authors which have dealt with this issue in a Special Section of the review, the present article formulates some conclusions. First, it…
Standard mechanical testing is inadequate for the mechanical characterisation of shape-memory alloys: Source of errors and a new corrective approach
Thanks to its unique behaviour characterised by a superelastic response, Nitinol has now become the material of preference in a number of critical applications, especially in the area of medical implants. However, the reversible phase transformation producing its exceptional comportment is also responsible for a number of phenomena that make its mechanical characterisation particularly complex, by hindering the assumptions at the very basis of common uniaxial tensile testing. This necessarily reduces the level of safety and design optimization of current applications, which rely on incorrect mechanical parameters. In this study, the spurious effects introduced by the unconventional material…
Blockchain and Smart Contracts: New Perspectives on Copyright Protection in the Digital Single Market
New technologies making use of blockchains and smart contracts have been considered an efficient and innovative way to achieve the goal of effective copyright protection in the digital market. It is impossible to deny, however, that these innovative technologies raise serious questions about their compatibility with international, European, and national legislative frameworks, at least if we compare them with the original and most widely-used blockchain model (i.e., the so-called permissionless blockchain). Indeed, permissionless blockchains create a “law-free zone” resistant to any subsequent modification and judicial intervention. In this general context, this chapter aims to analyse the …
The use of in vivo confocal microscopy in fungal keratitis – Progress and challenges
Fungal keratitis (FK) is a serious and sight-threatening corneal infection with global reach. The need for prompt diagnosis is paramount, as a delay in initiation of treatment could lead to irreversible vision loss. Current “gold standard” diagnostic methods, namely corneal smear and culture, have limitations due to diagnostic insensitivity and their time-consuming nature. PCR is a newer, complementary method used in the diagnosis of fungal keratitis, whose results are also sample-dependent. In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) is a promising complementary diagnostic method of increasing importance as it allows non-invasive real-time direct visualization of potential fungal pathogens and mani…
Effect of Germacrene-Rich Essential Oil of Parentucellia latifolia (L.) Caruel Collected in Central Sicily on the Growth of Microorganisms Inhabiting…
In the present study, the chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of Parentucellia latifolia (L.) Caruel collected in Central Sicily was analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The results showed the presence of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, with germacrene D and germacrene B accounting, respectively, for 59.2% and 24.3% of the total oil. Different colonies of bacteria and fungi frequently affect cellulosic objects such as books stored in libraries and museums. The antibacterial and antifungal activity against some microorganisms infesting historical-artistic craftsmanship was determined, demonstrating that the essential oil was particular…
The political irruption of short video: Is TikTok a new window for Spanish parties?
This paper analyses the use of TikTok by the main Spanish parties. The article studies the intensity of use of the short video social network by the accounts of the Partido Popular, Vox, Podemos and Ciudadanos, their narratives and themes, and the views obtained based on them. The research applies a content analysis to the videos published by these groups from account creation until the end of 2020, a period in which the PSOE had no presence. The corpus amounts to 182 units of analysis. The results show that the partisan use of TikTok is still in its infancy and that its intensive use is limited to newly emerging parties, with more favourable results for the most polarised groupings. Moreov…
Speeding up new product development through entrepreneurial orientation in SMEs: The moderating role of ambidexterity
International audience; This paper analyzes the influence of small and medium-sized enterprises' (SMEs) entrepreneurial orientation (EO) on its capacity to quickly introduce new products to the market (namely, speed to market). Specifically, we suggest that firms will exhibit greater speed to market when displaying either low or high levels of EO. We also suggest that the EO – speed to market relationship will be contingent on firms' ambidexterity, or its capacity to simultaneously embrace exploratory and exploitative strategies. To test our hypotheses, we collected survey data from 384 SMEs belonging to four sectors in Spain: biotechnology, ceramic tiles, toys and footwear. Our findings co…
Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) determination in surfactant stabilized marine water emulsions
Bilge waters are wastewaters produced on boats during navigation and usually contain hydrocarbons and oils. They cannot be released into the sea if not below certain hydrocarbon concentration limits set by current legislation. Surfactants are often used to improve the solubility of petroleum hydrocarbons in water and in this work, the analytical approach proposed is suitable to determine accurately the concentration of hydrocarbons in surfactant-rich waters, as found in bilge water or similar wastewater. The method relies on the surfactant precipitation by addition of potassium and calcium salts, which also promote TPH extraction through a “salting out” effect. This allows for an accurate d…
La riforma degli articoli 9 e 41 della Costituzione e la valorizzazione dell'ambiente.
Con la riforma degli art. 9 e 41 della Costituzione, approvata l’8 febbraio 2022, l’ambiente entra nella Costituzione tra i principi fondamentali ed in qualità di limite all’esercizio dell’attività economica. Il saggio propone una lettura della riforma in grado di avvalorare quell’orientamento che, sin dal secolo scorso, propugnava la ricostruzione dell’ambiente come diritto fondamentale della persona, in linea con la valorizzazione dello stesso quale bene distinto dal paesaggio, in una prospettiva esistenzialista di tutela della persona. La modifica introdotta, secondo l’autore, colma un vuoto costituzionale, divenuto insostenibile alla luce degli sviluppi della tutela ambientale, così com…
Ricerca Unipa su diradamento e tasso di crescita dei frutti in piante di nespolo del Giappone
Il trattamento di diradamento dei frutti di nespolo del Giappone, effettuato in una sola occasione, quando i frutti si trovano a circa il 30% delle loro dimensioni finali, ha mostrato alcuni effetti positivi: in primis, i frutti ottenuti in seguito a diradamento hanno una maggiore probabilità di ricadere nelle classi commerciali superiori, le quali sono in genere più apprezzate dai consumatori e pagate a un prezzo più alto al produttore; gli stessi frutti raggiungono al contempo anche un grado zuccherino più alto, altro indice del possibile gradimento del consumatore finale e della richiesta da parte del mercato. Questo lavoro preliminare apre le porte a nuovi studi volti alla valutazione d…