showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Gioco scommessa e responsabilità della p.a.: tra pretese di monopolio, libero mercato e protezione del consumatore


The essay analyzes the recent regulatory and jurisprudential developments in gaming and betting, focusing peculiarly on the public administration’s re- sponsibility pro le for the act committed by its concessionaires towards the consumer. The script criticized, in particular, the orientation of the Court of Cassation according to which the supervisory and control powers weighting on the p.a. towards the gaming and betting concessionaire give rise to indirect liability pursuant to art. 2049 of the Italian Civil Code.

bettingSettore IUS/01 - Diritto Privatoconsumer lawart. 2049 c.c.

Herramientas neurodidácticas en la clase de ELE: la Categorización


El objetivo de este articulo es traer a colación una muestra paradigmática de la manera en la que servirse del proceso de caracterización como herramienta para la construcción y organización de un lexicón mental en los aprendices italianos de español LE. Lo que se quiere presentar, además de una aplicación de la Neurodidáctica a la enseñanza del español como segunda lengua, es un sistema de categorización del léxico de la LE que tenga en cuenta la experiencia lingüística de cada aprendiz, así como los procesos cognitivos que pone en marcha en su adquisición.

Neurodidáctica Categorización Léxico-gramática mínima.Settore L-LIN/07 - Lingua E Traduzione - Lingua Spagnola

Study of immunotoxicity responses of Sabella spallanzanii exposed to copper sulphate


Sabella spallanzanii polychaetes copper sulphate

Drivers, barriers and impacts of digitalisation in rural areas from the viewpoint of experts


Abstract Context: The domain of rural areas, including rural communities, agriculture, and forestry, is going through a process of deep digital transformation. Digitalisation can have positive impacts on sustainability in terms of greater environmental control, and community prosperity. At the same time, it can also have disruptive effects, with the marginalisation of actors that cannot cope with the change. When developing a novel system for rural areas, requirements engineers should carefully consider the specific socio-economic characteristics of the domain, so that potential positive effects can be maximised, while mitigating negative impacts. Objective: The goal of this paper is to sup…

Driversinterviewstuottavuus02 engineering and technologyRural areas12. Responsible consumptionempirical studymetsätalousInterviewstaloudelliset vaikutuksetmaatalousSustainability requirements0502 economics and businesssustainability requirements0202 electrical engineering electronic engineering information engineeringmaaseutudigitalisationdigitalisaatioRequirements Engineeringkestävä kehitys05 social sciencesSoftware Engineering020207 software engineeringAgricultureForestryteknologinen kehityskehittäminenSoftware engineering Requirements engineering Sustainability requirements Interviews Digitalisation Empirical studyEmpirical studyComputer Science ApplicationsDigitalisationympäristövaikutuksetImpactsaluekehitysrequirements engineeringohjelmistokehitys050203 business & managementSoftwareBarriersInformation Systemssoftware engineering

CQ *-algebras of measurable operators


Abstract We study, from a quite general point of view, a CQ*-algebra (X, 𝖀0) possessing a sufficient family of bounded positive tracial sesquilinear forms. Non-commutative L 2-spaces are shown to constitute examples of a class of CQ*-algebras and any abstract CQ*-algebra (X, 𝖀0) possessing a sufficient family of bounded positive tracial sesquilinear forms can be represented as a direct sum of non-commutative L 2-spaces.

Numerical AnalysisControl and OptimizationBanach C*-modules Non commutative integration Partial algebras of operators.Settore MAT/05 - Analisi MatematicaApplied MathematicsAnalysisMoroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis

A 79-year-old-man with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia and unusual pulmonary co-infection


Patients with severe COVID-19 are characterized by local and systemic inflammatory responses, which are responsible for severe acute respiratory failure. Systemic corticosteroids have been used to counteract the inflammatory cascade in severe respiratory patients. The beneficial effect of corticosteroids may be counteracted by adverse effects, including delayed viral clearance and increased risk of secondary infection. In this regard, we describe a case of a 79-year-old man admitted to the Emergency Department of the Palermo Hospital (Italy) because of respiratory failure and pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection who developed Nocardia otitidiscaviarum infection. This case highlights the…

Pulmonary and Respiratory MedicineNocardia otitidiscaviarumCoinfectionCoronaviruCOVID-19Nocardia infectionsAgedMinerva Respiratory Medicine



Il contributo raccoglie i rapporti epilogativi (Research Report) di una specifica ricerca condotta sulla tecnologia come scienza applicata al patrimonio dell’esistente oltre le good practices, al di fuori di nicchie elitarie poco rappresentative della comune produzione edilizia. Queste, ora, hanno bisogno di un approccio tecnologicamente flessibile, innestato sul consenso e sulla partecipazione evolutiva del già fatto e dal potersi ancora fare (Germanà, 2008). Ci riferiamo alla tecnologia edilizia come scienza del costruire capace di innescare nuovi percorsi del fare inerenti ai processi di trasformazione, completamento e rigenerazione dell’esistente; da ricerche ‘sensibili’ a nuove qualità…

recovery technologietechnological innovationriusoinnovazione tecnologicarisultato di ricercariciclorecyclingtecnologie di recuperoSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architetturasearch resultreuse



Il saggio riflette sul tema della Temporaneità considerata, ormai, prassi strettamente connessa a quello dell’urban shrinkage, condizione centrale nel dibattito scientifico quanto nell’agenda politica di diverse città europee. Dagli anni ’90 a livello globale, nelle città e nei territori abbondano i luoghi dell’abbandono e dell’inutilizzato che ci restituiscono uno scenario di progressiva contrazione non solo demografica ma anche economica e sociale. In questo controverso quadro di mutazione strutturale delle città e dei territori si stanno sperimentando strategie, strumenti e schemi di governance efficaci per governare la decrescita e l’abbandono il cui comun denominatore è il ricorso …

Temporaneità Abbandono RiusoSettore ICAR/21 - UrbanisticaTemporality Re-use Places of abandonment

Il progetto "Return to Monkey Island"


Il ritorno del videogame "Monkey Island" apre ad alcune riflessioni sul rapporto tra cinema e videogame.

Settore L-ART/06 - Cinema Fotografia E Televisionevideogame postcinema digital storytelling interactive contents

Low-repetition-rate all-polarization maintaining thulium-doped passively modelocked fiber laser


We have developed a passively mode-locked, all-polarization maintaining, low-repetition-rate thulium-doped fiber laser (PM TDFL) emitting at 1951 nm and pumped by an erbium-ytterbium-doped all-fiber laser at 1561 nm. The PM TDFL was developed with a 44.67 m long polarization-maintaining all-fiber resonator Fabry-Perot using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror at one end and a highly reflective fiber Bragg grating at the other. In this way, transform-limited low-repetition-rate light pulses at 2.3 MHz were generated, with each light pulse having a temporal width of 81 ps, and a spectral width of 50 pm. We have also compared the performance of this laser with a shortened version of this…

Electrical and Electronic EngineeringÒpticaAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsElectronic Optical and Magnetic Materials

Il diritto all’educazione nelle costituzioni europee: una panoramica critica e una proposta per il Cile


Il saggio di colloca all’interno di un numero speciale della rivista cilena “Estudios Constitutionales” nato con l’obiettivo di offrire spunti di riflessione alla convenzione costituente che ha avviato i suoi lavori nel luglio 2021. L’assemblea aveva il compito di redigere la carta costituzionale che avrebbe dovuto soppiantare la Costituzione del 1980 approvata durante il regime militare di Pinochet. I curatori della rivista hanno raccolto una serie di contributi – che traendo spunto da diverse tradizioni costituzionali sia Latinoamericane che del Vecchio continente – avrebbero potuto offrire un quadro articolato dei più discussi diritti. L’articolo di Clelia Bartoli propone una disamina cr…

Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del DirittoChile constitution-making process constitution right to education right to education freedom to teachChile proceso constituyente constitución derecho a la educación libertad de enseñanzaSettore IUS/08 - Diritto CostituzionaleCile processo costituente costituzione diritto all’educazione diritto all’istruzione libertà di insegnamento

Appropriateness criteria for the use of cardiac computed tomography, SIC-SIRM part 2: Acute chest pain evaluation; Stent and coronary artery bypass g…


In the past 20 years, cardiac computed tomography (CCT) has become a pivotal technique for the noninvasive diagnostic workup of coronary and cardiac diseases. Continuous technical and methodological improvements, combined with fast growing scientific evidence, have progressively expanded the clinical role of CCT. Randomized clinical trials documented the value of CCT in increasing the cost-effectiveness of the management of patients with acute chest pain presenting in the emergency department, also during the pandemic. Beyond the evaluation of stents and surgical graft patency, the anatomical and functional coronary imaging have the potential to guide treatment decision-making and planning …

Chest PainHeart DiseasesInterventionalCardiologyGeneral Medicineheart diseaseRadiology Interventionalvalve diseaseX-Ray Computedcoronary computed tomography scancoronary artery bypass graftNeoplasmsHumansStentsstentCoronary Artery BypassCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineTomography X-Ray ComputedCardiomyopathiesRadiologychest pain; coronary artery bypass graft; coronary computed tomography scan; heart disease; stent; valve disease; Chest Pain; Coronary Artery Bypass; Humans; Radiology Interventional; Stents; Tomography X-Ray Computed; Cardiology; Cardiomyopathies; Heart Diseases; NeoplasmsTomographyvalve disease.

Multiple mini-interviews as a selection tool for initial teacher education admissions


This study investigates the reliability of multiple mini interviews (MMIs) to select students for classroom and special education teacher programs (n = 418) using intraclass correlations and cross-classified multilevel modeling. The results indicated mostly small effects of clustering of applicants to different interviewers and five-station circuits. The largest variance components in the MMI total score were for applicants (63.3%) and measurement error (20.6%), while the variance component for the interviewer was relatively small (11.6–14.4%). The applicants' and interviewers' perceptions were positive. This study provides evidence for the use of MMIs as a reliable tool for initial teacher…

student selectionhaastattelutopiskelijavalinnatsoveltuvuustestitinitial teacher educationopettajankoulutusmultiple mini interviewsEducationTeaching and Teacher Education

Non solo per amore. In Memoria di Francesca Morvillo


Chi era Francesca Morvillo? Questo lavoro a più voci, che ricostruisce fasi e momenti diversi della sua vita, getta una luce nuova e inedita su questa giurista, tra le prime donne magistrato siciliane, sulla sua cultura, sulla sua conoscenza profonda e raffinata del diritto e della procedura penale, ma anche sulla sua grande umanità e generosità, sulla sua gentile riservatezza, sulla forza della sua personalità che ne ha fatto un vero modello di giudice per le giovani e i giovani che si avviavano allora e che si avviano oggi alla professione di magistrato. Grazie alle parole di amici e colleghi il libro ripercorre la vita di Francesca dagli anni della scuola e dell’università ai periodi più…

Francesca MorvilloDonne e MagistraturaLotta alla criminalità organizzataSettore IUS/16 - Diritto Processuale Penale

Interrogare i luoghi. Obiettivi e protocollo per il Dizionario-atlante dei toponimi orali in Sicilia (DATOS)


La collana Piccola Biblioteca dell’Atlante Linguistico della Sicilia è nata nel 2000 per fornire agili strumenti di preparazione e consultazione in vista delle indagini etnolinguistiche sul campo. La collana raccoglie materiali metodologici che hanno contrassegnato le diverse tappe dell’ALS, dalla sezione sulla cultura alimentare a quella sui giochi fanciulleschi sino a quella sulla cultura marinara. Approssimandosi la campagna di raccolta dei dati toponimici dialettali, si rende necessario descrivere obiettivi e metodi di quella che sarà la più estesa indagine sul campo approntata dal gruppo di ricerca dell’Atlante Linguistico della Sicilia e che potrà essere implementata negli anni a veni…

Settore L-FIL-LET/12 - Linguistica ItalianaDialettologia siciliana toponomastica etnotesti protocollo di indagine tradizione orale etimologia teoria e metodologia

La diffusione del pensiero pedagogico di John Dewey in Italia: il contributo della casa editrice La Nuova Italia e della rivista «Scuola e città»


La diffusione del sistema di pensiero di John Dewey si è avviata in Italia sin dal primo decennio del Novecento. L’articolo vuole quindi indagare su chi siano stati i primi intellettuali ad aver accolto le riflessioni filosofiche e pedagogiche dello studioso americano, rivolgendo un’attenzione particolare all’apporto offerto da Carolina Pironti, Antonio Aliotta e Giuseppe Lombardo Radice e dalla casa editrice La Nuova Italia e dalla rivista «Scuola e città», quest’ultime animate dall’operato di Lamberto Borghi, Aldo Visalberghi e Francesco De Bartolomeis, stimatori della pedagogia deweyana e di una scuola attiva in grado di contribuire alla realizzazione e al mantenimento della nascente dem…

educationsocietyParole chiave John DeweyschoolLa Nuova Italia.scuolasocietàJohn Deweyeducazione

A monument to whom? Artist positionality in community art-based projects


Artistic interventions in the public domain are often legitimized as opportunities for the empowerment of local communities. However, the nature of such interventions is complex and cannot be inferred from stated intentions. The interaction between agents of cultural and artistic interventions and local communities is shaped by power relationships that are seldom made explicit, let alone negotiated. Here, we analyze The Gramsci Monument, a site-specific project by Thomas Hirschhorn that took place in the Forest House neighborhood (Bronx, New York) in 2013. The project has been celebrated as an example of an emancipatory practice that involved a disenfranchised local community. We show that …

Sociology and Political ScienceEstructura socialGeoforum

Escritoras, impresoras, propietarias de libros: potenciar los estudios de género en el CRAI Biblioteca de Fondo Antiguo de la Universidad de Barcelon…


Podeu consultar la jornada a recurs relacionat

Universitat de Barcelona. CRAI Biblioteca de Fons AnticFondo antiguoBiblioteca de la Universitat de BarcelonaUNESCO::HISTORIAEstudis de gènerePatrimonio bibliográficoBibliographic heritageMujeres impresorasPatrimoni bibliogràficGender studiesMujeres escritoras

Sociolinguistic upsets and people of color in social media performances


Abstract Particularly since the refugee “reception crisis” in 2015, Finland has started transforming into a more diverse and multicultural society. These societal changes have also been accompanied by sociolinguistic change, as well as language ideological debates and tensions, often manifesting in explicitly racist and xenophobic bursts of upset. In this article, our focus is on social media as a space where such societal and sociolinguistic upsets are articulated and re-worked. Drawing on recent sociolinguistic and discourse analytic work on transformative and critical popular cultural practices in social media, and studies on rap and belonging, we discuss how, in a mediatized society suc…

kieli ja kieletLinguistics and Languagesocial mediaverkkokeskustelurasismisosiaaliset ristiriidatsosiaalinen mediaasenteetheteroglossiavärillisetetniset ryhmätsosiolingvistiikkaLanguage and Linguisticskielellinen identiteettimonikulttuurisuusmonimuotoisuuspeople of colormonikielisyysyhteiskunnallinen muutosperformanceideologiatInternational Journal of the Sociology of Language



This paper is the Introduction of the volume "Information Technologies and Social Media: New Scientific Methods for the Anthropocene", edited by Joan Rossello and Gaetano Sabato.

Information Technologies Social Media Methods AnthropoceneSettore M-GGR/01 - Geografia

The burden of mental disorders, substance use disorders and self-harm among young people in Europe, 1990–2019: Findings from the Global Burden of Dis…


Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAM

MedicinaRJ101Mental disordersSubstance use3121 Internal medicineEurope; Mental disorders; Mental health; Self-harm; Substance use; Young peopleCHILDRJ101 Child Health. Child health servicesSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingSYSTEMATIC ANALYSISInternal MedicineSelf-harmPublic Environmental & Occupational HealthRISKMCCScience & TechnologyHealth PolicyYoung people; Mental health; Mental disorders; Self-harm; Substance use; EuropeDAS3142 Public health care science environmental and occupational healthPREVALENCEEuropeMental disorderHealth Care Sciences & ServicesOncologyMental healthYoung peopleHEALTHLife Sciences & BiomedicineThe Lancet Regional Health - Europe

La questione del testo letterario negli apprendenti cinesi: regola, creatività, grammatica


This paper explores how Chinese-speaking students approach and represent Italian literary texts. The author refers to Chinese-speaking students of Italian, about whom he has on-the-job experience. The introduction emphasizes how Chinese culture and philosophy, pivoting around the ideal of harmony, befit the textual teaching in Italian language, within the Romance cultural and linguistic context, where the fracture, the Dyonisian, the textual pathos, are important concepts. The subject is approached with a two-fold perspective. The first is more general and expresses the need for an integrated and dynamic encounter between Chinese and Italian culture. The second is more specific and consider…

linguistic creativity Chinese students Italian L2 language teaching textuality.

EpCAM y obstrucción microvascular en pacientes con un IAMCEST: estudio con resonancia magnética cardiaca


Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La obstruccion microvascular (OMV) se asocia negativamente con la estructura cardiaca y el pronostico de los pacientes tras un infarto agudo de miocardio con elevacion del segmento ST (IAMCEST). El factor epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), implicado en la cohesion de las celulas epiteliales, esta poco estudiado en el contexto de la OMV. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar en una cohorte de pacientes con IAMCEST la asociacion entre la concentracion de EpCAM circulante con la extension de la OMV, determinada por resonancia magnetica cardiaca (RMC), y la funcion sistolica en fases cronicas. Metodos Se incluyo prospectivamente a 106 paciente…

Gynecology03 medical and health sciencesmedicine.medical_specialty0302 clinical medicinebusiness.industryMedicine030204 cardiovascular system & hematologyCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicinebusinessRevista Española de Cardiología

Varieties of algebras with pseudoinvolution: Codimensions, cocharacters and colengths


Abstract Let A be a finitely generated superalgebra with pseudoinvolution ⁎ over an algebraically closed field F of characteristic zero. In this paper we develop a theory of polynomial identities for this kind of algebras . In particular, we shall consider three sequences that can be attached to Id ⁎ ( A ) , the T 2 ⁎ -ideal of identities of A: the sequence of ⁎-codimensions c n ⁎ ( A ) , the sequence of ⁎-cocharacter χ 〈 n 〉 ⁎ ( A ) and the ⁎-colength sequence l n ⁎ ( A ) . Our purpose is threefold. First we shall prove that the ⁎-codimension sequence is eventually non-decreasing, i.e., c n ⁎ ( A ) ≤ c n + 1 ⁎ ( A ) , for n large enough. Secondly, we study superalgebras with pseudoinvoluti…

ColengthsPolynomialSequencePure mathematicsMultiplicitiesAlgebra and Number TheoryMathematics::Commutative AlgebraPseudoinvolutionsZero (complex analysis)Cocharacters; Colengths; Multiplicities; Polynomial identities; PseudoinvolutionsCocharactersSuperalgebraPolynomial identitiesSettore MAT/02 - AlgebraSection (category theory)Bounded functionIdeal (ring theory)Algebraically closed fieldMathematics

Analysis of spar and semi-submersible floating wind concepts with respect to human exposure to motion during maintenance operations


Floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) are expected to experience onsite maintenances and inspections during their lifetimes. To carry out offshore maintenance activities, a crew will be transferred to an FOWT and spend several hours on board. A challenge may arise if the motions of a floating platform affect the crew's comfort level and further jeopardise their work performance or even health. To address this challenge, this paper analyses the motion characteristics and dynamic properties of a spar and two semi-submersible FOWTs, all exhibiting very different motion characteristics. The impact of the platform motions and accelerations on the workability of the FOWTs are investigated. We c…

VDP::Teknologi: 500Mechanics of MaterialsMechanical EngineeringOcean EngineeringGeneral Materials Science:Teknologi: 500 [VDP]

Pittore attivo in Sicilia nel XIII secolo, Panaghìa Hodighìtria (detta “Madonna della Spersa”)


Observations on the panel of the Madonna della Spersa, known with this attribute at least from first half of the sixteenth century in reference to the Gospel episode of loss of Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem

Museo Diocesanopittura medievaleSettore L-ART/01 - Storia Dell'Arte MedievaleHodighitriaSiciliaIconografia marianaPalermo

Separation of palladium and silver from E-waste leachate : effect of nitric acid concentration on adsorption to Thiol scavenger


The development of recovery techniques for metals present in low concentrations in E-waste, such as silver and palladium, is important from the aspect of the circular economy. Adsorption of palladium and silver was studied in detail in a batch process with silica-based Thiol scavenger from nitric acid leachate of waste printed circuit boards (PCBs). High adsorption efficiencies of Pd(II) and Ag(I), >97%, were reached in nitric acid concentrations below 3 mol L−1. At higher acid concentrations, adsorption efficiency of Ag(I) decreased drastically which enables the separation of Ag(I) and Pd(II) based on nitric acid concentration in sample solution. Pd(II) and Ag(I) followed pseudo 2nd order …

separationmetal scavengerse-wastehopeaGeneral Medicinepalladiumtalteenottoadsorptionerotusmenetelmättyppihapposilversähkö- ja elektroniikkaromumetallitadsorptio

Separation of halloysite/kaolinite mixtures in water controlled by sucrose addition: The influence of the attractive forces on the sedimentation beha…


In this work, we propose an easy strategy for the separation of halloysite/kaolinite mixtures in sucrose aqueous solution. Preliminarily, we investigated the influence of the sucrose addition on the colloidal stability of kaolinite nanoplates and halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) dispersed in water. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) measurements revealed that the HNTs aqueous mobility is dependent on the sucrose concentration, while the ζ-potential is negligibly affected by the addition of the carbohydrate in the aqueous solvent. On the other hand, any variations on the surface charge and dynamic behavior of kaolinite were detected in the presence of sucrose. The obtained ζ-potential and DLS results…

Aqueous colloidal stabilityTGAColloid and Surface ChemistryHalloysite nanotubesNanoclaysSeparationSettore CHIM/02 - Chimica FisicaColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects

Chemical variability in volcanic gas plumes and fumaroles along the East African Rift System: New insights from the Western Branch


The origin of magmatic fluids along the East African Rift System (EARS) is a long-lived field of debate in the scientific community. Here, we investigate the chemical composition of the volcanic gas plume and fumaroles at Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira (Democratic Republic of Congo), the only two currently erupting volcanoes set on the Western Branch of the rift. Our results are in line with earlier conceptual models proposing that volcanic gas emissions along the EARS mainly reflect variable contributions of either a Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle (SCLM) component or a Depleted Morb Mantle (DMM) component, and deeper fluid. At Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira, our study discards a major contrib…

Geochemistry and PetrologyEast African Rift System Volcano Gas chemistryGas chemistryGeologyEast African Rift SystemVolcano

Long-term exposure to transportation noise and risk for atrial fibrillation: A Danish nationwide cohort study.


Background: Epidemiological studies have linked transportation noise and cardiovascular diseases, however, atrial fibrillation (AF) has received limited attention. We aimed to investigate the association between transportation noise and AF risk. Methods: Over the period 1990–2017 we estimated road and railway noise (L den) at the most and least exposed façades for all residential addresses across Denmark. We estimated time-weighted mean noise exposure for 3.6 million individuals age ≥35 years. Of these, 269,756 incident cases of AF were identified with a mean follow-up of 13.0 years. Analyses were conducted using Cox proportional hazards models with adjustment for individual and area-level …

Adultmedicine.medical_specialtyEpidemiologyDenmarkBiochemistryCohort StudiesEpidemiologyAtrial FibrillationmedicineHumansGeneral Environmental Sciencebusiness.industryProportional hazards modelTraffic noiseTraffic noiseCohortAtrial fibrillationEnvironmental Exposuremedicine.diseaseCardiovascular diseaseConfidence intervalNoiseNoise TransportationCohortbusinessDemographyCohort studyEnvironmental research

The Global Reading Room: Imaging Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma


Diagnostic ImagingGadolinium DTPAmedicine.medical_specialtyCarcinoma Hepatocellularbusiness.industrymedia_common.quotation_subjectLiver NeoplasmsGeneral Medicinemedicine.diseaseMagnetic Resonance ImagingHepatocellular carcinomaReading (process)medicineHumansRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingRadiologybusinessmedia_commonAmerican Journal of Roentgenology

Improved FMECA for effective risk management decision making by failure modes classification under uncertainty


Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) is a proactive reliability and risk management technique extensively used in practice to ensure high system performance by prioritising failure modes. Owing to the limitations of traditional FMECA, multi-criteria decision-making methods have been employed over the past two decades to enhance its effectiveness. To consider the vagueness and uncertainty of the FMECA evaluation process, an interval-based extension of the Elimination et Choice Translating Reality (ELECTRE) TRI method is proposed in the present paper for the classification of failure modes into risk categories. Therefore, ratings of failure modes against risk parameters are…

Failure modes classificationPropulsion systemSettore ING-IND/17 - Impianti Industriali MeccaniciFailure modes classification; FMECA; Interval-valued ELECTRE TRI; Propulsion systemGeneral EngineeringGeneral Materials ScienceFailure modes classification FMECA Interval-valued ELECTRE TRI Propulsion systemFMECAInterval-valued ELECTRE TRIEngineering Failure Analysis

Smart hydrogels with Spheroids of Adipose stem cells for minimally invasive bone and cartilage regeneration


Smart hydrogels Spheroids of Adipose stem cells bone and cartilage regeneration

Metabolic signatures across the full spectrum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


Funder: European Commission

ALTtype 2 diabetes mellitusROC receiving operator characteristicaspartate aminotransferaseHSDLDL low-density lipoproteinUHPLC ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatographyROCHCCNon-alcoholic steatohepatitisGCPCANASHGastroenterology2-HB 2-hydroxybutanoic acid; 3-HB 3-hydroxybutanoic acid; ALT alanine aminotransferase; AST aspartate aminotransferase; CE cholesterol ester; Cer ceramide; FFA free fatty acid; FLIP Fatty Liver Inhibition of Progression; Fibrosis; GC gas chromatography; HCC hepatocellular carcinoma; HSD honest significant difference; LC lipid cluster; LDL low-density lipoprotein; LM lipid and metabolite; LMC lipid metabolite and clinical variable; LPC lysophosphatidylcholine; Lipidomics; Mass spectrometry; Metabolomics; NAFL non-alcoholic fatty liver; NAFLD non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; NAS NASH activity score; NASH non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; NIDDK NASH-CRN National Institute of Digestive Diseases and Kidney NASH Clinical Research Network; NRR non-rejection rate; Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; PC(O) ether PC; PC phosphatidylcholine; PCA principal component analysis; PE phosphatidylethanolamine; QTOFMS quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry; ROC receiving operator characteristic; SAF steatosis activity and fibrosis; SM sphingomyelin; T2DM type 2 diabetes mellitus; TG triacylglycerol; UHPLC ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatographySAFSAF steatosis activity and fibrosisLM lipid and metabolitehonest significant differenceHSD honest significant differenceTG triacylglycerolnon-rejection ratecholesterol esterPCPEGC gas chromatographyfree fatty acidFLIPNASH non-alcoholic steatohepatitisNIDDK NASH-CRN National Institute of Digestive Diseases and Kidney NASH Clinical Research NetworkBIOMARKERST2DMPE phosphatidylethanolamineLDLlipidNAFLDFFA free fatty acid2-HBMetabolomicsNAFL non-alcoholic fatty liverLMCphosphatidylcholineScience & TechnologySM sphingomyelinGastroenterology & HepatologyMass spectrometryactivitynutritional and metabolic diseasesT2DM type 2 diabetes mellitusACIDSreceiving operator characteristicdigestive system diseasesquadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometryLC lipid clusterlow-density lipoproteinNAS2-HB 2-hydroxybutanoic acidNAS NASH activity scoreQTOFMSether PCNRRSCORING SYSTEMprincipal component analysisgas chromatographyLC2-hydroxybutanoic acidPROGRESSIONAST aspartate aminotransferaseLMPC phosphatidylcholinePC(O)MARKERSUHPLCsteatosisTOOLImmunology and AllergyINSULIN-RESISTANCECerSMFatty Liver Inhibition of Progressionhepatocellular carcinoma2-HB 2-hydroxybutanoic acid NIDDK NASH-CRN National Institute of Digestive Diseases and Kidney NASH Clinical Research Network NRR non-rejection rate Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis PC(O) ether PC PC phosphatidylcholine PCA principal component analysis PE phosphatidylethanolamine QTOFMS quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry ROC receiving operator characteristic SAF steatosis activity and fibrosis SM T2DM type 2 diabetes mellitus TG triacylglycerol UHPLC ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatographyultrahigh-performance liquid chromatographyCELPC3-HBNAFLnon-alcoholic fatty liverTGtriacylglycerolNRR non-rejection rateLife Sciences & BiomedicineNAFLD non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseFLIP Fatty Liver Inhibition of Progressionalanine aminotransferasemetaboliteCer ceramideCE cholesterol estersphingomyelinlysophosphatidylcholineand fibrosisALT alanine aminotransferaseInternal MedicineceramideNational Institute of Digestive Diseases and Kidney NASH Clinical Research NetworkAST3-HB 3-hydroxybutanoic acidQTOFMS quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometryPCA principal component analysisLPC lysophosphatidylcholineHepatologynon-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseand clinical variablePC(O) ether PC3-hydroxybutanoic acidFibrosisNASH activity scoreNIDDK NASH-CRNlipid clusterlipid and metabolitephosphatidylethanolamineLipidomicsLMC lipid metabolite and clinical variableFFAHCC hepatocellular carcinomaJHEP reports : innovation in hepatology

Measuring Perceived Severity of Intimate Partner Violence against Women (IPVAW) among the General Population and IPVAW Offenders


ABSTRACT Public perceptions of the severity of intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) incidents are an important factor that has been linked to key issues regarding this type of violence, such as acceptability or tolerance, personal sense of responsibility, attitudes toward intervention, and the public's, professionals', and victims' responses to IPVAW. The aim of the present study was to provide further validity evidence for the perceived severity of IPVAW scale (PS-IPVAW), by assessing its measurement invariance between gender and age groups, and between men from the general population and male IPVAW offenders. Item response theory was also used to assess the discrimination of th…

Perceived severitySocial PsychologyIntimate partner violence offendersDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyIntimate partner violence against womenItem response theoryApplied PsychologyMeasurement invariancePsychosocial Intervention

Almond shell reuse: a viable non-conventional aggregate for sustainable building materials


Bio-based or green architecture is a new way of designing and building in line with the European Green Deal and in light of the Circular Economy principles. The main green approach directs the whole construction life cycle to be eco-sustainable and environmentally friendly from the beginning to the end of the building process. Beyond the use of eco sustainable and highly performing structural materials, new technologies able of reduce the environmental impact of buildings must be used. This paper is aimed at reviewing the possible reuse of bio- wastes of agricultural origin whose massive production generates a number of issues for their treatment and disposal. In particular, this study will…

Building and construction material bio-waste reuse almond shell natural fibre sustainabilitySettore ICAR/10 - Architettura TecnicaSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura