showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Vitamin D deficiency as one of the factors affecting idiopathic scoliosis progression in adolescents aged 10 to 16


Maģistra darbs “D vitamīna nepietiekamība kā viens no Idiopātiskās skoliozes progresēšanas faktoriem bērniem 10-16 gadu vecumā “, Tatjana Rakļinska. Darba vadītājs sertificēts mugurkaulāja ķirurgs un traumatologs ortopēds Dr. Jānis Osītis, 41 lpp., 19 attēli., 9 tabulas, 1 pielikums, 28 literatūras avoti. Latviešu valodā. Pusaudžu idiopātiskā skolioze (AIS) ir trīs dimensiju mugurkaula deformācija . Lai gan AIS var progresēt augšanas laikā un radīt virsmas deformāciju, parasti tā nav simptomātiska. Tomēr pieaugušo vecumā, ja galīgais mugurkaula izliekums pārsniedz noteiktu kritisko slieksni, palielinās veselības problēmu un izliekuma progresēšanas risks. Diemžēl arī Covid-19 pandēmija ir ie…

25(OH)D3KoncentrācijaKobba leņķisIdiopātiskā skolioze 25(OH)D3 līmeņa koncentrācija asinīs Kobba leņķis korelācijāKolerācijaMedicīna

La symbolique culinaire française


Si Simone de Beauvoir estime que « toute nourriture est un symbole » (La cérémonie des adieux), à travers l'histoire de la cuisine des Français, on constate que les plats aujourd'hui présentés comme « typiques », et représentatifs de la France, sont finalement souvent assez récents, et que les goûts et les pratiques culinaires ont fortement évolué en quelques siècles profitant des influences de la multiculturalité pour donner naissance à une forme de modèle culinaire. Apports, mouvements et mutations Les Français goûteraient-ils aujourd'hui, sous prétexte qu'un plat profite « d'une inspiration étrangère », de la viande canine comme dans certains territoires asiatiques, goûteraient-ils de la…

[SHS.SOCIO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Sociology[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/History[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.INFO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences

Adolescents' credibility justifications when evaluating online texts.


AbstractResearch has shown that students differ in their abilities to evaluate the credibility of online texts, and, in general, many perform poorly on online evaluation tasks. This study extended current knowledge by examining students’ abilities to justify the credibility of online texts from different perspectives, thus providing a more nuanced understanding of students’ credibility evaluation ability. We examined how upper secondary school students (N = 73; aged 16 to 17) evaluated author expertise, author intention, the publication venue, and the quality of evidence when reading four texts about the effects of sugar consumption in a web-based environment. Additionally, we examined how …

tiedonlähteetbehavioral engagementlähdekritiikkicredibility justificationtiedonkäsityssourcingLibrary and Information SciencesEducationonline evaluationlukiolaisetnuoret516 Educational sciencesadolescentsuskottavuusinternet-specific epistemic justification beliefsverkkoaineistoarviointiepistemic beliefsEducation and information technologies

Ziemeļeiropā ligzdojošo mājas strazdu (Sturnus vulgaris) migrācijas stratēģijas un ziemošanas vietu pārmaiņas pēdējā gadsimta laikā


Siltumnīcas efekta gāzu koncentrācijas palielināšanās atmosfērā ir izraisījusi klimata pasiltināšanos, kas ir ietekmējusi procesus dabā. Izmaiņas ir notikušas arī putnu migrācijās un daudzas tuvo migrantu putnu sugas veic aizvien īsākus migrāciju attālumus. Šajā pētījumā tiek noskaidrots vai un kā vēsturiski izmainās attālums starp tuvā migranta mājas strazda ziemošanas un ligzdošanas vietām klimata izmaiņu ietekmē Ziemeļeiropā. Pētījumā izmantota no EURING datubāzes atlasīta datu kopa par Ziemeļeiropā ligzdošanas laikā apgredzenoto mājas strazdu atradumiem ziemošanas laikā visā Eiropā no 1926. līdz 2019. gadam. Baltijas valstu, Skandināvijas valstu un Polijas mājas strazdu populācijām pēdē…

Sturnus vulgarisziemošanas vietasmājas strazdsligzdošanas vietasBioloģijamigrācija

Incidenti ed esplosioni della ricerca semiotica in Italia


A history of Italian semiotics has not yet been written (as of semiotics in general). There are, scattered in journals and volumes of various kinds, many different reconnaissance, explorations, syntheses, chronologies, bibliographies. Nothing overall, from a historiographic point of view, or exhaustive, from a theoretical point of view. It is by no means established, moreover, that the time has come to launch such a challenge. When a discipline starts looking back to compile its own history, it is almost certainly in crisis.

SemioticsSettore M-FIL/05 - Filosofia E Teoria Dei Linguaggi

Educación artística para formación del profesorado en tiempos de coronavirus, Invisibilidades Revista Ibero-Americana de Investigación en Educación, …


El presente artículo relata la experiencia docente de educación artística vivida durante el estado de alarma implantado en el estado español a partir de la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19. Se trata de un trabajo planteado desde las narrativas personales y las historias de vida, elaborado metodológicamente como un estudio de caso, centrándose en los relatos del alumnado y profesorado de una materia artística del Grado de Maestro/a en Educación Primaria. El hecho de haber transformado la enseñanza presencial en un modelo online con la urgencia que impuso el confinamiento, ha supuesto no solamente un esfuerzo por parte de todas las instancias implicadas, sino también el descubrimiento de nuestra…

DissenyEducacióProfessors FormacióArt

Presentación: Práctica físico-deportiva de las personas LGTBI+



The Pandemic: A Challenge for the Humanities


The pandemic has been and still is a challenge for the Humanities as much as for “Hard sciences.” And for a double order of reasons. Humanities have always provided interpretative keys for phenomena such as contagion, epidemics, and, consequently, care and assistance. Just think of phenomena such as the “plague” in the Middle Ages and in the modern age, which have strongly influenced global history and have been the subject of history, sociology, and literary theory.

Pandemic Humanities LiteratureSettore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria E Letterature Comparate

Attentes, croyances et représentations des nouveaux étudiants à l’université : bilan d’une recherche exploratoire sur la diversité des publics étudia…


Attente envers l'écoleUniversitéDiversitéReprésentationCroyanceNouveaux entrants[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationÉtudiantPublicUniversité de Bourgogne

Droghe leggere e criminalità organizzata: una relazione problematica


Il contributo analizza il tema dei rapporti tra trattamento penale delle droghe c.d. “leggere” e contrasto alla criminalità organizzata dedita al narcotraffico, con riguardo all’ordinamento europeo, internazionale e di alcuni Paesi dell’UE (Spagna, Portogallo, Grecia, Germania e Italia). Seguendo un approccio di tipo integrato, all’analisi del dato normativo si affianca la descrizione della fenomenologia dei traffici e la valutazione dei primi effetti che le riforme antiproibizioniste entrate in vigore in alcuni ordinamenti del Nord e del Sud America hanno prodotto sul fronte del mercato illecito. Il fine è di evidenziare i punti di forza e di debolezza dei modelli di depenalizzazione, tene…

The paper analyses the relationship between the criminal treatment of 'soft' drugs and the fight against organised crime related to drug trafficking with regard to European law international law and national criminal law of some EU countries (Spain Portugal Greece Germany and Italy). Following an integrated approach the analysis is carried on taking into consideration the phenomenology of trafficking and an assessment of the initial effects that the anti-prohibitionist reforms of some North and South American jurisdictions have produced on the illicit market. The aim is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the de-criminalisation models taking into account not only their theoretical profiles but also possible outcome on the fight against organised crime.Settore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale

Dieci gesti-barriera per le città aumentate del Neoantropocene


Le città non sono solo luoghi dell'abitare. Esse sono anche potenti dispositivi creativi per attivare il diverso presente ed esplorare il futuro possibile se consentono una vita di comunità che costruisca relazioni feconde, generi sinapsi fertili, produca nuove economie e acceleri l'innovazione. Il contributo fornisce strumenti e metodi utili alla definizione della città aumentata come fattore abilitante del cambiamento verso il Neoantropocene.

cityforming protocolNeoanthropoceneAugmented city15-minute citieSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Darba vides riski farmaceitu darbā un to ietekme uz darbaspējām. Veselības veicināšanas pasākumi


Darba vides riski ir ļoti svarīga un aktuāla tēma mūsdienās, jo strauji ir mainījušās tehnoloģijas, izpratne par darba vides riskiem. Darba vietu modernizēšana, piemēram, datoru ieviešanu darba vietā un lielais pakalpojumu klāsts ko kompānijas cenšās sniegt klientiem, ir radījušas jaunas problēmas darba devējiem, kas saistās ar rūpēm par darbinieka veselību un labklājību darbā. Farmaceiti aptiekās ikdienā kontaktē ar dažādiem klientiem, konsultē tos, nodarbināti zāļu gatavošanā, medikamentu pakošanā. Tāpēc būtiska nozīme ir veselīgai un drošai darba videi, sākot ar datoru atbilstošu izvietojumu, līdz plauktu vieglai pieejamībai. Šī darba mērķis bija analizēt darba vides riskus farmaceitu da…

darbspējasdarba vides riskifarmaceitislodzeFarmācija



Introduction to the anthology of essays on ethics, phenomenological ethics, history of moral philosophy and ethics and politics

phenomenological ethics history of moral philosophySettore M-FIL/03 - Filosofia Morale

Neiromediatora serotonīna ietekme uz augļu mušu (Drosophila melanogaster) kustību lateralitāti


Augļu mušu (Drosophila melanogaster) depresīvā uzvedības modeļa izpēte ar y-tipa labirinta metodi, var palīdzēt saprast depresīvās uzvedības pamatelementus. Augļu mušas ir labi pazīstams un plaši pielietojams modeļobjekts bioloģijas nozares pētījumos, ir zināms, ka serotonīna sintēzes cikls ir evolucionāri konservatīvs, līdzīgs visiem dzīvniekiem, tāpēc ir svarīgi apzināties kādus ķīmiskos līdzekļus vislabāk pielietot tālakos uzvedības pētījumos. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt vai selektīvie serotonīna inhibitori ietekmē augļu mušu Oregon R kustību lateritāti. Kopā pētījumā analizēti, selektīvā serototonīna atpakaļpiesaistes inhibitora escitaloprāma un, vielas ar antidepresīvām īpašībām, triptofān…

y-tipa labirintsserotonīnsDrosophilia melanogasterBioloģijakustību lateralitāte

"Ostrożnie z tym Mo(t)zartem, Ryszardzie!" : onimiczne cząstki ramy wydawniczej publikacji fonograficznych na przykładzie albumu "Fragile" grypy YES


Album artwork research tends to focus on aspects related to usability and graphics, włiile freąuently ignoring other elements of cover art - the paraphernalia of pho- nograms represented by functionally diversified texts. Their importance has been recognised with the Grammy Award for Best Album Notes, awarded for excellent liner (sleeve) notes in phonographic publications. This article focuses on the diverse character of the onymic elements in the sleeve notes on Fragile, the fourth studio album by Yes. Specifically, the songs are divided into those representing the band as a whole and its individual members separately. Proper names emerge in this example as a categorically diverse group, w…

musical onomasticsphonographic publicationrama wydawniczapublishing framephonographyrockonomastyka muzycznapublikacja fonograficznafonografiaKultura Współczesna. Teoria, Interpretacje, Praktyka

Organizational agility in the public sector: A case study of the Office of the Auditor General of Norway


This master thesis explores organizational agility in the public sector through a case study of a state agency. Organizational agility is as a learned, permanently-available dynamic capability that can be performed quickly and efficiently to the degree necessary, and whenever needed, to increase business performance in a volatile market environment. Although the definition includes a focus on a volatile market environment and business performance, many public organizations strive for agility. This master thesis investigates whether the concept of organizational agility could be a good fit for the public sector, even without obvious competitors and profit focus. A literature review was condu…

SIA “CTB” finanšu analīze saimnieciskās darbības novērtēšanai


Darba aktualitāte:uzņēmēmuma finansiālā stabilitāte, vērtība un pastāvēšana nākotnē ir jebkura uzņēmuma interesenta aktualitāte Mērķis:pamatojoties uz finanšu teoriju, novērtēt uzņēmuma finanšu rādītājus un sniegt priekšlikumus saimnieciskās darbības attīstībai Rezultāts: CTB ir finansiāli stabils uzņēmums ar vairākām attīstības pazīmēm

likviditātemaksātspējafinanšu analīzeEkonomika un uzņēmējdarbībarentabilitāteaprite

Socioeconomic position and the effect of portion size reduction: a 1-day dietary behaviour experimental


[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutrition[SDV.NEU.PC] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Neurons and Cognition [q-bio.NC]/Psychology and behaviorsocioeconomic positionportion size

EU Projects Going Virtual : The ONE Meeting Approach


The ONE meeting approach aims to equip EU project managers and HE leadership with skills and competencies needed for making EU projects more efficient, greener and more sustainable. Our target groups can pick out what is relevant for them: The ONE Business Case provides evidence and offers tools to check the potential benefits for the environment; the ONE Virtual Toolkit offers a systematised collection of tools for virtual collaboration; and the ONE Guide presents a proof of concept and a step-by-step approach for switching to a ONE meeting only format. In the long run, we hope to impact project work on a regional, national and international level to become more sustainable and effective, …

virtual collaborationprojektitkokouksetkansainvälinen yhteistyövihreä siirtymävirtual toolskehittäminenkestävyyssustainabilityvirtuaaliympäristögreen transition

Free will in a simulated reality: “How does agency panic affect the decisions of Matrix characters”?


Analysis of choices i the Matrix universe, looking for the effect agency panic has on the character's decision-making.

'How Might Students engage with broader cultural questions relating to the circulation consumption, censorship, and reception of Decadent texts?'


This paper explores the distribution of ‘Decadence’ ‘France’ ‘Decadent’ ‘French’ in British newspapers between 1890 and 1899 by relying on It shows how the adjective was variously used in different contexts and how French Decadence was considered between 1880 and 1900.Not all 'decadence'/'decadent' was Decadent.Conversely exploring 'Décadence' in French periodicals yields different results but both digital repositories used in this research show that the noun was first used in a historical context.

Decadencereception[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureBritish newspaperscomputational analysisFrench newspaperstranslation

Editorial: Creativity, curiosity and new thinking in comparative education in relation to the new norms of the XXIst century.


La comunidad científica apela y reivindica actitudes epistemológicas de creatividad y curiosidad, y con ella, metodologías (Alvesson & Sandberg, 2021), así como el empleo de recursos innovadores en momentos en que, ontológicamente, se ha llegado, pretendi- damente, a un estancamiento. Desde estas consideraciones, la superación de la denun- ciada 'parálisis' de la Educación Comparada (Carney, 2010), reclama el empleo acadé - mico de dichas actitudes. Así ha sido formulado por académicos que proponen nuestra implicación en un pensamiento nuevo y fresco sobre lo que estudiamos; los conceptos interpretativos, marcos y teorías que desarrollamos en nuestro trabajo, las influencias y contextos que…

Educació internacional



karkotusturvapaikkaoikeuslainsäädäntömaasta käännyttäminenmaahanmuuttopolitiikkapakolaispolitiikkamaassaolo-oikeus



La Renal Salt Wasting Syndrome (RSW) è una sindrome clinica con caratteristiche di laboratorio che si sovrappongono completamente alla sindrome da secrezione inappropriata di ADH (SIADH). La differenza fondamentale tra le due sindromi risiede nel volume extracellulare (ECV), ridotto nella RSW e normale o leggermente aumentato nella SIADH. Le difficoltà nella diagnosi differenziale di questa sindrome e nella comprensione del preciso meccanismo patogenetico hanno contribuito a mettere in discussione l'esistenza stessa di RSW. Considerando le caratteristiche della RSW, è stato studiato il possibile ruolo dei peptidi natriuretici per spiegare la sua patogenesi come ANP e BNP, con risultati inso…

Settore MED/14 - NefrologiakidneySettore MED/09 - Medicina Internanatriuretic peptidehyponatremianatriuriaiposodiemiasodiemiafluid balancepeptidi natriureticiurodilatinasodiopeptide natriuretico atrialeurodilatinatrial natriuretic peptidesaltbilancio idricosodiumanp

Associations between Teacher- and Student-directed Sexual and Physical Violence in Physical Education


This study examined relationships between teachers’ perceptions of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment and physical violence against teachers and among students in physical education (PE). Participants were 175 (females 122, males 53) Finnish PE teachers between 27 and 62 years (M = 44.8 ± 9.2 years). The cross-sectional data were collected by an anonymous online survey in the fall semester 2018. The findings showed that (a) higher levels of verbal sexual harassment and physical violence among students were associated with higher levels of equivalent types of violence against PE teachers, (b) higher levels of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment among students were associated with hi…

non-verbalverbalschooleducationvictimizationväkivaltaharassmenthenkinen väkivaltaopettajatbehavioral disciplines and activitiesoppilaatsukupuolinen häirintäuhritongelmakäyttäytyminenkoululiikuntakiusaamineninterpersonalliikunnanopettajathäirintä

The Eurasian Treecreeper (Certhia familiaris) has an effective camouflage against mammalian but not avian vision in boreal forests


A well-known example of visual camouflage in birds is the plumage coloration of the Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia familiaris, yet this species’ camouflage has never been objectively quantified. Here, we quantify treecreeper camouflage in its boreal forest habitat, test whether treecreepers better match tree backgrounds at nest site, territory or habitat spatial scales, and explore which common tree species provide the best background match. Using photographic data of the birds and forested backgrounds, we test their background match using human, ferret and avian vision modelling. We found that a treecreeper’s wing and mantle provided closest background matching, whereas the wing stripe and t…

suojavärihabitat selectionhabitaattivision modelQCPAbackground matchingpuulajitpuukiipijä (laji)

Les Héritiers Rabourdin d’Émile Zola, ou comment échouer à ressusciter l’héritage de Molière à l’époque naturaliste


Identificación de nuevas rutas de patogénesis y dianas terapéuticas en la enfermedad de Parkinson mediante el uso de modelos biomédicos


La enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es la segunda enfermedad neurodegenerativa más común, caracterizada por la pérdida progresiva de neuronas dopaminérgicas en la substantia nigra pars compacta. Esto conduce a una disminución de los niveles de dopamina en el núcleo estriado, causando los síntomas motores típicos de la enfermedad. Entre las principales causas de la neurodegeneración se encuentran el estrés oxidativo (EO) y la disfunción mitocondrial. Aunque la mayoría de los casos de EP son idiopáticos, se ha demostrado que entre el 5 y el 10% de ellos son formas familiares de la enfermedad causadas por mutaciones en determinados genes. Uno de ellos es el gen DJ-1, cuyas mutaciones están asociad…

DJ-1ciclo del ácido cítricoparkinsoncalcioenferemedad neurodegenerativaUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDAproteómica redoxbiomarcadordrosophilaglucolisismetaboloma:CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA [UNESCO]

Riso, potere e modelli letterari nella Coena Trimalchionis


Il contributo mira ad esaminare i riferimenti al fenomeno della risata nel contesto della Coena Trimalchionis, narrata ai capp. 27-78 del Satyricon petroniano. Le occasioni di riso che si vengono a creare nel corso della cena presso il ricco liberto – contesto in cui il dislivello sociale e culturale tra i personaggi di scuola ed gli indocti è costantemente sottoposto all’attenzione del lettore – evidenziano infatti una forte distorsione delle dinamiche di potere in ambito conviviale. L’atteggiamento di scherno nei confronti dei liberti da parte degli scholastici, spesso costretti a trattenere l’ilarità di fronte alle trovate ed ai discorsi dalla profonda bassezza culturale di Trimalchione …

Satyriconrisatacoena TrimalchionisrisoSettore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latina



Construction and demolition waste (C&DW) is mainly produced during the construction, demolition, or renovation activities of engineering structures and it accounts for a remarkable amount of the total C&DW generated, as it is estimated to be around 30%. This proportion differs across countries belonging to different types of economies and tends to be greater in countries with developing economies reaching 74% of total annual production. There is a plethora of applications that C&DW can be used for under a circular economic model and in this research study a focus is being given in the utilization of C&DW within the pavement engineering sector, and more specifically, in the u…

Circular economy market analysis construction and demolition waste circular economic model recycling

SIA "Binders" finansiālā stāvokļa analīze un attīstības iespējas


Bakalaura darbs tika veikts, lai izstrādātu pasākumus būvniecības uzņēmuma SIA “Binders” finansiālā stāvokļa pārvaldības procesu uzlabošanai. Uzņēmuma finansiālās un saimnieciskās darbības analīze ļauj novērtēt uzņēmējdarbības efektivitāti, proti, noteikt konkrētās organizācijas darbības efektivitāti. Jebkuras uzņēmējdarbības efektivitātes pamatprincips ir sasniegt maksimālus rezultātus ar minimālām izmaksām. Finanšu rezultāts ir galvenais kritērijs jebkura uzņēmuma darbības rezultātu novērtēšanai: jo pievilcīgāki ir finanšu rezultāti, jo stabilāks ir uzņēmuma pašreizējais un perspektīvais finanšu stāvoklis. Tādējādi organizācijas finanšu rezultātu analīze ir starpposms starp informācijas v…

finanšu rezultātipeļņafinanšu analīzebūvniecības nozareEkonomikazaudējumi

A new front-of-pack environmental label triggers more environmentally friendly choices: a randomized controlled trial in a virtual reality supermarket


[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutritionchoix alimentairessupermarchéeco-labelenvironnement

Valistunutta taikauskoa?


valistus (aatteet)taikauskotietoisuusfilosofiavalistusfilosofiauskonnonfilosofiaajattelukristinusko

About Celtic Feet: Iron Age metrology and planning


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory

Digitalt medborgerskap i praksis


Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg et utvalg samfunnsfaglæreres forståelser og arbeid med å utvikle elevenes digitale medborgerskap, her forstått som kunnskap og ferdigheter knyttet til bruk av digitale enheter og sosiale medier. Studien søker svar på hvorvidt det jobbes med digitalt medborgerskap på mellomtrinnet, og hvordan lærerne forstår ansvaret de har som samfunnsfaglærere i et digitalt samfunn i rask utvikling. I tillegg vil det undersøkes hvordan lærerne forstår en digital skoleutvikling, samt hvor mottakelige de er for endring og utvikling i skolen. I denne studien spør jeg derfor: «Hvordan forstår og jobber utvalgte samfunnsfaglærere med å utvikle elevenes digitale medborge…

Caso Djokovic: la verdadera motivación de la decisión


Tal como y como adelantamos en IUSPORT, en estos últimos días, el limitado alcance de las facultades revisoras del Tribunal Federal que, en pleno, ha sustanciado el recurso interpuesto por el tenista serbio, fundado en la concurrencia de un error de Derecho por el carácter arbitrario, irracional e ilógico de la medida adoptada por el Ministro (la cancelación del visado del tenista en el ejercicio de su extraordinario poder personal por concurrir razones de salud y de buen orden que lo hacían aconsejable desde la perspectiva del interés público), ha terminado por echar por tierra las expectativas del tenista serbio y de todos aquellos que deseaban verle intentar alcanzar su décimo entorchado…

Esports Dret i legislació