showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Depth Attention for Scene Understanding
Deep learning models can nowadays teach a machine to realize a number of tasks, even with better precision than human beings. Among all the modules of an intelligent machine, perception is the most essential part without which all other action modules have difficulties in safely and precisely realizing the target task under complex scenes. Conventional perception systems are based on RGB images which provide rich texture information about the 3D scene. However, the quality of RGB images highly depends on environmental factors, which further influence the performance of deep learning models. Therefore, in this thesis, we aim to improve the performance and robustness of RGB models with comple…
39. Świadczenia z tytułu wypadków przy pracy i chorób zawodowych
Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination Scale (VAX) in a Spanish sample.
AbstractIn these times of pandemic, the acceptance or rejection of vaccines has become increasingly clear, with a considerable rise in the anti-vaccine movement in Spain. It is important to understand the attitudes that lead a person to refuse vaccination in order to develop more effective public health campaigns. The objective of this study has been to study the psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale in a Spanish sample. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling have been used to study the psychometric properties of the VAX. Likewise, the measurement invariance by gender and educational level has been stu…
Tema de actualidad:Economía Social y Juventud.
La juventud, entendida como aquel periodo de edad que divide la infancia de la edad adulta, no está definida de manera categórica y universal por una franja de edad inamovible. Según el criterio de Naciones Unidas, la juventud comprende a aquellas personas situadas entre los 15 y 24 años. Sin embargo, cuestiones como el acceso al trabajo, el acceso a la vivienda o el aumento de la esperanza de vida propician que esta franja de edad se amplíe en muchos organismos. Por ejemplo, en el caso de la mayoría de las encuestas del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) la juventud comprende a las personas que se encuentran entre los 15 y 29 años de edad. Y, además, en determinadas ayudas para jóvene…
Distribution des bacteries pathogènes de l’homme ou commensales dans l’environnement (sol, eau) et les agro-ecosystemes, emergence de resistances aux…
Contrat de maîtrise d'œuvre : revirement sur l'efficacité des clauses d'exclusion de l'obligation in solidum
Kompensācijas aprēķināšanas metodes par kaitējumu videi starptautiskajās publiskajās tiesībās
Bakalaura darbā tiek pētītas metodes, ko starptautiskās tiesas un tribunāli izmanto, lai aprēķinātu kompensācijas summu par videi nodarītu kaitējumu. Lai konstatētu kompensācijas aprēķināšanas metodes par videi nodarītu kaitējumu darba ietvaros tiek aplūkoti un analizēti ANO Starptautiskās tiesas spriedumi Certain Activities un Armed Activities lietās, ANO Kompensācijas komisijas lēmumi attiecībā uz videi nodarītu kaitējumu, kā arī kārtība, kādā tiek atlīdzināts videi nodarīts kaitējums saskaņā ar Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes direktīvu 2004/35/EK par atbildību vides jomā attiecībā uz videi nodarītā kaitējuma novēršanu un atlīdzināšanu. Tāpat darba ietvaros tiek aplūkoti vispārīgie starptau…
Ieslodzīto tiesības uz sadzīves apstākļiem un uzturu
Bakalaura darbā tiek pētīti ieslodzīto uztura, higiēnas, platības sadzīves apstākļi Latvijas ieslodzījuma vietās. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir pētīt sadzīves apstākļu ietekmi uz ieslodzīto; normatīvo regulējumu Latvijā attiecībā uz ieslodzīto tiesībām uz uzturu, higiēnu, telpu; sadzīves apstākļu nodrošināšanu; noskaidrot, nepieciešamību pamatot reliģiskā uztura nodrošināšanu; specifiskā uztura saņemšanas iespējas; kā tiek veikts novērtējums ieslodzīto kameras platības atbilstībai. Lai sasniegtu bakalaura darba mērķi, darba autors izvirza šādus uzdevumus: 1)analizēt Latvijas Republikas tiesu un Eiropas Cilvēktiesību tiesas praksi; 2)analizēt Latvijas Republikas un ārvalstu normatīvo regulējumu;…
2-3 gadīgu bērnu vārdu krājuma bagātināšana skaitāmpantu apguves procesā pirmsskolā
Kvalifikācijas darbam izvēlējos tēmu “2-3 gadīgu bērnu vārdu bagātināšana skaitāmpantu apguves procesā pirmsskolā”. Darba autore Sindija Poddubnaja. Kvalifikācijas darbā ir 40.lpp., 5 tabulas, 7 attēli, 25 literatūras avoti un pielikumi. Darba mērķis bija noskaidrot vai skaitāmpantu izmantošana pedagoģiskajā procesā palīdz bagātināt 2-3 gadīgu bērnu vārdu krājumu. Kvalifikācijas darba ietvaros tika veikta pedagoģiski psiholoģiskās literatūras analīze par bērna attīstības īpatnībām, attiecīgā bērnu vecuma runas un valodas attīstību 2-3 veciem bērniem. Otrajā nodaļā tika veikts pētījums vai skaitāmpanti palīdz attīstīt un bagātināt bērnu runu 2-3 gadu veciem bērniem. Izvirzītais pētījuma jaut…
Interspace for empathy : engaging with work-related uncertainty through artistic intervention in management education
How can artistic intervention facilitate empathic engagement with work-related uncertainty in postgraduate management education? To examine this, we theorize artistic intervention as creating an interspace of temporarily suspended organizational norms through which empathy as relational knowing can emerge between participants. Drawing on an ethnographic study entitled Becoming in Academia, a nine-month artistic intervention conducted by a group of doctoral students in a Nordic business school (NBS), this paper highlights how an interspace for empathic engagement with work-related uncertainty was created by the participants through three intervention activities: aligning oneself to the other…
Leikkiä ja liikettä mielisairaalaympäristöissä : turvallisuus ja pelko mielisairaaloiden henkilökunnan lasten muistoissa
Expérience de consommation : une application au secteur des arts et de la culture
¿Y si la gramática fuera útil? Aportaciones a la investigación sobre la enseñanza de la gramática y las prácticas reflexivas
La enseñanza de la gramática sigue siendo, en la actualidad, no solo un foco de interés para los investigadores sino también un elemento de discusión para legisladores, pedagogos y docentes. Buena muestra de ello son los debates que se han suscitado en torno a la nueva ley de educación española, la LOMLOE; sirva como ejemplo el titular del diario El País del 8 de noviembre de 2021: "El Gobierno plantea un vuelco a la enseñanza de Lengua: menos análisis sintáctico y más aprender a comunicarse". En gran medida, este es un debate recurrente (recordemos el famoso "¿y si la gramática fuera inútil?" de Freinet) que sitúa la enseñanza de la gramática como representante idiosincrásico de eso que se…
The role and contribution of eustasy as a triggering force of the onset of Oceanic Anoxic Events: A case study of the early Aptian OAE1a in the Tethy…
<p>Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) are short-lived global carbon cycle perturbations characterized by significant changes in the chemistry, temperature and circulation of the oceans of the world. The forcing mechanisms behind these events remain a subject of discussion, especially for the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Typically, these events are thought to be triggered by a contemporaneous emplacement of a large igneous province (LIP) associated with a significant release of CO<sub>2</sub> into the atmosphere and leading to rapid global warming. In turn, induced sharp climatic change promotes an acceleration of the hydrological cycle which intensifi…
Hepatitis Virus Reactivation in Patients with Psoriasis Treated with Secukinumab in a Real-World Setting of Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C Infection
Background and Objective Biologics for psoriasis, especially anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha therapies, may reactivate hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections, as well in inactive carriers or patients with occult infection. However, some biologics, including anti-interleukin-17 therapies such as secukinumab, seem to be less likely to cause hepatitis reactivation. This study assessed the safety of secukinumab treatment in patients with psoriasis with HBV or HBC infection. Methods This was a retrospective cohort study of patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis treated with secukinumab at seven Italian centers. Patients serologically positive for one or more of the fo…
Marsala. Studi preliminari per la pianificazione del centro storico
Il saggio restituisce un sintetico estratto del lavoro di ricerca compiuto sul centro storico di Marsala per la preparazione dello studio con “effetti costitutivi” previsto dalla legge della Regione Siciliana n. 13 del 2015. Il lavoro illustra l’evoluzione della struttura urbana e la lettura tipo-morfologica dei tessuti presenti nel centro storico, nonché alcune delle priorità per il futuro piano risultanti dall’analisi dello stato di fatto.
Una storia chiamata letteratura. Storia e antologia della letteratura italiana. Volume 1: Dalle origini alla Controriforma
L’opera è strutturata in ampie sezioni relative alle grandi periodizzazioni letterarie. Ciascuna sezione si apre con un quadro storico-culturale che presenta l’epoca a partire da un’immagine. I capitoli sono incentrati sui grandi autori, o su correnti e generi di un dato periodo. Due rubriche in particolare riprendono gli elementi portanti dell’impianto didattico culturale dell’opera: - Mondo interiore/Mondo esteriore: che collega il brano antologizzato con un’opera e un autore o un’autrice del Novecento, con opere della letteratura europea o con testi non letterari; - Un personaggio per discutere: una riflessione per confrontarsi sul senso delle scelte effettuate dai grandi personaggi dell…
sj-docx-4-tam-10.1177_17588359221110162 – Supplemental material for The diagnostic accuracy of PIK3CA mutations by circulating tumor DNA in breast ca…
Supplemental material, sj-docx-4-tam-10.1177_17588359221110162 for The diagnostic accuracy of PIK3CA mutations by circulating tumor DNA in breast cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis by Antonio Galvano, Luisa Castellana, Valerio Gristina, Maria La Mantia, Lavinia Insalaco, Nadia Barraco, Alessandro Perez, Sofia Cutaia, Valentina Calò, Tancredi Didier Bazan Russo, Edoardo Francini, Lorena Incorvaia, Mario Giuseppe Mirisola, Salvatore Vieni, Christian Rolfo, Viviana Bazan and Antonio Russo in Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology
La responsabilidad de la investigación social como alerta sobre la desinformación en la memoria democrática
Disinformation is a communicative phenomenon inevitably linked to current times. Since the terms 'fake news' were globally accepted to describe a communicative practice, especially since 2016, we have experienced various phases of social response, with successive movements of study, analysis and denunciation. The collective perception is having begun a stage, which appears to us as irreversible, where the Habermasian public sphere would take place mainly in social networks. The phenomenon is associated with a change in political communication, with campaigns that unapologetically adopt the practice of disorientation, sowing doubt in voters about democratic processes and their legitimacy, as…
The presumption of innocence in the EU competition law
This Bachelor thesis aims to analyse the application of the presumption of innocence in the EU competition law, more precisely in the anti-cartel proceedings. In addition, this thesis will provide the analysis of the categorisation of the competition law. This, in turn, is a topical debate due to the fact that in competition law the penalties are comparable to criminal charges notwithstanding the administrative procedure. The thesis will try to answer the question “To what extent is the presumption of innocence applied in the EU anti-cartel procedure?”. This paper's primary objective is to identify the procedural rights of cartel members, analyse their implementation, and emphasise any pote…
Notarias digitales: Impacto de la transformación digital en el control y gestión del servicio público notarial en Colombia
La tesis aplica las tecnologías de información y las comunicaciones en la administración pública: por una parte, da solución a problemas y necesidades de la gestión pública mediante la digitalización de procesos y por otra parte señala los efectos de dicha digitalización en el control y la gestión del servicio público notarial con objeto de fortalecer la transformación digital del Gobierno. El dominio de investigación de esta tesis se encuentra en el sector notarial de Colombia donde se diseñaron, desarrollaron e implementaron 14 soluciones tecnológicas para el control notarial junto con la creación de tres servicios digitales que fortalecen la gestión del servicio público notarial para los…
Publicaciones multimedia en manual electrónico sobre la Unión Europea como método de divulgación científica
Publicación sobre el uso de publicaciones multimedia en manual electrónico sobre la Unión Europea como método de divulgación científica, presentando en las VIII Jornadas de Innovación de la Universidad de Valencia.
Über den Tag hinaus. Festgaben aus Wissenschaft und Praxis zum Einzug von Johann Heinrich Voß in das Voßhaus Penzlin
Desde la protección de datos de los consumidores a las organizaciones como consumidores de datos personales
Desde sus orígenes el derecho a la protección de datos de carácter personal y su regulación han pretendido paliar la incidencia negativa que para la privacidad conllevaban los avances tecnológicos; comprobándose, actualmente, que junto al objetivo de que los interesados (titulares de los datos personales) mantengan el control sobre sus datos, debe prestarse especial atención y fijarse como objetivo evitar que el uso de los datos personales pueda conllevar un control sobre los interesados, al descubrirse la potencialidad de los datos para el logro de objetivos y mejora de los resultados de negocio.
L’opera è strutturata in ampie sezioni relative alle grandi periodizzazioni letterarie. Ciascuna sezione si apre con un quadro storico-culturale che presenta l’epoca a partire da un’immagine. I capitoli sono incentrati sui grandi autori, o su correnti e generi di un dato periodo. Due rubriche in particolare riprendono gli elementi portanti dell’impianto didattico culturale dell’opera: - Mondo interiore/Mondo esteriore: che collega il brano antologizzato con un’opera e un autore o un’autrice del Novecento, con opere della letteratura europea o con testi non letterari; - Un personaggio per discutere: una riflessione per confrontarsi sul senso delle scelte effettuate dai grandi personaggi dell…
Quadruple-Cation Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells with Enhanced Thermal Stability Enabled by Vacuum Deposition.
Vacuum processing of multicomponent perovskites is not straightforward, because the number of precursors is in principle limited by the number of available thermal sources. Herein, we present a process which allows increasing the complexity of the formulation of vacuum-deposited lead halide perovskite films by multisource deposition and premixing both inorganic and organic components. We apply it to the preparation of wide-bandgap CsMAFA triple-cation perovskite solar cells, which are found to be efficient but not thermally stable. With the aim of stabilizing the perovskite phase, we add guanidinium (GA+) to the material formulation and obtained CsMAFAGA quadruple-cation perovskite films wi…
Settler Colonialism, Environmental Justice and the Media: A Thematic Analysis of the National, Regional, Local, and Indigenous Newspaper Coverage of …
Purpose - The purpose of this thesis is to explore what thematic frames national, regional, local, and Indigenous newspapers have used when reporting on the Keystone XL pipeline in the United States. Specifically, by analyzing the newspaper articles which were published in six different newspapers, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Omaha World-Herald, Lincoln Journal Star, and Indian Country Today, over the course of 12 months, this thesis discusses to what extent the media coverage can be an example of settler colonialism as the conflict surrounding the Keystone XL has largely been located to Indigenous land across several states, including Nebraska. Methodology –…
Grafiskie informācijas organizatori un to lietošanas prasmju apguve ķīmijas un bioloģijas mācību procesā.
Grafiskie informācijas organizatori un to lietošanas prasmju apguve ķīmijas un bioloģijas mācību procesā, Smilga-Vorpule D., darba vadītājs doc., Dr. chem. Jāzeps Logins, bakalaura darbs, 57 lappuses, 4 nodaļas un 7 apakšnodaļas, 25 attēli, izmantoti 30 literatūras avoti. Latviešu valodā. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt, kādi metodiskie paņēmieni palīdz skolēniem veiksmīgāk apgūt grafisko informācijas organizatoru lietošanas prasmes mācību procesā. Darba teorētiskajā daļā ir apkopota informācija no dažādiem literatūras avotiem par vizualizācijas un grafisko organizatoru jēdzieniem, grafisko organizatoru veidiem un to izmantošanas iespējām, kā arī par grafisko organizatoru lietošanas prasmju apguvi …
Les artefacts des enfants dans les discours artistique et éducatif russes et soviétiques des années 1912-1934 : une question de style
Educación histórica, formación inicial docente y pensamiento crítico: representaciones y usos de la Historia en estudiantes del Grado en Maestro/a en…
La tesis doctoral que aquí se presenta analiza las representaciones y usos de la Historia de los estudiantes del Grado en Maestro/a en Educación Primaria de la Universitat de València. A través de un enfoque metodológico cualitativo se han analizado las respuestas de 100 estudiantes de 1º de Grado, utilizando como instrumento un cuestionario, y de 50 estudiantes de 4º de Grado a través una entrevista semiestructurada. Para ello se ha diseñado, empleando el programa de análisis cualitativo Atlas.Ti, una red de categorías y subcategorías que ha dotado de significación a toda la información recogida. Un estudio éste, de enfoque fenomenológico, en el que se ha dado significado a las experiencia…
A mathematical model by route of transmission and fibrosis progression to estimate undiagnosed individuals with HCV in different Italian regions.
Abstract Background Although an increase in hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence from Northern to Southern Italy has been reported, the burden of asymptomatic individuals in different Italian regions is currently unknown. Methods A probabilistic approach, including a Markov chain for liver disease progression, was applied to estimate current HCV viraemic burden. The model defined prevalence by geographic area using an estimated annual historical HCV incidence by age, treatment rate, and migration rate from the Italian National database. Viraemic infection by age group was estimated for each region by main HCV transmission routes of individuals for stage F0–F3 (i.e. patients without liver cirr…
Kofeīna ietekme uz sportista sniegumu jauniešiem vieglatlētikā
Darba autore: Sintija Brante Darba temats: Kofeīna ietekme uz sportista sniegumu jauniešiem vieglatlētikā Darba apjoms: 50lpp, 59 bibliogrāfiskie avoti Pētījuma mērķis: Izpētīt un apkopot, rakstus un datus par kofeīnu un to ietekmi uz jauniešu fizisko sniegumu vieglatlētikā. Pētījuma metodes: 1. Zinātniskās literatūras analīze. 2. Aptauja – aptaujas lapa ar speciāli izstrādātu jautājumu sarakstu, ko izmantot anektēšanā. 3. Intervija – interviju lapa ar speciāli izstrādātiem jautājumiem, ko izmantot cilvēku apjautāšanai 4. Datu analīze un secinājumu veikšana. Darba rezultāts: Kofeīns ir stimulants, nesatur uzturvērtības, ir bez garšas, tiek uzskatīts par narkotiku, tādēļ liela daļa jauniešu …
Todistusvalinnasta antirasismiin : mistä nyt puhutaan?
Online Edge Flow Imputation on Networks
Author's accepted manuscript © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. An online algorithm for missing data imputation for networks with signals defined on the edges is presented. Leveraging the prior knowledge intrinsic to real-world networks, we propose a bi-level optimization scheme that exploits the causal dependencies and the flow conservation, respe…
Die Sprache des Dinges. Heidegger und die Object-Oriented Ontology
Der Aufsatz analysiert die Präsenz von Heideggers Denken in Bezug auf das Thema des "Dings" in den Hauptversionen der objektorientierten Ontologie und versucht die Berührungspunkte und Unterschiede nachzuzeichen. Er konzentriert sich insbesondere auf die von Graham Harman ab 2002 durchgeführte Analyse von Werkzeug-Seins (Tool-Being), um festzustellen, dass Harmans Ansatz, obwohl er heuristisch interessant ist, nur einen sehr begrenzten Text- und Themenbereich innerhalb der Produktion von Heidegger berücksichtigt. Und damit führt sie dazu, die seit den frühen 1930er-Jahren erfolgten Setzungsveränderungen zu unterschätzen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Rolle der poetisch-künstlerischen Spr…
L’impact d’un mode de pilotage capacitant sur la pré-appropriation d’un outil de contrôle de la qualité : le cas d’une accréditation à l’université
Many works in management sciences are interested in the appropriation of management tools. On the other hand, few studies deal with the pre-appropriation phase, particularly of quality control tools. By understanding pre-appropriation as the first representations that the actors build of a tool, we wanted to know if an enabling management mode has an influence on them. An exploratory case study carried out in a component of a French public university, engaged in an AACSB accreditation process, allows us to draw some provisional conclusions: a partial capacitating steering mode influences pre-appropriation by giving rise to contrasting representations.