showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Balancing food waste and sustainability goals in online food delivery: Towards a comprehensive conceptual framework


Increasing food waste is a major threat to sustainability and food security. Recognizing the issue, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 mandates reducing global food waste by 50 percent by 2030. This situation has also given impetus to academic research on consumer food waste in both household and out-of-home settings. However, food delivery apps (FDAs) remain under-researched from this perspective. This is a serious gap because operating under a business model that inherently facilitates food over-ordering, FDAs can be a major source of food waste. Understanding the demand-side factors that drive consumers to order more food than required to satiate their hunger can be…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210VDP::Teknologi: 500Management of Technology and Innovationeco-friendly packagingfood delivery apps (FDAs):Social science: 200 [VDP]General Engineeringleftover reusehospitalitysustainable development goalsdigitalization

VEggInInteractions protéines végétales –protéines de blanc d’œuf pour le développement d’ingrédients fonctionnalisés


compréhension des interactions entre protéines végétales et protéines de blanc d’œuf pour permettre l’amélioration de la « techno-fonctionnalité » des mélanges, notamment pour la stabilisation des mousses et émulsions, l’optimisation de ces fonctionnalités et l’identification des conditions permettant de limiter leur sensibilité aux traitements thermiques.

émulsionmousse[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutritionprotéine animaleblanc d'oeufinnovation alimentaireingrédient fonctionnel[SDV.IDA] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food engineeringProtéine végétaletraitement thermique

Wychowanie religijne w Niemczech


Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizācijas novēršanas pasākumi Latvijas finanšu sistēmā


Noziedzīgi iegūto līdzekļu legalizācija un terorisma un proliferācijas finansēšanas jēdziens finanšu sistēmā kļūst aizvien atpazīstamāks, balstoties uz 21. gadsimtā noziegumu skaitu palielināšanos un cīņai pret to vērsto darbību un mehānismu attīstību. Mūsdienās ikviens cilvēks vēlas dzīvot drošā vidē, un cīņa pret noziedzīgi iegūto līdzekļu legalizāciju un terorisma un proliferāciju ir viena no sastāvdaļām, ar kurām ir iespējams samazināt noziegumu skaitu. Kredītiestādes ir vairāk pakļautas tikt iejauktām un izmantotām noziedzīgi iegūto līdzekļu legalizācijā, līdz ar to, no likumdošanas puses, tām tiek piemēroti striktāki noteikumi, kas rada ne tikai NILLTFPN sistēmas stiprināšanu, bet arī…

NILLTPFNFKTKEkonomikaFinanšu izlūkošanas dienestsbankas

Personalizētas pedagogu profesionālās pilnveides modelis skolā


Arvien aktuālāka ir vajadzība pēc personalizētas pedagogu profesionālas pilnveides. To ietekmē pieaugošās atšķirības pedagogu izglītībā un pieredzē, kā arī Latvijas izglītībā notiekošās pārmaiņas kopumā. Plānotas izglītības reformas un neplānoti, laikmeta radīti izaicinājumi, piemēram, attālināts mācību darbs. Maģistra darba tēma ir “Personalizētas pedagogu profesionālās pilnveides modelis skolā”. Darba mērķis ir teorētiski un praktiski izpētīt un izvērtēt personalizētas pedagogu profesionālās pilnveides modeli skolā, lai uzlabotu tā darbību. Balstoties uz teorijas analīzi, pedagogu novērtējumu un izglītības ekspertu atgriezenisko saiti, ir izvērtētas šāda skolas modeļa stiprās puses un iza…

individuālās pilnveides vajadzībaspersonalizēta pieejaPedagoģijapedagogu profesionālā pilnveideskola



L'A. esamina da un punto di vista critico la recente disciplina del trattamento dei dati personali dei lavoratori mettendone in luce gli aspetti più significativi di modifica del sistema dopo l'entrata in vigore del reg. UE 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 27.4.2016, “relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonché alla libera circolazione di tali dati e che abroga la direttiva 95/46/CE (Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati)”. Il riferimento è in particolare alla dimensione nazionale nel cui ambito il recepimento della normativa eurounitaria è avvenuto con il d.lgs. 10.8.2018, n. 101

trattamento dei datirapporti di lavoroSettore IUS/07 - Diritto Del Lavorocontrolli a distanzadati personaliprivacy

Latvijas un Dānijas logopēdu/audiologopēdu studiju pieredze


Diplomdarba mērķis izpētīt Latvijas un Dānijas logopēdijas (arī skolotāju-logopēdu, audiologu un audiologopēdu) speciālistu studiju pieredzi, un iepazīties ar augstskolu mācībspēku viedokļiem. Diplomdarba aktualitāti nosaka tas, ka augstākās izglītības kvalitāte ir cieši saistīta ar sabiedrības attīstību kopumā. Kopš 1999. gadā parakstītās Boloņas deklarācijas Eiropā tika izveidota vienota augstākās izglītības sistēma, valstu izglītības ministri vienojās par vienotu koordināciju, lai veicinātu iedzīvotāju mobilitāti un konkurētspēju. Taču Latvija, diemžēl, neatrodas ne izglītības, ne arī kādu citu reitingu augšgalā, turpretim, Dānija ieņem vadošās pozīcijas ne tikai Eiropā, bet visā pasaulē…

DānijalogopēdijaPedagoģijaaugstākā izglītībaLatvijaaudiologopēdija

KKO 2022:9 Voiko maalittaminen olla vainoamista?


KKO:2022:9-tulkinta vastaa moniin niihin huoliin ja tilanteisiin, joita maalittamisen kriminalisointia koskevissa esityksissä mainittiin. Silti kaikki virkamieheen tai viranomaiseen kohdistunut palaute ei voi olla rangaistavaa, vaikka se olisi voimakastakin. Sähköpostin ja sosiaalisen median kanavien käyttö on johtanut siihen, että arvostelua annetaan helpommin, jos yksittäiset ratkaisut tai toimet herättävät keskustelua ja kritiikkiä. Rangaistava vainoaminen edellyttää toistuvia samaan henkilöön kohdistuvia tekoja. Yksittäiseen tapahtumaan liittyvä arvosteluryöppy ei ole vainoamista, jos se tulee toisistaan erillisiltä ja riippumattomilta tahoilta, kirjoittaa OTT, dosentti Riitta Ollila Ed…

virkamiehetvainoaminenkritiikkikriminalisointisosiaalinen mediasananvapausviranomaisetrikosoikeus

Stabilise, balance and adjust : Framing the early years transitions of children whose parents work non‐standard hours


This study examined talk by parents about the early years transitions of their children (n = 7) in the context of parental non-standard working hours and Finnish early childhood education and care (ECEC) services. Parents were interviewed at three time points: when their child was aged one, four, five or six years (a total of 21 interviews). The third interview was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article focuses on the children's ECEC transitions and the interpretative frames used by parents when talking about their work and childcare. The frames used by the parents to discuss the children's transitions were stabilising the children's lives, balancing between staying at home an…

varhaiskasvatusnon-standardworking hoursearly years transitionshorizontal transitionsCOVID-19 pandemicCOVID-19päivähoitodiskurssianalyysivanhemmatchildcare arrangementsearly childhood educationand carelife transitionslastenhoitosiirtymävaihediscourse analysisvertical transitionslapsen kehitys

Mahtivaltio ja vuorovaikutus : vuosikymmenten diskuteeraus ja tulevaisuus


vuorovaikutushistoriografiahistoriankirjoitusSuomivaltionrakennusÖsterberg EvasotilasvaltiomahtivaltiohistoriaRuotsivarhaismoderni aikatalonpojat

Effects of a multicomponent resistance-based exercise program with protein, vitamin D and calcium supplementation on cognition in men with prostate c…


Objectives The aim of this preplanned secondary analysis of a 12-month randomised controlled trial was to investigate the effects of a multicomponent exercise programme combined with daily whey protein, calcium and vitamin D supplementation on cognition in men with prostate cancer treated with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). Design 12-month, two-arm, randomised controlled trial. Setting University clinical exercise centre. Participants 70 ADT-treated men were randomised to exercise-training plus supplementation (Ex+ Suppl, n=34) or usual care (control, n=36). Intervention Men allocated to Ex + Suppl undertook thrice weekly resistance training with weight-bearing exercise training plus d…

kognitioeturauhassyöpäandrogen deprivation therapyravintoainevalmisteetandrogeenithoito

Hablar a tiros (Antonio Santos Barranca: Una educación. La formación vital de un niño en los años de asentamiento de la dictadura nacional-católica)


Reseña del libro de Antonio Santos Barranca, titulado "Una educación. La formación vital de un niño en los años de asentamiento de la dictadura nacional-católica", y publicado en Huelva, en 2021, por la Editorial Onuba. Review of the book by Antonio Santos Barranca, entitled "Una educación. La formación vital de un niño en los años de asentamiento de la dictadura nacional-católica", published in Huelva, in 2021, by Editorial Onuba.

revista PasajeslibroreseñaUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS::Teoría análisis y crítica literarias::Crítica de textos

Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkäsittelyn ympäristö- ja talousvaikutukset : Luontopaneelin yhteenveto ja suositukset luontopolitiikan suunnittelun ja päätök…


Raportin yhteenveto LUONTOPANEELIN KESKEISET HUOMIOT JA SUOSITUKSET • Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkäsittelyn osuutta kannattaa merkittävästi kasvattaa taloudellisista syistä. Valtaosa suomalaisista ja pohjoismaisista jatkuvapeitteistä ja jaksollista metsänkäsittelyä vertailevista tutkimuksista koskee puuntuotantomäärää metsänkäsittelyn taloudellisen tuloksen sijaan. Mahdollisimman suuri puuntuotannon määrä voi olla edullista puun ostajalle, mutta se ei välttämättä ole taloudellisesti paras vaihtoehto maanomistajan eli puun tuottajan eikä myöskään puun tuottajien ja ostajien yhteenlasketun taloudellisen tuloksen eli kansantalouden näkökulmasta. Vaikka hakkuukertymät voivat jatkuvapeitteisessä me…


L'assureur peut-il opposer à la victime, qui exerce l'action directe contre l'assureur de l'auteur du dommage, la clause compromissoire contenue dans…


(Versailles 21 janv. 2021, no 19/02675, SAS Rohlig France c/ Sté Vincy Construction Grands Projet, Rev. arb. 2021. 844, note J. Billemont)

Arbitrage internationalArbitrage[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawContrat d'assuranceAction directeClause compromissoire

Plasmid Viability Depends on the Ecological Setting of Hosts within a Multiplasmid Community


Plasmids are extrachromosomal genetic elements, some of which disperse horizontally between different strains and species of bacteria. They are a major factor in the dissemination of virulence factors and antibiotic resistance. Understanding the ecology of plasmids has a notable anthropocentric value, and therefore, the interactions between bacterial hosts and individual plasmids have been studied in detail. However, bacterial systems often carry multiple genetically distinct plasmids, but dynamics within these multiplasmid communities have remained unstudied. Here, we set to investigate the survival of 11 mobilizable or conjugative plasmids under five different conditions where the hosts h…

plasmid ecologyplasmiditantibiotic resistancetaudinaiheuttajatgeenitbiotekniikkaplasmid evolutionvirulenssimultiresistanceplasmid stabilityplasmid-mediated resistancebakteeritantibioottiresistenssi

Guaranteeing rights, protecting freedoms. Tribute to Professor Patrice Rolland


In order to pay tribute to their master, colleague and friend, the authors of this book have focused on the essential concern of Patrice Rolland, the academic: the protection of freedoms. Patrice Rolland has always combined a historical and philosophical approach with a litigation approach, whether in domestic or European law, thus giving his "work" a very special character within the law faculties. The book presented here will show the full richness of this career, focusing on the defence of public liberties, through lessons from history, contemporary struggles and timeless reflections.

freedoms[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Lawlibertés publiques[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciencespublic libertiesgarantie des droits

Octupole correlations in the N=56 neutron-deficient 110Xe


The neutron-deficient xenon isotopes have proved to be a good test bench to study octupole correlations. Nuclei around N = Z = 56, like 110Xe, are indeed expected to show some of the largest octupole correlations in the whole Segré chart. An experiment aimed at studying the octupole correlations in the very exotic 110Xe was performed in Jyväskylä, using the γ-ray detector array JUROGAM III coupled to the MARA separator. In this contribution, the preliminary results of the ongoing analysis will be presented. peerReviewed


On the scientific work of Victor Isakov


singular solutionsosittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälötincreasing stabilityCalderón probleminverse problemscomplex geometrical opticspartial datanonlinear PDEinversio-ongelmat



Purpose: The aim of the article is to present organizational competences of Emergency Medical Units (EMU) in the areas of marketing (recognizing the patient's needs), quality (the level of medical services) and logistics (a provision of medical services in the right place) during the time of the COVID 19 pandemic, influenced by managerial and professional competencies, and to identify those that have become particularly important in the period of the pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed lists of managerial (five domains) and professional competencies (eight domains) were created and are based on the analysis of healthcare competencies models – the study of the literature – an…

Emergency Medical Unitsmanagerial competencies.organizational competencesprofessional competenciesZeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzanie

Atpūtas laika atšķirības starp vīriešiem un sievietēm


Mūsdienās Eiropā tiek aktīvi diskutēts par dzimumu līdztiesības ievērošanu visās iespējamajās jomās, tai skaitā nodarbinātības jomā. Autors nolēma izpētīt, kā Latvijā tiek ievērota dzimumu līdztiesība uz atpūtas laiku. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt Darba likumā noregulētos atpūtas laika veidus un noskaidrot, kuri atpūtas laika veidi attiecas tikai uz sievietēm un kuri attiecas tikai uz vīriešiem, lai izdarītu secinājumu, vai Latvijā tiek ievērota dzimumu līdztiesība attiecībā uz atpūtas laiku. Darba mērķis ir arī veikt salīdzinājumu ar citu Eiropas valstu tiesisko regulējumu, lai noskaidrotu, vai Latvijā dzimumu līdztiesība uz atpūtas laiku ir augstākā līmenī nekā Latvijas kaimiņvalstīs…

dzimumu līdztiesībasievietesvīriešiatpūtas laiksatšķirībasJuridiskā zinātne

Educació postural: avaluació dels coneixements de la salut de l'esquena en activitats de la vida diària en estudiants d'Educació Secundària


Objectiu: Dissenyar i validar un qüestionari sobre coneixements de la salut i la cura de l’esquena en activitats de la vida diària en joves També analizar diferents models de puntuació de les respostes. Metodologia: Es va seguir un mètode general de prospectiva (Delphi), amb el consens d’un grup de sis experts. Estudi de consistencia interna i fiabilitat en una mostra de 89 xics i 80 xiques. Amb les dades obteses aplicació de cinc models de puntuació basats en donar un pes diferent a les respostes. Consistència interna del qüestionari calculada amb l'Alfa de Cronbach amb cadascú dels models. Estudi de la fiabilitat amb l'anàlisi de mesures repetides test-retest i l’estudi de l’error de mesu…

dolor lumbarsalut postural

Die Arbeit behördlicher Pressestellen als Quelle für eine Kulturgeschichte der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Erkenntnisse am Beispiel westdeutscher Justizpr…


Communication publiquePublic relationsKulturgeschichte des PolitischenHistoire culturelle du politiqueJustizgeschichteHistory of JusticeHistoire de la justice[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesÖffentlichkeitsarbeit

Decompression induces inflammation but do not modify cell proliferation and apoptosis in odontogenic keratocyst


Background Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a development cyst, of odontogenic origin, that differs from other entities by its infiltrating and aggressive biological behavior. Among conservative treatments for large lesions, surgical decompression stands out, with a variable recurrence rate. Aim: To evaluate the histological effects of decompression treatment on OKC, including cell proliferation and apoptosis of epithelial cyst. Material and Methods 21 OKC cases were included. Samples were taken before and after surgical decompression for histological evaluation and immunohistochemical staining of Ki-67, MCM4/7, Bax and Bcl2. Data were analyzed and compared using Student’s t and Wilcoxon tes…

musculoskeletal diseasesBcl2QUISTES ODONTOGENICOSOperative DentistryKi-67Case ReportApoptosisMCMDecompression.General DentistryOdontogenic keratocystUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICAS

N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Nickel(II) from Caffeine and Theophylline: Sustainable Alternative to Imidazol-2-ylidenes


Xanthines, such as caffeine and theophylline, are abundant natural products that are often present in foods. Leveraging renewable and benign resources for ligand design in organometallic chemistry and catalysis is one of the major missions of green and sustainable chemistry. In this Special Issue on Sustainable Organometallic Chemistry, we report the first nickel–N-heterocyclic carbene complexes derived from Xanthines. Well-defined air- and moisture-stable, half-sandwich, cyclopentadienyl [CpNi(NHC)I] nickel–NHC complexes are prepared from the natural products caffeine and theophylline. The model complex has been characterized by X-ray crystallography. The evaluation of steric, electron-don…


Migracja jako element wojny hybrydowej Rosji na obszarze Unii Europejskiej


L'assistenza umanitaria delle ONG sotto inchiesta


Lo scorso giugno, l’Agenzia dell’Unione europea per i diritti fondamentali (FRA) ha pubblicato il consueto aggiornamento semestrale sulle operazioni di Search and Rescue (SAR) nel Mediterraneo. Il documento evidenza le difficoltà di condurre le operazioni di salvataggio da parte delle imbarcazioni delle ONG, molte delle quali sono state (e continuano ad essere) sottoposte a procedimenti giudiziari e fermi amministrativi nelle giurisdizioni degli Stati membri dell’UE. Nel quadro del contrasto al traffico di migranti, infatti, è ormai impellente una riforma del Facilitator Package quantomeno nel senso di vietare agli Stati membri di criminalizzare l’attività di assistenza umanitaria delle ONG…

Migrant smuggling Search and Rescue (SAR) Frontex criminal investigation Facilitator Package Palermo Convention human traffickingSettore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale

Scattering resonances and Pseudospectrum : stability and completeness aspects in optical and gravitational systems


The general context of this thesis is an effort to establish a bridge between gravitational andoptical physics, specifically in the context of scattering problems using as a guideline concepts andtools taken from the theory of non-self-adjoint operators. Our focus is on Quasi-Normal Modes(QNMs), namely the natural resonant modes of open leaky structures under linear perturbationssubject to outgoing boundary conditions. They also are referred to as scattering resonances.In the conservative self-adjoint case the spectral theorem guarantees the completeness andspectral stability of the associated normal modes. In this sense, a natural question in the non-self-adjoint setting refers to the char…

QNM completenessPseudospectrumBlack holesNanoparticulesMethodes spectralesSpectrum stabilityOperateurs non-selfadjointsSpectral methodsQuasinormal modesPseudospectreNon-Selfadjoint operatorNanoparticlesModes quasi-NormauxComplétude de modes quasi-NormauxTrous noirStabilité spectrale[MATH.MATH-MP] Mathematics [math]/Mathematical Physics [math-ph]

Integrable systems, Frobenius manifolds and cohomological field theories


In this dissertation, we study the underlying geometry of integrable systems, in particular tausymmetric bi-Hamiltonian hierarchies of evolutionary PDEs and differential-difference equations.First, we explore the close connection between the realms of integrable systems and algebraic geometry by giving a new proof of the Witten conjecture, which constructs the string taufunction of the Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy via intersection theory of the moduli spaces of stable curves with marked points. This novel proof is based on the geometry of double ramification cycles, tautological classes whose behavior under pullbacks of the forgetful and gluing maps facilitate the computation of intersection…

Cohomological field theorySystème intégrableHiérarchie de Dubrovin et Zhang[MATH.MATH-AG] Mathematics [math]/Algebraic Geometry [math.AG]Espace de modules de courbes stablesDouble ramification cyclesThéorie cohomologique des champsNonlinear Sciences::Exactly Solvable and Integrable SystemsIntegrable systemsModuli space of stable curvesDubrovin-Zhang hierarchyFrobenius manifoldsCycles de ramification doubleMathematics::Symplectic GeometryVariété de Frobenius

Pursuits of the Dioecese of Wrocław for Exemption - from thr Beginning of the 14th Century to 1821


Istniejąca od 1000 roku w związku metropolitalnym z Gnieznem diecezja wrocławska, na mocy bulli papieża Piusa VII De salute animarum z16 lipca 1821 roku, stała się diecezją egzymowaną, tj. podległą bezpośrednio pod Stolicę Apostolską. Mijająca 200. rocznica tegoż wydarzenia jest dobrą okazją, aby prześledzić, w jaki sposób dążenia do zerwania zależności kościelnej od związku metropolitalnego z Gnieznem były wypadkową dziejów politycznych śląskiej dzielnicy. W artykule przedstawiono dążenia diecezji wrocławskiej do uzyskania egzempcji, których początki datowane są na okres dominacji czeskiej na Śląsku w I połowie XIV wieku, a uwieńczone zostały prawnymi określeniami w bulli z 1821 roku. Auto…

diecezja wrocławskaegzempcjabulla papieża Piusa VII De salute animarumGniezno metropolisexemptionPope Pius VII’s bull De salute animarumWrocław diocesemetropolia gnieźnieńskaWrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny

Digitālo rīku izmantošanas iespējas 5. klases matemātikas mājasdarbos


Diplomdarbā Digitālo rīku izmantošanas iespējas 5. klases matemātikas mājasdarbos darba autore Marika Tereščenko aktualizējusi matemātikas nozīmi mācību procesā, kā arī digitālo rīku izmantošanas iespējas mājasdarbu izpildē. Diplomdarba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai digitālo rīku izmantošana mājasdarbu pildīšanā nemazina mājasdarbu nozīmi un kvalitāti. Pētījumā ir izmantotas vairākas metodes: teorētiskās izpētes metode, aprakstošā metode, atsevišķos gadījumos ir izmantota arī salīdzināmā un kvantitatīvā metode. Pētījuma ietvaros tika noskaidrots par digitālo rīku iespējām izmantot matemātikas mājasdarbu pildīšanā 5.klasē par daļām un jauktajiem skaitļiem. Khan Academy ir visatbilstošākais, jo t…

mājasdarbiPedagoģijamatemātikadigitālie rīkitehnoloģijas

Trzy poziomy struktur i kompozycja w wyroczniach przeciw Egiptowi Księga Ezechiela rozdziały 29–32 w świetle retoryki hebrajskiej


Kontekstem badań było to, że różni komentatorzy Księgi Ezechiela proponują różniące się między sobą struktury badanych tekstów. Większość z nich pracowała (nadal pracuje) metodami diachronicznymi. Zazwyczaj ci autorzy układają wersy w grupy i tym grupom nadają tytuły. Dlatego celem badań stało się odkrycie struktur opartych o wersy tekstu biblijnego. Można wtedy wskazać konkretne wersy (lub ich części, człony), których użył starożytny autor natchniony. Dlatego zastosowano metodę biblijnej retoryki hebrajskiej, która ma 3 etapy: analizę oddolną, analizę odgórną oraz interpretację teologiczną. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań na pierwszych dwóch etapach odkryto, że teksty wyroczni przeciw Egip…

synthetic parallelismparalelizm syntetycznyparalelizm antytetycznykompozycje równoległemirror compositionsBook of Ezekielparalelizm synonimicznyoracles against EgyptKsięga Ezechielastruktury paralelneantithetical parallelismstruktury paralelno-koncentryczneHebrew rhetoricparallel structuresEzechielsynonymous parallelismparallel compositionswyrocznie przeciw Egiptowikompozycje lustrzaneEzekielparallel-concentric structureshebrajska retorykaScriptura Sacra

Role of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in training immunity against infection


During an infection, haematopoiesis is altered to increase the output of mature myeloid cells to fight off the pathogen. It has been demonstrated that the detection of pattern recognition receptor agonists by hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) induces their differentiation towards mature myeloid cells with modified phenotypes. In the present PhD thesis, we show that an in vitro transient exposure of HSPCs to live Candida albicans cells is sufficient to induce a trained phenotype of the macrophages they produce in a dectin-1- and TLR2-dependent manner. Additionally, we use an HSPC transplantation mouse model to demonstrate that the direct interaction of β-glucans and their recep…

trained immunityhematopoietic stem and progenitor cellsUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDAcandida albicanstlr2UNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::InmunologíaUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Biología celularmyelopoiesisdectin-1candidiasisUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Microbiología

What are the biological determinants of regeneration of perennial weeds ? Effect of fragment weight and bud number on the regrowth of Elymus repens


Perennial weeds have become an increasing problem with the reduction of herbicide use and tillage. Because of their capacity to regenerate from vegetative organs, such as roots and rhizomes, they must be controlled with different management techniques than annuals. To date, few studies exist on this topic and farmers often lack solutions to control perennials in their cropping systems. Management strategies must focus on the depletion of the regenerative organ reserves to hamper the production of new shoots. However, there is a need for a better understanding of below-ground organs physiology and the determining factors of their regrowth capacities. Our aim was to assess the number of shoot…

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

A New Look at Novel Cardiovascular Risk Biomarkers: The Role of Atherogenic Lipoproteins and Innovative Antidiabetic Therapies.


The presence of residual cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk is a current dilemma in clinical practice; indeed, despite optimal management and treatment, a considerable proportion of patients still undergo major CV events. Novel lipoprotein biomarkers are suggested as possible targets for improving the outcomes of patients at higher risk for CVD, and their impact on major CV events and mortality have previously been investigated. Innovative antidiabetic therapies have recently shown a significant reduction in atherogenic lipoproteins, beyond their effects on glucose parameters; it has also been suggested that such anti-atherogenic effect may represent a valuable mechanistic explanation for th…

LipoproteinsEndocrinology Diabetes and MetabolismDiabetes030209 endocrinology & metabolism030204 cardiovascular system & hematologyCardiovascular riskAtherosclerosisIncretinsBiochemistrySmall dense LDL3. Good health03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineAtherosclerosis Cardiovascular risk Diabetes GLP-1 Incretins Lipoproteins Small dense LDL Therapylipids (amino acids peptides and proteins)TherapyGLP-1Molecular BiologyMetabolites

Gottes Wort im Kirchenjahr 2022. Das Werkbuch für Verkündigung und Liturgie. Lesejahr C - Band 3. Die Zeit nach Pfingsten


Effet nocebo : une explication de la perception du risque envers les médicaments génériques par les patients-consommateurs ?


Effet noceboPerception du risqueMédicaments génériques[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration