showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Giustizia riparativa e sistema penale. Considerazioni a partire dalla «legge Cartabia»
La “legge Cartabia” delega il Governo italiano a introdurre una «disciplina organica della giustizia riparativa». Dopo aver ripercorso nozione, modelli, meccanismi applicativi della giustizia riparativa, e ragioni del suo progressivo affermarsi, l’Autore si sofferma su alcuni aspetti problematici nei rapporti fra giustizia riparativa e sistema penale, nonché sui possibili scenari che possono immaginarsi in sede di esercizio della delega. The latest reform introduced by minister Cartabia opens the door to the introduction for a "complete discipline of restorative justice". After reviewing notion, models, application mechanisms, reasons for a progressive implementation of restorative justice,…
Modelling the effects of cropping systems on weed dynamics: the trade-off between process analysis and decision support
Models are essential to synthesize knowledge on weeds and to design integrated weed-management strategies. These models must rank cropping systems as a function of weed infestation, and account for variability in effects to estimate probabilities of success or failure. Three case studies are presented: (1) an empirical static single-equation model that directly relates weed biomass to crop management, with few inputs and parameters, (2) a matrix-based multiannual model predicting a few key weed stages annually, from weed control options and a few parameters, (3) a mechanistic process-based multiannual model predicting detailed soil, crop and weed state variables daily, with an individual-ba…
El Yo mujer en José Hierro
Se estudia la poesía de José Hierro desde las claves del yo alucinado, es decir, en la tentativa general de entenderse y conocerse a sí mismo, a base de contemplarse desde múltiples perspectivas.
Organizational agility in the public sector: A case study of the Office of the Auditor General of Norway
This master thesis explores organizational agility in the public sector through a case study of a state agency. Organizational agility is as a learned, permanently-available dynamic capability that can be performed quickly and efficiently to the degree necessary, and whenever needed, to increase business performance in a volatile market environment. Although the definition includes a focus on a volatile market environment and business performance, many public organizations strive for agility. This master thesis investigates whether the concept of organizational agility could be a good fit for the public sector, even without obvious competitors and profit focus. A literature review was condu…
L’établissement rural La Tène C2/D1 de Rivecourt "le Petit Pâtis" (Oise) - présentation monographique
Der Fundplatz Rivecourt liegt auf einer sandigen Anhöhe an der Oise. Er ist auf ca. 0,72 ha abgetragen und unvollständig; es fehlen 32 % der Gräben und 12,5 % des Innenraumes. Die Ländliche Siedlungsstruktur datiert in Latène C2/D1. Der Hauptanteil der Gebäude und des Fundmaterials konzentriert sich im nördlichen Abschnitt. Die unterschiedlichen Untersuchungen und Analysen der Ökofakten vermitteln ein Bild von dem Fundplatz und den Ernährungsgewohnheiten der Bewohner. Die Funde und Befunde erlauben Rückschlüsse auf deren sozialen Status. Danach handelt sich um ein mittleres oder größeres Gehöft. Diese Ausgrabung ergänzt zudem die bereits zahlreichen Fundorte dieser Periode, die seit 1987 in…
Il vino nell'opera tra convito ed ebbrezza
Opera e vino sono senz'altro un connubio felice: a chiunque frequenti anche solo sporadicamente il teatro d'opera verrà in mente il famoso "Libiamo" del I atto della Traviata, nel quale si celebra il vino che abbellisce la notte e rende più caldi i baci degli amanti. Nell'opera italiana dell'Ottocento il brindisi (lieto o funesto) è un momento topico, con specifici connotati musicali e drammaturgici; la sua dimensione corale è assente nell'opera barocca, dove invece il vino serve a stigmatizzare i vizi umani. Dopo aver passato in rassegna alcuni dei più celebri momenti in cui vino e opera si uniscono, ci si soffermerà sulla figura comica dell'ubriacone nell'opera del Seicento e se ne metter…
Biocontrol of weeds toxic to human and animal health
imson weed (Datura stramonium L.) is an invasive weed plant that produces alkaloids that are particularly toxic to humans (crop contamination) and animals (fodder). The objective of my research project is to find a biocontrol solution based on the use of fungi (even oomycetes) and/or plant extracts to control this plant in agricultural plots. At first, I focus on the research of mycoherbicides. The presence of pathogens or phytotoxic metabolites for jimson weed in a panel of non-infested soils to highly infested soils is tested by applying aqueous extracts or filtrates (0.2µm) of these soil extracts to datura seeds placed on germination paper under controlled temperature and humidity condit…
Bestim network : stimulating plant health in agroécological systems
The evolution of agriculture is facing strong societal expectations. One of them is to drasticallyreduce the use of synthetic inputs and in particular of plant protection products (PPP). In response,farmers and professionals in charge of agricultural development must invent a so-called "agroecological" agriculture, by ensuring profitability and sustainability of production systems and byimplementing a combination of many levers. The BESTIM network is part of this logic and proposes theconcept of "agroecological immunity" which aims to optimize the stimulation of plant health in efficientagroecological systems. We’ve adapted the concept of ecological immunity initially described in theanimal…
La scultura lignea del Settecento nella Sicilia occidentale tra importazioni da Napoli e scuole locali
Dopo una premessa sui committenti, si indagano i più rappresentativi simulacri lignei del XVIII secolo della Sicilia occidentale. Le statue sono state eseguite, secondo la pertinente temperie culturale, da scultori locali, talvolta ignari dei tratti innovativi del tempo, che hanno reiterato stilemi dei secoli precedenti. Tra gli artisti con bottega a Palermo, aggiornati alle più moderne istanze, si annoverano Barcellona, Quattrocchi e Valenza. Altri manufatti, perlopiù ubicati nelle chiese degli ordini religiosi, sono stati approntati da autori napoletani su esplicita richiesta di attenti committenti. Alle opere partenopee va il merito di aver contribuito all’aggiornamento del linguaggio ar…
Evaluation de la compétitivité pour la nodulation du pois de souches de Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae capables de réduire le N₂O, par rapport à …
[P27] Chemo-Biological Analysis Applied to the Olfaction Field
Human are surrounded by numerous odorant molecules in the air from a limited number of olfactory receptors (1), and the odor perceived from these molecules does not comes from the isolated molecules but from their mixture (2). According to the odor perceived from the mixture, we differentiate the heterogeneous perception which is the distinction between the odor components of the mixture and the homogeneous perception that corresponds to the perception of a single odor from the mixture preventing the distinction between odor components of the mixture. There are two types of homogeneous perceptions: the masking and the blending mixture. Masking occurs when one of the mixture components cover…
Uzņēmuma SIA "JUVI" tīmekļa vietnes modernizācija
Mūsdienās ar katru dienu tīmeklī ir pieejamas aizvien vairāk uzņēmuma tīmekļa vietņu. Tās palīdz radīt pirmo iespaidu par uzņēmumu un iepazīties ar tīmekļa vietnē pieejamo informāciju. Līdzās labi strukturētām uzņēmumu tīmekļa vietnēm ar mūsdienīgu dizainu un aktuālu, pietiekami plašu informāciju ir tīmekļa vietnes, kurās ir pieejams ierobežots informācijas apjoms par uzņēmumu, netiek aktualizēts saturs un dizains. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir analizējot uzņēmuma darbību un pielietojot iegūtās zināšanas, modernizēt loģistikas uzņēmuma SIA “JUVI” tīmekļa vietni nākotnes attīstībai. Bakalaura darba rezultātā ir izstrādāts prototips, lai modernizētu esošo uzņēmuma SIA “JUVI” tīmekļa vietni. Atslē…
Cheval et précision de la performance sportive : état des lieux et perspectives. Chap VII
Armonie oltremontane nella Conca d’Oro: alcune considerazioni su musicisti stranieri a Palermo in Età Moderna
Il presente contributo intende dimostrare l’importanza dei musicisti stranieri (spagnoli, fiamminghi, borgognoni) nel contesto musicale palermitano, in particolare nel periodo compreso tra gli inizi del XV e la prima metà del XVII secolo. Si analizzerà la loro presenza in Sicilia e il modo in cui si mossero attraverso l’isola, per poi concentrarsi sul caso specifico della Cappella Palatina – principale istituzione ecclesiastica del territorio –, e sull’attività dei musicisti al suo interno. L’esempio della Palatina permetterà di mettere in luce il ruolo di Palermo come crocevia culturale tra la Sicilia e la Spagna, nonché i legami della Palatina con le principali istituzioni religiose della…
Failure prediction of steel components under the coupled effect of excessive plastic deformations and pitting corrosion
Analysing the relationship between yields and farmers' incomes to help the design of more sustainable cropping systems
Farmers often grow only the few high-yielding crops in the area, and target maximum yields through high levels of inputs. These practices are based on the assumption of a positive relationship between productivity and profitability over a wide range of cropping systems (Woo et al., 2020; Erythrina et al., 2021). Part of the correlation between productivity and profitability could be related to differences in production situation and therefore yield potential, i.e. characteristics that do not depend on farmers’ decisions. For a given production situation, the systems with the highest profitability and the best environmental sustainability could be systems with moderate yields. The objective …
El killer adquisition theory of harm y la autonomía de las partes: illumina/pacific biosciences y paypal/izettle
: Partiendo del trabajo expuesto por Cunningham, Ederer y Ma titulado: “Killer Acquisition” publicado en el “Journal of Political Economy” en marzo 2021, se analizará la fusión de Illumnia, Inc/Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc (dos empresas del sector biotecnológico) y la de Paypal Holdings/iZettle con el fin de dar respuesta a las siguientes interrogantes: ¿La US Federal Trade Commission contaba con suficiente evidencia jurídica y económica para limitar la autonomía de las partes Illumnia, Inc/Pacific Biosciences of California, en pro de la innovación y competencia o se trató de una coartación a la libertad contractual cuyo único objetivo era la maximización de los rendimientos econó…
Bufones sobre lienzo. Nuevas miradas a la corte de los Austrias
Esta tesis propone una regeneración bibliográfica e historiográfica de las representaciones pictóricas de enanos y bufones en el escenario de corte española de los Austrias durante los siglos XVI y XVII, con la voluntad de ofrecer hipótesis renovadas con que despejar parte de las profundas lagunas que envuelven estos peculiares retratos. Basándonos en un enfoque transversal y en el uso de nuevas herramientas metodológicas, atendemos a las inexploradas visualidad y recepción de estas imágenes y sus conexiones desde una perspectiva integradora que entrelaza las tradicionales investigaciones de la Historia del Arte con las miradas compartidas de la historia social y cultural de la corte, la im…
La spada penale trafigge i rave party. Osservazioni attorno al nuovo reato di “Invasione di terreni o edifici per raduni pericolosi” (art. 434 bis c.…
Il contributo analizza i profili critici della norma "anti rave party" introdotta con il Decreto Legge n. 162/2022 e ne valuta le possibili modifiche, alla luce della proposta di emendamento di recente presentata dall'Esecutivo con l'obiettivo di "normalizzare" la disposizione.
From aerial survey to representation and visualization: the Temple G of Selinunte
The paper reports the outputs of a research work focused on the segmentation of meshes generated from aerial photogrammetric survey, aiming at the implementation of a database integrated in a web-based Information System developed with 3D-Hop technology, that uses models as the access point to information data. Segmentation is a relevant topic in cultural heritage documentation, since it is the a pre-requisite for the development of systems that connect information data to 3D models. The chosen case study is the Doric Temple G of Selinunte, an archaeological site in southern Sicily. Temple G, one of the biggest Doric Temples of Magna Graecia, it is today a huge heap of ruins, probably due t…
"Vi blir forferdelig late når alt er på Chromebook" En kvalitativ og kvantitativ undersøkelse om heldigital norskundervisning.
Formålet med masteroppgaven har vært å forsøke å belyse hvordan lærere og elever forholder seg til den digitale utviklingen i skolen. Bakteppet til oppgaven er basert på Kristiansand kommunes strategiplan for digitalisering i skolen, der de skriver at de ønsker heldigital skole. Masteroppgaven har forsøkt å svare på problemstillingen: hvorfor innføre heldigital skole, og hva er implikasjonene som kan oppstå ved å kun bruke digitale læremidler i norskundervsiningen? For å besvare problemstillingen har jeg tatt i bruk metodetriangulering. Jeg har gjennomført kvalitative intervju av tre norsklærere på mellomtrinnet for å få svar på hvordan de forholder seg til det digitales inntog i skolen, og…
La città come entità politica
Il saggio di Max Weber "La città" (1921) fu inserito dal curatore dell’opera di Weber, Johannes Winckelmann, nella seconda parte di Economia e società relativa alle forme del potere e del dominio (Herrschaft) con il titolo "La città: tipologia del potere non-legittimo". Nel testo, partendo dalla domanda conoscitiva che cosa sia la città, si cerca di comprendere se, nella contemporaneità, possa essere ancora valido il modello di città proposto dal sociologo.
All'ombra delle due lupe. Gli anni della formazione di 'Battistino' tra Piacenza e Roma (1872-1907)
This chapter analyses the early years and the education of Cardinal Giovanni Battista Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano between Piacenza and Rome.
Bērna tiesības uz identitāti un adopcijas noslēpums
Adopcijas process kalpo kā iespēja palīdzēt bērnus nodrošināt ar ģimeni un mājām. Tomēr procesā svarīgākās ir bērna labākās intereses, kas sevī ietver arī bērna tiesības uz identitāti un tās saglabāšanu. Mūsdienās arvien aktuālāks kļūst jautājums par adopciju uz ārzemēm, tās regulējumu un reālo situāciju dzīvē. Tādēļ darbā galvenā apskatītā problēma ir vecāku tiesības uz adopcijas procesa turēšanu noslēpumā un adopcijas noslēpuma mijiedarbība ar bērna tiesībām uz identitāti, bet darba mērķis ir izvērtēt šo abu tiesību līdzsvarošanu. Darba uzdevumi ir pētīt identitātes jēdzienu, apskatīt Eiropas Cilvēktiesību tiesas praksi, kurā ietverta cilvēka tiesības uz identitāti un citas personas tiesī…
Media Education in Finnish Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Curricular Analysis
In this chapter, we discuss the results of the media education (ME) study focusing on Finnish early childhood teacher education curricula. The research interest evolved from a specific time in the history of Finnish early childhood education and care (ECEC): the first mandatory national core curriculum became effective in 2017 and it also included ME. How was the new teacher generation prepared for this new professional demand? We analysed the curricular texts and mandatory course literature of all seven Finnish university bachelor’s degree programmes that provide teacher qualifications for ECEC, to answer the following research questions: (1) How was media education positioned in early chi…
Speech-to-Text Technology as an Inclusive Approach: Lower Secondary Teachers’ Experiences
Speech-to-text (STT) technology enables pupils to write using their voice. This qualitative study explores six teachers’ experiences with introducing STT technology in a whole-class environment at a Norwegian lower secondary school. The aim was to explore the benefits and challenges of using STT as an inclusive approach for writing instruction in lower secondary education. The teachers in the study stated that most of their pupils found STT useful when beginning longer writing assignments (for example, as an aid for brainstorming and drafting) and producing texts in foreign languages. Reported challenges were pupils distracting each other, inaccuracy of the technology, improper use, and pup…
Tackling Online Disinformation. The Construction of 'Trustworthiness' and 'Best Practices' in the European Commission Discourse on COVID-19
Over the last few decades, misleading healthcare information and deceptions with false claims, conspiracy theories (CTs) and consumer fraud have endangered public health on a global scale. More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanied by a substantial flow of false information and unceasing attempts by conspirators to influence debates in the official discourses, breeding on the fertile ground of people’s most basic anxieties and the present-day social and economic uncertainty. This paper investigates the discourse of the European Commission on disinformation in order to achieve institutional legitimation through the linguistic and discursive construction of ‘trustworthiness’, ‘…
Efectos de la formación académica y del género sobre las destrezas de razonamiento científico de los estudiantes de secundaria: un estudio piloto
Resumen En este estudio se intenta determinar el nivel de las habilidades de razonamiento científico de los estudiantes de educación secundaria y analizar la influencia de la formación académica y del género sobre dichas habilidades. También se pretende conocer las habilidades que presentan mayor dificultad para estos estudiantes. Han participado 122 estudiantes españoles de cuatro niveles académicos diferentes entre 8º y 11º grado (edades entre 13 y 17 años) a los que se ha administrado el cuestionario de habilidades de razonamiento científico propuesto por Hanson (2016). De las puntuaciones obtenidas en el cuestionario y del ANOVA realizado puede concluirse que: a) el nivel medio de habil…
Lietus plūdu modelēšana un ietekmes novērtējums Liepājas pilsētas pilotteritorijā
Maģistra darbā ‘’Lietus plūdu modelēšana un ietekmes novērtējums Liepājas pilsētas pilotteritorijā’’ tiek aplūkoti lietus plūdu veidošanās cēloņi un raksturs, vēsturiskie lietus plūdi, lietus plūdu modelēšanas iespējas un pretplūdu aizsardzības pasākumi, kā arī priekšlikumi to integrēšanai pārvaldības plānos. Atsaucoties uz valsts nozīmes plūdu riska teritorijām, izvēlēta Liepājas pilsētas teritorija, kurai veikta vēsturisko lietus plūdu analīze, lietus plūdu modelēšana, izstrādāti dažādi scenāriji un novērtētas sekojošas varbūtības: 0,5 % (atkārtošanās periods vienu reizi 200 gados), 1 % (vienu reizi 100 gados), 10% (vienu reizi 10 gados) un attiecīgi ietekmētās teritorijas. Modeļa izveide…
Covid-19 and Social Structure: Three Key Words for Future Orientation
The paper deals on three keywords to orientation in the future by focusing on three crucial concepts: 1. The sharing economy, regarding the transformation emerging in contemporary economic scenarios; 2. The creative imagination, concerning the changes that are taking place in technological developments and linked not only to production systems but also to the consumption of goods and services; 3. The solidarity, in relation to the global changes all over the world. We will see that such three keywords, which recall specific areas of social and economic fields, are strongly interconnected to each other, especially when we look at the effects of the pandemic on the future of society.
Quotient Spaces and the Local Diameter 2 Property With particular focus on \ell_\infty/c_0
The goal of this thesis is to show that the quotient space \ell_\infty/c_0 has the local diameter 2 property. We will start by defining the quotient space X/Y when X is a vector space and Y is a subspace of X. We will see that when X is normed, then X/Y can be given a norm in a natural way, and that this norm is complete provided the norm in X is. In particular, we have that \ell_\infty/c_0 is a complete quotient space. We will show that the dual of a quotient space X/Y is isometrically isomorphic to the annihilator of Y in X*, and thus it follows that the dual of \ell_\infty/c_0 is isometrically isomorphic to a subspace of (\ell_\infty)*. We will realize the dual of \ell_\infty as the spac…
Trabajo colaborativo en entornos virtuales: diseño y evaluación de una intervención para la mejora de la eficacia y el bienestar
The combination of teams in organizations, technology and globalization fostered the popularization of collaborative virtual environments (CVE) (virtual teams and virtual communities). CVE have advantages and opportunities for members and organizations. Consequently, its adoption is growing. Yet, CVE presents challenges that are a threat to its sustainability, effectiveness, and well-being (management of diversity (faultlines and subgroups); expression of affect; lack of competencies of relational computer-mediated communication). Thus, there is a need to conduct research that helps to overcome these challenges. Considering this, we study effectiveness and well-being in CVE; and we design a…
Management and predictors of clinical events in 75 686 patients with acute myocardial infarction
Background:Although mortality of patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) has decreased substantially over the last few decades in many countries MI remains a major threat to public health. Aims:To assess the number and outcomes of patients hospitalized for acute MI in Poland in 2018 as well as proportions of patients participating in cardiac rehabilitation and undergoing invasive cardiac procedures following discharge. Methods:We used public databases. We included all patients hospitalized for acute MI in Poland in 2018 and assessed event-free survival along with uptake of invasive cardiac procedures and cardiac rehabilitation and consultations with cardiologists. Results: A total of…
Short-term impact of biogas digestates on soils microbial communities
International audience; Anaerobic digestion of organic waste is considered a key process to produce renewable energy to meet the growing sustainable energy demand. Digestates can be used in agriculture as soil amendments and improve crop yields. However, their use at large scale in agricultural fields still requires to prove their innocuity on soil biota, especially on microorganisms that play important roles in soil ecosystem. Here, we designed a microcosm experiment to compare the short-term (42-days) effects of four different digestates (derived from cattle manure, energy crop, food residues or slurry with bio-waste) on the soil microbial communities. Each digestate was applied on three …
Leadership all’Università
A partire da una riflessione teorica sul tema della leadership dei docenti universitari chiamati a ricoprire ruoli di responsabilità, il volume approfondisce le principali caratteristiche che dovrebbero avere i leader universitari di oggi, garanti dello sviluppo e della crescita del mondo accademico. Lo scopo del volume è di far riflettere sulle modalità che le Università possono adottare strategicamente per identificare forme di talento di leadership accademica e promuovere lo sviluppo della leadership universitaria. Nei primi due capitoli sono illustrate le diverse posizioni sul tema della leadership universitaria, vengono definite le qualità della leadership all’Università, delineate le …
Overcoming Essentialism? Students’ Reflections on Learning Intercultural Communication Online
The fields of intercultural communication (IC) and intercultural education are in flux and the paradigmatic shift is away from essentialist approaches on culture and interculturality towards seeing IC and interculturality as flexible, fluid, contradictory, political, and ideological constructs. This study presents a virtual exchange project, a joint introductory course on IC between a Finnish university and a French university. One of the objectives of the course was to provide students with a more critical, non-essentialist perspective on interculturality. This study presents an analysis of 32 students’ texts (learning logs) that are processed qualitatively using content analysis to find a…