showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Additional file 3 of The International Guideline Evaluation Screening Tool (IGEST): development and validation
Additional file 3.
Role of vacuolar sulfate in nutritional quality of pea seeds
Grain legumes have a key role to play in both agroecological and food transitions. Indeed, these plants are able to accumulate large amounts of proteins in their seeds even in the absence of nitrogen fertilization thanks to symbiotic N2 fixation in the root nodules. However, legumes are exposed to abiotic stresses, including nutrient deficiencies, making it important to optimize nutrient use efficiency for maintaining seed protein content and quality. Seed protein quality refers to the ability of the seed proteins to meet the body’s requirements for essential amino acids. It strongly depends on the amino acid balance, which determines protein digestibility. In pea (Pisum sativum) seeds, met…
Kohtaamisia Keltinmäen Keitaalla
La costruzione del genere nel diritto medievale: norme e dottrina
Since the 12th century, the legal status of women has been one of the most complex problems. The general principle provides a clear division: women cannot do what men are allowed to do. But both jurists and laws have to deal with exceptions and identify particular categories of women or particular situations for which the general principle falls by contingent necessity. This essay investigates the legal origin of the gender distinction in medieval law and the contribution of canonical doctrine. Through the juridicization of scriptural and patristic sources, and canons and decretals, canon law sets some milestones in the construction of women's legal identity and creates the grid of prohibit…
Designing empirical experiments to compare interactive multiobjective optimization methods
Interactive multiobjective optimization methods operate iteratively so that a decision maker directs the solution process by providing preference information, and only solutions of interest are generated. These methods limit the amount of information considered in each iteration and support the decision maker in learning about the trade-offs. Many interactive methods have been developed, and they differ in technical aspects and the type of preference information used. Finding the most appropriate method for a problem to be solved is challenging, and supporting the selection is crucial. Published research lacks information on the conducted experiments’ specifics (e.g. questions asked), makin…
Chromatogrphic Profiles of Polyphenols and Terpenoids in the Herbs of Some Thymus L. Represntatives
The aim of the work. To perform the identification of phenolic compounds and terpenoids in the aerial parts of Thymus pulegioides L. (cultivar ‘2/6-07’), Thymus richardii Pers. (cultivar 'Fantasy') and Thymus vulgaris L. (cultivar ‘Jalos’) using thin layer chromatography (TLC), as well as to conduct the gaschromatographic analysis of Thymus richardii essential oil. Materials and Methods. The TLC method was used in this study for the qualitative analyses of polyphenols and non-polar compounds in the aerial part of three Thyme (Thymus L.) species from the Lamiaceae Martinov family cultivated in Kherson region (Ukraine). The volatile compounds were determined in the essential oil of Thymus ric…
Queer types in ancient India. The categorisation and representation of non-heterosexual individuals in some passages of Vedic literature
Vedic culture has used a variety of terms to denote male individuals who do not fit within the canons of the heterosexual norm. Often, in the past, Vedic philology has provided homologating translations of these terms from outdated cultural constructs and imagery, which have often reduced differences to univocal meanings. In order to understand non-heteronormative sexualities and sexual practices, I have adopted in this study an approach based on the idea of the construction of the concept of gender and which aims to describe behaviour beyond definitions. The analysis of the semantic and conceptual domains identified by the different terms within the Vedic texts, as well as of the history o…
Desarrollos teóricos y aplicaciones en la lingüística actual
Parece innegable la transformación que, en las últimas décadas, ha experimentado la investigación lingüística. Frente a la concepción más filológica y gramatical que la ha caracterizado tradicionalmente, se ha producido una serie de cambios, tanto en los objetos de estudio tratados como en los métodos con que abordarlos, que acerca la lingüística a otros derroteros, quizás menos ortodoxos, pero en cualquier caso inexplorados. Los cambios más relevantes se pueden resumir en tres: el surgimiento de nuevas corrientes y líneas de investigación, un enfoque generalizado marcadamente multidisciplinar y la proliferación de jóvenes investigadores interesados por el fenómeno del lenguaje en general. …
Is a female physical empowerment campaign effective in improving positive body image, motivation for physical activity, and physical activity behavio…
This Girl Can is a campaign designed to empower women to increase physical activity. The campaign uses images/videos of women of diverse body weights/shapes, ages and ethnicities being physically active, emphasizing body functionality. First, we examined the effects of multi-session (N = 3) exposures to This Girl Can on body functionality, body appreciation and self-compassion (Study 1). Second, we explored if autonomous motivation for physical activity mediated effects of This Girl Can on physical activity (Study 2). Women (Study 1: N = 186, M (SD) age = 27.55 (14.01); Study 2: N = 153, M (SD) age = 28.31 (11.70)) were randomized to This Girl Can, or control videos/images depicting idealiz…
Global analysis of nuclear PDFs with LHC vector boson, single inclusive hadron and heavy quark data
We discuss the two most recent global analyses of nuclear parton distribution functions within the nCTEQ approach. LHC data on W/Z-boson, single-inclusive hadron and heavy quark/quarkonium production are shown to not only significantly reduce the gluon uncertainty down to x≥10−5, but to also influence the strange quark density. The latter is further constrained by neutrino deep-inelastic scattering and charm dimuon production data, whose consistency with neutral-current experiments is also re-evaluated. peerReviewed
WP5 final report: Taste, pleasure, satiation and overeating
One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks Combined with Channel Selection Strategy for Seizure Prediction Using Long-Term Intracranial EEG
Seizure prediction using intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) has attracted an increasing attention during recent years. iEEG signals are commonly recorded in the form of multiple channels. Many previous studies generally used the iEEG signals of all channels to predict seizures, ignoring the consideration of channel selection. In this study, a method of one-dimensional convolutional neural networks (1D-CNN) combined with channel selection strategy was proposed for seizure prediction. First, we used 30-s sliding windows to segment the raw iEEG signals. Then, the 30-s iEEG segments, which were in three channel forms (single channel, channels only from seizure onset or free zone and all c…
Elizabeth Gilbert: Tämä kokonainen maailmani
Arvio teoksesta Elizabeth Gilbert: Tämä kokonainen maailmani, The Signature of All Things, suom. Taina Helkamo, Gummerus 2022, 576 s. nonPeerReviewed
Oodi Zoomille? Mietteitä pandemia-ajan etäopetuksesta
Boulay-Moselle, Moselle, RD19-rue Maillard, Grand Est, rapport de diagnostic archéologique, Metz : INRAP GE, 2022, 42 p.
Likumpārkāpēju tumšās triādes iezīmes un to saistība ar izdarītā noziedzīgā nodarījuma smaguma pakāpi un stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģijām ieslodzījuma…
Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai pastāv saistības starp ieslodzīto tumšās triādes iezīmēm, izdarītā noziedzīgā nodarījuma smaguma pakāpi un stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģijām ieslodzījuma vietā. Respondentu izlase sastāv no 75 vīriešiem, kas dotajā brīdī atrodas Rīgas Centrālcietumā un izcieš sev piespriesto sodu. Mērījumiem tika izmantota Īsā tumšās triādes skala un Stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģiju aptauja. Rezultāti rāda, ka pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas saistības starp makiavelismu un izvairīšanās stratēģiju pielietošanu, psihopātiju un izvairīšanās stratēģijām, kā arī ieslodzījumā esošo reizi un izvairīšanās stratēģijām. Tie ieslodzītie, kas uzrāda augstākus makiavelisma un psihopātijas rād…
Devices for the capture of rare cells from biological samples for diagnostic purposes
The chance of surviving to a disease often depends on early diagnosis and effective therapy. In the field of early prenatal diagnosis, micromanipulation is a reliable technique for manual selection and isolation of rare fetal cells in maternal biological fluids for molecular or cytogenetic analysis. This technique allows obtaining pure cell populations for analysis, but it is expensive and time consuming, as it requires qualified and experienced staff and specific equipment [1]. This research aims at making the prenatal diagnosis more economical and reproducible in the hospital environment, by creating a device that allows selecting rare cells from biological samples in a semi-automated way…
Association of commonly used systemic medications with glaucoma prevalence and intraocular pressure across Europe: the E3 Consortium
Purpose : To investigate the association of common systemic medication use with intraocular pressure and glaucoma prevalence in the European population.Methods : We examined associations of systemic medication use with intraocular pressure and glaucoma prevalence in a meta-analysis of multiple cohort studies of the European Eye Epidemiology (E3) consortium. IOP measurement method and glaucoma ascertainment were according to individual study protocols. Multivariable regression (linear for IOP and logistic for glaucoma prevalence) was carried out in each study and results pooled using random effects meta-analysis. Age, sex, body-mass index and diabetes were included as co-variables. Associati…
Remarks on Martio’s conjecture
We introduce a certain integrability condition for the reciprocal of the Jacobian determinant whichguarantees the local homeomorphism property of quasiregular mappings with a small inner dilata-tion. This condition turns out to be sharp in the planar case. We also show that every branch pointof a quasiregular mapping with a small inner dilatation is a Lebesgue point of the differentialmatrix of the mapping. peerReviewed
Additional file 7 of Dosimetric effect of respiratory motion on planned dose in whole-breast volumetric modulated arc therapy using moderate and ultr…
Additional file 7. Planned and respiratory motion perturbed dose parameters for the excluded patient.
Hybridity in Nordic Higher Education
This article builds on the concept of nested hybridity. It emphasizes professional practices and organizational design in studying hybridity of steering and management of professional public service organization. The article compares public sector dynamics in higher education in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The data consists of surveys and interviews on performance management in Nordic universities. Previous studies on hybridity of professional work and public organizations define hybridity as a multidimensional concept that occurs at different levels of social practices. While the multifaceted nature of hybridity is clear, demarcating between levels of hybridity and theoretical approaches …
Nelabvēlīgi vides faktori kā stostīšanās cēlonis
Diplomdarba tēma: “Nelabvēlīgi vides faktori kā stostīšanās cēlonis”. Pētījuma mērķis: Izpētīt nelabvēlīgus vides faktorus kā stostīšanās cēloņus, pamatojoties uz aptaujātajiem datiem. Darbs izstrādāts ar mērķi izpētīt nelabvēlīgus vides faktorus, kas ietekmē stostīšanās rašanos. Uzzināt, kā nelabvēlīga vide veicina bērna stostīšanos. Darba autore izstrādāja savu darbu, pamatojoties uz teorētiskajām zināšanām, speciālās izglītības pedagogu un pedagogu logopēdu, ka arī vecāku un bērnu ar stostīšanos pieredzi. Lai apkopot šos datus, tika veikta anketēšana. Aptaujā piedalījās 23 respondenti, kuri deva nozīmīgas atziņas. Praktiskajā daļā aptauja pedagogiem un intervijas ar cilvēkiem, kuri auguš…
Hen and egg problems of biology from TGD point of view
Biology has several hen and egg problems. What came first: DNA,RNA, amino-acids or proto-cell membrane? Did metabolism precede genetic code or vice versa? The stimulus leading to this article could have been the finding that organic molecules are formed in interstellar space at ultralow temperatures of few Kelvin in which chemistry should freeze completely. Therefore the formation of glycine peptides, which has been demonstrated in the laboratory, should be impossible. The paradox disappears in the TGD framework as do also the hen and egg problems. Magnetic body carrying dark matter as $h_{eff}=nh_0$ phases allows a universal realization of genetic code and of the analogs of basic bio-molec…
A Realistic Model to Support Rescue Operations After an Earthquake via UAVs
In this paper, we consider the problem of completely flying over an area just hit by an earthquake with a fleet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to opportunely direct rescue teams. The cooperation between UAVs ensures that the search for possible survivors can be faster and more effective than the solutions currently implemented by civil protection. To study this scenario, we introduce the Cover by Multitrips with Priorities (CMP) problem, which tries to keep into account all the main real-life issues connected to the flight and coordination of the UAVs. We conduct a theoretical study to estimate the best number of UAVs and additional batteries, to give indications to the organization tha…
Yhdenvertaisuuden todellisuus ja harhat
Suuri määrä ihmisiä on vammaisuuden vuoksi yhä yhteiskuntien marginaalissa. nonPeerReviewed
Gotowość młodzieży akademickiej do podejmowania zadań ponadosobistych
Aplicación de la espectroelectrogravimetria para el desarrollo de supercondensadores basados en PEDOT
En la presente tesis doctoral, titulada Aplicación de la espectroelectroquímica para el desarrollo de supercondensadores basados en PEDOT, se pretende ahondar en el sistema PEDOT en medio acuoso. Dicho estudio se ha llevado a cabo haciendo uso de diferentes metodologías. Por un lado, los experimentos de video-digital RGB electroquímica (DVEC) han permitido optimizar el depósito a partir de la obtención de parámetros como la eficiencia electrocrómica y el contraste de color del sistema, concluyendo que el mejor depósito es el cronoamperométrico 1.1V, 15s en un medio acuoso 0.01M EDOT y 0.1M KNO3. Además, se presenta un estudio cinético del PEDOT basado en el estudio de la varianza de color d…
Satiksmes novērošanas tīmekļa lietojumprogramma
Kvalifikācijas darbs “Satiksmes novērošanas tīmekļa lietojumprogramma” izstrādāts ar mērķi aprakstīt vadlīnijas un izstrādāt sistēmu, kurā lietotāji varētu veikt dažādu satiksmes dalībnieku veidu novērojumus. Novērojumu veikšanai lietotāji var veikt krustojumu zīmēšanu, norādot novērojumu veikšanai nepieciešamos rādītājus. Sistēma ir tiešsaistē pieejama un ļauj jebkuram cilvēkam reģistrēties, kļūt par satiksmes novērotāju un sākt reģistrēt satiksmes dalībnieku novērojumus lietotāja izvēlētās vietās. Sistēmā tiek nodrošināti dažādi veidi, kā apskatīties veiktos novērojumus, piemēram, attēlojot satiksmes dalībnieku novērojumus kartē. Šādi ir iespējams vizualizēt, kā satiksme mainās dienas lai…
Dabas vielu lipīdu uzkrāšanās un acetilholīnesterāzes inhibīcija cilvēku aknu šūnu līnijā HepG2 in vitro
Taukaino aknu slimība ir viena no izplatītākajām aknu slimībām attīstītajās valstīs, un tiek iedalīta alkohola un ne-alkohola taukaino aknu slimībā. Taukaino aknu slimībai ir potenciāls progresēt līdz steatohepatītam un cirozei, bet joprojām nav atrastas mērķētas terapijas slimības progresijas palēnināšanai. Maģistra darba mērķis ir pētīt Vaccinium ģints ogu izspaidu ekstraktu iedarbību uz acetilholīna koncentrāciju, acetiholīnesterāzes aktivitāti un lipīdu akumulāciju HepG2 šūnu modelī. Pētījuma rezultāti liecina, ka ogu izspiedu ekstrakti samazina lipīdu akumulāciju šūnās un gan ekstrakti, gan zināmais aknu šūnu funkciju uzlabotājs silimarīns inhibē acetilholīnesterāzes (AChE) aktivitāti.…
Filozofia w opolskim środowisku teologicznym w latach 1949-2021
Wpływ tolerancji wieloznaczności na akwizycję języka obcego
Additional file 1 of Adherence to a healthy and potentially sustainable Nordic diet is associated with child development in The Norwegian Mother, Fat…
Additional file 1: Supplementary Information 1. Summary statistics for maternal and child characteristics.
(Re)konstrukcje edukacji humanistycznej XXI wieku : (dydaktyka - literatura - język - nowe media)
Zīmēšana 4-5 gadus vecu bērnu radošās domāšanas sekmēšanai kultūras izpratnes un pašizpausmes mākslā mācību jomā vizuālās mākslas nodarbībās pirmssko…
Kvalifikācijas darba temats ir “Zīmēšana 4-5 gadus vecu bērnu radošās domāšanas sekmēšanai kultūras izpratnes un pašizpausmes mākslā mācību jomā vizuālās mākslas nodarbībās pirmsskolā.” Pētījuma mērķis ir teorētiski noskaidrot un praktiski pārbaudīt kā zīmēšanas procesā pirmsskolā veicināma 4-5 gadīgu bērnu radošā domāšana. Pētījuma uzdevumi: •Teorētiski analizēt literatūru par radošo domāšanu un tās veicināšanu; •Teorētiski analizēt 4-5 gadus vecu bērnu attīstības īpatnības; •Teorētiski apzināt un apkopot idejas vizuālās mākslas nodarbībām pirmsskolā; •Empīriski pārbaudīt teorētiskās atziņas un analizēt iegūtos rezultātus. Pētnieciskais darbs sastāv no 3 nodaļām ar apakšnodaļām. Pirmajā no…
Serious Games: A new Approach to Foster Information and Practices About Covid-19?
The current Covid-19 pandemic poses an unprecedented global challenge in the field of education and training. As we have seen, the lack of proper information about the virus and its transmission has forced the general population and healthcare workers to rapidly acquire knowledge and learn new practices. Clearly, a well-informed population is more likely to adopt the correct precautionary measures, thus reducing the transmission of the infection; likewise, properly educated healthcare workers are better equipped to manage the emergency. However, the need to maintain physical distancing has made it impossible to provide in-presence information and training. In this regard, new technologies h…
Il saggio illustra i nodi storiografici principali relativi all'antifascismo italiano, descrive le fasi del fenomeno tra il 1922 e lo scoppio della seconda guerra mondiale, citando i fatti e i personaggi più rilevanti.