showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents



Il saggio analizza la sentenza Mortier c. Belgique, con la quale la Corte EDU ha ritenuto lesiva dell’art. 2 della Convenzione la legge belga che ammette l’eutanasia, poiché carente di un sistema di controllo idoneo a verificare, in modo imparziale, la correttezza della procedura atta a procurare la morte. I giudici europei sembrano avere sottovalutato, però, il dovere dello Stato di assicurare – in linea coi precedenti della stessa Corte – la piena autodeterminazione della persona che riceve l’atto eutanasico, soprattutto, se affetta da disturbi psichiatrici. In assenza di una tale garanzia, infatti, il margine di apprezzamento dei legislatori nazionali potrebbe spingersi sino al punto da …

Settore IUS/08 - Diritto Costituzionalefine vita - eutanasia - CEDU - Corte EDU - Corte costituzionale

Le cimetière du second âge du Fer de Lailly au-delà de l'eau (Yonne) : découvertes anciennes et fouilles récentes


Die Nekropole von Lailly Au-delà de l’Eau (Departement Yonne) war 1927 entdeckt worden und wurde1934, 1936 und 1937 und zum letzten Mal 2012 teilweise ausgegraben. Die Untersuchung der in den Depots der Museen von Senswiederentdeckten Grabbeigaben und die systematische Aufarbeitung der Grabungsarchive der Société archéologique de Sens habenes ermöglicht, einen Teil der geschlossenen Fundkontexte zu rekonstruieren und eine Belegungschronologie dieser kleinen Nekropolevorzuschlagen, deren großes wissenschaftliches Potenzial noch in situ erforscht werden muss. Die Studie der Grabsitten hat es zudemerlaubt, die Funde in den regionalen und überregionalen soziokulturellen Kontext zu einzuordnen

mortuary costumeBrandbestattung[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistorySénonsGrabstättecremationSecond Iron AgeSenonenYonneGrabtrachtsépulturecrémationMetallbeigabengraveLa TèneBourgognejüngere Eisenzeitcemeterycostume funéraireComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSLatènespatial organizationinhumation[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistorycimetièremortuary practiceräumliche Organisationpratique funéraireBestattungsbrauchmetal artifactsmobilier métalliqueKörperbestattungNekropoleorganisation spatialejüngere EisenzeitBurgundysecond âge du Fer

Public contracts in Italy: the failure of the anti-pandemic investments


Abstract Purpose – This paper describes and analyzes the complexity of the regulation and the stipulation of public contracts in Italy, focusing speci cally on the failure of recent anti-pandemic investments. This is of particular interest during a state of emergency when it should be avoided to waste public funds and to speculate. Everything shows how the regulations of public procurement a fects the realization of big investments, the use of public funds and the possibility for anyone to pursue criminal purposes. Design/methodology/approach – After an introduction focused on the EU legal framework on public contracts as implemented in the internal legislation, the paper will go deeper in …

procurement public contract pandemic corruption fraudSettore IUS/02 - Diritto Privato Comparato

Particle shapes and infrared extinction spectra of nitric acid dihydrate crystals: Optical constants of the β-NAD modification


Satellite- and aircraft-based mid-infrared measurements of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) have provided spectroscopic evidence for the presence of β-NAT (nitric acid trihydrate) particles. Metastable nitric acid hydrate phases such as α-NAT and α-NAD (nitric acid dihydrate) have been frequently observed in laboratory experiments, but not yet detected as a constituent of PSCs in atmospheric measurements. As for the β-NAD modification, its formation was first observed in X-ray diffraction measurements when the low-temperature α-NAD phase was warmed to a temperature above 210 K. Its infrared spectrum has been reported, but so far no optical constants have been de…

Instructions to perform reference simulation for 'Subduction initiation triggered the Caribbean Large Igneous Province'


Scripts and needed information and input files to perform the reference simulation of Riel et al., 2023: "Subduction initiation triggered the Caribbean Large Igneous Province", Nature Communications.

Geodynamic modelling

Il patrimonio culturale dei terrazzamenti siciliani


La tutela del patrimonio paesaggistico rurale e delle relative strutture insediative e di lavoro negli ultimi decenni è stata oggetto di un interesse crescente non solo degli studiosi, ma anche degli attori della governance territoriale e dei media. Ciò è avvenuto di pari passo rispetto alla maggiore sensibilità verso il paradigma ambientale.

terrazzamenti Sicilia Patrimonio culturaleSettore M-GGR/02 - Geografia Economico-PoliticaSettore M-GGR/01 - Geografia

Zoology and Animal Ecology: Abstract book : 25 January 2023, Nature House University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia


The Zoology and Animal Ecology section of the conference covers a broad range of topics, ranging from the distribution of animal species and the different aspects of species' interactions with the environment to animal genetics and physiology, including behaviour, conservation and other topics where study objects are animals.

MorphologyTerrestrial ecologySystematics and phylogeneticsMolecular biology:NATURAL SCIENCES::Biology::Terrestrial freshwater and marine ecology [Research Subject Categories]:NATURAL SCIENCES::Biology::Organism biology [Research Subject Categories]Veterinary epidemiologyEthology and behavioural ecology

Conceptualizing Journalists’ Safety around the Globe


CommunicationVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Medievitenskap og journalistikk: 310Digital Journalism

Influence of crystallographic structure and metal vacancies on the oxygen evolution reaction performance of Ni-based layered hydroxides


Nickel-based layered hydroxides (LHs) are a family of efficient electrocatalysts for the alkaline oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Nevertheless, fundamental aspects such as the influence of the crystalline structure and the role of lattice distortion of the catalytic sites remain poorly understood and typically muddled. Herein, we carried out a comprehensive investigation on ɑ-LH, β-LH and LDH phases, analysing the role exerted by Ni-vacancies by means of structural, spectroscopical, in-silico and electrochemical studies. Indeed, density functional theory (DFT) calculations, in agreement with X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), confirm that the presence of Ni-vacancies produces acute disto…


Principal self-efficacy and school climate as antecedents of collective teacher efficacy


The importance of collective teacher efficacy (CTE) has been increasingly emphasised, but few studies have focused on how it can be enhanced. Since CTE is assumed to be related to factors that differ between schools, the belief-shaping sources of CTE could be related to principals’ beliefs of their efficacy. Moreover, a school climate that centralises teachers’ attempts to improve student learning could enhance CTE. This paper examines a proposed analytical model that links principal self-efficacy (PSE) to CTE, as mediated by the school climate. The model is tested via a multilevel analysis with data from 70 Finnish schools and 767 educators. The analysis revealed that PSE is partially and …

oppiminenkoulutcollective teacher efficacyprincipal self-efficacykoulukulttuuriopetusopettajatschool climateoppilaatEducationSchool Effectiveness and School Improvement

Toward Near-Infrared Emission in Pt(II)-Cyclometallated Compounds: From Excimers’ Formation to Aggregation-Induced Emission


Two series of Pt(II)-cyclometallated compounds containing N^C^N tridentate and alkynyl-chromophore ligands have been synthesized and structurally characterized. The N^C^N ligands differ on the presence of R1 = H or F in the central aromatic ring, while six different chromophores have been introduced to the alkynyl moiety. Single-crystal X-ray structures for some of the compounds reveal the presence of weak intermolecular contacts responsible for the formation of some dimers or aggregates. The photophysical characterization shows the presence of two emission bands in solution assigned to the 3π–π* transition from the N^C^N ligands mixed with 3MLCT/3ILCT transitions (higher energy band) in de…

Inorganic Chemistryaromaattiset yhdisteetligandsaromatic compoundshydrocarbonsliganditoligomersPhysical and Theoretical ChemistrymonomershiilivedytInorganic Chemistry

Human Rights–Based Social Work and the Natural Environment: Time for New Perspectives


AbstractThe natural environment and sustainability play an increasingly important role in social work as a discipline and profession. This is often described as the ecosocial paradigm. Even though the paradigm shares important ethical foundations with human rights–based social work, the connection between both is rarely examined in social work scholarship. This article addresses the gap by asking the following questions: How is the ecosocial paradigm linked to the human rights discourse in social work? What is the environmental dimension of human rights, and what implications does it have for social work? How can a human rights–based social work encompass the environmental dimension? In res…

ihmisoikeudetympäristöoikeuskestävä kehitysSociology and Political Sciencenatural environmentecosocial paradigmhuman rightssustainabilityenvironmental justiceluonnonympäristöLawJournal of Human Rights and Social Work

Ferritin-Coated SPIONs as New Cancer Cell Targeted Magnetic Nanocarrier


Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) may act as an excellent theragnostic tool if properly coated and stabilized in a biological environment, even more, if they have targeting properties towards a specific cellular target. Humanized Archaeoglobus fulgidus Ferritin (HumAfFt) is an engineered ferritin characterized by the peculiar salt-triggered assembly-disassembly of the hyperthermophile Archaeoglobus fulgidus ferritin and is successfully endowed with the human H homopolymer recognition sequence by the transferrin receptor (TfR1 or CD71), overexpressed in many cancer cells in response to the increased demand of iron. For this reason, HumAfFt was successfully used in this stud…

nanoparticleferritinOrganic ChemistrySPIONcoatingPharmaceutical ScienceSPIONs; cancer cell targeting; coating; ferritin; nanoparticlesAnalytical Chemistrycancer cell targetingSPIONsChemistry (miscellaneous)Drug DiscoveryMolecular MedicinenanoparticlesPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMolecules

Assessment of the Current for a Non-Linear Power Inductor Including Temperature in DC-DC Converters


A method for estimating the current flowing through a non-linear power inductor operating in a DC/DC converter is proposed. The knowledge of such current, that cannot be calculated in closed form as for the linear inductor, is crucial for the design of the converter. The proposed method is based on a third-order polynomial model of the inductor, already developed by the authors; it is exploited to solve the differential equation of the inductor and to implement a flux model in a circuit simulator. The method allows the estimation of the current up to saturation, intended as the point at which the differential inductance is reduced to half of its maximum value. The current profile depends al…

Computer Networks and Communicationsinductorsmagnetic coresnonlinear circuitsnonlinear network analysialgorithmsinductorSettore ING-INF/01 - ElettronicaAlgorithmmagnetic corenumerical simulationsferriteHardware and ArchitectureControl and Systems Engineeringnonlinear network analysisSignal ProcessingElectrical and Electronic Engineeringnonlinear circuitferritesElectronics

Teaching classic put to the test: Do tongue twisters work for L2 pronunciation?


Tongue twisters are a controversial pronunciation teaching classic. Whereas some see tongue twisters difficult and frustrating for learners, others find them fun and motivating. This study was inspired by these opposing views and the fact that previous studies have failed to offer convincing proof of whether this technique works for L2 pronunciation learning. This study approaches the question with a teaching experiment. Participants were 28 learners of L2 Swedish. Half of them trained with tongue twisters and half with authentic sentences. Training focussed on two sounds typically difficult for the learners, who were tested before and after the training period. Further, the participants we…

teachingexperimenttoinen kielikieli ja kieletLinguistics and Languagekieltenopetusruotsin kieliL2 Swedishääntäminentongue twisterslanguage learningruotsi toisena kielenäpronunciation learningteaching methodsvieraat kieletForeign Language Annals

Recovery of Bioactive Compounds from Marine Organisms: Focus on the Future Perspectives for Pharmacological, Biomedical and Regenerative Medicine App…


Marine environments cover more than 70% of the Earth’s surface and are among the richest and most complex ecosystems. In terms of biodiversity, the ocean represents an important source, still not widely exploited, of bioactive products derived from species of bacteria, plants, and animals. However, global warming, in combination with multiple anthropogenic practices, represents a serious environmental problem that has led to an increase in gelatinous zooplankton, a phenomenon referred to as jellyfish bloom. In recent years, the idea of “sustainable development” has emerged as one of the essential elements of green-economy initiatives; therefore, the marine environment has been re-evaluated …

Chemistry (miscellaneous)Organic ChemistryDrug DiscoveryMolecular MedicinePharmaceutical Sciencejellyfishmarine collagentissue regenerationPhysical and Theoretical Chemistrycell therapychondrocyte maintenanceAnalytical Chemistry

Vascular health in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis: assessment of endothelial function indices and serum biomarkers of vascular damage


Background The cardiovascular risk (CVD) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is 1.5–2 times higher than that in individuals of the same age and sex. Aims To analyse the degree of endothelial dysfunction, the atherogenic immunoinflammatory serum background and the relationships among some vascular indices, cardiovascular comorbidities, and cognitive performance in subjects with RA. Patients and methods All consecutive patients with a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis admitted to the Rheumatology Ward of “Policlinico Paolo Giaccone” Hospital of Palermo were enrolled from July 2019 to September 2020. We evaluated our patients’ cognitive functions by administering the Mini-Mental State Exam…

Cardiovascula.Emergency MedicineInternal MedicineEndotheliumRheumatoid arthriti

Effect of aerobic exercise and low-carbohydrate high-fat diet on glucose tolerance and android/gynoid fat in overweight/obese women: A randomized con…


The study was designed to compare the effects of weight loss induced by a low-carbohydrate-high-fat diet or a normal diet, with and without exercise, on glucose tolerance measured as area under the curve (AUC), and android (A) and gynoid (G) fat distribution. The study was registered at; NCT04100356. In total, 57 women classified as overweight or obese (age 40 ± 3.5 years, body mass index 31.1 ± 2.6 kg/m2) were randomly assigned and completed a 10-week intervention using a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet or a normal diet, with or without aerobic interval exercise. An equal deficit of 700 kcal/day was prescribed, either restricting the diet only, or moderately restricting d…

PhysiologyPhysiology (medical)VDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Idrettsmedisinske fag: 850Frontiers in Physiology

Juvenile sudden cardiac death due to congenital coronary ostial valve-like ridges: A case report and literature review


Coronary artery anomalies are a heterogeneous group of congenital disorders affecting the coronary pattern with a characteristic (origin, number, number of hosts, course, etc.). They are rarely found in the population. We report the case of a 21-year-old male who died from sudden cardiac death caused by an isolated coronary ostial obstruction, secondary to a rare anomaly, the presence of a valve-like ridge consisting of a small fold in the Valsalva aortic sinus. The study provides a brief literature review on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and clinical and medico-legal issues in coronary artery anomaly cases that may be helpful in forensic practice when dealing with sudden cardiac death i…

autopsy – young peopleostial valve-like ridgeCoronary artery anomaliesudden cardiac death.General MedicineMedico-Legal Journal

Planning to meet challenges in shrinking rural regions. Towards innovative approaches to local planning


In this article we ask to what extent is current demographic development reflected in the present planning and policy practice of shrinking municipalities; whether there is a focus on strategies and measures for population growth; and, finally, to what extent do politicians and planners think we should change the way we plan based on the expected demographic changes. Our study illustrates how challenging it is for shrinking municipalities to break with established practices and modes of policy development and to adopt a more sustainable position. The ‘stigma’ of shrinking (Sousa & Pinho 2015) is at odds with the ideals of the local politicians. However, we find that the response in planning…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210EcologyGeography Planning and Developmentshrinking societiesVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200ForestryArtikkelitinnovative planningrealistic planningrural developmentinnovationFennia - International Journal of Geography

Implications of gradient flow on the static force


We use gradient flow to compute the static force based on a Wilson loop with a chromoelectric field insertion. The result can be compared on one hand to the static force from the numerical derivative of the lattice static energy, and on the other hand to the perturbative calculation, allowing a precise extraction of the $\Lambda_0$ parameter. This study may open the way to gradient flow calculations of correlators of chromoelectric and chromomagnetic fields, which typically arise in the nonrelativistic effective field theory factorization.

Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)High Energy Physics - TheoryHigh Energy Physics - LatticeHigh Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)Nuclear TheoryHigh Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat)FOS: Physical sciencesProceedings of The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2022)

Metal Node Control of Brønsted Acidity in Heterobimetallic Titanium–Organic Frameworks


Compared to indirect framework modification, synthetic control of cluster composition can be used to gain direct access to catalytic activities exclusive of specific metal combinations. We demonstrate this concept by testing the aminolysis of epoxides with a family of isostructural mesoporous frameworks featuring five combinations of homometallic and heterobimetallic metal-oxo trimers (Fe3, Ti3, TiFe2, TiCo2, and TiNi2). Only TiFe2 nodes display activities comparable to benchmark catalysts based on grafting of strong acids, which here originate from the combination of Lewis Ti4+ and Brønsted Fe3+–OH acid sites. The applicability of MUV-101(Fe) to the synthesis of β-amino a…

Colloid and Surface ChemistryGeneral ChemistryBiochemistryCatalysisJournal of the American Chemical Society

On the Waves of the COVID-19 Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a tsunami that has deeply changed the lives of the people all over the planet [...]

COVID-19 Quality of LifedepressionGeneral MedicineanxietySettore MED/39 - Neuropsichiatria Infantile

Inclusive quarkonium production in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV


This article reports on the inclusive production cross section of several quarkonium states, J / ψ, ψ(2 S) , Υ (1 S) , Υ (2 S) , and Υ (3 S) , measured with the ALICE detector at the LHC, in pp collisions at s=5.02 TeV. The analysis is performed in the dimuon decay channel at forward rapidity (2.5 < y< 4). The integrated cross sections and transverse-momentum (pT) and rapidity (y) differential cross sections for J / ψ, ψ(2 S) , Υ (1 S) , and the ψ(2 S) -to-J / ψ cross section ratios are presented. The integrated cross sections, assuming unpolarized quarkonia, are: σJ / ψ (pT< 20 GeV/c) = 5.88 ± 0.03 ± 0.34μb, σψ ( 2 S ) (pT< 12 GeV/c) = 0.87 ± 0.06 ± 0.10μb, σΥ ( 1 S ) (pT< 15 GeV/c) = 45.5…

Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)hiukkasfysiikkaEngineering (miscellaneous)

Design and implementation of the DAP 360º tool for the assessment of risk and vulnerability in childhood and adolescence


Introducción. El maltrato a la infancia y la adolescencia es un problema a nivel mundial que tiene graves consecuencias que pueden durar toda la vida. La detección y evaluación eficaz del maltrato infantil se considera esencial para facilitar el proceso de toma de decisiones profesional. No obstante, en la actualidad, la descentralización de la atención, la falta de rigurosidad científica y objetiva en los diagnósticos y las evaluaciones parciales y fragmentadas pueden dificultar la adopción de medidas de protección efectivas. Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar el proceso de diseño de la herramienta DAP 360º, creada para colaborar en el juicio profesional para la evaluación …

RiskHealth (social science)Maltractament infantilSociology and Political ScienceEvaluación diagnósticaInterventionTreball social amb els infantsRiesgoIntervenciónMaltrato infantilDiagnostic assessmentSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)Toma de decisionesChild maltreatmentDecision-making

Chemical Ecology of Floral Resources in Conservation Biological Control.


Conservation biological control aims to enhance populations of natural enemies of insect pests in crop habitats, typically by intentional provision of flowering plants as food resources. Ideally, these flowering plants should be inherently attractive to natural enemies to ensure that they are frequently visited. We review the chemical ecology of floral resources in a conservation biological control context, with a focus on insect parasitoids. We highlight the role of floral volatiles as semiochemicals that attract parasitoids to the food resources. The discovery that nectar-inhabiting microbes can be hidden players in mediating parasitoid responses to flowering plants has highlighted the co…

nectar-associated microorganismagroecosystemparasitoid food sourcesInsect Sciencehyperparasitoidparasitoidfloral volatileEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsAnnual review of entomology

Electrophysiological evidence for the effectiveness of images versus text in warnings


AbstractWarning sign plays an important role in risk avoidance. Many studies have found that images are better warnings than text, while others have revealed flaws of image-only warning signs. To better understand the factors underlying the effectiveness of different types of warning signs (image only, text only, or image and text), this study adopted event-related potential technology to explore the differences at the neurocognitive level using the oddball paradigm and the Go/No-go paradigm. Together, the behavioral and electroencephalogram results showed that text-only warnings had the lowest effectiveness, but there was little difference between the image-only and image-and-text warnings…

cognitionkognitiowarningsMultidisciplinarytekstiteffectivenesselectrophysiologykognitiiviset prosessitattentionimageselektrofysiologiawarning signsmerkitEEGkognitiivinen neurotiedetarkkaavaisuusvaroitusmerkinnättextsERPcognitive processeskuvatScientific Reports

Epilepsy: A Multifaced Spectrum Disorder


Epilepsy is one of the most widespread chronic conditions, affecting about 50 million people worldwide [...]

Behavioral NeuroscienceEpilepsyGeneticsDevelopmentGeneral PsychologyEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsSettore MED/39 - Neuropsichiatria Infantile

The Cylapinae of French Guiana: an illustrated catalogue with the description of a new species (Insecta, Heteroptera, Miridae)


An illustrated catalogue of Cylapinae (Insecta, Heteroptera, Miridae) from French Guiana is provided. Valdasus cerdai, n. sp. is described as new. Cylapus antennatus (Carvalho &amp; Fontes, 1968), C. citus Bergroth, 1922, C. ruficeps Bergroth, 1922, C. tucuriensis (Carvalho, 1989) and Peltidocylapus caudatus Wolski, 2021 are recorded from French Guiana for the first time. The validity of Valdasoides Carvalho, 1989 is discussed. &#x0D;  

HemipteraCylapiniInsectaArthropodaFulviininew species for science and for French Guianatrue bugsAnimaliaAnimal Science and ZoologyBiodiversityMiridaeEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsTaxonomyZootaxa

Goppa codes over Edwards curves


Given an Edwards curve, we determine a basis for the Riemann-Roch space of any divisor whose support does not contain any of the two singular points. This basis allows us to compute a generating matrix for an algebraic-geometric Goppa code over the Edwards curve.

Discrete mathematicsMathematics - Algebraic GeometryEdwards curveFOS: Mathematics94B27 94B05 11T71Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)

Strategies to build and maintain competence in pain management: insights from a SIAARTI survey on educational needs among Italian anesthesiologists


Purpose: Fulfilling educational needs in pain management should be a lifelong process, even involving physicians board certified in pain medicine such as the anesthesiologists/pain therapists. The aim of the study was to investigate Italian anesthesiologists' self-perceived competency, confidence, and interest to attend educational programs in relation to their seniority in pain management. Methods: SIAARTI members were sent an online questionnaire addressing the following items: education, skills (both soft and hard skills), technical expertise and engaged to participate between December 2020 and January 2021. Participants rated their competence based on the following range (no knowledge, …

educationAnesthesiology and Pain MedicinecompetencySettore MED/41gap in knowledgepain careawareness

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y Acción Social. Una experiencia de incorporación de ODS en la planificación estratégica de una entidad sin ánimo …


La agenda 2030 es considerada el mayor acuerdo internacional para la sostenibilidad del planeta adoptado hasta la fecha. Establece 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para alcanzar la prosperidad social, económica y ambiental. El presente artículo expone una experiencia de cómo se pueden identificar e implementar estos Objetivos en la estrategia de una entidad sin ánimo de lucro como la Federación Española de Fibrosis Quística y sus asociaciones. Para ello, se ha apostado por utilizar la aplicación de metodologías participativas para la investigación-intervención social lideradas desde el Trabajo Social. Se han seguido los 5 pasos recomendados por la Red Española del Pacto Mundial y la Pl…

Treball socialDesenvolupament sostenibleGeneral MedicineItinerarios de Trabajo Social

APOC-III: a Gatekeeper in Controlling Triglyceride Metabolism


Abstract Purpose of Review Apolipoprotein C-III (ApoC-III) is a widely known player in triglyceride metabolism, and it has been recently recognized as a polyhedric factor which may regulate several pathways beyond lipid metabolism by influencing cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurological disease risk. This review summarizes the different functions of ApoC-III and underlines the recent findings related to its multifaceted pathophysiological role. Recent Findings The role of ApoC-III has been implicated in HDL metabolism and in the development of atherosclerosis, inflammation, and ER stress in endothelial cells. ApoC-III has been recently considered an important player in insulin resistance …

Cardiovascular disease burdenPost prandial lipemiaTriglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRLs).Cardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineApoC-III

The Role of TAR DNA Binding Protein 43 (TDP-43) as a CandiDate Biomarker of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


Background: TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) aggregation in neuronal cells is recognized as a hallmark of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Although the literature strongly supports the pathogenetic role of TDP-43 in ALS pathogenesis, the role of TDP-43 as a biomarker of ALS is controversial. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the diagnostic performance of TDP-43 for ALS. Methods: Relevant publications were identified by a systematic literature search on PubMed and Web of Science from their inception to 8 April 2022. Results: Seven studies, including 472 individuals, of whom 254 had ALS according to the Revised Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating …

TDP-43diagnosisClinical BiochemistrybiomarkerALSDiagnostics

1,2,4-Amino-triazine derivatives as pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibitors: Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation


: Among the different hallmarks of cancer, deregulation of cellular metabolism turned out to be an essential mechanism in promoting cancer resistance and progression. The pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases (PDKs) are well known as key regulators in cells metabolic process and their activity was found to be overexpressed in different metabolic alerted types of cancer, including the high aggressive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). To date few PDK inhibitors have been reported, and the different molecules developed are characterized by structural chemical diversity. In an attempt to find novel classes of potential PDK inhibitors, the molecular hybridization approach, which combine two or m…

PharmacologyPDK inhibitors4-Amino-triazines1Organic ChemistryDrug Discovery2124-Amino-triazinesGeneral MedicineKRAS-mutated pancreatic cancerLigand-based homology modelingSettore CHIM/08 - Chimica Farmaceutica124-Amino-triazines; KRAS-mutated pancreatic cancer; Ligand-based homology modeling; PDK inhibitorsEuropean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

Numerical Modelling of the Constitutive Behaviour of FRCM Composites through the Use of Truss Elements


The modeling of the mechanical behavior of Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) composites is a difficult task due to the complex mechanisms established at the fibre-matrix and composite-support interface level. Recently, several modeling approaches have been proposed to simulate the mechanical response of FRCM strengthening systems, however a simple and reliable procedure is still missing. In this paper, two simplified numerical models are proposed to simulate the tensile and shear bond behavior of FRCM composites. Both models take advantage of truss and non-linear spring elements to simulate the material components and the interface. The proposed approach enables us to deduce the …

Settore ICAR/09 - Tecnica Delle Costruzionishear bond behaviormasonryGeneral Materials ScienceFRCM masonry modeling shear bond behavior tensile behaviormodelingtensile behaviorFRCMMaterials